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Postink links in a log


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OK, check this out, found in another topic



Anyway, flask, how do you do that? I mean posting links in a log? All I can get it to do is to put a 'visit link' . What I saw on flask logs was that he/you (depending on who is reading at the moment, your pick) managed to get a link embedded with the log text. Pretty cool. I wanna know how to do that.


And without gettin "edited" stamps at that!


Flask is my hero!

Posted (edited)

:( here's my commentary:




USE BB CODE [ url = xxxxxxxxxx ] LOOK [ / ]................. :) (Google BB Code)


That would work on here but not in the logs on geocaching.com. At least as far as I can see.


I'll take that back. It does work. If I type it right. Thanks!

Edited by lrosell
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