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Blanford Flies

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Well, suppose it had to be me as every single thing on this planet seems to want to bite me :)


While doing a spot of gardening, well there is more to life than caching isn't there? :):D


I was bitten by an "insect".


Whole left arm is was "blown" up very pink, from wrist to elbow, painful and VERY, VERY itchy. Went to quacks (doctors) and yep, I've been bitten. Sent to A&E and they confirmed, YOU HAVE BEEN BITTEN, by wait for it, a Blandford Fly!!! :D


What the F**! is a Blandford Fly, as I've never heard of one. :)


All of you cachers around Blandford, Dorest will be ROTFL but in Bedfordshire!!!! The females are evil little cows and fly/hide low down in undergrowth waiting for a nice big human blood supply to arrive, ME!!!!!!


Google, Blandford Fly, I was very surprised!!!


What do we do as cachers, rummage around in low growing bushes etc, and these evil liitle things might be waiting for us. Lived in the countryside all my life true "old boy" as we say in Beds but I have never heard of these evil little things.


Well as long as they don't get internet access and work out where the caches are I assume we are safe!!!!


Cheers and be careful out there or get me in the area first as I'm bound to get bitten first!!!





All of you cachers around Blandford, Dorest will be ROTFL but in Bedfordshire!!!!


Ooooh arrrrr Nick, not something else gotcha?!


You really do have my sympathy, these little blighters can cause really nasty and painful inflammations ... that's why North Dorset Council spend almost ten grand a year treating the larvae so the lil blighters can't get us humans!


Hope you're feeling better soon!


<breathes sigh of relief, thank goodness it wasn't a dog that gotcha this time> *smile* :)

Posted (edited)

No, no, no! nick you have got it wrong! I told you that your NEXT animal on cacher mission was to get your arm broken by a mute swan! being chewed by venomous insects was further down the list! So what is it with you and the animal kingdom? :D


A mate of mine got bitten by the Blandford Fly a few years back and it was horrible, so you do have my sincere and profound sympathy. Nasty little blighters. A bottle of DEET for that man!


The Blandford Fly - EW!!!




nasty pic

Edited by Alibags

No, no, no! nick you have got it wrong! I told you that your NEXT animal on cacher mission was to get your arm broken by a mute swan! being chewed by venomous insects was further down the list! So what is it with you and the animal kingdom? :)


A mate of mine got bitten by the Blandford Fly a few years back and it was horrible, so you do have my sincere and profound sympathy. Nasty little blighters. A bottle of DEET for that man!


The Blandford Fly - EW!!!




nasty pic


Well Ali' seems that every creature on this planet likes "clanger" blood as I think I have now been bitten by every single "biting" creature in the UK!!! :D


Thought the "swan breaks man's arm" story was an urban myth, but is one myth I don't want to bust myself. :D


As you know I work outside 90% of the time so prime target to get bitten and stung so todate I've been stung by more bees/wasps than I can remember, (one incident involved a stick in a wasp nest, spent two weeks in hospital over that, well I was only 10 :) ), couple of hornets (they really are painful), bitten by horseflies loads of times, Blandford Fly once, midges, a horse, three dogs, my cats of course, a grey squirrel, a goat, couple of seagulls, even a few humans and of course the famous "I'm the man that got bit on the arse by an adder" maybe it's time to get an office job!!! :D:)


PS:- I use the "jungle" strength DEET, still get bitten though!!! :D






Flies love eating me too, so you are not alone. I swear they check every year the dates I go on holiday then starve themselves leading up to my arrival (usually Canada) The Mossies just pile in on landing then the ones you need to watch out for (which isn't hard) is the Black Flies I swear these thing need to be in communication with Air traffic control for landing permission. One almost knocked me over then sucked the life out of me.

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