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Is your Colorado Invisible shield short? Zagg want's you to send it back.


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All you Colorado owners with an invisible sheild that does not cover the screen, ie it stops above the black bit at the bottom.


It has been officially acknowledged by Zagg, that this is an error, they have said that their new shields are the correct size to cover the screen properly. So do not hesitate to send it back for a replacement.


That's what they want you to do, and in fact it's necessary in order to shake them into action.


It would be great if this thread could be a sticky.

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They aren't quite fixed yet, but I'm hopeful, see latest post on the 'hands on test'.


Yep there has been some confusion as to whether the sheilds are supposed to cover the whole screen including the black bit at the bottom. The answer is yes it is. That's from Zagg. They apologise profusely and would like everyone with the short shields to send them back for replacement. This is the official response from Kari @ zagg.

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This was discussed in this thread, where it was determined that it is short and is not meant to be.


The thread you are now reading is not meant to discuss this issue any further, it's sorted. The purpose of this thread is to let everyone who has the short shield know that Zagg, wants you to send it back for replacement.


The reason this thread exists is because of Zagg's email response to me which is published on post #27 in this thread. Basically Zagg are a bunch of very polite imbeciles and trying to discuss anything with them is utterly futile. They will continue to carry on as they have done and the only way to deal with them is for everyone to send their short shield back, even if they don't mind it doesn't cover the bottom part of the screen. Look at it as a public service.


Zagg has lots of form on this issue (I'm thinking HCx) and they will not do anything about it. Their strategy is to get rid of their crap shields and only replace if people complain. But a lot of people do not complain, so they think they are better off.


I reason that if everyone sends their short shields in for replacement that they will understand that they won't get away with treating people like fools.


So send those sheilds back and send an email to kari @ zagg.com that way they are sure to notice. At $10 per shield, loyal customers should not be used as a dumping ground.

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