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and...what do you win with these tickets, how, when, and where we can see who won?


Oh boy! I know nothing!!! :D


Up till now it´s been for Raffle Tickets for one oft WSRs TBs.


The coinpics are coming up right after the next :D


I didn't understand something. Are we playing for a coin or for Raffle Tickets?


Oh!....what is a Raffle Ticket?? :D

So far we have been Practicing. The winners in the Practice Rounds will receive Raffle Tickets, which are for a seperate game run through one of my Travel Bug Pages. (click over to my Profile, then on the line that says "Roaming Raffle travel Bug's Winning Numbers""


A raffle is a drawing for a prize. Each player is given tickets and copies of the tickets are mixed up in a jar. When there is a prize to give, one ticket is pulled at random form the jar, and the holder of the matching ticket is the winner. You may know it as a "lottery"


and...what do you win with these tickets, how, when, and where we can see who won?


Oh boy! I know nothing!!! :D

You sure know how to find Roswell though!! The prizes in the raffle are Travel Bug tags once a month, and other things whenever I want.


I didn't understand something. Are we playing for a coin or for Raffle Tickets?


Oh!....what is a Raffle Ticket?? :D

So far we have been Practicing. The winners in the Practice Rounds will receive Raffle Tickets, which are for a seperate game run through one of my Travel Bug Pages. (click over to my Profile, then on the line that says "Roaming Raffle travel Bug's Winning Numbers""


A raffle is a drawing for a prize. Each player is given tickets and copies of the tickets are mixed up in a jar. When there is a prize to give, one ticket is pulled at random form the jar, and the holder of the matching ticket is the winner. You may know it as a "lottery"


A lottery! Oh yes!!! I know!! :laughing: Cool!!!! :D


and...what do you win with these tickets, how, when, and where we can see who won?


Oh boy! I know nothing!!! :rolleyes:

You sure know how to find Roswell though!! The prizes in the raffle are Travel Bug tags once a month, and other things whenever I want.


:D:sunsure: Well, till now, I found them all!


Oh travell bugs!! I hope I win an old version for my collection! :D


Let's hope! :laughing:



:D:rolleyes: Well, till now, I found them all!


Oh travell bugs!! I hope I win an old version for my collection! :D


Let's hope! :laughing:


There are different versions of them?


and...what do you win with these tickets, how, when, and where we can see who won?


Oh boy! I know nothing!!! :rolleyes:

You sure know how to find Roswell though!! The prizes in the raffle are Travel Bug tags once a month, and other things whenever I want.


:D:sunsure: Well, till now, I found them all!


Oh travell bugs!! I hope I win an old version for my collection! :D


Let's hope! :laughing:

No Luck there, I only have new versions.


:D:rolleyes: Well, till now, I found them all!


Oh travell bugs!! I hope I win an old version for my collection! :D


Let's hope! :laughing:


There are different versions of them?

When TBs were first made they had round ends, only numbers(no letters) and were thicker. The overall design was different.



:D:rolleyes: Well, till now, I found them all!


Oh travell bugs!! I hope I win an old version for my collection! :D


Let's hope! :sunsure:


There are different versions of them?

When TBs were first made they had round ends, only numbers(no letters) and were thicker. The overall design was different.


I gotta keep watching the bugs more closely :P


Thank you for the info :D Always learning something new in here :laughing:



:D:rolleyes: Well, till now, I found them all!


Oh travell bugs!! I hope I win an old version for my collection! :D


Let's hope! :sunsure:


There are different versions of them?

When TBs were first made they had round ends, only numbers(no letters) and were thicker. The overall design was different.


I gotta keep watching the bugs more closely :P


Thank you for the info :D Always learning something new in here :laughing:

New Version...



Old Version...




:D:rolleyes: Well, till now, I found them all!


Oh travell bugs!! I hope I win an old version for my collection! :D


Let's hope! :laughing:


There are different versions of them?


This is the old version:


The photo is taken from this site in TB page! I am talking for the number...


This is the new version:



Of course, there are others too, like the jeep one and probably the diabetes TB, that is a little different, but you can not find them alone...right?


here is the jeep one!


Now that I actually see them, I think I have had either in my hands before. :rolleyes:

I guess I am not always having such a close look as in these cointest :D


Thx for showing me, I gotta be watching for an older version to achieve sometime too :sunsure:


The Unite for Diabetes I have right here in my hands, planning on taking it with me to Vancouver, just like the Unite for Diabetes Coin and many others :P:D:laughing:


well, till now, I have only seen the new version from close!

I have it!


The funny is that I had to discover a TB in a cache, to see a TB of someone else!!!! My TB is not activated!



:D:rolleyes: Well, till now, I found them all!


Oh travell bugs!! I hope I win an old version for my collection! :D


Let's hope! :laughing:


If you dont win, let me know.

I think I have an old travel bug that I could trade for a new geocoin if you want.



I'm a noob, I want as many coins as I can get!


OK...I'm going to try posting the three newest PRACTICE PICTURES when I get done working in the morning. Here are some things to remember when you look at them and send a guess.


Chose one picture for your guess in the final Practice Round.


Look closely, and don't be fooled by what you see.


Decide how you will describe Roswell's Hiding spot.


Send the Email by going to my geocaching.com profile and clicking "Send Message".


You will only get one guess, and only for one of the photos.


A few answers have come to me through PMs for the first rounds, but this will not be allowed from here going forward. The reason for this is that I want every one to have to follow the same set of steps to give the answer. Sending a PM through the forums takes fewer steps than through my GC profile, and would allow a faster response( since so many come in so quickly, a few seconds advantage is unfair) Answers coming from any means other than from my GeoCaching.com profile will not be counted.


I just wanted to bump up this by saying that I am currently sorting through todays Pictures to pick the best (hardest) three. They will be posted soon!!




Chose only ONE picture to submit your answer for.


Submit only ONE answer.


Don't be fooled by the pictures.


Send your answer by visiting my GeoCaching.com profile and clicking the "Send Message" link.


There will be five winners for each of the three pictures.


Good Luck

Posted (edited)

OK, Here is The Final Practice Round.


Remember to follow the DIFFERENT rules for sending answers in this round.

Good Luck. Thanks for practicing with me so that when a Coin is at stake, we will all be better at the game.



1. The Palms




2. Flower Bed




3. Coffee Break



I think I'm going to have to learn to Post the pictures, then immediatly turn off the computer and go to bed, so I don't spend several hours refreshing my inbox every thirty seconds to see if there is another answer.


I may also go to a version where I post three Pictures, but Only one has a coin in it, and you will have to tell me the right photo, and the right location.


You guys ended up getting off easy with these. I didn't even use the pictures with green paper decoys placed all over.


I think I got them all ;) But I am not sure with the second pic though :ph34r:

I did receive answers for all three pictures, but everyone should be thankful that Tschakko did not submit an official entry, and has elected to let others have a chance to win. That's very generous of you!!


I think I got them all :ph34r: But I am not sure with the second pic though :)

I did receive answers for all three pictures, but everyone should be thankful that Tschakko did not submit an official entry, and has elected to let others have a chance to win. That's very generous of you!!


I am not being the generous one ;)


You are the generous one for holding this fun cointest with its practise rounds. You are making many people happy :)


What if they realize they got it wrong... are they allowed to submit a second email in hopes of still claiming one of the first five correct spots?


(Just trying to help you work out the rules here! :ph34r: )


What if they realize they got it wrong... are they allowed to submit a second email in hopes of still claiming one of the first five correct spots?


(Just trying to help you work out the rules here! :ph34r: )

I'm going to go with...No. I don't want to get into a situation where people are making multiple guesses. You get one shot. If you are wrong, or late, or don't stick to the roles, then you'll have to wait for another chance in the next round. I know it sound's harsh, but there will be more chances. This Final Practice has already seen three wrong answers, and one team who gave too many answers.


OK, if your first answer is correct, I will ignore extra wrong answers, but only for the same picture. If your first one is wrong, then you have to wait for another round. I will not be telling anyone who got right answers until all the spots are taken. Along the same lines, if you were one of the people who chose a certain picture AFTER the top spots were filled for that one, you do not get to guess for another.


I think this way will allow more people a fair chance to play. The other way was over in minutes, and this way there can still be a chance after some people have to go away and others arrive (throughout the day)


Email sent for all 3 (seperate of course)


I think this still might DQ you since he said to only answer one picture. I don't think he meant one at a time. Then again, it's not my cointest!


Email sent for all 3 (seperate of course)


I think this still might DQ you since he said to only answer one picture. I don't think he meant one at a time. Then again, it's not my cointest!


I am afraid you are right there, he made it very clear above :ph34r:


What if they realize they got it wrong... are they allowed to submit a second email in hopes of still claiming one of the first five correct spots?


(Just trying to help you work out the rules here! :ph34r: )

I'm going to go with...No. I don't want to get into a situation where people are making multiple guesses. You get one shot. If you are wrong, or late, or don't stick to the roles, then you'll have to wait for another chance in the next round. I know it sound's harsh, but there will be more chances. This Final Practice has already seen three wrong answers, and one team who gave too many answers.


OK, if your first answer is correct, I will ignore extra wrong answers, but only for the same picture. If your first one is wrong, then you have to wait for another round. I will not be telling anyone who got right answers until all the spots are taken. Along the same lines, if you were one of the people who chose a certain picture AFTER the top spots were filled for that one, you do not get to guess for another.


I think this way will allow more people a fair chance to play. The other way was over in minutes, and this way there can still be a chance after some people have to go away and others arrive (throughout the day)


Great! I guessed that was the rule... but I thought it was a good question to ask before the situation arose.


(Now I'm dying to know if I was right or not!)


Are we still in the round with the 3 pictures? I hope I didn't lose anything!

I was playing in a beachvolley turnament so I was out!


I am so tired, and...I lost in the quarter finals! :ph34r:

Me and my best friend who were playing with me, ended in the 5th place! ;)


Now I saw that the national football team of Greece lost in the Euro and we will not continue! :) (we were playing with Russia)


Well...we didn't play good in this turnament! I think the Netherlands are playing the best football right now! :)


So...as you can see 2 bad things in a row...I hope I will not see a third!!! :)


E-mail sent for picture # 2 "Flower bed"


(wouldn´t it be easier to use an e-mail where we could attach pictures ?, it´s a bit hard to explain where ;-)


E-mail sent for picture # 2 "Flower bed"


(wouldn´t it be easier to use an e-mail where we could attach pictures ?, it´s a bit hard to explain where ;-)


Save the picture and circle Roswell in photoshop or paint. Upload the photo with Roswell circled to photobucket or another image hosting site, and send the link to the photo when you submit your guess.


Email sent for all 3 (seperate of course)


I think this still might DQ you since he said to only answer one picture. I don't think he meant one at a time. Then again, it's not my cointest!


I am afraid you are right there, he made it very clear above :ph34r:


oh crap! i read Sparticus' post and did the same thing!!! You troublemaker ;)


E-mail sent for picture # 2 "Flower bed"


(wouldn´t it be easier to use an e-mail where we could attach pictures ?, it´s a bit hard to explain where ;-)


Save the picture and circle Roswell in photoshop or paint. Upload the photo with Roswell circled to photobucket or another image hosting site, and send the link to the photo when you submit your guess.


Ofcourse! Thanks ;-)


E-mail sent for picture # 2 "Flower bed"


(wouldn´t it be easier to use an e-mail where we could attach pictures ?, it´s a bit hard to explain where ;-)


Save the picture and circle Roswell in photoshop or paint. Upload the photo with Roswell circled to photobucket or another image hosting site, and send the link to the photo when you submit your guess.

You can do it this way if you like, as long as the email containing the link comes through my Geocaching.com profile. Any answers that do not come in the form of "[GEO] XXXCacher contacting WRITE SHOP ROBERT from Geocaching.com" will not be qualified. I do this to make it a consistant set of steps that each answer must follow, so that one persons set of steps is not longer or shorter than the rest. If you chose to do all the steps it takes to link a photo, you are welcome to put yourself at a disadvantage in that way. In some of these rounds all the top spots are filled in only about 2 minutes. Taking the extra few seconds to do the work on the photo may put you out of the running.


Who knows...Maybe all those steps can be done in the same time it takes to type out a description.




Many players have sent in answers for the easiest of the three pictures in the Final Practice Round. There are still spots available in the other two pictures.


I think my very restrictive rules in this Practice Round have made it very hard to get on the list. If I don't see some movement closer to the end of this Practice Round, I may have to relax the rules a little.


This is practice for me as well, so thanks for your patience, and all the feedback. If you haven't sent in an answer for this Practice Round, then read the rules and get in on the fun. Good Luck, WRITE SHOP ROBERT

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