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Geocoin problem


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Earlier today, I wented out geocaching for a bit and the target I was after is called An (underground) River Runs Through it. Now I placed this on my watchlist and downloaded it to my GPS way back, possibly as far back November of 2007. Back then it was a free membership type geocache. But when the owner moved away and someone else adapted it, it became a members geocache and I can't access it. Yet I still wanted to find it, and I did earlier today. What I picked up there was (at the time I thought) a geocoin. Yet when I got home and tried typing what I think is the tracking number, it wouldn't work. Now, all I am asking is that someone go to the cache's website and tell me if their were any geocoins in it anytime during this date. Please help a fellow geocacher out.



Yes I will agree to that, and I would of done the year deal if I had a credit card, which I don't. All I am asking is for someone to take a look and see if there were any trackables in the cache at the day I found it.

Posted (edited)

The $3/month is worth it. :blink:


I don't think you should have taken anything from a members only cache in the first place, they are usually nicer items and it was probably an unactivated coin meant for a premium member gift.

Edited by XopherN71

Before I became a Premier Member, I found a Member only cache because a member gave me the coords at the CITO event. I was able to still log the geocoins I took, just not log a visit to the cache.


If it was a geocoin you picked it up, you should still be able to log it. If not, then maybe you picked up an unactivated coin which was meant to be traded for.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the links, and on one side it has a star, with a swirling line in the middle, with a smily face, Olathe, KS, and i think LAM739 around the star. The back side is a chinese dragon.



<disregard my erroneous edit, I fixed it back, I thought that was a tracking number>

Edited by Eartha
Posted (edited)

The right thing would have been to become a premium member or not take anything at all :blink:


Put the coin back, it wasn't meant for you to take.

Edited by XopherN71
Thanks for the links, and on one side it has a star, with a swirling line in the middle, with a smily face, Olathe, KS, and i think LAM739 around the star. The back side is a chinese dragon.

There is a cacher from Olatha KS called Larry739. Could be his sig item. It this coin made of metal?




The $3/month is worth it. :blink:


I don't think you should have taken anything from a members only cache in the first place, they are usually nicer items and it was probably an unactivated coin meant for a premium member gift.


If it was an unactivated geocoin, then GC.com will tell them so, and ask if they wish to activate it. So I don't think it is this.

Thanks for the links, and on one side it has a star, with a swirling line in the middle, with a smily face, Olathe, KS, and i think LAM739 around the star. The back side is a chinese dragon.

There is a cacher from Olatha KS called Larry739. Could be his sig item. It this coin made of metal?



No, its wood, the star and dragon look like they are burned in, while everything else looks like its in pen

Thanks for the links, and on one side it has a star, with a swirling line in the middle, with a smily face, Olathe, KS, and i think LAM739 around the star. The back side is a chinese dragon.

There is a cacher from Olatha KS called Larry739. Could be his sig item. It this coin made of metal?



No, its wood, the star and dragon look like they are burned in, while everything else looks like its in pen


Welcome to Geocaching :blink:

It sounds like what you have there is a "wooden nickle"




The right thing would have been to become a premium member or not take anything at all :blink:


Put the coin back, it wasn't meant for you to take.



Oh, behave and please be nice :ph34r:

Posted (edited)
Oh, behave and please be nice tongue.gif




Nah, I meant it... nice or not :ph34r: Luckily it was a sig item (or so it seams).


Nice detective work there, well done... definitely looks like what he described.

Edited by XopherN71
Posted (edited)

Enjoy it Moonstar 27, and welcome to the forum sceen, Most sig items you can keep. Some make more than one Sig item. USA 45

Edited by USA 45
Enjoy it Moonstar 27, and welcome to the forum sceen, Most sig items you can keep. Some make more than one Sig item. USA 45

Yep, keep it and enjoy it. :ph34r: Sig items (and geocoins) are wonderfully collectable. :blink:




Okay the geocoin mystry has been solved. It truely is a sig item, the code that I though read Lam793 is really Larry 739, and thats the makers screen name. Sorry for causing such a stir about possibly intrupting a trading items.

Posted (edited)

The one coin was left by Larry739 and its the PS KC sunshine coin he said nothing about leaving a wooden nickle.


May be you should email him and find out if he left both

Edited by USA 45

The one coin was left by Larry739 and its the PS KC sunshine coin he said nothing about leaving a wooden nickle.

Aww your right, and when I went back to when he placed it in the cache, its the exact same date as when the last person signed the log book.


Okay the geocoin mystry has been solved. It truely is a sig item, the code that I though read Lam793 is really Larry 739, and thats the makers screen name. Sorry for causing such a stir about possibly intrupting a trading items.



"Now you know And knowing is half the battle"


Seriously, we are glad you decided to join us. Please keep coming back. I think you'll enjoy posting and making "friends" here. Sure, there are "prudes" but you learn :blink:

Mine have a tracking number on them, I'd hope they get passed along as intended and not kept.

Activated traveling geocoins (and wooden nickels) should not be kept & collected. Non trackable and/or non activated geocoins (and wooden nickels) are fair game to whomever is lucky enough to find them. :blink: I have left MANY unactivated and non trackable coins in caches & I EXPECT a cacher to keep & treasure them. I would be disappointed if they did not.




I should also say that this was the only thing that could of been a geocoin. The other two maybe lost as I didn't see them in there (or I would of took one of them instead).


All I said was:

Not all geocoins are collectible...


Correcting this comment:

Sig items (and geocoins) are wonderfully collectable.


I really dislike the idea that someone would knowingly go to a premium member only cache and take a coin meant for another premium member... the sig item, not so much.


I really dislike the idea that someone would knowingly go to a premium member only cache and take a coin meant for another premium member... the sig item, not so much.


Oh, for Pete's sake, it's a geocache, they had the coords that they got legitimately, and they tried to do the right thing...


As far as someone going to a premium member cache and taking only "special items," excuse the heck out of me for not being able at this time to pay the measly 3 bucks a month for premium membership, but I truly cannot afford it at this time and I didn't realize that made ME worth SO MUCH less and less deserving than YOU.


Talk about an elitist attitude.... I'd say bigoted or prejudiced, but they seem to be more geared towards race, so elitist it is.


Do me a favor and stay away from this non-premium member, but STILL nicely stocked because I'm proud of my caches and want others to enjoy them, caches!


All I said was:

Not all geocoins are collectible...


Correcting this comment:

Sig items (and geocoins) are wonderfully collectable.


I really dislike the idea that someone would knowingly go to a premium member only cache and take a coin meant for another premium member... the sig item, not so much.


What attitude....aren't caches out to be found?? Aren't coins and sig items out to be found or moved?


You do realize you're speaking for someone else's coin/trackable...right? Can you speak for the owner? No? Then why try? Were you somehow hurt by them finding a sig item...did they "steal" the item from you? How about the cache?? Was the cache yours?? No? Why all the boo-hooing then? Why the rude and unfriendly comments over someone finding a cache legitimately? From the read, I'd have to think you felt someone cheated you out of something. They had the coords before the cache became an MO, they found the cache, they (hopefully) traded for an item...no murder, no robbery...what's the reason for the "wounded cacher" attitude?


I love the comment "I wasn't downing on you...principle". Really? All those snide remarks weren't "downing" someone?? And what's the principle?? I'm able to afford and you can't so stay out of our "country club" cache? Sounds like some people are awfully full of themselves! Gives some of us an insight to the true YOU! (you being general here...general being to anyone this comment "fits")


IMHO, MO caches aren't any different than any other cache. If TPTB felt they were, they'd close the "backdoor" logging possibility. The ONLY use I can think of for an MO cache is...well, I can't think of any! That's just MHO though...and for a different topic!


The $3/month is worth it. :blink:


I don't think you should have taken anything from a members only cache in the first place, they are usually nicer items and it was probably an unactivated coin meant for a premium member gift.

(XopherN71 @ May 10 2008, 07:06 AM) *


I really dislike the idea that someone would knowingly go to a premium member only cache and take a coin meant for another premium member... the sig item, not so much.

The right thing would have been to become a premium member or not take anything at all wink.gif


Put the coin back, it wasn't meant for you to take.

Nah, I meant it... nice or not smile.gif Luckily it was a sig item (or so it seams).


Nice detective work there, well done... definitely looks like what he described.


All I said was:


Not all geocoins are collectible...



Correcting this comment:


Sig items (and geocoins) are wonderfully collectable.


I really dislike the idea that someone would knowingly go to a premium member only cache and take a coin meant for another premium member... the sig item, not so much.


This cacher got the coordinates legitimately. There is no need to derail the thread with a members only vs non members only cache discussion. There are plenty of threads about that elsewhere.

Posted (edited)

I have several members only caches. They are puzzles and I like to see who is working on them. I've had several "non-members" find them. This doesn't bother me in the least. I have good swag in them. This is meant for anyone who finds the cache, not just members. I do hope they trade fairly for the items in my caches.


Geocaching.com is free. Some of the perks cost extra. Not everyone needs the extras. I know several couples where one is a premium member and one is not.

Edited by MustangJoni

The right thing would have been to become a premium member or not take anything at all :ph34r:


Put the coin back, it wasn't meant for you to take.


I am a premium member. I place coins in my member only caches and in my regular caches. I don't worry about who takes the coins, non-member or member. The coins are meant for people to enjoy.


I would like to know where it is written in Groundspeak's rules that Premium Member caches are only for other premium members to find. How did you come to the conclusion that PM caches have nicer swag in them? I stock all my caches the same way.


To the original poster, enjoy the "coin" you found. You did nothing wrong IMHO. If you email me your address I shall send you a coin as a gift to get your collection started. :blink:



Posted (edited)

The right thing would have been to become a premium member or not take anything at all :ph34r:


Put the coin back, it wasn't meant for you to take.


I am a premium member. I place coins in my member only caches and in my regular caches. I don't worry about who takes the coins, non-member or member. The coins are meant for people to enjoy.


I would like to know where it is written in Groundspeak's rules that Premium Member caches are only for other premium members to find. How did you come to the conclusion that PM caches have nicer swag in them? I stock all my caches the same way.


To the original poster, enjoy the "coin" you found. You did nothing wrong IMHO. If you email me your address I shall send you a coin as a gift to get your collection started. :blink:



As far as MO caches I have found one ,I don't really look for them any more. Usually I have a non member with me and I can't see why they can't log it since they helped find it. But they didn't, and I have been to better swag and coin caches then that one. So I don't think , even from just the one I found that they are nicer. I was told the reason people make MO chaces where to keep the traffic down in the area where it is hid. And that some people don't like nonmembers in their caches. These are just some of the answers I got when I asked people who have MO caches. To each his own.

I see Jodi feels same way I do about this. You should have email on l my gift to you. Enjoy. USA 45

Edited by USA 45
Posted (edited)

It's painfully obvious to me now that I totally misunderstood the following:

Member Only Caches

Some caches are only available to Premium Members. This has been a request of many geocachers who want to put more energy into designing a cache for dedicated geocachers. As the cache owner, you can make any of your caches "subscriber only" so folks will need a subscription to seek it out. (Note: Member Only caches may not be any better than public geocaches. Each cache is managed by its cache owner.)"

My only crime here is misinterpreting the above statement, in my eyes I was right in defending it - nothing more, nothing less.




You're right though, they did find it legitimately and I'm sure a non-member finding a members only cache is a rare occurrence.


To Moonstar27, my apologies and I'll PM you one as well.


To everyone else that took my comments WAY out of context... You were far harsher on me than I've EVER been to ANYONE on this forum. If anyone should be reprimanded or called out in this thread it sure as heck isn't me, I did no name calling whatsoever, nor did I imply that I was better than anyone. I became a premium member for the benefits it entails, and one of those benefits 'I thought' were members only caches, if you all feel so strongly against them then fine - I for one was told it helped keep out some of the riff-raff cachers, and in this area I've had 2 caches gone missing and 2 log books taken in less than 2 weeks, so you're darned right I'd love to use a method that was harder to obtain at this point. Especially for a cache I had planned that was going to be a movie or book swap cache. A regular member would not be able to read it's description or log it and therefore could completely deplete the contents and the cache would be done. Using the above scenario, who's to say that the new cache owner didn't change the scope of the cache since November? That is ALL I'm trying to say. How would they have known if the cache had perhaps turned into a coin exchange for example... take a coin/leave a coin.


So far I've been called a prude, and elitest (whatever that means, apparently a bigot) and full of myself - glad to see that is acceptable... talk about having an attitude. Keep slinging the names and accusations out if it makes you feel better.

Edited by XopherN71

It's painfully obvious to me now that I totally misunderstood the following:


Not calling you out. It's just that if you re-read the original post, you'll see that this cache did not start out as a PM cache. Originally it was a regular cache, and this finder already had the coordinates. I wanted to point out to you how many times it went off topic, changing the discussion. The OP just wanted to know what to do about the coin/nickle they picked up. It wasn't a thread to discuss the Members Only caches vs. Regular caches. That's been hashed out many times in the General Geocaching Topics Forums. So, if this thread turned into that kind of thread, I'd have to move it over to there.

Posted (edited)

It's painfully obvious to me now that I totally misunderstood the following:

Member Only Caches

Some caches are only available to Premium Members. This has been a request of many geocachers who want to put more energy into designing a cache for dedicated geocachers. As the cache owner, you can make any of your caches "subscriber only" so folks will need a subscription to seek it out. (Note: Member Only caches may not be any better than public geocaches. Each cache is managed by its cache owner.)"

My only crime here is misinterpreting the above statement, in my eyes I was right in defending it - nothing more, nothing less.




You're right though, they did find it legitimately and I'm sure a non-member finding a members only cache is a rare occurrence.


To Moonstar27, my apologies and I'll PM you one as well.


To everyone else that took my comments WAY out of context... You were far harsher on me than I've EVER been to ANYONE on this forum. If anyone should be reprimanded or called out in this thread is sure as heck isn't me, I did no name calling whatsoever, nor did I imply that I was better than anyone. SNIP


So far I've been called a prude, and elitest (whatever that means, apparently a bigot) and full of myself - glad to see that is acceptable... talk about having an attitude.

Hi XopherN71,

I did not name call, I did not insult.


"I would like to know where it is written in Groundspeak's rules that Premium Member caches are only for other premium members to find. How did you come to the conclusion that PM caches have nicer swag in them? I stock all my caches the same way."


I asked questions and then made a statement about how I stock my caches. I am sorry that you have had bad experiences with your caches, be they PM caches or regular caches. I think all caches can come up missing at anytime. Muggles don't care if the cache is PM or regular. They just find something and take it.


Please email me your address and I shall send you a new coin too. :blink:

Edited by Team FIREBOY
Posted (edited)

Eartha, I can appreciate that however my point which I failed to make was this...


A regular member would not be able to read it's description or log it and therefore wouldn't know if the new cache owner changed the scope of the cache since November. It could have very well turned into a coin exchange cache , That is ALL I'm trying to say.


I did not mean for it to go this far out of whack in both topic and context... it just took me until this morning to word it correctly.



Team FIREBOY, thank you for the offer... very generous of you, and for what it's worth my recent comment was not directed at your response, you simply stated how you do things.

Edited by XopherN71

Wow .... what a ruckus!!


To the original poster.... contact the cache owner to let you log your find since you had grabbed the coords before the cache went PM. It only requires that its status be changed for a bit while you log in your find.


As for grabbing geocoins.... there is an ambiguous standard here. If it's activated you don't have to trade fairly for but if it's not activated you do. How do you find out in the field? You don't unless you can access the website from where you stand. So the rule of thumb is .... trade fairly for it if looks brand new and if it has tags describing it's mission you can just take it. Also MUST HAVE "track(able) on Geocaching.com".


Have fun and happy trails.


Eartha, I can appreciate that however my point which I failed to make was this...


A regular member would not be able to read it's description or log it and therefore wouldn't know if the new cache owner changed the scope of the cache since November. It could have very well turned into a coin exchange cache , That is ALL I'm trying to say.


I did not mean for it to go this far out of whack in both topic and context... it just took me until this morning to word it correctly.



Team FIREBOY, thank you for the offer... very generous of you, and for what it's worth my recent comment was not directed at your response, you simply stated how you do things.


Well, you see, when you move geocoins, or travel bugs, you do not need to trade for the item. They are not trade items, they are game pieces. So, the goal of the coin would supersede the cache requirements. So, it's kind of a moot point. He could have still moved the geocoin, regardless.

Posted (edited)

This isn't a ruckus, it's a calm discussion.

At least I see it as calm. No one is really ranting here. Just trying to figure out what was found, and what to do about it. And that's been solved.

Edited by Eartha

Larry739 is a friend of mine. He would be delighted that you have his nickel. In fact he would probably have given you one and a Kansas micro coin if you ran into him on the street.


Also you can log the Premium Member only cache as a Member (both paying and non-paying folks are members). Look through the forum threads and you will see how it is done.

Posted (edited)

Hello All!


We are that owner of the cache mentioned in this post. There was nothing wrong with Moonstar27 going for this cache. We were forced to make this cache a members only cache after the container was blatantly muggled. The container and all the contents were stolen. The muggle only left the logbook in its ziplock bag. They left a disturbing message in the logbook "Muggled - Got Ya!" The person who did this obviously knows this game we play and the lingo that goes along with it. We replaced the container and changed the status of the cache to paying members only so we could watch who was visiting the cache page and description on the Geocaching.com website. (This feature is not available if the cache is published for everyone.) All the trackable items listed on the website are now missing because of this unfortunate situation. They were stolen along with the ammo box. How do we remove them from the cache description?


Thanks, mountainfolk406

Edited by mountainfolk406

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