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Surprise Coins - Share Your Story

Dr. Whoever

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So my dream coin? Hmm....aside from the tsun earth turtle which I have no hopes of ever getting I'd have to say the new Astro solar eclipse coin. I keep waiting to hear about the sale and am starting to believe that there won't be one. B)


You and I both missed the sale as far as I know. B)



Yes, I released over 700 coins into the wild this year. I'll reach my goal of 1000 released as i still have two trips to Canada coming, one trip to Wyoming and at least two others planned to drop coins.


wow! and i am afraid to release one! probably because i have had such bad luck with travel bugs in general. congrats on your zombie coin!


like someone else asked, what is your heart's desire now?


i have a brand new story to share!


today has been the pits. doctor is keeping me off work for at least 8 more weeks. that can be looked at in two ways 1- yea, i don't have to go to that awful place and 2, oh no, in two weeks they are going to fire me.


so...in the mail today came a gift of coins from the moops, to help me get my collection started. how wonderfully kind that is and the generous nature of the sender brings tears to my eyes, tears of happy!




I'll be visiting Groundspeak Headquarters in June this year and doing the Project A.P.E. Cache "Tunnel of Light" also. I plan on dropping a few more at both places when I arrive.


The Project A.P.E. cache is tops! Tunnel is supposed to be just re-opening and hoping to get up there asap with my son this time.


If one's not already in the works, I have no doubt that folks here would love to throw you a Meet 'n' Greet, if you wanted of course :-)


There are several geocoins I dream of someday receiving, including Moun10bike versions 1 and 2, ScoutingWV, and some of the mystery coins, G.C.Bug, esq., Mickey Diver, and Pot of Gold. I have been very fortunate to be able to trade with Jon for his Moun10bike version 3, with Jeremy for a Lackey, with various members of the Starkville Mafia for their brick coins, and to have found a few G.C.F. coins in caches or other hiding spots. To those still looking for T.G.C.F., just keep believing, you never know when and where she will show up. Same goes for all the other mystery coins. I hope all of you are able to get the coins you dream about, and better yet, I hope to meet as many of you as possible on the trails or at an event in the next few years.


I haven't been collecting long enough to have any elusive coins! There are so many that I want -- even limiting myself to collecting regional coins! Actually, that 'limit' isn't holding very well :)


I guess the ones I am seeking the most right now are the ACGA coins in gold and silver (8 coins in total) and the Canadian Forces Geocacher #3. I'd like to get the ACGA coins because I'm a member of the association and have lived in Atlantic Canada for most of my life. I'd like to get the CF coin because my father was in the Navy and even I spent a short stint in the military in my youth. I'd like the #3 coin because several of the names on it are local to me -- I even know a few to say 'hi' to!


Congrats on your surprise, CastleMan! The big question is, what would your next ultimate surprise coin be?


That's it. The Zombie Tribe was the one. There are no others that I want to get. Now's the time to start dropping more. By the way for those who cache in the Seattle and Vancouver areas, the Cheyenne Wyoming area and the Thunder Bay, Ontario area watch your caches because there will be some unactivated drops in those areas too when I come your way. Actually along interstate 80 from California to Des Moine Iowa there will be drops this September. Along interstate 5 from Sacramento California all the way to Seattle Washington there will also be drops in June. Watch those caches.


oh now I wasn't watching my mailbox either the wooden one or the electronic one but since this thread I have had my longed for coin show up - not once but twice! The generous cachers will remain anonymous while i sort out if being twice blessed is appropriate.


Goodluck with your 700 wild coins castleman! I'm sure they'll bring you many warm fuzzy moments.

Posted (edited)

At february fourth we had a very special visit at Team Van Stoffelen's Rondje Tuikwerderrak Geocache (Delfzijl, The Netherlands, GC17VJ3). Not that we have seen him, but we could feel his presence: Jedi, guardian of peace and justice far away... and yet so close! He suprised us us with a beautiful "Geocaching Jedi - may the geoforce be with you" coin!

Edited by Team Van Stoffelen
Posted (edited)

Isn't it fantastic when you get something that you've been waiting for for sooooo long? Makes it so much sweeter than just getting it in the post.


I guess my story is typical of the "cameradirie" of geocaching. I saw the "I Love Geocaching" coin by ernies on the web. I thought "what a great coin," and planned to get one someday. Then I saw a cointest on podcacher. I enetered about twenty times and really hoped to win one! No luck. I missed it.


Then as fate would have it - I had a business trip to Switzerland (Geneva - not Zurich where ernies stay) in MArch, and I thought I may be fortunate to "discover" one in a cache and bring it back to Africa. What a surprise when my flights were routed via Zurich, and ernies arranged a caching day with him and his son for the day.


We spent a brillaint day out and about in Zurich and the surrounds and managed about 15 caches (including 2 very sneaky DNF's). Well at the end of the day (the last cache of the day having a burger and a beer) with Rolf and his son, he surprised me with a gift of an "I Love Geocaching" coin. And what a bueaty she is!


I was really blessed by his gesture - and this is really what geocaching is about - a new friend in a new country. Thanks for the memories (and coin) ernies.



Edited by Carbon Hunter

Isn't it fantastic when you get something that you've been waiting for for sooooo long? Makes it so much sweeter than just getting it in the post.


I guess my story is typical of the "cameradirie" of geocaching. I saw the "I Love Geocaching" coin by ernies on the web. I thought "what a great coin," and planned to get one someday. Then I saw a cointest on podcacher. I enetered about twenty times and really hoped to win one! No luck. I missed it.


Then as fate would have it - I had a business trip to Switzerland (Geneva - not Zurich where ernies stay) in MArch, and I thought I may be fortunate to "discover" one in a cache and bring it back to Africa. What a surprise when my flights were routed via Zurich, and ernies arranged a caching day with him and his son for the day.


We spent a brillaint day out and about in Zurich and the surrounds and managed about 15 caches (including 2 very sneaky DNF's). Well at the end of the day (the last cache of the day having a burger and a beer) with Rolf and his son, he surprised me with a gift of an "I Love Geocaching" coin. And what a bueaty she is!


I was really blessed by his gesture - and this is really what geocaching is about - a new friend in a new country. Thanks for the memories (and coin) ernies.




WOW.. what a great example of kindness and friendship through geocaching!!!


[oh boy i`m jumping around in the house where it is 27 degree`s

i don`t care that my sweat is falling on the floor

I had never thought that I will be the person who got a suprise coin

my hubby will be so HAPPY white

thank you so so so much (i don`t know your cache name)

i can give my hubby the same feeling as what i got when GEO.ERROR give`s my suprise coin

thanks to you DAVE



here the pic`s





Posted (edited)

I would love to get a geocoin secret agent coin, but i guess that was a couple of years ago.....must be all gone by now....it would be great to find a mystery coin , but i have verrrrrry bad luck..

great stories here......thanks for starting this, Jim

Congrats on your coin, Jim!!!!!!!!

Edited by DaFunkyFrogs

My biggest suprise was a month ago when Cache Maru gave me one of her coins...




and a new Groundspeak Volunteer from a Volunteer Reviewer




and a Highland Geofairy coin from the Highland Geofairy




Then this week I got two of Tiki's new clay coins



Mighty Zinn has never seen any STAR WARS??? :);):)


Ok here is a coin that I haven't been able to trade for yet. I did receive an email from the owner of the personal coin but nothing so far...

When I was a kid, I grew up on a farm and we got two channels on our TV...CBC English and CBC French. For those of you in the States CBC is our national public station. Well, besides Tin Tin cartoons the Smurfs were the only cartoon that we were able to watch. On Sunday's Dad would speed home from church (45min away) so that we could catch the last episode (remember there were two per). My sister and I were smurfy for the smurfs!

Well, that was about 22 years ago now and I have 3 smurfs of my own. One day at Costco, I noticed the Smurfs Season 1 DVD collection and smurffed it up right away. It turns out that the Smurfs' 50th anniversary is on October 23rd! Anyway, I get great joy out of seeing this great cartoon again AND hearing my kids run around speaking smurf!

So my coin would be a Geosmurfz glow lightsabre coin.



PS-if you don't pick my post....please get Roddy his Yime :)


Well, someway, somehow this coin has made it into our clutches! Mr. Explorer3 read my post and emailed that he may have something to send my way....a Geosmurfz!!!!

We are all very smurfy to get it, Mr. Explorer3...Thanks a smurf!

Mighty Zinn has never seen any STAR WARS??? :);):)


Ok here is a coin that I haven't been able to trade for yet. I did receive an email from the owner of the personal coin but nothing so far...

When I was a kid, I grew up on a farm and we got two channels on our TV...CBC English and CBC French. For those of you in the States CBC is our national public station. Well, besides Tin Tin cartoons the Smurfs were the only cartoon that we were able to watch. On Sunday's Dad would speed home from church (45min away) so that we could catch the last episode (remember there were two per). My sister and I were smurfy for the smurfs!

Well, that was about 22 years ago now and I have 3 smurfs of my own. One day at Costco, I noticed the Smurfs Season 1 DVD collection and smurffed it up right away. It turns out that the Smurfs' 50th anniversary is on October 23rd! Anyway, I get great joy out of seeing this great cartoon again AND hearing my kids run around speaking smurf!

So my coin would be a Geosmurfz glow lightsabre coin.



PS-if you don't pick my post....please get Roddy his Yime :)


Well, someway, somehow this coin has made it into our clutches! Mr. Explorer3 read my post and emailed that he may have something to send my way....a Geosmurfz!!!!

We are all very smurfy to get it, Mr. Explorer3...Thanks a smurf!


Thats so awesome Bernice Congrats!!!!!!


Reading your post brought back so many memories lol we to had the 2 channels of CBC and loved watching the Smurfs....I was sent a couple Smurf figures in a cointest I won from Geo.Error it was awesome :D

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