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OS Maps and GPS for Geocaching and walking

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Several times over the past few months I've been out in the countrside doing some Geocaching or walking with the kids and wished I had a GPS with OS maps on it that had sufficient detail to show all the paths etc.


Can anyone recommend a new GPS with OS maps on it to use for the casual walker/rambler/geocacher?






Several times over the past few months I've been out in the countrside doing some Geocaching or walking with the kids and wished I had a GPS with OS maps on it that had sufficient detail to show all the paths etc.


Can anyone recommend a new GPS with OS maps on it to use for the casual walker/rambler/geocacher?

By OS, do you mean Operating System? oculus sinister (left eye) ?? Old School? Old Style?


If it's Open Source you refer to, the answer is "maybe." If you mean "free" (free of charge), then yes, there are some free maps available. Here is one free map project, it's US highways & streets - not sure how many hiking/walking paths it shows. The same author, Ibycus, has free Topo maps of Canada. And IndyJPR is working on free topo maps of the U.S. Just search for their posts and you'll come across them quickly.


OS = Ordnance Survey: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/


I think these are the most detailed maps of the UK with markings of walking trails etc.

www.openstreetmap.org It started in the UK because of the Ordnance Survey's restrictive copyright, and there's a big focus on comprehensive coverage. You can get the data onto your Garmin GPS using a program called mkgmap. There are projects in the works (I'm working on one) to create routable GPS maps from OpenStreetMap data.

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