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The Wishing Coin...'Tis a mystery for sure...


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Oh my... Oh wow...


What to say!


Today I had just a hard day at work. I had been yelled at, cursed at, hung up on, insulted, and the list goes on, by the time I got off at 6 tonight I was ready to just go home and climb under the covers!


I get home, the sky is blue, the kids are in the back seat of the car playing, horses in the meadow across the way grazing peacefully, and it's not so bad, I guess. Then I check the mailbox and there is an envelope from "The Wishing Coin," with a beautiful koi return label and a couple of awesome stamps addressed to me... I don't recognize it at all, no postmark, no real return address.... and no customs slip, so no clue!


I perk up a little bit, take my tired hiney in the house, let the kids play outside a little while so I can open this in peace and I find THE most beautiful coin inside, an oval coin, with 2 koi goldfish on one side, and a water lilly on the other with the following saying:


We throw our pennies in

We give our wishes to the wind

May all your dreams come true

May all good fortune come to you.


And THE nicest letter from The Wishing Coin.


I about lost it right then and there. My day had been so rough and so rotten, I was so tired, the past couple of weeks have been so damned hard, and then I opened this and it all went away!


Whoever you are, you are a miracle sent from heaven to a very, very tired, stressed woman who really needed a lift in her day.... thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Naomi :D


PS... will post pics in a while, I just need to wind down a bit still!


Oh my... Oh wow...


What to say!


Today I had just a hard day at work. I had been yelled at, cursed at, hung up on, insulted, and the list goes on, by the time I got off at 6 tonight I was ready to just go home and climb under the covers!


Yikes! What do you do? Sounds like when I was a court clerk for traffic court. :D


I perk up a little bit, take my tired hiney in the house, let the kids play outside a little while so I can open this in peace and I find THE most beautiful coin inside, an oval coin, with 2 koi goldfish on one side, and a water lilly on the other with the following saying:


We throw our pennies in

We give our wishes to the wind

May all your dreams come true

May all good fortune come to you.


And THE nicest letter from The Wishing Coin.


I about lost it right then and there. My day had been so rough and so rotten, I was so tired, the past couple of weeks have been so damned hard, and then I opened this and it all went away!


Whoever you are, you are a miracle sent from heaven to a very, very tired, stressed woman who really needed a lift in her day.... thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Naomi :D


PS... will post pics in a while, I just need to wind down a bit still!


Wow - I'm very happy for you. What a lovely thing for someone to do.


Coiners are some of the nicest people on Earth. :D


What a great group of folks here!


Congrats on the coin and sorry to hear that life is managing to get the better of you. Hope it gets better soon!


Oh... and what sort of coin fiend would I be if I didn't mention that I was really looking forward to the pictures :D


Oh my... Oh wow...


What to say!


Today I had just a hard day at work. I had been yelled at, cursed at, hung up on, insulted, and the list goes on, by the time I got off at 6 tonight I was ready to just go home and climb under the covers!


Yikes! What do you do? Sounds like when I was a court clerk for traffic court. :D


In bound customer service for a large cable tv company here in Sweden :D Normally I love doing it, but today just was NOT my day! I was starting to think they had the telephone machine on that said something like "if you wish to yell, scream, curse, insult or otherwise berate someone, please press 1 to speak to Naomi" today :D


Wow - I'm very happy for you. What a lovely thing for someone to do.


Coiners are some of the nicest people on Earth. :D


You are SO very right!


Oh, WOW, Naomi. to one of the best :D ! I simply Love it when one of ours receive something So special that perk up our day. Sometimes, mostly always, our salty matter rolls out of our eyes - Just think, somehow, someone picked up on your vibes and graciously honored you with an unexpected beauty. ( And think about it, YOU are the chosen first one) .


Anyways, congratulations, Naomi, on getting this (must be beautiful) and special coin. You deserve it, my friend :D .

Posted (edited)

oohhhh I am so happy that you got such a special coin Naomi!!! You so deserve something special to brighten your day!!!! yay to the sender with the generous heart!!!! That was so sweet :D and just the perfect coin for you...'sis'...cuz you're pretty sweet too :D


ps - I just got to see the picture and it is a really beautiful coin :D congrats again my friend!!!

Edited by LoriDarlin

Gorgeous coin Naomi and it sounds like it arrived on a perfect day for you. Sometimes that "customer is always right" motto sucks!!

Hope tomorrow is much better.


That is so awesome, Naomi. You sounded terrible in your PM yesterday I'm glad SOMETHING happened to liven you up again. What a gorgeous coin.... I'm totally jealous, but I realise I don't deserve it as much as you. Congrats.


Oh, WOW, Naomi. to one of the best :o ! I simply Love it when one of ours receive something So special that perk up our day. Sometimes, mostly always, our salty matter rolls out of our eyes - Just think, somehow, someone picked up on your vibes and graciously honored you with an unexpected beauty. ( And think about it, YOU are the chosen first one) .


Anyways, congratulations, Naomi, on getting this (must be beautiful) and special coin. You deserve it, my friend ;) .


Oh, yes, as I thought . . . This coin IS Beautiful And we all know that it is a special one - Just like the recepitant :huh:


Just when you're feeling sad and low, Just look at this beauty and your face shall glow . . .


Way to go, way to go!


Naomi...congratulations on getting such a nice coin. After reading the posts and seeing the picture of the coin, I had to run out to the lobby of the Embassy Suites hotel to look at some real Koi swimming through the lobby. It is truly a beautifully done coin.


Congrats again,




Wow! That is one beautiful coin....it made me smile also, must have just made you jump and down with joy!


Hope you feel better and work goes better this next week!!


Sounds like it was right on schedule too! ;) Very Nice, this coin sure did serve its purpose...Its truly amazing how such a surprize can turn your day 180*


Congrats...Guess yesterday was just a bad day, cause I was that way when I got home too! 2 busses were broke, got the wrong parts, had a emergency flat repair, then had to travel 50 miles just to ORDER a hose! It all started first thing in the morn. and to top it all off I had to meet the internet guys at home...But- I NOW HAVE INTERNET!!!!!! :huh: I come home to check the forums instaed of eat lunch, Uh Oh- Forum Fever again!!! :o


Congrats again- Glad it brightened your day!


Wooooow!!!!!!!! Very sweet coin indeed, and looks like you received it when you needed a lift the most. Congrats, and hope things get better for you soon. It seems that mystery coiners know when to send a pick me up when needed, ya gotta love em!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congratulations Naomi ;)


I have got to show this coin to one of my best caching friends, her geonick is koikeeper! She would love this design. Wonder if I could convince the 'Wisher' to leave one in one of her caches...


Congrats to you!!!! What a day for a wishingcoin, right on time i think.


You are so worth it. And what a beautiful coin...... it makes me wish ;)

I wish.......the customs let go off my chocolate soon.




cool... a sweet one for a sweet one.

there's a really gorgeous butterfly "rainforest" here with a waterfall and several of these beautiful fish. It's kinda custom for anyone walking over the little bridge to throw in a few coins. Several times I've seen the Koi pop their heads up almost like they're saying "thanks" ... the museum curators collect the coins periodically to pay admission for underprivileged kids to come visit the "rainforest". It is SO cool.


so... congrats Naomi... no one is more deserving of having their day brightened by such a wonderful gift.


Here's thanking the gracious gifter for making someone's day :o;):huh:


Hey Naomi, Sorry to hear your day isnt been going right for you. Seems like no matter how much we try hard doing our job and think you are doing it right, it just all falls in our laps.Things have been pretty down here as well. Lost a dear lady that I helped take care of. She passed away last Sunday and the Funeral was yesterday. So I have been pretty much stuck in the mud as well. Job hasnt worked out so well and on the prowl for another job. Hope things start picking up for me as well. Seems like who ever the coin mystery person is just knew you needed a picker upper. Glad it changed your whole day a total 360 and took your sadness away. I keep telling myself, keep your head up, if you can make it thru today and how things are at their worste you can make it thru anything. Tomarrow will be better.


You deserve it Naomi.



Valarie of sweetlife


Hi Naomi - WOW - what a way to end the day!!!!!!! Sorry to hear that you had a @&$ppy day. But happy to hear you have received such a very beautiful coin. Well deserved my friend, well deserved. *hugs*




Yes, please let me know if this is a mystery coin, and I will edit the title.


If not, it belongs in the "What Was In Your Mailbox Today" thread.


Thank you.





well since I know Naomi is now sleeping on her side of the world I am going to step and say yes it is!! She doesn't know who sent it to her so its a mystery lol and viewing the card that comes with the coin (see above pictures) it says its to do with geocaching and also has little coins floating around in the koi's pond....so i'd call it a mystery and a pretty one!!


My day has been brightened by a "wishing coin" How on earth did the mystery coin find me? I think the coin world has little angel who whispers into ears of people telling them just the right time to mail a smile.


Mine is coin number 201. Since Naomi posted pictures I will not add.


I just want to thank the wishing coin person. Made me smile!!!!!!!



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