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The Brahean Geocoin


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@DaFunkyFrogs: Thanks for your quick reply and your notice. I really appreciated this.

@MustangJoni: Thanks for your guide, which helped me to solve my problems in reading the posts.


So I am glad to take part again in reading the posts.

I want to wich everyone a merry christmas and happy caching in 2009. :(

My Brahean Coin is in good shape and will celebrate x-mas with us and is waiting to get activated as probably the 1st. coin in 2009.


I am sure C&P and GS will solve the problems.


Hello at all,


Hmmm...have i right understanding that we now must wait for fixing this mistake?


I'm little confused about "refund", "send back" and "return".


I will waiting for the fix of these coins, because i want it to activate. Or have i missunderstanding?


Sorry for my poor english please.


Greetings, Heiko


The activation codes on the coins will become the tracking numbers. New activation codes will be emailed out to all coin holders. Sounds like a good solution. Just need to wait a couple of weeks.


The activation codes on the coins will become the tracking numbers. New activation codes will be emailed out to all coin holders. Sounds like a good solution. Just need to wait a couple of weeks.


Ohh...that works? Many Thanks for your answer.






The activation codes on the coins will become the tracking numbers. New activation codes will be emailed out to all coin holders. Sounds like a good solution. Just need to wait a couple of weeks.


Ohh...that works? Many Thanks for your answer.






It should work thanks to Groundspeak who are changing their website to allow a different type of tracking number to be used.


If any of you have an extra one you want to sell, please let me know!


I meant to order one of these, and then it slipped my poor little mind with all the weird things going on at school and trying to get 136 kids to study so they didn't fail their final exams. I guess that most people aren't returning theirs now that these are being fixed, so that long waiting list won't get down to me. I even emailed the owner, hoping he had a spare one I could buy and got a response saying to let him know what I had that I could trade. But I guess my meager trade list didn't have anything of interest to him, because I've never heard back again.


If any of you have an extra one you want to sell, please let me know!


I meant to order one of these, and then it slipped my poor little mind with all the weird things going on at school and trying to get 136 kids to study so they didn't fail their final exams. I guess that most people aren't returning theirs now that these are being fixed, so that long waiting list won't get down to me. I even emailed the owner, hoping he had a spare one I could buy and got a response saying to let him know what I had that I could trade. But I guess my meager trade list didn't have anything of interest to him, because I've never heard back again.

I don't think I ever got a reply from you when I asked to see your trading list:

Posted (edited)


I'm little confused about "refund", "send back" and "return".



Sorry, I didn't mean for my post to confuse you. I personally didn't want to wait any longer for the issue to be resolved so I inquired about a refund.


To Coins and Pins credit, they promptly acted upon receiving my returned coins and credited my PayPal account on Christmas Day. Thanks Aaron!

Edited by AtlantaGal

If any of you have an extra one you want to sell, please let me know!


I meant to order one of these, and then it slipped my poor little mind with all the weird things going on at school and trying to get 136 kids to study so they didn't fail their final exams. I guess that most people aren't returning theirs now that these are being fixed, so that long waiting list won't get down to me. I even emailed the owner, hoping he had a spare one I could buy and got a response saying to let him know what I had that I could trade. But I guess my meager trade list didn't have anything of interest to him, because I've never heard back again.

I don't think I ever got a reply from you when I asked to see your trading list:

OK then, must have been one of those cases of an email disappearing into the void (Where do they go I wonder?). I'll check to see if I still have the message or I'll make a new one tomorrow. Thanks!

Posted (edited)

Happy Holidays,


The Brahean coin number problem has now been fixed in Groundspeak's system. Groundspeak will now start working on fixing the First State Caching coins.


There are nine Brahean coins that could not be fixed. This is due to conflicts with other tracking numbers that match the activation codes already in the system. We are working on a final list of which specific coins need to be returned to us for replacement. Some of these coins are in our hands and a few other people we know of that have them. Once we hear back from them, we will send out a final list by Monday of which coins will need to be returned to us. It should not be more than six coins that are to be replaced.


After you receive the list of bad numbers from us, please check your Brahean coins. If you have any of the bad Brahean coins, please contact us with your information. There is no need to contact us before you receive the list from us. We will also post the list in this thread by Monday evening after we send out the newsletter.


CoinCodes.com should also be updated by Monday (4 January) so you can retrieve the activation codes then.


Thanks to everyone who was very patient with us as we worked through this; and thanks to Groundspeak for their hard work.


I will not be able to reply to posts in here until Monday due to a family trip.


Thank you.

Edited by CoinsAndPins

Thanks to Coins and Pins and Groundspeak for a quick fix to this problem. Great work and great communication. Thanks for all the great updates and look forward to more great coins in the future. Some other vendors could take lots of notes on how to fix a glitch in coining.

I am still unable to receive my activation code. Has anyone else gotten theirs from coincodes?


I just went on the coincodes site and entered the "tracking" numbers on my coins into their system. The Activation codes showed for all of them so, I guess, they are not among the ones that couldn't be fixed


The corrected codes have been uploaded to coincodes.com

I was out of town, skiing in Mammoth Lakes, California, when I got the word... my Antique Bronze Brahean Geocoin is already activated. :huh:

Thanks C&P, Groundspeak and Erik for working so hard right through three separate holidays (Thanksgiving right through New Years) to resolve this issue... You guys rock! :huh:

... and thank you dimkasmir, for a great design! :unsure:



The LE & AE Versions

I especially like the Antique Silver/Antique Gold/Antique Copper 3-tone LE version pictured on the left. :sad:




The Brahean geocoin tracking number flaw has now been fixed.


You can log into CoinCodes.com and retrieve the codes to activate your Brahean coins. The direct link for retrieving the Brahean codes is:

Brahean coin activation codes


Even though most coins were fixed, there are six Brahean coins that could not be fixed due to conflicts with other codes in the Geocaching.com system. If you own any of these six Brahean coins, please return them to us right away for replacements. This is the list of codes etched on the coins that need to be replaced. Please check your coins for these numbers:









The address for returning these incorrect Brahean coins to us is:


Aaron Charles Promotions

549 Woodberry Cir

Raeford, NC 28376


Please include your legible mailing information in your package for us to send you back good coins. We will reimburse your mailing costs for regular mail service. We cannot refund for extra services such as delivery confirmation, tracking, priority mail, express mail, etc. You can read our return policy at:

CoinsAndPins.com Return Policy


Thank you to everyone for your patience through this. We will continue to keep our word, as we always have in the past, to fix anything to the best of our ability that goes wrong with our products, even if it means remaking the entire batch of coins.


Here is YOUR chance to purchase a full set of the Brahean Geocoin!



I have put up a charity auction on eBay of the full 4-coin Brahean set. It includes the two REs, an AE, and an LE. Click here for the auction page. Here is the text from the description:


Brahean Geocoin Full 4 Coin Set



The Coin

The Brahean Geocoin is the first truly double-spinning geocoin. It was designed based on Cellarius's representation of Tycho Brahe's world system. The zodiac signs on the inner ring represent planets revolving around the Earth.

There was approximately a total of 550 regular editions produced in antique silver and antique bronze. There were 35 2-tone black nickel-antique bronze artist's editions and 40 3-tone antique silver-gold-copper limited editions produced. The AE and LE coins were never publicly sold, are only available from the designer, and will never be reminted.

The AE and LE coins are consecutively numbered on their edge. The coins included in this auction are #18 which is a lucky number in Judaism.

The coin is trackable at www.geocaching.com with a unique icon:



The Charity

100% of the selling price of this auction will go to the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco. I chose this as a charity because when my family and I immigrated to America, the JCCSF truly helped us out socially and financially and continues helping newcomers. I thought it would be the ideal place to give back to.


Got the ball rolling for you. :D I expect to be out bid but if not... :D



Thanks for the support, Sarah. :D Can someone tell me if this auction is showing up in searches? Whenever I search "Brahean" on eBay, this auction doesn't seem to come up. Is this the same for everyone?


Can someone tell me if this auction is showing up in searches? Whenever I search "Brahean" on eBay, this auction doesn't seem to come up. Is this the same for everyone?

I did a search using the keywords, Brahean Geocoin, and three auctions popped up, including your four coin set. :)

Moving to a new country must be very exciting but also a bit lonely and overwhelming with new and unfamiar customs... I'm glad the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco was able to help you out. My daughters took summer swimming lessens at the Center in Granada Hills. They seem like a very worthy charity... I'm currently the high bidder. :)

Posted (edited)

I got a beautiful broken Brahean in the mail today :laughing::wub: :wub:


Edited to say - with a gentle touch and when I held my mouth in the right way - I was able to fix my coin woooooohoooo!!!!


Thanks dimkasmir - a truly gorgeous coin :laughing:

Edited by Cheesy pigs

I got a beautiful broken Brahean in the mail today :laughing::wub: :wub:


Edited to say - with a gentle touch and when I held my mouth in the right way - I was able to fix my coin woooooohoooo!!!!


Thanks dimkasmir - a truly gorgeous coin :laughing:

I'm very glad that you were able to fix it.


On a side note, the eBay auction is ending in just under 3 hours. Click here to accesss the listing.


I got a beautiful broken Brahean in the mail today :D;):(


Edited to say - with a gentle touch and when I held my mouth in the right way - I was able to fix my coin woooooohoooo!!!!


Thanks dimkasmir - a truly gorgeous coin :D


Was the pin actually broken or just fell out? How exactly did you fix it?


Anyone else have a pin problem? I just heard of another one and am somewhat concerned.




I got a beautiful broken Brahean in the mail today :D;):(


Edited to say - with a gentle touch and when I held my mouth in the right way - I was able to fix my coin woooooohoooo!!!!


Thanks dimkasmir - a truly gorgeous coin :D


Was the pin actually broken or just fell out? How exactly did you fix it?


Anyone else have a pin problem? I just heard of another one and am somewhat concerned.




Might be me you're talking about...received coin today (neat coin,) and sorry to say the pin that is not spring loaded is broken...anymore available?


Posted (edited)

Well we did order this coin in Bronze and it was just gorgeous, we wanted to share with the world so we have sent it off on its journey today, can't wait to see where it travels and who will get to enjoy this beautiful coin.


Luc was a little sad to see it go but we did not buy it to collect but to send it out


Thanks for the great coin

Edited by lucetmonique
Posted (edited)

For some time now I had been thinking of creating a new Brahean edition and the perfect idea has come at last.


Introducing the Brahean Planet Editions - Mars and Neptune.


As the name suggests, the idea for these editions came from planets: red with polished gold outer ring and sphere, antique bronze middle ring being Mars; blue with polished nickel outer ring and sphere, antique silver middle ring - Neptune. There is a very limited number of these editions minted - 25 each of each.

I will be putting them up on eBay one by one and will probably post here every time I do so. I hope everyone enjoys them!



Brahean Mars



Brahean Neptune

Edited by dimkasmir

For some time now I had been thinking of creating a new Brahean edition and the perfect idea has come at last.


Introducing the Brahean Planet Editions - Mars and Neptune.


As the name suggests, the idea for these editions came from planets: red being Mars, and blue - Neptune. There is a very limited number of these editions minted - 25 each of each.

I will be putting them up on eBay one by one and will probably post here every time I do so. I hope everyone enjoys them!



Brahean Mars



Brahean Neptune

Gorgeous editions Dmitri. I'm sure they will sell well.

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