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Mapsource City Navigator NT vs Navigator 2008 on CSx

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Hoping someone can answer this as I've spent hours trying to figure it out.


Which Garmin software has newer maps and can be used for routing on map60 CSx


Mapsource City Navigator NT or Mapsource City Navigator 2008


Is there any sign the 2009 DVD will be available?

We have the older TOPO maps, but should have bought the city version I think.


Thanks for any advice


Well they are both the same data the NT just uses different compression.The 2009 version maps are out on NT and should be out non NT soon.The NT has the advantage of larger maps segments and can fit the whole Us on a 1gb card.The non NT has more map tiles and takes up more room to store the same area.I would recommend the non NT for the 60.I had the normal maps on then put the NT on but after using one trip caching went back to the regular maps.The response time of my gps when redrawing or panning was much slower with the NT maps and I can still have 3/4 of the US loaded on a 1GB sd.

Which Garmin software has newer maps and can be used for routing on map60 CSx


Mapsource City Navigator NT or Mapsource City Navigator 2008


Is there any sign the 2009 DVD will be available?

NT should have a year attached to its name also. That is the only indication of newer maps. The only difference between the NT version and non-NT version is that NT is compressed and will fit in less space on the memory card. Either can be used on the 60/76C(S)x series.


Many here say that the compression of NT slows down the screen redraws, compared to non-NT. That may be, but I have the NT version and the redraws seem adequately quick to me.


No one knows when the 2009 full-install version will be available. You might be interested in this thread regarding the free update from a recently purchased copy of 2008 NT to 2009.


Thank you both for your responses. I followed your thread (roybassist) and found it very helpful in terms of getting the free upgrade to 2009.


What I've been looking at is the NT version 8. I forgot to include the version in my initial post.


If I look at Garmin's site they do not post a version or year with MapSource City Navigator North America NT Part Number: 010-10816-00

Also they don't show City Navigator 2008 as an option for this gps. Perhaps they do not have it in stock or it is only available now on a preloaded card.


So my follow-up questions is, is NT version 8 also known as 2008? Is this the right UPC: 753759061135


I'd like these to be the last maps we buy for a long while :rolleyes:


Thanks again for the info


So my follow-up questions is, is NT version 8 also known as 2008? Is this the right UPC: 753759061135


City Navigator NT North America v8 and City Navigator 2008 NT are not the same part number. v8 came out a year before 2008 did. Garmin made it confusing by having 8's in both software names; v8 had nothing to do with the year 2008 it was just the 8th version and came out in 2007.


There are "NT" and Non-NT versions of City Navigator North America v8, 2008, and 2009. The "NT" only designates which type of compression the maps use, not what map data is used. City Navigator North America 2009 NT and City Navigator North America 2009 both use the same map data, but the NT version stores it differently so as to use up less storage space. Newer GPS's can use the NT maps, older ones can't.


The Garmin GPSMAP 60Csx and 76Csx can use the NT or the Non-NT version of the maps. You can't switch between the two though; once you buy Mapsource NT or Non-NT you can't buy an update to move to the other one. All your updates must be in the same family (NT or Non-NT).


Here's a link to the FAQ that tells the differences between the NT and Non-NT versions of City Navigator.

Posted (edited)

So my follow-up questions is, is NT version 8 also known as 2008? Is this the right UPC: 753759061135


City Navigator NT North America v8 and City Navigator 2008 NT are not the same part number. v8 came out a year before 2008 did. Garmin made it confusing by having 8's in both software names; v8 had nothing to do with the year 2008 it was just the 8th version and came out in 2007.


City Navigator North America NT v8 and City Navigator North America NT 2008 ARE the same part number - 010-10816-00. This makes it very difficult to buy the version you want. You must turn the package over and look to the left of the UPC code on the back. You will see either v8 or 2008. The part number 010-10816-00 is still listed on Garmin's web site for "City Navigator NT" so I'm guessing City Navigator North America NT 2009 is still the same part number.


Oh ya, City Navigator North America NT v8 was released 2006, City Navigator North America NT 2008 in 2007 and City Navigator North America NT 2009 in 2008. It's done like new cars, released the year before. Now consider that the map data is probably about a year old when the new maps are released. That means version 8 map data is probably actually 3 or more years old.


2 months ago I would have said buy the v8 because you can unlock it to 2 GPS units then get a free update to version 2009 on the first unit that was unlocked to the version 8. The update policy at Garmin seems to be evolving and kind of uncertain at the moment. I just received a free update last week but there are others claiming that Garmin is denying them free updates. I guess it's try it at you own risk?

Edited by Cacheoholic

Great info, thanks for the links. I am surprised I didn't come up with some of this when I searched the forum.


You must turn the package over and look to the left of the UPC code on the back. You will see either v8 or 2008.

I can't really look the package over if purchasing online. I want to be an educated comsumer and buy the correct and latest product. With all this confusion, it makes me wonder if I want to spend any more money with garmin.


Thanks for the help


Just wanted to leave an update on my experience, since I did end up buying the software for Hat for father's day. Thanks to the input here, I got the right version. City Navigator NT 2008. I also signed up for the myGarmin account at Garmin.com hoping to get the 2009 update easily.


We had problems registering the new software at myGarmin since it was not a choice on the dropdown menu. While installing the software, it appeared everything registered fine and they got our life story. Anyway I called there yesterday to try and get a replacement part and the "tech" said she could register the software manually since the website was having issues. They couple it with your registered GPS. Today at myGarmin there was an update available for the 2009 maps.


So thanks for the input and I hope this may help someone else.


We've used 2009 for a while now. Don't like it. It is a program with zero options. OK 1 option, send maps. Can't say for sure, but I think the update is all about POIs. I'd rather not have every bank and backyard business on my gps. Garmin has terrible software, it is so primitive. Thanks for listening

Posted (edited)

I don’t get it? The City Navigator North America NT2009 is just map data. The program that uses this data is MapSource. MapSource will send and receive maps, waypoints, tracks and route to and from the Garmin GPS. Exactly what is it you want to do?

Edited by Cacheoholic

I'd like to be able to add maps. By that I mean add to the existing maps on my gps. If you send maps to the gps, it deletes any existing maps. Primitive. Also I'd like to send POIs of certain types, not every POI included. Everything takes longer on the gps with the new data added.

Posted (edited)

I'd like to be able to add maps. By that I mean add to the existing maps on my gps. If you send maps to the gps, it deletes any existing maps. Primitive.

That's how Garmin's GPS receivers have worked since the Stone Age, so primitive is probably the right description! That's just how it is.


Also I'd like to send POIs of certain types, not every POI included.

Could you do this with different map data files? Hate to say, I've never loaded a custom POI on my 60CSx. But this is how I handle different sets of waypoints. I use the map to to select those points in a given area and save them in a different file.


edit - here's a thread about working with POI files


Everything takes longer on the gps with the new data added.

I noticed that going from MetroGuide with an autorouting hack called metrowizzz, to City Nav NT, too. Recalcs seem to take a lot longer.

Edited by JSWilson64

I'd like to be able to add maps. By that I mean add to the existing maps on my gps. If you send maps to the gps, it deletes any existing maps. Primitive.

That's how Garmin's GPS receivers have worked since the Stone Age, so primitive is probably the right description! That's just how it is.


I have to double check this, but I seem to recall reading that the new Colorado GPSr units do allow multiple map files on the unit. IIRC, the limit is something like 3 files on the unit itself, and one on the SD card. I may be wrong here, but that's what I seem to remember reading...

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