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Logs that make you smile.


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There has been a lot of negative posts lately, so I thought I'd throw in a bit of a positive topic. If you saw a log that made you smile, or an awesome photo, or someone that really just made your day, here's your chance.


With all the blackjacks around, a log on an archived cache had me in stitches :


The Cleminsons, de-blackjacking


Or how about this guy's caching outfit :


A tight fit !


.... I'm waitng :unsure:

Posted (edited)

Our kids (Gps Storm) hid a new cache, and we were first to hunt it. We knew that they'd been concocting something special, and it was - terrific cache and container, just a pity it gets visited so seldom... (GC14ZE6 Little Loftus)


Anyway, we thought we'd play a prank on them. Nobody had watchlisted the cache yet, so we knew that we could pull their chains privately. We wrote a bogus DNF log (which they got the email for), deleted the bogus log, and immediately replaced it with the proper log. What fun!! They nearly had a heart attack when they read the bogus log for their "special" cache.


Bogus DNF log -

What a nightmare!! We parked at the given co-ords, and proceeded to climb the hill which seemed the logical location for the cache. Once on top, we were still almost 200m away, so down the other side we went. Very steep, and difficult, and Lindy took a bad tumble. After patching her up, we continued down and eventually we arrived at the cache location. We were surprised to find that the cache is only about 20m from the tarred road - surely it would be easier to approach from that side instead of over the hill? Anyway, we searched everywhere but couldn't find it. Not having a cellphone with, we couldn't even phone for some help. Being fresh out of humour, we decided not to go back over the hill, but walked back along the roads, which was much easier.


The real found log -

FTF - Yebo Gogo!!

Stunning views, total peace and quiet, an easy find, a great cache container, and a cool hide - what more could one ask for!!! Thoroughly enjoyed the cache - it was great! TN, left TB Coco the Clown and a Caching Licence Plate geocoin. Thanks a lot - it's a good one.


They threatened that retribution would be swift and terrible!! Hasn't happened yet.... :ph34r::ph34r::unsure:

Edited by Fish Eagle

:unsure: I know this one might not be a funny, ha ha log, but I had to sort of giggle under my breath while thinking that people have forgotten the art of writing a nice log.


I am sure all you cachers out there are just like me, I can't wait to read the logs when others have done my caches, read about their experiances and thoughts about the cache etc..




It was a bit of a let down to say the least, but makes for a good giggle.


I have a TB [TB1R2VP] with its mission to visit Wolfsburg in Germany. This is teh log that was posted by one of the German cachers after he moved it from Switzerland to Germany and then somebody else took it to Finland.


DeVijf posted a note for Dewald's Red VW Beetle (Travel Bug Dog Tag)


Why did you take it to Finland??

After all the trouble I went through to get it to Germany?


This one really make me smile - I loved it. :blink:


Thanks for the laugh!


We have heard from the seasoned Professionals but sometimes it is the newbees that can stump us in this log on a micro.... Donate a Pint Log


It is something like my Sundowner cache in JHB.... Pack of playing cards must remain in the cache and each visitor must sign a card as well as signing the logbook.... Just read the log entries... and only one person owned up to taking the cards but did return them at least.... since then they have disappeared again as well as the logbook!!! :D:D


Thanks for the laugh!


We have heard from the seasoned Professionals but sometimes it is the newbees that can stump us in this log on a micro.... Donate a Pint Log


You can only smile at the innocence of their actions. :D

Taking the pencil, that cache needs maintenance pronto! :D


This one at my "Bridge-2-Nowhere" cache in Haarties had me giggling.. :mad:


Log at B2N


What an experience - sounds like a real marriage tester! hehehe


Having done the cache and knowing where it is, this is a real chuckler. CLASSIC :yikes:


Craters in the Suburbs


Placed as part of our geocaching event!


I joined Geocaching today because of this cache (didn’t even know something like this existed.)


I stood on my stoep on Saturday (9 Aug) and saw these 2 suspicious looking people (man and woman) racing down the kloof, jumping out of their white SUV and doing something very odd down there. It was too far to see exactly what was going on but these two were in a hurry and looking over their shoulders – in and racing out in less than 10 min. I thought it was drug smugglers or something illegal, so I mentally marked the spot.


Sunday morning I ventured down (through some thorny bushes though) and found the cache.


Great Idea!


Craters in the Suburbs


Placed as part of our geocaching event!


I joined Geocaching today because of this cache (didn’t even know something like this existed.)


I stood on my stoep on Saturday (9 Aug) and saw these 2 suspicious looking people (man and woman) racing down the kloof, jumping out of their white SUV and doing something very odd down there. It was too far to see exactly what was going on but these two were in a hurry and looking over their shoulders – in and racing out in less than 10 min. I thought it was drug smugglers or something illegal, so I mentally marked the spot.


Sunday morning I ventured down (through some thorny bushes though) and found the cache.


Great Idea!


Hay I was just about to post that.

Posted (edited)

The following log made me smile. “We have released this travel bug at the railway children in Rutland UK....... sorry for the delay!”


The strange part is that the person dropping it had it in his possession for more than 6 years. So, if your TB is lost let us wait for 6 years to pass.


TB is back after 6 years


Peter, I dont' know if I'm being cynical, but I reckon that's a cacher of longstanding that has realised he's had that TB forever, and has set up a new account to drop it... there's just 2 TB finds to his name and No cache finds......


How very very bizzarre!!!

Edited by gerhardoosMPsa
Posted (edited)

I would not like to point to a cacher or a location so I will only publish the log to protect the cache owner and the cacher that hunted for it. This to me is a worth while and a good log to read. The cacher managed to capture the moment and my feeling when I hunted for it. Enjoy.



So, Mountain Pat and I are actually running out of time, not wanting to ride our Dakars in the dark as we still had to get to Ermelo before dark. But we found the rating and name curious, so just had to check it out. Then, strangely, Mountain Pat being the accomplished mountaineer that he is, took out his camera and 'politely' waited for me to ascend this little 100 storey monster with off-road motorbike boots and gear. Had a glance here and there to look for clues along the way, but decided to start searching from the top.


All in about 15 minutes of daylight to spare.


Now, round about the 50th storey, I started realising that I might not have the 100% head for heights that I thought I had, plus I can't think straight and breathe heavily at the same time. But Mountain Pat is watching, so the job had to be finished. On top I realised this viewpoint was not built with safety in mind and the handrails I was looking forward too either never existed or is in the scrap metal heap in Pretoria that I could see from there! On my hands and knees my religious side went through a renewed revival as I resumed my top level search for a piece of paper to write my name on, and suddenly geocaching didn't make sense at all!


One good thing is that I was now above the layer of smog covering Bethal (really disappointing to see such bad pollution, can't think that this is a healthy place to live in - so much for the platteland clean air)


Well, I couldn't see anything, mainly because the tears of fear blurred my vision, so I decided to search a touch lower. Going down I realised I couldn't search in the dark, and I was not going down to get a torch and then back up, so that was it and we retreated with our tails between our legs... beaten by a cache planted by a geocacher who lists 'pensioner' as job title...!

This one is now on my watchlist. TFTC - I think...?

Edited by gerhardoosMPsa
Posted (edited)

What an odd coincidence:


Here I am, whiling away a few minutes by browsing the World-wide Forums while the Sunday roast is cooking and I read the above posting...


...just a day after I've seen this SBA log on "What do you call a man with a seagull on his head?" cache here in U.K...


"'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!"




MrsB ;)

Edited by The Blorenges

Ok, also keep an eye on the blue duck with the little horns. Go to his personal page - click on his name (BlueDeuce) :P


I bookmarked his personal page for answers and questions. This could be handy.



No sorry, that's a work in progress that took a few steps backwards with a recent gc.com TB answer page Trackable Items


I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel. I'll get something out there eventually, but in the meantime ask the questions in the TB forum.


Happy Caching!


A new cachers first find is always a big smile moment - "It was an early saturday morning. Woke up with a boyish smile on my face looking forward to my first find. "


Another big smile log - "It was an honour to do this cache, as my late father served in the Transvaal Scottish during the second world war.

My father escaped from Tobruk and returned at Elamein and went on to serve in Italy. T4TC SL "


Looking at some caches, and came across this log entry of a archived cache in CapeTown



December 29, 2001 by xxxxxx (0 found)

My first Cache hunt and I did not find it.

One of the Waypoints were incorrect. By the time I got it right, the wind was blowing gale-force and I could not reach the actual cache.

I will try again.


That was almost 8 years ago. He is still at 0. I guess the bug didn't bite.


Got this one in one of my EarthCaches this weekend. A classic - especially in this part of the world!


"Q1: It reminds me of a huge cowpat. The surface is uneven and crusty, mid brown in colour.

Q2: It feels hard at first then immediately becomes a fine powder.

Q3: I suspect they ran out of water, their horses died and they were attacked by Indians who were probably having a picnic nearby. Also interesting is that if you travel in a straight line from this cache towards the Swamps you pass a large galvanised box in the sand (at about 1.54km from the Swamps) which appears to be peppered with bulletholes? To-day it was also surrounded by about 20 dead birds in varying stages of decay. Strange?

Q4: If you have ever run through a field of cowpats after a rain shower you'll know that they can quickly return to their original consistency. I bet the sabkha does too!

Pxxx-see you @ WWFM4!"


The comments were made by a Kiwi for those interested! :D


This is not so much as a log entry that made you smile, but rather a "wth?"


See Eternal Koppie (GCHANF)

Cache was archived, and then accentually found by someone afterwards. This was all in 2005.

Wonder if the cache is still there (almost 3 years later to the day)


Maybe someone on the West Rand can see if it is still there?

Posted (edited)

Got this on a cache of mine a little while ago - it still makes me smile


Old Pinelands


I have to add that the cacher came top of the class, but I was sad to confirm to him that the code did not compile this time - He he!

Edited by tomtwogates

Got this on a cache of mine a little while ago - it still makes me smile


Old Pinelands


I have to add that the cacher came top of the class, but I was sad to confirm to him that the code did not compile this time - He he!

Fond memories!!

I also used to do COBOL a lifetime ago. :P

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