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can we get an update on this cointest?????? :unsure:


He has said the cointest lasts for 7 days or until he gets 20 correct answers. My guess is that he hasn't gotten 20 correct answers and today is the 7th day so maybe today he will reveal the answer. His clue is quite good I think for this one! At least it confirms what I thought--I think! LOL


I've just thought of something that can help keep the fun going, even at the times when I cannot get back in a hurry. when a Round is running, and THE END of the 7th day has passed....


(The END means after midnight AFTER the pics have been posted for exactly 7 days)


then you are all welcome to discuss the answers in public. This way, even if I cannot get to the internet promptly, then the discussion of the correct answer can still take place.


Ugh...I can't seem to find the post where a Raffle Ticket winner had received Matching Bonus Stickers (and therefore, WINNING TICKETS).


If that was you, then you'll need to post a note to the TB's page with a picture of your WINNING TICKETS



As for the rest of you...If you had more than one win in the Practice Rounds, you will be receiving Raffle Tickets for each time you won, so I would recommend not dropping any into Caches until you have gotten them all (to se if any match the Bonus Stickers, for a WIN).


Ugh...I can't seem to find the post where a Raffle Ticket winner had received Matching Bonus Stickers (and therefore, WINNING TICKETS).


If that was you, then you'll need to post a note to the TB's page with a picture of your WINNING TICKETS



As for the rest of you...If you had more than one win in the Practice Rounds, you will be receiving Raffle Tickets for each time you won, so I would recommend not dropping any into Caches until you have gotten them all (to se if any match the Bonus Stickers, for a WIN).


Hello my friend! :unsure:


I am sure I saw that there was an other winner too, but I hope you took my email too! I had 2 coupons of the same color and the same sticker! :ph34r:

I have sended you photo with a link too! I will try to post a photo in my note, but...


Oh...So there is a possibility that more stickers will come??? WOW!


Can I ask something? The 2 winning ones are not playing anymore right? (only talking about maching color & stickers etc! ) if in other coupons, I find an other one with the same sticker and color too? I will have 3 of a kind! :ph34r:


Well probably the others are not playing any more, but only in the winning numbers, right? :ph34r:


Ugh...I can't seem to find the post where a Raffle Ticket winner had received Matching Bonus Stickers (and therefore, WINNING TICKETS).


If that was you, then you'll need to post a note to the TB's page with a picture of your WINNING TICKETS



As for the rest of you...If you had more than one win in the Practice Rounds, you will be receiving Raffle Tickets for each time you won, so I would recommend not dropping any into Caches until you have gotten them all (to se if any match the Bonus Stickers, for a WIN).


Hi WSR, that would be me - I just posted a note to the TB page with a photo :blink:

Love the cointest, thanks for all the fun and the prizes :(

Posted (edited)

I got quite a lot of mail from WSR lately, today another letter arrived :D

The top right one contained a coin, the other ones 6 red,6 yellow raffletickets and 3 blue gamecards, none of them winning up till now :D


Thank you so much, I really love to get mail :blink::(:(



Edited by Tschakko

Ugh...I can't seem to find the post where a Raffle Ticket winner had received Matching Bonus Stickers (and therefore, WINNING TICKETS).


If that was you, then you'll need to post a note to the TB's page with a picture of your WINNING TICKETS



As for the rest of you...If you had more than one win in the Practice Rounds, you will be receiving Raffle Tickets for each time you won, so I would recommend not dropping any into Caches until you have gotten them all (to se if any match the Bonus Stickers, for a WIN).


Hello my friend! :D


I am sure I saw that there was an other winner too, but I hope you took my email too! I had 2 coupons of the same color and the same sticker! :D

I have sended you photo with a link too! I will try to post a photo in my note, but...


Oh...So there is a possibility that more stickers will come??? WOW!


Can I ask something? The 2 winning ones are not playing anymore right? (only talking about maching color & stickers etc! ) if in other coupons, I find an other one with the same sticker and color too? I will have 3 of a kind! :)


Well probably the others are not playing any more, but only in the winning numbers, right? :D

The two tickets with Matching Bonus Stickers cannot be used in another Bonus Sticker match, but they can still win in the other ways (Magic Number, or being drawn as a WINNER)

I'm really anxious to post my newest picture, but I need three more correct answers to end this round. I hope there are more than 17 players in this game.


OK, I hope I don't start any trouble here, but this Round will be based on another Game I play called Shutterspot. The object of that game is to determine where the photographer was standing to take a picture. You can find a link in my profile to the ones I have listed, but the challenge will be similar here.


The question is...Where in the world is Mr. Cool in this picture?


I do not need coordinates(like in true Shutterspot) and I'm not asking about his placement in the image. Your task is to take clues from the image, and then determine where in the world we were, then describe the location to me. I told you this one would be WAY easier.




you are on the NWestern slope of Mt. Shasta, 13 miles North of the city of Weed, off Hgwy 97, Siskiyou County, Northern CA :D


You gotta send him a mail via his profile on that one :D


you are on the NWestern slope of Mt. Shasta, 13 miles North of the city of Weed, off Hgwy 97, Siskiyou County, Northern CA :D


You gotta send him a mail via his profile on that one :D

Yes, please remember not to post the answers in public, as it will spoil the fun of the search for the other players. This time is no big deal since I really wanted to move on to the next round with my Cool New Picture. It will be a slightly more challenging Round that will require both research, and imaginatitve thinking.


Here's the list of players who sent a correct answer(in time)


01. Solan109

02. kehunt64

03. LadyBee4T

04. SCYoli

05. PengoFamily

06. nashuan

07. Theotokos

08. E.caballus

09. PastorJon

10. dimkasmir


12. surteb


14. Leafer54

15. Tooey

16. grodan & fiabus

17. glennk721

18. Tschakko

19. DaFunkyFrogs

20. OwlCacher


And...The number drawn is...21...so who can tell us the name of the winner?


you are on the NWestern slope of Mt. Shasta, 13 miles North of the city of Weed, off Hgwy 97, Siskiyou County, Northern CA :D


You gotta send him a mail via his profile on that one :D

Yes, please remember not to post the answers in public, as it will spoil the fun of the search for the other players. This time is no big deal since I really wanted to move on to the next round with my Cool New Picture. It will be a slightly more challenging Round that will require both research, and imaginatitve thinking.


Here's the list of players who sent a correct answer(in time)


01. Solan109

02. kehunt64

03. LadyBee4T

04. SCYoli

05. PengoFamily

06. nashuan

07. Theotokos

08. E.caballus

09. PastorJon

10. dimkasmir


12. surteb


14. Leafer54

15. Tooey

16. grodan & fiabus

17. glennk721

18. Tschakko

19. DaFunkyFrogs

20. OwlCacher


And...The number drawn is...21...so who can tell us the name of the winner?


I would hazard a guess that the winner is SCYoli

Posted (edited)


I would hazard a guess that the winner is SCYoli

Yes, that is right.


For some of you who are awaiting coins from me, I have placed a special order and will send them out after I return to check my mailbox.

Posted (edited)

In your Kitchen

I don't have a kitchen...I'm in a Truck. Besides, I couldn't afford that fancy tile.


If that was a real answer, remember to send them through email through my profile.


I think it was a funny joke though!!


In your Kitchen

I don't have a kitchen...I'm in a Truck. Besides, I couldn't affort that fancy tile.


If that was a real answer, remember to send them through email through my profile.


I think it was a funny joke though!!


I guess, then my first gess is wrong too :D


In your ...


Send an e-mail through his profile :D

Just wanted to say that the word you used IS INDEED the correct name for that room. another word for the place you described would be Foyer. I'm not saying if that was a correct answer though.


Folks, remember to use imaganitive thinking, and refer to some previous rounds to remember how the game is played.


From reading the first replies I've gotten, I think this Round will end up going the distance, and requiring a hint before it's done. Just as funny and challenging as I hoped.


Has anyone guessed correctly? Don't have to say or how many...just a yes or no please.




Please remember to abide by the rules. In recent rounds, the only change has been the 'Shutterspot' aspect, rather than looking for a coin. In this round a correct answer will have at least a City and State. I'm not looking for the name of the room I was in.




OK, I think I'm just about ready to move forward on the ACTUAL COINTEST!


Remember that to have your answers qualify, you must follow the rules.


The Game:

I will post a picture, or a series of pictures.

You are challenged to find the COIN in the image(s).

There will only be one COIN in the image(s).


The Play:

Examine the image(s).

Locate the hidden COIN.

Send in your answer.


The Rules:

All answers must come through my profile at GeoCaching.com.

You may submit one answer every 24 hours.

Do not reveal the answer in the public forum.

The winner in one Round is not qualified for the next Round(you may still play, but if you win you must select another player to receive the prize)



The first 20 correct, qualified answers will be entered in a drawing for the COIN.

The drawing is as follows:

There are 50 chances to win.

1st answer = 10 chances

2nd-5th answers = 5 chances each

6th-10th answers = 2 chances each

11th-20th answers = 1 chance each


The Details:

Remember to send your answer through my profile...Click my name over on the left, then click on "Send Message". Any answers coming through Direct email, or through PMs in the forum, or through a letter, or over the phone, personal adds, pidgeon, Etc will be ignored. I will not respond to the answers whether correct or not. Each Round will remain open until I have received twenty correct, qualified answers. If I have not received enough answers in 7 days, the drawing will be held with the answers I have received. Remember that you may only submit one answer each 24 hours, extra answers within 24 hours will be deleted(only the first one will count). I will not say what coin is in the pictures, but will tell you after the Round is over. You may either describe the location to me, or provide a link to an image showing the location. There will be multiple rounds in this Cointest, so if you do not get it right the first time, do not worry.



The Final Word:

Remember that I make the rules, and I am the final judge of any correct answers. I reserve the right to ammend the rules, but will make refference to any ammendments in a seperate note.


My Wish to You:

Good Luck, and Have Fun!!


From reading the first replies I've gotten, I think this Round will end up going the distance, and requiring a hint before it's done. Just as funny and challenging as I hoped.


Has anyone guessed correctly? Don't have to say or how many...just a yes or no please.



I have had ONE answer that is even on the right track, but still not in a format that will qualify.



I have had ONE answer that is even on the right track, but still not in a format that will qualify.


I guess I'm confused then. What type of a format are you looking for? Name of city? Actual name of place? etc

Posted (edited)

Please remember to abide by the rules. In recent rounds, the only change has been the 'Shutterspot' aspect, rather than looking for a coin. In this round a correct answer will have at least a City and State. I'm not looking for the name of the room I was in.



Ahhh I guess I have to wait 24 hours to expand on my answer.... :D even though it was pretty specific :D

Edited by LadyBee4T


I would hazard a guess that the winner is SCYoli

Yes, that is right.


For some of you who are awaiting coins from me, I have placed a special order and will send them out after I return to check my mailbox.


Yippee!!!! I won something! :D



I would hazard a guess that the winner is SCYoli

Yes, that is right.


For some of you who are awaiting coins from me, I have placed a special order and will send them out after I return to check my mailbox.


Yippee!!!! I won something! :D


Congratulations my friend!!!! :D


Email sent LOL......I think I'm way off track here though!!


Ali :unsure::D:blink::)


Haha, me too and the email is sent as well.

I have no idea if I did the correct research, but I sure do hope so.


Please remember to abide by the rules. In recent rounds, the only change has been the 'Shutterspot' aspect, rather than looking for a coin. In this round a correct answer will have at least a City and State. I'm not looking for the name of the room I was in.



Ahhh I guess I have to wait 24 hours to expand on my answer.... :) even though it was pretty specific :D

If you want to EXPAND on an answer already sent, that's fine, as long as it's not a different answer.


You guys are driving me nuts with these CRAZY answers. Look closely at the picture and see if there is a clue or feature of the image that brings anything special to mind>


When I posted this one, I thought it was pretty straight forward, and would be figured out in a jiffy. I guess not. as one player has told me, when you figure it out it will hit you like a ton of bricks. They also mentioned that I shouldn'r need a clue, since there is a very obvious clue in the picture already.


I have had only one correct answer, and one other player is on the right track, but has not given me a City and State


When I posted this one, I thought it was pretty straight forward, and would be figured out in a jiffy. I guess not. as one player has told me, when you figure it out it will hit you like a ton of bricks. They also mentioned that I shouldn'r need a clue, since there is a very obvious clue in the picture already.


I have had only one correct answer, and one other player is on the right track, but has not given me a City and State


it would be nice to know if we did or didn't get it right so we can spend more time or can sit back and not worry about it. just a thought :D


Please remember to abide by the rules. In recent rounds, the only change has been the 'Shutterspot' aspect, rather than looking for a coin. In this round a correct answer will have at least a City and State. I'm not looking for the name of the room I was in.



Ahhh I guess I have to wait 24 hours to expand on my answer.... :D even though it was pretty specific :D

The first (and only)correct answer has come from 'LadyBee4T'


Oh dear, on reading this I'm thinking that WSR probably thinks I'm nuts with my first guess LOL!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Back to the drawing board for me here.....need to have another think because I'm just not "getting" this one at all. :rolleyes:


Ali <_<


Hello my friends!


I am about to go to work (I am working in the afternoon this week)!


I just sended email too! I know I am right! :rolleyes:


Actually I found the answer before the hint, but I didn't know if my 24h had passed! Now that I saw the hint too...I am 1000% sure!


OK, here's another Round, and a bit more challenging...

Where was I when I took THIS picture of Roswell???




Just moving the photo on up to the next page to make it easy to find :rolleyes: Even if I can't 'find' where this was taken :rolleyes:

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