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"fairyhoney Has won a Coin, since the number drawn was 12! Congratulations"


WOW, I AM totally honored Robert, THANKS :) ! ( I don't know where the '!2" came from - but thanks).







So, what color is the tractor that you drive - probably own?


"fairyhoney Has won a Coin, since the number drawn was 12! Congratulations"


WOW, I AM totally honored Robert, THANKS :) ! ( I don't know where the '!2" came from - but thanks).







So, what color is the tractor that you drive - probably own?

White, and I don't own it. The 12 comes from the drawing method. The first correct answer gets 10 chances (numbers 1-10) the next four get 5 chances(you were second, so your numbers are 11-15). Up to the 20th correct answer who gets one chance(the number 50)


Many of the Rounds in this Cointest have been very easy. This one I worked at quite a bit, so I will make you work at it too. It's time to see who has been paying attention to details in previous Rounds. A qualified answer will provide the name of the Sculpture in each of the following five Images(that's five different names). Good luck, and enjoy your research.

















Please follow the same method as before for submitting your answers, but list the names alongside the correct numbers. All the Best, WRITE SHOP ROBERT


You'll need to do some straight research, as well as a little creative thinking on this round.


Good answers so far. Thanks for doing all the work. I pulled these images from about 400 from the day. The lighting was bad, so some are less than ideal.


You're thanking US for doing all the work???


Seems like you're doing all the work, and we're having all the fun! :)


Good answers so far. Thanks for doing all the work. I pulled these images from about 400 from the day. The lighting was bad, so some are less than ideal.


You're thanking US for doing all the work???


Seems like you're doing all the work, and we're having all the fun! :)

Is this Round difficult enough, or do I need to make more of a challenge?


I dunno... I think they're fun.


I have to tell you... one day, shortly after you introduced the shutterspot concept, I was asked in another message board to help identify a location-- I'm not sure exactly how dire it was, but it was an emergency situation of some sort. I worked with another guy and with google maps, and we were able to pinpoint the exact location and forward it to the family member.


I was glad that you had already introduced the idea to me, or I might not have had a clue...


Anyway... I think they're fun, and a decent challenge.


Good answers so far. Thanks for doing all the work. I pulled these images from about 400 from the day. The lighting was bad, so some are less than ideal.


You're thanking US for doing all the work???


Seems like you're doing all the work, and we're having all the fun! :)

Is this Round difficult enough, or do I need to make more of a challenge?


For those who have been playing along so far the location was pretty clear and we had a bit of a head start having already done the initial research. For those who haven't, it did require a lot of research. The cointests are fun though and I think that some of them have been pretty challenging so far!


Seeing the scupltures makes me really want to visit these locations......Thanks!!


The number drawn was 23 and that means...

Congratulations to...



Here is the list of Correct answers that arrived in time for this Round.

01. PastorJon


03. Solan109

04. E&Cplus3

05. xboxcrazy33

06. Geo-Gophers

07. dimkasmir

08. TeamAmaroo


10. surteb



For those who struggled with this round, here are the answers I was looking for, which can be found by looking further into the details of a place we have already seen featured in this Cointest.

These sculptures can be found at The Living Memorial Sculpture Garden,

Just north of Weed, CA alongside US Highway 97




Many of the Rounds in this Cointest have been very easy. This one I worked at quite a bit, so I will make you work at it too. It's time to see who has been paying attention to details in previous Rounds. A qualified answer will provide the name of the Sculpture in each of the following five Images(that's five different names). Good luck, and enjoy your research.


Picture One: Name of sculpture: "The Greatest Generation”



Picture Two: Name of sculpture: "The Why? Group"



Picture Three: Name of sculpture: "POW - MIA"



Picture Four: Name of sculpture: "The Nurses"



Picture Five: Name of sculpture: "Korean War Veterans Monument"



Please follow the same method as before for submitting your answers, but list the names alongside the correct numbers. All the Best, WRITE SHOP ROBERT


You'll need to do some straight research, as well as a little creative thinking on this round.


This Round will be played "Jeopardy Style", and leaves a little more wiggle room for the creative players among us. Good luck.


For those who don't know what I mean by "Jeopardy Style" look up the Game Show


Alex, I'll take "New Hotels" for one Coin...








Our winner this time was drawn by Christy at a Coffee Shop in Willows, CA

Posted (edited)

The number drawn was 23 and that means...

Congratulations to...




Congrats to E&Cplus3 on winning the last round......and thanks again WSR for all the effort that you put in to these cointests.



Edited by Geo-Gophers
Posted (edited)

What Tv show?? I have no idea about this game...


Well...you want s to find what building is that, where it is or something similar?



I was wondering about this too......I've definitely heard of the game show "Jeopardy" but have never actually seen it on TV over here (I don't think it's been on telly in the UK....maybe wrong there though). Is it that you're given the answer......so the person has to guess what the question was.....maybe??



Edited by Geo-Gophers

Thanks WSR! I enjoyed this a lot!


Once a person has won, can they still participate?

Yes, but if you win twice IN A ROW you will need to designate another winner(could be anyone)


In a row?? B)

That's none too likely! Especially with the difficulty level you've set with the current round!


Good luck to everyone... I'm stumped!


Thanks WSR! I enjoyed this a lot!


Once a person has won, can they still participate?

Yes, but if you win twice IN A ROW you will need to designate another winner(could be anyone)


In a row?? :laughing:

That's none too likely! Especially with the difficulty level you've set with the current round!


Good luck to everyone... I'm stumped!

It's already happened once. The random draw from among 20 correct answers makes it more likely than you might think. Especially since there are not that many people playing.

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