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MRJIFFY's Summer Meltdown Coin Sale


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Can I please ask the Mods to close this thread. I would like to start a new one for the Summer Meltdown cointest over the next day or so and if this thread exists it may confuse participants looking to post as part of the cointest. I have never requested to close a thread before, so let me know if I need to do anything else besides just requesting through this post.


Best Regards,


Jason aka MRJIFFY




Can I please ask the Mods to close this thread. I would like to start a new one for the Summer Meltdown cointest over the next day or so and if this thread exists it may confuse participants looking to post as part of the cointest. I have never requested to close a thread before, so let me know if I need to do anything else besides just requesting through this post.


Best Regards,


Jason aka MRJIFFY


PM sent.

Posted (edited)

This is the official start of the MRJIFFY’s Summer Meltdown Cointest running from June 21st to Sept. 21st, 2008. I have cleared the structure and design of this cointest many months ago with Groundspeak and have received their approval to run this cointest. The cointest is being run solely by me and Groundspeak is in no way administering this cointest in any way. All the coins in this cointest are trackable at geocaching.com


The Rules and structure of the cointest is pretty simple (at least I’ll try and keep it that way). Over the next couple of weeks, there will be 50 Polished Nickel MRJIFFY Summer Meltdown coins released in various geographies of the world by participating geocachers including myself. To participate in the cointest you need to do a few things, these are:


1. Find and log one of the travelling Polished Nickel MRJIFFY Summer Meltdown coins. Only the polished nickel Summer Meltdown coins will count toward this cointest.


2. Take a photo of yourself with the coin. This can be done alone, in a group or whatever format you decide upon. Creativity counts here and I will get in to this further in to this post


3. Post the photo under this thread, along with any stories you might want to add related to either the photo or finding the coin. In the post, you must also include the two digit number that I have written on the piece of paper accompanying the coin and stored inside the vinyl flip. Please ensure the engraved tracking number of the coin cannot be read in your photo.


4. You must replace the coin in to another cache within 7 days of retrieving the coin to provide another opportunity for another geocacher to retrieve the coin. I am relying on the honesty of those participating to not just log a deposit and then give the coin directly to another geocacher(i.e. their friend), let the next geocacher actually “find” the coin in a cache.


5. You must retrieve the coin from a cache, discovering the coin at an event does not count towards this cointest, although you could retrieve the coin from a cache and post a photo with the coin at a separate event to use as your photo submission, as long as the coin is replaced in another cache within the 7 day limit described earlier. If you are the one who retrieves the coin from the event after it is completed, I would consider that ok to post a photo as an entry as long as you deposit it back in to another cache within 7 days of the event end. I would consider only one geocacher able to retrieve the coin from an event, not a group


6. You must post a photo with the coin and accompanying description to participate in this cointest, simply logging the coin does not count as an entry.


7. Each geocacher can only log each unique coin once for the purposes of the cointest, i.e. if you find coin #31, you can only post one entry for coin #31, even if you find the same coin in the future in a different cache. If you find another coin however, i.e. coin #45 you can create a new entry with this new find of coin #45.


8. For each week of the cointest, I plan on awarding two prizes to participants; the first prize will be determined by a random number generator using that weeks postings that meet the above criteria and the second prize determined by what photo/story I find the most worthy of an award for that week. For the purposes of the cointest, each week will run from approximately Monday through to Sunday evening, with the next week starting on Monday. Prizes will be either a LE Foggy Gold Summer Meltdown Coin available only as a prize (30 minted) or one of my organizers Summer Meltdown coins (40 minted) Winners will be announced for the last week at the start of each week in this thread.


9. At the end of the cointest period, I will select a winner from all the valid posts made during the cointest period for a grand prize of approximately 100 different geocoins. I will do this using a random number generator so everyone who participates in the cointest has the opportunity to win. If a group of geocachers finds the coin, the geocacher who makes the posting will be the one who is eligible to win any prizing. I will post at a later time additional details on the 100 coins, there are some very good coins included as part of this grouping!


10. All decisions made by me regarding prizing, eligibility of entries and the start and stop times of each respective week are final and non negotiable. I want this cointest to be fun, so let’s all keep it that way please.


Coins should start appearing on June 21st, 2008 and continue to start their journeys throughout many parts of the world over the next 2-3 weeks. They can be found and watched on my profile as I will be the owner of all 50 travelling coins.


Good luck to everyone, hope this is as fun as I anticipate it will be! Photos of the Silver coin are below.


MRJIFFY :unsure:




Edited by mrjiffy

This sounds fun! I do not know if any of these coins will come to Rhodes,Greece, but who knows?:D I believe it is going to be a cool cointest!!!


The big price is 100 different geocoins????? For 1 winner??? WOW! I do not know if I ever see 100 different geocoins in my collection! :D


The summer meltdown is a beautyful coin, and the polished silver ones....wow! And...we are melting from the sun here my friend! :D


Derschlings!!! How are you my friend??? :D I hope you are fine!!! :blink:


The Silver Coins look great. The grand prize comes from a bunch of my own coins along with coins collected from many other geocachers conducting a two for one trade with a special trade only version of the Summer Meltdown Coin, so the big prize is also as a result of the geocaching communities support of this project through the trades and I thank them for that. Since the coins arrived a little late they traders are being packed up and sent out over the next day or so. I have plans for some coins to be released in Europe, but they probably wont arrive for another couple of weeks through, just in time for the really hot weather!




Wow! Now THAT'S a cointest about geocoins!


I hope 1 (or a dozen) make their way within grabbing range of me! :blink:


Just a few clarifications though:


If a number of different cachers find a cache (as a group) with one of your coins in it, can each one take their picture with it individually, or just the one who logs the retrieval?


If the coin shows up at an event, can I take my picture with it if I am the one who retrieves it from the event?


Thanks for running this cointest!


Wow! Now THAT'S a cointest about geocoins!


I hope 1 (or a dozen) make their way within grabbing range of me! :blink:


Just a few clarifications though:


If a number of different cachers find a cache (as a group) with one of your coins in it, can each one take their picture with it individually, or just the one who logs the retrieval?


If the coin shows up at an event, can I take my picture with it if I am the one who retrieves it from the event?


Thanks for running this cointest!



If a group of cachers finds the coin, you can each post a photo separately of the coin and I will consider this an entry from each of you, but you will also need to return the coin to a cache as a group within the 7 days outlined in th rules. I realize only one geocacher can log the retrieval and drop to another cache, but you will need to post in the coin log/photo posting who was with you. I need this when I am confirming winners each week to ensure coins get back in to circulation. I expect honesty from each group, no saying your caching buddy was with you when they were actually not out that day or somewhere else please.


If you discover the coin at an event, this does not count as outlined in rule #5. If you are the one who retrieves the coin from the event after it is completed, I would consider that ok to post a photo as an entry as long as you deposit it back in to another cache within 7 days of the event end. I would consider only one geocacher able to retrieve the coin from an event, a group retrieval would not be valid.


Hope that helps, I am going to add the additional information to rule #5 for future clarity.



Posted (edited)

Ok, I just wanted to update everyone that I have now mailed out almost all 50 coins to the geocachers who will be dropping them in various parts of Canada, the US and other geographies. I also dropped a couple of them locally so they are now "officially" out in circulation.


I could still use 2 or 3 geocachers who would be willing to drop the few remaining coins. If you are interested PM me.






UPDATE - I have had several geocachers offer to drop the additional coins in their areas, so I should be ok now in this regards, thanks everyone for their support.

Edited by mrjiffy

The coins have started being received so they will all be appearing in caches probably over the next few days. Keep an eye out or watch the coins to see if one gets dropped in your area.


I'll post a photo of some of the grand prize pool of coins in the next few days hopefully so everyone will know what they are playing for!


Best Regards,



6795cbc0-a128-4701-ae18-bce2563d6de4.jpgCoin #24 placed today, ok I forgot to get creative with the camera, I was getting a little worried as I had driven up a private road to get closer to the cache site, having only just come out of hospital I didn't want to have to walk up a big hill today, so I let the car do the walking. I parked off the road so that should a vehicle come along they could get by. I didn't really expect to see anyone, and hey ho, you guessed it, just as I was sat writing in the log book a vehicle comes up the track. Thankfully they passed on by without asking me what I was doing. For some demented reason I had also convinced myself that today was the 21st and I was feeling pretty chuffed about the fact that I got both coins planted at the very start of Mr Jiffy's Summer Meltdown Cointest - I wrote in the log book that it was the 21st and I called it Mr Jiffy's Summer Madness Cointest!!! I also got coin #23 placed today, but I had left my camera in the car so only one post to enter, but I guess I can watch the other coin and hopefully get to retrieve it from another cache at some point. Good luck everyone, there is a most excellent top prize in this cointest, thanks Mr Jiffy for all your efforts in putting this together.

coin #3 safely battled the Flooded Mississippi River. After helping to fill sandbags and checking on a nearby saturated levee, it was placed in a cache about 3 miles away - no chance of being caught in flood waters. It's off to a wet start but I'm sure will move to drier areas soon.



Posted (edited)

Coins #45 & 46 arrived today ( didn't get the mail yesterday :laughing: ) Will place them tomorrow :D


I'll keep an eye on these two!! :D

I'll be heading back from Cape Breton on Monday/Tuesday and hopefully one of them will be close to my route home!

Edited by E&Cplus3

Really exciting to know that there are a couple floating about in Scotland!! Probably won't be lucky enough to come across one on our travels lol.......but it's good to know to watch out for them!


Ali :)


Today I took the coin fishing and hiking near bass lake. E of Orillia, bass season just opened this weekend. The day started out excellent, hiked in the conservation area to GC155FJ, but did not give up the coin... just yet. afterwards a few hours on the lake I even managed to catch a few perch, though all were a bit too small. :anicute: There is a cache GC1CE2Q i planned to visit. Right along the shoreline, where the coin was destined to go. but it happened to be in a very swampy are and I DNF the cache :) So on the way home i dropped it off at GCMEZ3. and wouldn't you know, the weather all of a sudden turns cloudy and it begins to downpour.



Conservation area



Geodude++ just fishing


Off to GC1CE2Q!



Great to see everyones posts so far and that the coins are now getting out there to travel! First drawing for the weekly prize will be done tomorrow for qualifying posts that make it in to the thread before the end of the day.


Happy caching everyone!




Hubby worked last night(backshift) had to wait till he got some shut eye before I could go out to place the coins....I really need my License lol any who...


Place coin # 46 in Rock my world here in Trenton before the rain started...


Not to much creativity here but heres my pic lol




Coin # 45 Placed in Tims Hidden Trail in New Glasgow :mad:


The bridge to the caches was so high off the ground I didn't think I would make it accross (scared of hights) borads creeking thought I was going to die I tell you.... On the way back from the cache My 5 year old daughter being a smarty pants she is says to dad ...Dad give me the camera so I can take a picture of mommy going over the bridge it's funny....Funny? It was soooooo not funny not one little bit funny :mad::anicute:








Coins #49 and #50 have been dropped in Kamloops, BC. Looking forward to having some local cachers get in on the contest. Good luck everyone and thanks for a great contest MrJiffy.


Coin #04 left Illinois and crossed the flooded Mississippi River. After a brief tour of Hannibal, Mo with all the Mark Twain attractions and a hike up to the lighthouse, this coin was left in "Guidinglight".






It was a beautiful day to be out caching. I was glad to help move this coin along.


I placed one of the two coins yesterday (#8). It was a cache in a little tunnel where a small river flows under a street. We had to wade about 50 m inside, and the tunnel was only about 1 m high. Everywhere were spiders :anicute: But a great experience!!! :D


Here is my picture, me with the coin at the cache:




Ok, here are the first two coin prizes for those who released or moved and took a picture of themselves with the Summer Meltdown coins! The first prize was awarded through a random number generator that was used for posts between #66 - 80. The number was 77, so congratulations to The-Wolf-Pack, you get the first of the MRJIFFY's Summer Meltdown Prize coins in finished in misty gold. There were only 30 of these minted, so enjoy the prize.


A second prize that is determined by me for one of the most interesting pictures goes to luckycharmer for their sandbagging pictures on the Mississippi River. You will receive one of the Summer Meltdown Organizer's coins that is finished in black nickel but is finished with translucent and glitter enamels.


I'll post a picture of the coins hopefully later tonight so everyone can see what they look like. If the winners could please email their addresses, I can get their coins out to them ASAP.






Here are photos of the prize coins in frosty gold, 30 minted and only available through being a winner in this cointest



Below is the organizers coin (me). This is done in the same finish as the regular edition black nickel coins but with translucent and glitter enamels. Hard to see from the photo, but it does look different than the regular edition (40 minted)



THANK YOU SO MUCH, I'm so excited about winning. The coin looks fantastic. It's already starting to take a while to download on dial-up, by the end of the summer, this will be a hard thread to follow.


CONGRATULATIONS to The-Wolf-Pack. I'm sure you're just as eager as I am to receive your prize.


I'm thrilled to say the sandbagging paid off. Our levees held and the bridge remained open. The river is slowly starting to drop but there's been a lot of damage done to nearby towns, farms and fields. We still have several weeks of watching but WE WILL SURVIVE and hopefully the next 100 year flood will take longer than the 15 years since the last one. LOL


Jason, Thank you for the fun cointest. It will be fun watching the coins move and seeing all the new pictures. e-mail sent with my address. ;)


So, I guess this is the right place to post this? I'm not sure..


See, I'm kinda new around here. My wife and I are kinda new to Geocacheing, actually.


I guess I first found out about it through other websites and being curious about the catchy 4-colour logo, only to find out all about it with Groundspeak and such. It looked very interesting, so I told my wife about it and suggested that we get involved with it because it looked to be a great activity to get us outside with the dog and have a good time.


I ended up buying a Magellon Triton 400 from the local Canadian Tire - on sale, fifty bucks off - probably back in April, maybe May.


Longer story short, my first real excursion with it (after loading it up with geocaches that were close to my work, close to home, close to my dad's place, etc) was into Arrowhead park near Hunstville, Ontario. We didn't find the traditional cache (all of my friends wanted to see some pirate treasure or something) but we did spot a great lookout and took a few photos.


Still, we wanted to find a traditional cache.


Fast forward to today, July 1st - Canada Day. We Canadians get today off of work, so my wife and I decided to go out and try to find a cache. I work near Thornhill, Ontario and we set off to look out for a few caches up there. The first, we couldn't find. The second, we couldn't find.


The third?


The third we found. It was our first Geocache find ever! How exciting! ... But what's this? What's this inside?!?




A coin!


..but not just any coin! A summer meltdown 2008 coin!


What the heck is all of THAT about!


Next thing I know, I'm here.. posting my first post? Maybe? I've just learned about this coin.. My wife and I are so proud to have it, we want to put it in our front lobby display cabinet, with the caption --


"First geocache find ever! Canada Day, 2008!"


What a great thing here.. I'm enough to admit that we did not expect this kind of find at all, but what a rare find indeed and we feel so lucky to have found it - and makes for a most memorable 'first cache' find ever!


..and this is coin 10, and I notice that MrJiffy lives near Thornhill -- perhaps he placed it himself? ;)


**Snipped by TMA**


The third we found. It was our first Geocache find ever! How exciting! ... But what's this? What's this inside?!?




A coin!


..but not just any coin! A summer meltdown 2008 coin!


What the heck is all of THAT about!


Next thing I know, I'm here.. posting my first post? Maybe? I've just learned about this coin.. My wife and I are so proud to have it, we want to put it in our front lobby display cabinet, with the caption --


"First geocache find ever! Canada Day, 2008!"


What a great thing here.. I'm enough to admit that we did not expect this kind of find at all, but what a rare find indeed and we feel so lucky to have found it - and makes for a most memorable 'first cache' find ever!


..and this is coin 10, and I notice that MrJiffy lives near Thornhill -- perhaps he placed it himself? ;)


Congrats on joining the game. Looks like you found #10 in Merlin's Quest, just north of Toronto. Remember, this coin is in a cointest, and needs to keep moving cache to cache. Complete your portion and send it on its way. Thanks!



Posted (edited)

PsyJam, Welcome to the crazy world of geocaching and geocoins. CONGRATULATIONS on your first find. It sounds like a great day to spend Canada Day.


I'm sure you'll find many more coins as you continue caching. The fun part about these coins are the mission they're on. Remember to set it free within the next 7 days. HAVE FUN.

Edited by luckycharmer

Thanks to all those geocachers who have dropped coins in their local areas to help get this cointest going. I suspect almost all the coins should have arrived now that have been mailed out. I would like to please request that the remaining cachers who have the coins to be dropped but have not yet had the opportunity to drop them please place them in a cache within the next day or two.


It is very important for the cointest to really get going full steam for all the coins to be travelling as soon as possible.


Best Regards and Thanks!



Posted (edited)

We came across Jiffy coin #48 in Tiffin Conservation park in Barrie, Ontario.

The cache was located in a tough find, but perserverence and geo senses helped out. We didn't even know there was a coin in the cache, so it was a very pleasant surprise.


Once we got home, Mrs FC thought it would be cool (ha - pun intended) if the meltdown coin did just that, so we froze it, and then took pictures of it as it melted. This is the photo we chose.



Thanks for the cointest, it was very enjoyable.


Edited to add a second picture as were were unsure whether we had to be 'in it' totally, so here's Hawkeyes Nick from Fingers Crossed...


Fingers Crossed.

Edited by fingers crossed

Thanks to all those geocachers who have dropped coins in their local areas to help get this cointest going. I suspect almost all the coins should have arrived now that have been mailed out. I would like to please request that the remaining cachers who have the coins to be dropped but have not yet had the opportunity to drop them please place them in a cache within the next day or two.


It is very important for the cointest to really get going full steam for all the coins to be travelling as soon as possible.


Best Regards and Thanks!




Coins have arrived in Alaska and will be sent on thier way to local caches this weekend. Almost forgot when I statred planning to bring them south for a quick visit. Glad I remembered, so all you visiting or living in Alaska, be on the lookout. :)


I found MrJiffy's Summer Meltdown #45 in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia on Canada Day (thanks go to The-Wolf-Pack for placing it close to my route home :) ). I decided to wait until today to post a pic, because I wanted to place it near my newest cache.


I placed my 4th cache (and the two associated waypoints) today, July 4th, 2008, which is also my birthday. The cache is called Three Veterans (GC1DTN6) and honours my three great uncles who fought in the Second World War. Here's a montage of the location and cache container.




I decided against putting the coin in my new cache, just in case there was a delay in getting it published -- that and I generally don't put travelling coins in mystery caches anyway. So I placed MrJiffy #45 in a nearby cache called Canadian Patriot (GC12Z5C). Here's me with the coin at the cache site:




So my coins have arrived and i needed to go place them __ When will i have time sister n laws wedding this weekend i have got to get out. Wake uo 5 am getting ready for work. Hold it whats this rash Better go this checked out 5 hours later i'm allergic to something and know have the day off.


So i talk the 9 year old into some geocaching and away we go . Coin number 44 is now in a cache waiting for the next visit



Here is one for the bird lover we saw this crane as we trekked out


I still have one more to place but because of lose of gps signal attack of the killer mosquito's and a new symptom we had to return home with out placing the second coin i will get it out soon


thanks Mr jiffy Hope you like the pictures

the 9 year old is Bigsky fire dragon

Posted (edited)

Found this beautiful coin #11 in "The Cube" GC18490, a VERY difficult multi-level puzzle cache in Irving, Texas, that involved a Rubic's Cube.




In the photo, I am holding both the coin and one of MJ's coveted refrigerator magnets.


Thanks for putting out this cointest.




Edited by Hedge Hopper

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