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What annoys you?


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Getting back to the topic...


What's most annoying for us is? -seeing new & exciting cache hides popping up daily all over the country and realising that there will never be enough time to go and hunt them all down!


Also not very fond of micros hidden for the simple reason of pushing cache stats up - a micro has it's place where there's something special to show and no suitable hiding place for a regular cache, but otherwise they are normally disappointing with not much chance of trading.


Agree with previous posts about caches who's owners quit the game or become inactive without archiving their hides or alternatively give them up for adoption. THANKS to Fish Eagle who has started archiving caches without owners!


Lastly, finding an ideal spot to hide a cache, preparing a suitable container and anxiously awaiting a suitable date to go and hide it and then noticing someone else's post popping up on the radar for that very special spot! :ph34r::)



There is only one cache with the name Hotpants that was strange. Someone complaint to geospeak about this cache but never laid an official charge. But “batsgonemad and his squirrel” never visited this cache. The owner is not sure who laid the complaint. This happen about 4 months ago. Could this be the problem?






no that has nothing to do with this event





The situation is very clear.


This is the THIRD and LAST time I will explain it.


I have organised "Mourne Rambler" on a voluntary basis - nothing compelled me to initiate the event. As such, and as the sole organiser, I make ALL the decisions about how it is run.


At NO time have I ever considered organising an event solely, or even partly, for YOUR benefit alone. You have NO absolute right to attend. I am under NO obligation to allow you to attend - despite what you may imagine. Neither do you have any right of appeal.


Nothing could now convince me to allow you to spend ANY time, no matter how short, in my presence. You are in NO position to demand that I suffer your company.


"Mourne Rambler" is MY event. I do NOT want YOU at it for the reasons I have already stated.


That is my final decision and it is NOT open for discussion.












Excuse us!!! How autocratic !!! Geocaching can do without people who think that they are the be-all and end-all of geocaching. Far too many 'I, me and mine' in that mail. :ph34r:


Wow, nothing beats this one. This is too much. You can not negotiate with a swarm of bees. Yes, you can stick your head in their nest and try to talk to them but not for long.


There are only four basic types of conflict management. You only have two choices; stick your head in the sand, forget it, stay away from his caches or else your logs could be deleted and carry on. My question is what will happen if this guy meets you at his cache?


Your second alternative is to fight it further with Groundspeak. You have reached deadlock with this person. They will have to get into action here.


:ph34r: Maybe we should all e-mail him requesting if we can be of assistance. If 293 cachers in South Africa contact him he could change his mind. Ok, if we all complain 3 times that will give him 900 e-mails to answer. It should make him humble and tired. If he tries to fight us all then each cacher can complain at Groundspeak. With 293 complaints against him they have the right to show him the door. Ok, this is only the mean streak in me that came up with this one. The best is that no South African cacher must get involve. Battlerat will now have to battle this one.


All the best.



The one thing that still gets to me is finding the cache and you can not remove it. You can even see it, it is in reach but if you touched it then it gone for sure.


Somewhere in my mind there is always the struggle of “Let us try” on the one side and on the other side it is “Leave it for the next cacher”. To walk away with your tail between your legs is disappointing.


The other thing that annoys me is that I arrive at a site and I search everywhere and I do not find it after 20 minutes. The next time you search for the cache you find it in 5 seconds. To bug you more all the cachers log “This was too easy” or “Straight forward”. The question is always “What was different with this search than the previous one and you come up with no answer.




Event Caches

Event caches are gatherings that are open to all geocachers and which are organized by geocachers. While a music concert, a garage sale, an organized sporting event, a ham radio field day or a town’s fireworks display might be of interest to a large percentage of geocachers, such events are not suitable for submission as event caches because the organizers and the primary attendees are not geocachers. In addition, an event cache should not be set up for the sole purpose of drawing together cachers for an organized hunt of another cache or caches. Such group hunts are best organized using the forums or an email distribution list.


For geocaching events that involve several components, such as a full weekend event that includes a geocoin trading session, a seminar and a potluck dinner, multiple event listings may be submitted if they each stand on their own merits as events meeting the listing guidelines.


Event caches should be submitted no less than two weeks prior to the date of the event, so that potential attendees will have sufficient notice to make their plans. Events are generally published no more than three months prior to the date of the event, to avoid having the listing appear for a prolonged period of time on the nearest caches page and in the weekly e-mail notification of new caches. Exceptions are sometimes made for events that are designed to attract a regional, national or international group of geocachers, or if an overnight stay is expected as part of the event, requiring advance reservations and travel planning (for example, a campout). Contact your reviewer if you wish to set up such an event, which may be published up to six months prior to the event date. Groundspeak can promote Geocaching through events that may be an exception to the guidelines, if we deem that is necessary to further the game.


After the event has passed, the event cache should be archived by the organizer within four weeks.


Mega-Event Caches



Bats - this is ridiculous! Having met both you and Sam at the recent uk mega I would be glad of both your company at any event that I arranged.

Also had a read through of all the logs from his last event... no clues there as to his current attitude.

If you need some local SA support let me know, I'd be happy to offer support.

Di of ddr1711

Posted (edited)

Bats, you can count me in as well. If you want anything please drop me an e-mail.


I will not get involved without your permission but I think Anlufu have a good point. Maybe I should drop a “Will not attend” note with my reasons without referring to you specific. If you want something along those lines I will run it pass you before I publish it. Maybe we all should drop him a note.


This is nonsense. We do not like all people we come across in life but we tolerate each other. We can agree to disagree but to ban a person from an event is really childish. He has one hell of an attitude problem and it is time for him to understand that it is unacceptable for the majority of cachers. If you have a problem you should be able to speak your mind and you must have the chance to settling the score. I went through all your logs and you are very mild in your comments. There is not one that is provoking anybody. This cacher has some sort of personal score to settle with a hidden agenda.


If I do not like a cacher for any reason I will just stay clear of him. But if he chooses to have a conversation with me I will give him the chance without being nasty. Banning a cacher from a public place is however just too much. What is next – an e-mail to you to stop breathing? Caching is open to all – point blank.


We lost the rugby – it does not indicate that we should just give up. But it is your decision. However I am on your side.



Edited by gerhardoosMPsa

good lord, what a turn of events!!!


Well, I quite liked the idea of us all mailing him to find out the exact reasons if he refuses to give them to bats!

Perhaps Bats is trying to cover something up :P


I think the worst thing that Bats can be accused of is trying to discover too many geocoins, and possibly trampling some people in his eagerness to spot some :P


See the latest posting after the event was cancelled from another caher


"From where I sit across the pond, I think you should reconsider. You've obviously put many hours into the planning and preparation for this event... the listing's beautiful, right down to the video, and you've looked at all the angles.


From what I understand, the only obstacle between you and success is acceptance of differences. Embrace humanity, invite any and all as you originally did, and HOLD your event!"


Oh, and Gerhardoos, Why should Battlerat (and Pussycat) who live in Cape Town, have to resolve this issue for Batsgonemad (and his Squirrel) in ireland :laughing:


Thanks guys and gals, but i think if you guys start posting things on his page, it will maybe only reflect badly on the cachers in SA and i do not want that, as much as i love the idea, i think thats not the was to go.


The event is canceled but if you look it has only been temp disabled, i think it will still go on but will enable it on the day, which i don't really care about but i needed to remind him of the rules Groundspeak have laid out.


Thanks for the support, some of you i have never met, Our local reviewer was really keen to go to that event so we will see what happens. Watch this space.


This is a reminder to all that the forum should be used for open interactive discussions without offending participants. As such, any issue with a particular cacher, kindly contact them directly via private message on the forum or via their Geocaching profile. If there is an issue that you feel should be addressed to the powers that be, either contact your local reviewer or the powers that be at Geocaching.com.




WOW!!! He needs to work on a serious attitude problem though. Maybe in the free hours he now will have, he can mull over just how rude his mails to you were and can learn some people skills, which will help him greatly in life. Maybe a course in anger management? :anicute:

Enjoy the new Event - our thoughts are with you.

Posted (edited)

:yikes: Guys I must speak my mind at this point. The person in question has archived the event and he will no longer do caching. We must get back to the topic.


In my days when I was still fighting there was a fine line that you do not cross. It is easy to kill a person inside the ring if you want to. But if you have beaten him than you stop. If the person indicates that he does not want to continue then you stop. If you see the haze in his eyes then you do not take it further then necessary. This guy passed this point but yet we keep on stabbing him. How many times must you beat the same person to win? The fight is not about beating the other person senseless. I can teach anyone the art of fighting but it is much harder to understand the essence of character, sincerity, effort, self control and etiquette. You have to understand where to stop and to let the other person go with dignity. I myself sometimes still do not understand where to stop and sometimes other people must step in and they have to say “This is enough”. If it happens then I turn away if I lost control. But we all learn and no one is perfect.


Let the man go – he admitted defeat by archiving his event. Let him go in peace and let us show character, sincerity, effort, self control and etiquette. It is done and over and problem is resolved. Life goes us and this is no longer an issue. Let it be.

Edited by gerhardoosMPsa

:P Guys I must speak my mind at this point. The person in question has archived the event and he will no longer do caching. We must get back to the topic.


In my days when I was still fighting there was a fine line that you do not cross. It is easy to kill a person inside the ring if you want to. But if you have beaten him than you stop. If the person indicates that he does not want to continue then you stop. If you see the haze in his eyes then you do not take it further then necessary. This guy passed this point but yet we keep on stabbing him. How many times must you beat the same person to win? The fight is not about beating the other person senseless. I can teach anyone the art of fighting but it is much harder to understand the essence of character, sincerity, effort, self control and etiquette. You have to understand where to stop and to let the other person go with dignity. I myself sometimes still do not understand where to stop and sometimes other people must step in and they have to say “This is enough”. If it happens then I turn away if I lost control. But we all learn and no one is perfect.


Let the man go – he admitted defeat by archiving his event. Let him go in peace and let us show character, sincerity, effort, self control and etiquette. It is done and over and problem is resolved. Life goes us and this is no longer an issue. Let it be.


well, personally, i dont think that matter is actually resolved, until bats knows what he is being accused of, even if that guy does stop caching. After all, if he is correct, and Bats did do something terrible and is not aware of it, how can he change this to prevent any possible offense of other caches, and the same thing happening again.


it's like being arrested, send to prison for a month, and being told dont do that again, without knowing why you were sent to prison in the 1st place! I am sure you would want to know why!


But we arent continuing to Beat a player thats down anyway, its more like a post match analysis :yikes:

If we actually sent him nasty mails, that would be beating him.


Although I do agree, there isn't need to discuss this any further, unless Bats gets some more feedback on the matter, which is why he posted his latest post


What annoys me today?



Cape Town has been miserable this winter. Can't go caching (comfortably anyhow). Caches are wet and yukky. Logs and swag are damp, even GPS reception seems to be loopy. Car gets full of mud...



What annoys me today?




Feel free to send it this way. We will NEVER complain about rain, even if it makes our cars dirty. So what if the logs get wet and the swag soggy? :) Isn't it funny how one complains about things until you don't have them. :)


Tell you what - we will take your rain and you can have our dust - fair exchange! <_<:D:angry:


Caches next to toilets..... that smell..... the toilets not the cache.... LOL.


Plastic bags...... Black ones..... all wet and smelly....


Some of my caches going missing in what seems to be the remotest places....


Bats saying it is late in Ireland at 9:22 PM..... He has just under a hour to keep his promise before it gets late again.... LOL.


rain for the last week and a half and still till wed next week


Makes me wonder why anyone would give up sunny South Africa for a wet and rainy Ireland.... Aside from the rain of bullets maybe..... :)


Caches next to toilets..... that smell..... the toilets not the cache.... LOL.



Caxches that smell. Unfortunately one of my Earthcache series in Joburg (Joburg Volcano) is particularly smelly - the river not the toilet - or is that the river is a toilet???


Unfortunately I couldn't plan where the volcano was going to leave it's ash a few million years back.


I think it'll be better after the rain? :D:)

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