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What is the difference? Garmin 60Csx and Garmin 60Cx ?

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Hi, I am in the market for a new and better GPS that the POC (short for Piece of CRAP!) Garmin eTrex that I currently have. I want a Garmin GPSMAP 60Csx but I keep coming across others that don't have all the letters. Can anyone sum up the difference? Is it worth the extra $$ to get the CSX? Thanks! I know you guys (and gals) know all there is to know and can school me!


C = "Color Display"

S = "Electronic Compass"

x = "SD Memory Slot"


Thought the X was the newer high sencitive reciever :angry: ??


That's the H as in HCx

When the 60Cx/60CSx came out the "x" referred to both the added memory card and the new high sensitive chip. Generally speaking, it's probably best to look at the detailed specs rather than to rely on the letters in the model name to determine what a particular model has, although they are useful to keep track of what model has what once you are familiar with the details.


I tended to think that X = eXternal memory card

It does, but in the 60 and 76 series units, the "x" is also the only indicator of the units that have the high sensitivity SiRF III chip. Garmin didn't use the "H" in the model names of these units, but those with the "x" have high sensitivity receivers.

I tended to think that X = eXternal memory card

It does, but in the 60 and 76 series units, the "x" is also the only indicator of the units that have the high sensitivity SiRF III chip. Garmin didn't use the "H" in the model names of these units, but those with the "x" have high sensitivity receivers.


So i was right then :angry:


I tended to think that X = eXternal memory card

It does, but in the 60 and 76 series units, the "x" is also the only indicator of the units that have the high sensitivity SiRF III chip. Garmin didn't use the "H" in the model names of these units, but those with the "x" have high sensitivity receivers.


So i was right then :angry:


Hi, I am in the market for a new and better GPS that the POC (short for Piece of CRAP!) Garmin eTrex that I currently have. I want a Garmin GPSMAP 60Csx but I keep coming across others that don't have all the letters. Can anyone sum up the difference? Is it worth the extra $$ to get the CSX? Thanks! I know you guys (and gals) know all there is to know and can school me!

The simple answer is, "Probably nothing you'll miss." I have a 60CSx, and I never use the electronic compass, and the alitimeter is of little use. I wouldn't miss either one. The compass frustrates the #%$^@ out of me, and the only time I have ever used the altimeter was to make an elevation profile of a 50-mile bike ride I went on with a group of boy scouts. We started and finished at the same place, but there must've been an earthquake, because there was about a 100 foot elevation difference at the same spot from start to finish.


As long as you get the Cx, so you have the good chipset and external storage, you're good.


Hi, I am in the market for a new and better GPS that the POC (short for Piece of CRAP!) Garmin eTrex that I currently have. I want a Garmin GPSMAP 60Csx but I keep coming across others that don't have all the letters. Can anyone sum up the difference? Is it worth the extra $$ to get the CSX? Thanks! I know you guys (and gals) know all there is to know and can school me!

The simple answer is, "Probably nothing you'll miss." I have a 60CSx, and I never use the electronic compass, and the alitimeter is of little use. I wouldn't miss either one. The compass frustrates the #%$^@ out of me, and the only time I have ever used the altimeter was to make an elevation profile of a 50-mile bike ride I went on with a group of boy scouts. We started and finished at the same place, but there must've been an earthquake, because there was about a 100 foot elevation difference at the same spot from start to finish.


As long as you get the Cx, so you have the good chipset and external storage, you're good.


C - can

S - someone

X - explain


I recently did an earthcache that required the elevation of coordinates. I calibrate the compass when I am in doubt. It takes only a moment to do. I have never calibrated the altimeter but it seems to work well. With that said I do not disagree with what you wrote. I like the CSX but the most important stuff is in the Cx. I have no regrets with the CSx




I'm at the same point, MAP60 CX or CSX?


That what you wrote I understood then both, barometric and electronic altimeter, works similar way - both you must calibrate. Is it correct, there is not huge advantage in barometric one, the accuracy is simmilar?


electronic compass have advantage to show you directions when you still. Exept that is any other advantage?


my priority is the battery life, does it mean using electronic compass and barometric altimeter consume much more battery?








I'm at the same point, MAP60 CX or CSX?


That what you wrote I understood then both, barometric and electronic altimeter, works similar way - both you must calibrate. Is it correct, there is not huge advantage in barometric one, the accuracy is simmilar?


electronic compass have advantage to show you directions when you still. Exept that is any other advantage?


my priority is the battery life, does it mean using electronic compass and barometric altimeter consume much more battery?






Not that it matters but, the S actually stands for "sensors", which are the electronic compass and the altimeter.


I used a 76s for years and found many caches with it but i can tell you now that i very very rarely used the compass or the altimeter. There's just no need for them with geocaching 99.9% of the time. It was more of a novelty than anything, so when i bought my latest, i opted to save close to $50 and buy the 76cx instead of the csx.


Yes, the batteries do go faster when the compass is turned on. I'm not certain about the altimeter...

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