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Titanic Geocoins -


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Entered my 2 coin codes and they worked - here is how I gave them their mission and their description.


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Mission *

To explore the Geoworld - It also has a second mission - to seek out all the missing Titanic coins from my friends on the Groundspeak forums.



I love the Titanic and White star line and this geocoin was perfect for me.


This is also for all the people that got taken to the cleaners by Geocoin design.


Here is the latest update being sent out. While I bite my tongue :) there are obvious contradictions if you read some prior info in this thread........


Hi Everyone!


Sorry I have been slacking off by updates, but I have been working my a** off for the past month and a half -


Just to let you know.. Titanic tracking numbers have been ordered but I have yet to receive them from Groundspeak - However, the coins shall be coming to you shortly (very shortly). My payment information has been transmitted to the mint. For those of you still supporting me, I really appreciate it. Not long ago, someone contacted me privately with an offer to purchase my coins and ultimately my customer list for the purpose of advertising and gaining their own customer list - I kindly said thank you, but I will do this on my own.


This communication (with attachments, if any) is covered by the U.S.C. Sec. 2510-252, is confidential, and intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this communication in error, notify us immediately, return the document(s), and destroy all copies of the original message.


Lady Lucks will follow Titanics and I know it's been a long time coming, but as I have said once before, I am a man of my word and will get these coins to you PRIOR to producing any others. Having said that - I have 4 designs ready to go behind these, so I have not simply disappeared off the face of the earth. Once faith in my company name is restored, you will be seeing some beautiful stuff coming from me. Whether or not you choose to purchase from me again is entirely up to you.


Preorders are a thing of the past with me - so if you see it in my webstore - I have it IN HAND.


I have been in contact with Paula, and she and I are being amicable, but the process is still slow with her.


Thats's where I am at the moment - I hope you all are well. Christmas is just another day I survive, but I am surviving.


Warmest Regards to you all ~

Posted (edited)

Isn't it interesting that Brentford threatened to file a lawsuit against Jim and Brentford now has his coins but the coins haven't even been made yet?

Edited by LadeBear68
Posted (edited)

Isn't it interesting that Brentford threatened to file a lawsuit against Jim and Brentford now has his coins but the coins haven't even been made yet?

He received coins from the original minting that were in CB's private inventory. You know the one that he is selling off to pay for the coins that were already paid for. It's also the same one that Paula gave away and her "mother" is selling for her daughter since she no lonmger is interested in them.


I am amazed he is still using that bogus tagling trying to stop people from informing others as to what is going on. For someone who has the motivation of a nat in winter about informing people, he should be rewarding us for doing his work.


Gotta love the fact that he has 4 coins lined up in waiting to sell here in the future. How ballsey to even mention it to people who have been waiiting forever for coins. "Hey I don't have your coins done, or have even paid for them yet, but I have some really cool ones coming that I would like you to buy." Gimmie a break. This is clearly a person who has no concept of reality and just doesn't get it. He truly thinks it is no big deal and will blow over and he will be back in buisness in no time.

Edited by pghlooking

You aren't missing anything. Jim sent an email out to a select group of people in the middle of October stating this. I believe the deal was something like 90 days same as cash.


I would assume he wouldn't take delivery of the codes until he could pay for the coins. Why start the clock before you needed to? Based on this, that would be why he doesn't have the codes yet.


A shame his latest email notice, to the select few, tries to make it appear the hold up is now Groundspeak's fault for not getting the codes to him.

Just to let you know.. Titanic tracking numbers have been ordered but I have yet to receive them from Groundspeak - However, the coins shall be coming to you shortly (very shortly). My payment information has been transmitted to the mint.
Once again it is someone else's fault other than his.

If the thread has died, does this mean the coins were sent out as promised?

No. It simply means there is no new information to pass along. Once Jim decides to put out another one of the ultra secret report you to the federal government for passing this information along newsletters out, we will once again post it here for the masses to see. Until then we just sit by and wait for this "vendor" to keep promising coins but not delivering.


But hey there is always a brighter future to look forward to. He has mentioned he has a couple new coins in the works. Now if that doesn't give you a tingly feeling then I don't know what will! ;)


I will be happy to buy his coins provided he ships them to me first and then I will pay the invoice 90 days same as cash. Thats the only way I could see doing business with that company.


Im trying to find a current email addresss for him if anyone can help me out......he isnt replying via the shop contact.


I will be happy to buy his coins provided he ships them to me first and then I will pay the invoice 90 days same as cash. Thats the only way I could see doing business with that company.


Im trying to find a current email addresss for him if anyone can help me out......he isnt replying via the shop contact.

I would guess a current email address could be found pretty easily, if you know where to look. Here's a quote to help you find it. "This auction is to benefit the restructuring of GeocoinDesign.com to produce great geocoins, so bid high and bid often!"


Here's the link for their eBay account that is auctioning the coins to benefit their company. GeocoinDesigns Maybe you will have some luck through that account.


If you can't get ahold of Jim now, why would anyone want to buy more coins in the future? Hey Jim...Your silence is saying more about you every day.


This just received this evening-

Dear Randy,

Geocoin Design

Order Number: XXXX

Detailed Invoice

Date Ordered: Saturday 21 June, 2008

Your order has been updated to the following status:

New status: Shipped

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.


Well it looks like I have a package of Titanic geocoins on the way. WoooHoooo!!!!


I received 2 emails today informing me that both of my orders have shipped!!! :unsure: I'm cautiously optimistic and hope that this means that Jim is indeed trying to do the right thing!!


Now if the OTHER company would follow suit!


Dear fellow coiners -


I have received Titanics and as you can see from the previous 2 posts, have begun shipping them. For those who have combined orders of Titanic/Lady Lucks - those orders will come when I receive the Lady Lucks at the end of the month.


Maybe someone in this thread will actually deliver one of my packages out from their mail sack :unsure:


Here's a photo of the 2 new finishes if anyone is interested:








Here's the link for their eBay account that is auctioning the coins to benefit their company. GeocoinDesigns Maybe you will have some luck through that account.


If you can't get ahold of Jim now, why would anyone want to buy more coins in the future? Hey Jim...Your silence is saying more about you every day.


Thanks very much......sent a message and got a reply.......just need to wait and see if he comes up with the goods.

Posted (edited)

Dear fellow coiners -


I have received Titanics and as you can see from the previous 2 posts, have begun shipping them. For those who have combined orders of Titanic/Lady Lucks - those orders will come when I receive the Lady Lucks at the end of the month.


Maybe someone in this thread will actually deliver one of my packages out from their mail sack :yikes:


Here's a photo of the 2 new finishes if anyone is interested:








Looks good, but I'm still hoping to get the coin I ordered waaaay back when. Any idea how long the *entire* shipping process will take? Just a ballpark, say January X to January Y??! I haven't received any email about a shipment.

Edited by JJG10101

Is it just me or is it pretty brazen to come here after almost 3 months of not a single word, except in the ultra top secret newsletter, and basically announce a new edition of a coin that took forever and then some to start getting out to people? Wouldn't you be better served, or at least the community be better served which is who you should be focussing on, to finish ALL your past transactions BEFORE you even hint about anything future?


Either you don't realize or simply don't care how alot of people here feel about the way you are conducting buisness. At least that is the perception based on your failure to come in here since last October with a single shred of anything.


Maybe someone in this thread will actually deliver one of my packages out from their mail sack :(

? What ? :yikes:


I believe he is referring to the chosen profession of one of his most outspoken critics and the possibility of said critic being obligated to deliver one of his packages to a customer. :( (phew)


Or not!


Maybe someone in this thread will actually deliver one of my packages out from their mail sack :(

? What ? :yikes:


I believe he is referring to the chosen profession of one of his most outspoken critics and the possibility of said critic being obligated to deliver one of his packages to a customer. :( (phew)


Or not!


I believe you are right and suggest to all parties to let that comment go without further attention or back-and-forth.


Since PGHLOOKING has NO IDEA what he's talking about referring to the pictured coins in post #273, let me enlighten everyone. The Satin Gold and Antique Copper coins pictured were the 2 coins presold along with the 4 other regular editions back in June.


While I have no interest in HIS opinions WHATSOEVER, I find it necessary to correct him -


The second wave of Titanics shipped this afternoon. The remaining 19 Titanic orders will ship tomorrow.


As I stated in post #273, those who have combined their Titanic orders with Lady Luck coins will receive them with the Lady Lucks.




I stand corrected about the finishes. Your post made it appear as if you had 2 new finishes, and for a company jknown for putting out umpteen different finishes, it is perfectly understandable to read your post that way. Add that with your newsletter of having all these new coins ready, and your post reads that way to anyone who doesn't follow your line of coins as intensely as you might think.


It surely doesn't change anything about your lack ofresponse to the community here. Now that it is well known you are seeing these posts, and have had many people contact you with requests to post here, what do you have to say about not taking a single moment to respond to the vast amount of questions and speculation for almost 3 months. Are you going to once again leave without a word to people who gave you their money in faith only to find someone who moved out of state and refuses to account for anything to them until you feel you are ready? You already have a question here by JJG10101 and you have left it unanswered.


You do know if you were being such a stand up guy behind his word like you are telling people you are, not a single person would be questioning you. Instead you are getting mad at people for calling you out for the things you are doing, but yet refuse to change them. Everyone here has told you clearly what is expected of you, updates and communication, not to mention coins, but you either don't care what they have to say, or feel you are in charge and don't have to answer to them. So what's the deal? You going to answer some people here or run away again till you have the coins in hand and not answer anyone until then?


I know what my responsibilites are and customers who purchased these coins from me will be kept informed privately, not on this forum. As for “umpteen” finishes of coins, that has not been something Geocoin Design has done in the past (although, there have been a few AEs in multiple finishes, but you could count those on one hand).


As for the newsletter, it was sent to customers who legitimately purchased coins. I realize folks love to share information. The shame of it all is that this has done nothing to help anyone. I made a statement that these coins were going out PRIOR to producing others and that is exactly what will and IS happening! :blink:


FYI – the process to complete my promise to make good and deliver these coins did not progress as fast as I, or my customers would have liked ~ BUT ~ it is indeed progressing. This is exactly what I promised. The last round of Titanic Only orders has shipped. The anger and spite in this thread is not good for this community or anyone.


Personal opinions about folks do not belong here. The personal opinions and demands are one of the reasons I have stayed away and not posted here – but tried to communicate with my customers in other legitimate ways. It has taken some time, but, in the end my customers will see and are seeing that, I kept my word!


I thank everyone who has been understanding and supportive ~ and there are more than a few. I also thank those folks, who although impatient, seem to be willing to see…if I will follow through. The answers are coming…and in the end everyone will see.


And to those who have not understood, may you never have to endure a hardship of any kind……but I have learned this quote is quite true: "Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal." ~Jerome Fleishman


Show your spouses how much you love them (don't just tell them) and may all your marriages last a lifetime!





I know what my responsibilites are and customers who purchased these coins from me will be kept informed privately, not on this forum. As for “umpteen” finishes of coins, that has not been something Geocoin Design has done in the past (although, there have been a few AEs in multiple finishes, but you could count those on one hand).


As for the newsletter, it was sent to customers who legitimately purchased coins. I realize folks love to share information. The shame of it all is that this has done nothing to help anyone. I made a statement that these coins were going out PRIOR to producing others and that is exactly what will and IS happening! :blink:


FYI – the process to complete my promise to make good and deliver these coins did not progress as fast as I, or my customers would have liked ~ BUT ~ it is indeed progressing. This is exactly what I promised. The last round of Titanic Only orders has shipped. The anger and spite in this thread is not good for this community or anyone.


Personal opinions about folks do not belong here. The personal opinions and demands are one of the reasons I have stayed away and not posted here – but tried to communicate with my customers in other legitimate ways. It has taken some time, but, in the end my customers will see and are seeing that, I kept my word!


I thank everyone who has been understanding and supportive ~ and there are more than a few. I also thank those folks, who although impatient, seem to be willing to see…if I will follow through. The answers are coming…and in the end everyone will see.


And to those who have not understood, may you never have to endure a hardship of any kind……but I have learned this quote is quite true: "Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal." ~Jerome Fleishman


Show your spouses how much you love them (don't just tell them) and may all your marriages last a lifetime!





Jim this is a bit disingenuous. You can go through hard times without taking other peoples money for your own purposes.


In 2007, I also had a small company that minted coins. We minted our coins on a pre-sale basis. What a lot of people didn't realize is that I had lost my job during that time. I minted 4 coins and sold them on a pre-sale basis. I had very little income coming in, and $5000 in my paypal account! I was deciding to do without the cable, how I was going to keep the roof over my head, where I could get a good deal on groceries, etc., but never once did I consider using other peoples money to pay my bills.


You say sharing this information doesn't help anybody. Hopefully it has let people know your character. When times get tough, you are fine with taking other people's money for your own purposes.


This thread was started by your company. You wanted to sell here. Are you really surprised when you didn't deliver on your promise (your original promise, not the subsequent one) that people got upset? Some of these people spent hundreds of dollars with you. You claim to be a business, but when times get tough, you are some poor guy who is going through a tough time. Sorry, but that doesn't fly. I've gone through tough times, and didn't use it as an excuse to do what you've done.


Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back for FINALLY making good on these coins. This never would have happened if you were an actual "man of your word".


I've tried to stay out of this thread because I didn't buy any of these coins, but these posts really burn me up.


As for the newsletter, it was sent to customers who legitimately purchased coins. I realize folks love to share information. The shame of it all is that this has done nothing to help anyone.

It's the LACK of information and the ACTIONS that have done nothing to help anyone, not the sharing of what little communications there are.


The anger and spite in this thread is not good for this community or anyone.

The anger and spite didn't come from nowhere. It's the ACTIONS that caused the anger and spite that are not good for this community. Let's keep our eye on the ball here and not try to deflect attention.


Personal opinions about folks do not belong here. The personal opinions and demands are one of the reasons I have stayed away and not posted here – but tried to communicate with my customers in other legitimate ways. It has taken some time, but, in the end my customers will see and are seeing that, I kept my word!


There may be some opinions, but they are based on actions and fact, not just whipped up for the sake of it.


I for one will be glad when this is over and this thread sinks like said ship.


I've tried to stay out of this thread because I didn't buy any of these coins, but these posts really burn me up.


As for the newsletter, it was sent to customers who legitimately purchased coins. I realize folks love to share information. The shame of it all is that this has done nothing to help anyone.

It's the LACK of information and the ACTIONS that have done nothing to help anyone, not the sharing of what little communications there are.


The anger and spite in this thread is not good for this community or anyone.

The anger and spite didn't come from nowhere. It's the ACTIONS that caused the anger and spite that are not good for this community. Let's keep our eye on the ball here and not try to deflect attention.


Personal opinions about folks do not belong here. The personal opinions and demands are one of the reasons I have stayed away and not posted here – but tried to communicate with my customers in other legitimate ways. It has taken some time, but, in the end my customers will see and are seeing that, I kept my word!


There may be some opinions, but they are based on actions and fact, not just whipped up for the sake of it.


I for one will be glad when this is over and this thread sinks like said ship.


Well said, my friend!!


The good news now for Jim is that it won't take him much effort to keep in contact with his remaining customers. He obviously doesn't find any value in our opinions and likewise, I find no value in any of his products.

Hope you had a good swim Ole Boy.


Horray - I am glad you are all getting your coins - I have not mentioned anything but 1 of mine was wrong and not what I rodfered - I ordered 2 different kinds and yet the ones I got were the same. But I do not care now - I shall not do business with him again as the quote goes " One bitten, twice shy"




Pleased to see that the coins are now coming through. Looking forward to getting mine, although I will have to wait a wee bit longer, living over the pond, and having to wait for the 'Lady Luck' series.


It is such a shame that we were not kept in the picture as to what was happening, I understand we all have problems, and things go bad, but an update of the status of production would have been nice. Anyway looking forward to mid February, when mine should arrive.


Good Luck with getting the Lady Luck coins out


I know what my responsibilites are and customers who purchased these coins from me will be kept informed privately, not on this forum.

So basically the forums are good enough to advertise your coins. It is a great place to get the word out on your coins. It works well to drum up excitement of a new coin. It serves the purpose of getting the link to your company's sales page. but it is not worth your time or energy to use as a place to update the people who flow from here to your sale's page? Sounds like maybe you have been getting a free ride too long. If you feel you have no obligations to the forums you use for your own personal gain, then maybe you should do your sales strictly from your own website where people will not be upset when they aren't getting updates on the "third party site" like here.


As for the newsletter, it was sent to customers who legitimately purchased coins. I realize folks love to share information. The shame of it all is that this has done nothing to help anyone. I made a statement that these coins were going out PRIOR to producing others and that is exactly what will and IS happening! :laughing:

Are there people out there buying coins illegitamately? A whole new thing to me.


You are missing the point. It's not about people loving to share the information, it is about people love to know the information. Can you blame them? They invested money and can't get a single word from you. You should be thanking people for stepping up to the plate and doing the things you were paid to do, but acted like it was too beneath you to actually do.


As for patting yourself on the back for actually getting the coins out, should we be impressed with you doing what you were paid for many many months ago? I wouldn't be pounding my chest about and shouting about how great you have done. You have lost more future customers than you have any idea based on your sales program.


FYI – the process to complete my promise to make good and deliver these coins did not progress as fast as I, or my customers would have liked ~ BUT ~ it is indeed progressing. This is exactly what I promised. The last round of Titanic Only orders has shipped. The anger and spite in this thread is not good for this community or anyone.


The anger in this thread is coming from people who have felt ripped off for months. I give them alot of credit for being so patient. Sadly your lack of integirty and respect here will probably hurt others in the future. Any time there is a delay in a coin minting, people will sit and wonder if they are dealing with another GeoCoin Design situation. You have made a name for yourself, but I seriously doubt in the way you would want.


Personal opinions about folks do not belong here. The personal opinions and demands are one of the reasons I have stayed away and not posted here – but tried to communicate with my customers in other legitimate ways. It has taken some time, but, in the end my customers will see and are seeing that, I kept my word!

You need to put your personal feelings aside if you want to be a buisness. You can't have it both ways. Again with the back patting. :laughing:


I thank everyone who has been understanding and supportive ~ and there are more than a few. I also thank those folks, who although impatient, seem to be willing to see…if I will follow through. The answers are coming…and in the end everyone will see.


And to those who have not understood, may you never have to endure a hardship of any kind……but I have learned this quote is quite true: "Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal." ~Jerome Fleishman


Show your spouses how much you love them (don't just tell them) and may all your marriages last a lifetime!

Not that I saw it solicited here by anyone before you offered it, but forgive me if I choose to seek my marital advice elsewhere.


This is really getting to be pathetic.

The stone has passed, the coins are being delivered and hopefully everyone will get theirs (I got mine friday-thank you!) I am not defending the seller becasue I am one of the folks that he has supposedly been in communication with, but wasn't. But the horse is dead folks. Right now, it is up to each individual buyer if the wish to purchase from this man/company again...not the decision of a few burned individuals who have taken it upson themselves to speak for everyone. We know you're pissed, you have said so several times. Take up taebo or get a lawyer, but get over it. And I am serious, by all means, if you don't get your coins-get a lawyer. But it is time to but this to rest.

This is really getting to be pathetic.

The stone has passed, the coins are being delivered and hopefully everyone will get theirs (I got mine friday-thank you!) I am not defending the seller becasue I am one of the folks that he has supposedly been in communication with, but wasn't. But the horse is dead folks. Right now, it is up to each individual buyer if the wish to purchase from this man/company again...not the decision of a few burned individuals who have taken it upson themselves to speak for everyone. We know you're pissed, you have said so several times. Take up taebo or get a lawyer, but get over it. And I am serious, by all means, if you don't get your coins-get a lawyer. But it is time to but this to rest.


Amen!! I thought it was just me but, enough is enough already! The entire situation has degraded to a personal vendetta.

This is really getting to be pathetic.

The stone has passed, the coins are being delivered and hopefully everyone will get theirs (I got mine friday-thank you!) I am not defending the seller becasue I am one of the folks that he has supposedly been in communication with, but wasn't. But the horse is dead folks. Right now, it is up to each individual buyer if the wish to purchase from this man/company again...not the decision of a few burned individuals who have taken it upson themselves to speak for everyone. We know you're pissed, you have said so several times. Take up taebo or get a lawyer, but get over it. And I am serious, by all means, if you don't get your coins-get a lawyer. But it is time to but this to rest.


Amen!! I thought it was just me but, enough is enough already! The entire situation has degraded to a personal vendetta.


Thank you! Lots of not very attractive behavior, from both sides.


I think it's time we let this thread remain focused on just a few things:


1) The shipment of the coins

2) The receiving of the coins

3) And actions being taken to collect, etc.


While we are not in the business of stifling free speech I do think that everything that CAN be said, HAS been said.


I'm going to respectfully ask the OP and ALL posters to refrain from any more back-and-forth about ethics, what should be done, etc.


The majority of the people coming into this thread now are looking for updates so let's keep this thread focused solely on that - updates.


If you have personal disagreements, please take it offline and to direct communication.


Both sides of this issue have had ample time to say their peace. Let's wrap this up now and stay focused on getting people their coins.


We received our Titanic coins in the mail today in Australia. I must say they really look fantastic.

Thank you to Jim for keeping his word and getting the coins to us.


I received mine in Germany today. I had to be very patient, but in the end, it worked out more or less exactly, as Jim promised months ago. Thanks!




Had an email saying the Lady Luck coins are just about ready, and they should be posted next week, looking forward to seeing them after so long, - The old saying 'Good thing come to those who wait' must be suitable for these occassions; On another note, so glad I bought them last summer, not now with the way the dollar has gone against the pound....


Well Done Jim, so pleased that you have kept to your word. I know these times must have been tough, and you have had more important things on your mind than producing coins.


Best Wishes

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