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Impressive stats for Canada

The Blue Quasar

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During a tongue in cheek email exchange about Geocaching and Waymarking, I did some quick stats and got some surprising stats.


At the moment there are 616,946 active caches in the world.


8.15% of all of the caches in the entire world can be found in Canada! WOW!


Rounding out the top three

1.84% are in Quebec (1 in every 54.5)

1.77% are in Ontario (1 in every 56.5)

1.34% are in British Columbia (1 in every 74.5)


Comsidering that we have only 11% the population of the USA, this shows asignificant participation on our Canuck part!




:rolleyes: BQ


something we always knew, CANADA ROCKS

During a tongue in cheek email exchange about Geocaching and Waymarking, I did some quick stats and got some surprising stats.


At the moment there are 616,946 active caches in the world.


8.15% of all of the caches in the entire world can be found in Canada! WOW!


Rounding out the top three

1.84% are in Quebec (1 in every 54.5)

1.77% are in Ontario (1 in every 56.5)

1.34% are in British Columbia (1 in every 74.5)


Comsidering that we have only 11% the population of the USA, this shows asignificant participation on our Canuck part!




:rolleyes: BQ


Comsidering that we have only 11% the population of the USA, this shows asignificant participation on our Canuck part!


Any idea what kind of numbers "they" have? What percentage of caches are in USA?

Posted (edited)

You know what stat I would like to see...activity of cachers in each country. I realize number of finds probably isn't the measure since large cities in the US and elsewhere have a disproportionate amount of lame lamp post micros allowing cachers to rack up the numbers faster...maybe the rankings could be based on number of days cached in a year or some other number. Be kinda cool to know how active Canadian cachers are compared to the rest of the world.

Edited by M3J

Looks to me like Ontario needs to pick up the pace and get ahead of Quebec. Nothing like a little friendly rivalry.


Well... as long as we dont win.. :rolleyes:


Frankly, I like to see the roads on the GC maps.




We have cached in that area.


They are good hides and not easy drive ups. The fellows there do a good job!


Team Murfster ( Ontario )


There are 663 caches in Prince Edward Island which has a population of 139000. This is around one cache for every 210 people. I'd say this is impressive!


Sort of, I am doing a CBC bit before I go to the Lake Melville Event 08 and wanted to toss in a few stats as to how Nomad stacks up in Finds and myself with Hides. I think we are both top in NL at least. It is easy to get Find rankings in Canada or the world but not for Hides.

Oh yes I plan on mentioning you guys for putting Goose on the map even if I had to plant the seed Geocache there. The first one in Labrador was here in Lab City.

I now regret I did not join when I first went on the site, spring of 2001, or even when I got the eTrex at Christmas 2001 instead of waiting until I went to NB where there were caches to find in March 2002


:anicute: Moind who yer draggin' inta the spotloight thar, matey: whoilst we surely dun henjoyed doin' summa yer caches, an' menny o' Nomad's, whot bin clos'rrr ta Pi Rat HQ, an' be's honoured ta 'ave played wiv ye bof, thar be's menny, menny foine Labrador legends whot's TRULY notewurvy, an' farrrr more deservin' o' wreck'onition than our crew, t'be sures! 't ain't about the numb'rrrs fer us--nev'rrr 'as bin. Friendly rivalry, yes, an' matchin' wit an' grit wiv ev'rybuddy with whom we're lucky 'nuff ta cross swords, but not countin' an' comparin' stat's. The most 'portant smiley fer us is the one ye gits when sumbuddy took'd the care ta brings ye sumwhars interrresting, ta share a nifty lit'l doo-dad ('specially summit they made), the time ta share their experiences in the logs, an--best of all--when ye meets sumbuddy on the trrrail!


:cute: Bestest wishes ta ALL the wunn'rful cacherrrs in the Big Land, on-line, and out thar playin'!



the Wench


You know what stat I would like to see...activity of cachers in each country. I realize number of finds probably isn't the measure since large cities in the US and elsewhere have a disproportionate amount of lame lamp post micros allowing cachers to rack up the numbers faster...maybe the rankings could be based on number of days cached in a year or some other number. Be kinda cool to know how active Canadian cachers are compared to the rest of the world.


This site shows stats for higher finding cachers, including Canada. Is that helpful?



:anibad: Moind who yer draggin' inta the spotloight thar, matey: whoilst we surely dun henjoyed doin' summa yer caches, an' menny o' Nomad's, whot bin clos'rrr ta Pi Rat HQ, an' be's honoured ta 'ave played wiv ye bof, thar be's menny, menny foine Labrador legends whot's TRULY notewurvy, an' farrrr more deservin' o' wreck'onition than our crew, t'be sures! 't ain't about the numb'rrrs fer us--nev'rrr 'as bin. Friendly rivalry, yes, an' matchin' wit an' grit wiv ev'rybuddy with whom we're lucky 'nuff ta cross swords, but not countin' an' comparin' stat's. The most 'portant smiley fer us is the one ye gits when sumbuddy took'd the care ta brings ye sumwhars interrresting, ta share a nifty lit'l doo-dad ('specially summit they made), the time ta share their experiences in the logs, an--best of all--when ye meets sumbuddy on the trrrail!

:blink: Bestest wishes ta ALL the wunn'rful cacherrrs in the Big Land, on-line, and out thar playin'!

Cheers, the Wench


Happy to report the "EVENT" went well, all sorts of tales about FINDs and DNF's, merits of hides and hiders was discussed as well. Lots of good food and fellowship. Good games and great prizes and give aways. Popcorn and Volanges are to be commended.

I managed to find 15 and placed three on the trip, two are up, one has been found. Wish the Retriever had been able to make it but XYL stood in for him and I am happy to report he won The Photo Contest.

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