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Help! I can't log on to the site.


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Tried to log in to GC.com, and couldn't get in. Tried via the wap.gc.com, and got this error:


The transaction log for database 'GEO' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases


Hope this helps some...

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Tried to log in to GC.com, and couldn't get in. Tried via the wap.gc.com, and got this error:


The transaction log for database 'GEO' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases


Hope this helps some...


I just got the same message trying to get on Waymarking.com.

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Merged the two topics. We are aware of the problem and it is being worked on at the moment. Hang in there.

NO! Must... Have... New... Caches...


:D :Dp


Keep at it! You will suddenly notice that your work is greatly appreciated! :D

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Thank goodness it's not just me. I used a different computer to log finds yesterday and google maps was behaving strangely... When I couldn't sign on today, I thought maybe I'd bolluxed my account somehow :D

Guess I'll just have to be patient. :D:D:D

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I saw that this was posted in the 10 AM hour... It's nearly 4 PM now... and I'm not able to log in.


Can't download any information to the GPS and we need to leave now to get someone home (and then hit the caches on the way back.)


(Edited because clearly I'm in a different time zone since my stamp says this was posted just before noon)

Edited by singlemomnova
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Also wap.geocahing.com has problems this time.


Error message:

The transaction log for database 'GEO' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
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Thanks, all you people at the trouble end of this thing. We know you'll get it fixed eventually. At least in the northeast it's not the grandest day to be outdoors. Feel bad for whoever said it's gorgeous where they are, but then again, it's gorgeous where they are, isn't it? :-)

'Look forward to logging in when I can. In the meantime, I guess there's laundry...

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I just tried logging in too. I'm in New Mexico. It is 2:03 PM Mountain Time. Just set out two new caches today. Wanted to register them and get them on the local new caches list.


Tried logging in from two different computers at first thinking the problem was on my end. Just comes back error...can't find page I am requesting. Same with the google earth map. When I click on a cache it just comes up with a bunch of gobbly gook. Is this a first for the Geocaching website? To be down like this?

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This is disappointing...we have a beautiful day, which I finally have off to spend w/ the kids.


We can't even get coords for the non-premium member caches! In the grand scheme of things is it really necesary to require a log in for those?? :D

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Thanks for solving the problem! We have a beautiful day, which I finally have off to spend w/ the kids.


We couldn't even get coords for the non-premium member caches. In the grand scheme of things is it really necesary to require a log in for those?? :D

Edited by diveryan
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