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The number drawn for this round is...29

Which wins a Coin for...bearly_sane


The Answers I received that were "Close Enough" came from...

01. thebuddhaman

02. PastorJon

03. LadyBee4T

04. TeamAmaroo

05. bearly_sane

06. Theotokos

07. xboxcrazy33


09. smgsmg

10. surteb

11. Solan109

12. kehunt64


14. PengoFamily

15. sharom12

16. nashuan

17. SCYoli


There were a couple of answers that were a few miles off, and one who thought the city name was Norris, and was thousands of miles away. My method I used to see if the coordinates would be easy to find? I just Googled "Dorris City Hall" and about the third link was to a site that provided ones that are fairly close. I don't see the link there now, but sometimes things move aropund in a Google search. Good job guys!

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The number drawn for this round is...29

Which wins a Coin for...bearly_sane


The Answers I received that were "Close Enough" came from...

01. thebuddhaman

02. PastorJon

03. LadyBee4T

04. TeamAmaroo

05. bearly_sane

06. Theotokos

07. xboxcrazy33


09. smgsmg

10. surteb

11. Solan109

12. kehunt64


14. PengoFamily

15. sharom12

16. nashuan

17. SCYoli


There were a couple of answers that were a few miles off, and one who thought the city name was Norris, and was thousands of miles away. My method I used to see if the coordinates would be easy to find? I just Googled "Dorris City Hall" and about the third link was to a site that provided ones that are fairly close. I don't see the link there now, but sometimes things move aropund in a Google search. Good job guys!


Wow, thanks. I used the exact same method. I googled "Dorris City Hall" coordinates and got about 12 sites with them listed. Although one site showed slightly different numbers and that's the one I used.


Thanks again.

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WSR - you mentioned something awhile ago about having us send YOU a pic with a hidden geocoin. I have done that and emailed you...and let me tell you, it was harder to do than I thought it would be. You have a knack for this!


Looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve next...! :D

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WSR - you mentioned something awhile ago about having us send YOU a pic with a hidden geocoin. I have done that and emailed you...and let me tell you, it was harder to do than I thought it would be. You have a knack for this!


Looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve next...! :D

Thank you, I'll take a closer look at them wnen I have more time to spend. Later in the week? I like what I see, and It's not easy, so I'm getting a taste of my own medicine!!

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I have tried to not give too many hints or verify too many answers

but these people might want to give it another shot,

everyone else who has answered is on the list!


Geo-Gophers, DaFunkyFrogs, SCYoli.


One of you was thousands of miles off!


It was probably me who was waaaaay off but I've submitted another one and if this isnt right I will just stick to putting in coordinates and following my GPS and hoping I dont fall off a cliff. :)


No it was probably me lol....email sent for one last shot at it.


Ali :) :) :)

I can't remember who it was, but they thought the city was "Norris" I guess, since that's what the gps showed when I put in the coordinates.

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Congratulations bearly_sane :):):)


And thank you again WSR for holding these fun cointests to help get us through the Summer. I haven't been visiting the boards as often as I would like in recent weeks, but when I do, I always make an effort to look up this thread to see what the latest photo looks like and how we're doing with entries. These are a lot of fun (even if they are frustrating at times :) ) to figure out. Keep up the great work :)

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Well, I did say "Dorris City Hall" so at least I know I got that part right, but I'm thinking that my GPS skills must leave a lot to be desired LOL. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the co-ordinates here........and that doesn't just happen in these forums lol!!! :laughing:


Ali :)

Are your gps and the map sites you use set to the same map "Datum"? ( that means what version of update on the maps) if they are not set the same (and the same as the rest of us, "WGS 84") then it would be like trying to use "windows vista" with a "windows 98" guide.

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Well, I did say "Dorris City Hall" so at least I know I got that part right, but I'm thinking that my GPS skills must leave a lot to be desired LOL. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the co-ordinates here........and that doesn't just happen in these forums lol!!! :laughing:


Ali :)

Are your gps and the map sites you use set to the same map "Datum"? ( that means what version of update on the maps) if they are not set the same (and the same as the rest of us, "WGS 84") then it would be like trying to use "windows vista" with a "windows 98" guide.


Yep........set to all of the above, and always have been lol!! It's just me that has no sense of direction at times. :D


Ali :-)

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OK, this Cointest is not dead yet. I have had it on the back burner while I waited for the Special Coins to arrive, and now I have them. Let's get this thing MOVING!


There will be a change in the rules, and the 7 day rule will no longer apply. You may still submit an answer each 24 hours, but a round may end with a drawing at any time. Those who have sent in correct answers when I'm ready to post a new ShutterSpot will get in on that drawing. There will still be a limit of 20 entrants for each drawing.


In this Round, I'm looking for the City and State where I took the following pictures:









As you will see there is no Silly Character in these Pictures(like Roswell or Mr. Cool). The featured addition in these Rounds will be the randomly selected winning poems from my other Cointest. This may be a first in COINTESTS, where the Winning answers in one game are the questions in another game. These are not true ShutterSpots, since I did not stand in the same place for all the pictures, but they will work well in this format. Good Luck and enjoy the Pictures

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Looks like I'm a late arrival to this party, but I submitted and answer. I've been to this place before, though I wouldn't have recognized it from my own memory. I had a very faint idea/lead to check out though and got it right (I think) on my first try. When I was there before, I was in a bit of a rush and didn't explore too much and I've always regretted that. I hope to return some day and pick up where I left off.

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I've gotten 23 correct answers, so the first 20 will be in the drawing. Now you can all discuss the clues, the answers, and your experiences there.(What could be wrong with train horns all night?)


The clue I used was the name and address on the Train station. After a quick Google search i came up with my answer of Salt Lake City, Utah (not sure yet if it is correct). I have never been there so I have no experiences to write about :wub:

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I googled "Library, 225 East, 400 South" to confirm my suspicions. I stayed at the KOA in Salt Lake City on a whirlwind 5-week tour of the US a few years ago. Though I had been looking forward to visiting and exploring Salt Lake City, I was apparently in a Democracy where the other partner had more votes than myself :P and "we" opted to sleep and run. I never saw the areas where the photos were taken, but the force told me that it felt like SLC.


I will say though, that I was MISERABLE, listening to the trains as they passed through town ALL night long. I could hear them coming from many miles away and they sounded like they were coming for ME :yikes:


I don't know how you folks that live near them can stand it; to me they weren't just a little annoying, but would have greatly affected the quality of my life if I had to live nearby. I live near a couple of hospitals and the sound of ambulances can be heard from time to time and I learned to tune those out, but at their worste, they aren't anywhere near as loud as those trains, and I don't think they use the sirens late at night.


I hope to return to SLC some day to finish my tour of the area. I will say that I'm in love with that part of the country. I have done a couple of cross-country trips (the first time I didn't pass through SLC) and find myself missing the west. I only have about 8-10 travel bugs in the wild (I plan to release 5 more in the next couple of weeks), but all of my TBs have the same mission: to travel to the Four Corners National Monument and then back home to Nashua, so I can live through their travels vicariously - just without the trains :P

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I googled "Library, 225 East, 400 South" to confirm my suspicions. I stayed at the KOA in Salt Lake City on a whirlwind 5-week tour of the US a few years ago. Though I had been looking forward to visiting and exploring Salt Lake City, I was apparently in a Democracy where the other partner had more votes than myself :) and "we" opted to sleep and run. I never saw the areas where the photos were taken, but the force told me that it felt like SLC.


I will say though, that I was MISERABLE, listening to the trains as they passed through town ALL night long. I could hear them coming from many miles away and they sounded like they were coming for ME :)


I don't know how you folks that live near them can stand it; to me they weren't just a little annoying, but would have greatly affected the quality of my life if I had to live nearby. I live near a couple of hospitals and the sound of ambulances can be heard from time to time and I learned to tune those out, but at their worste, they aren't anywhere near as loud as those trains, and I don't think they use the sirens late at night.


I hope to return to SLC some day to finish my tour of the area. I will say that I'm in love with that part of the country. I have done a couple of cross-country trips (the first time I didn't pass through SLC) and find myself missing the west. I only have about 8-10 travel bugs in the wild (I plan to release 5 more in the next couple of weeks), but all of my TBs have the same mission: to travel to the Four Corners National Monument and then back home to Nashua, so I can live through their travels vicariously - just without the trains :)

I had the same experience on my first night in SLC when I also stayed at the KOA. I think there is a busy switching yerd very near the Campground. The Library has only been open since 2006 I think, so You may not have missed it, but if you go back, I'd definitly take a look at the Library and the Commons around it. It's a great place to spend part of the day.
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Here is the list of Correct answers that arrived in time for this Round.

01. Geo-Gophers

02. fairyhoney

03. E&Cplus3

04. PengoFamily

05. BrierPatch


07. surteb

08. TeamAmaroo

09. xboxcrazy33

10. PastorJon

11. sharom12

12. LadyBee4T

13. kehunt64

14. Frank n Beck

15. Theotokos

16. OwlCacher


18. dimkasmir

19. thebuddhaman

20. SCYoli


fairyhoney Has won a Coin, since the number drawn was 12! Congratulations

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