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Unorthodox personal goals


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I have short term and long term goals


For a caching day I always try to set it up to find at least one each of a traditional, a multi and a mystery. Drives some of my multi hating friends crazy. It has been referenced as a jcar trifecta by a couple of them.


This year I set a goal to do more caches by the same hider of the very first cache I found.


Also I try to keep a couple cache types above a certain percentage of total found and one below.


I have set goals to make progress each year on the DeLorme/County for the state, Thomas Guide Challenge for a couple counties, and after all of those I will start working on the Fizzy.


And finally my ultimate goal is to be first to find on an EraSeek cache, Puget Sound area cachers will understand that one.

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Maybe you'll change your mind when you see Glacial Recession: Ivory Lake :D


Nope, just the opposite for me... now I want to find that cache! It sounds like the trip of a lifetime. :D


I notice that it was published a month ago, but it's not even accessible this time of year (the description says no winter finds). I bet it will go a long time with no FTF. :laughing:

Edited by DavidMac
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We are the 2McDs and we are working on a Ohio's Fizzy Challenge which is one cache for each difficulty and terrain level for a total of 81 caches. We just started geocaching in August, 2011. We knew that we could really rack up big numbers by following some of the geocaching trails and walking (or riding) 1/10th of a mile to find the next one. Instead we thought we'd use our evenings and weekends doing that, we decided to look for ones that took us to great spots in places around us. If there are others along the way, we'll pick them up too. (We do want big numbers too.) So, instead of driving somewhere and looking for caches, we go online and look for caches that fit our challenges. Doing that search has taken us to some of the most amazing caches in delightful places. It's also taken us to other "Challenge" geocaches. We did a Busy Day Challenge where we had to find 7 different kinds of caches in one day. Then we got a 5 X 5 Challenge when one Saturday night I was looking for a Fizzy caches for Sunday and discovered one where we had to find 5 caches a day for 5 days. I thought this would be a piece of cake because we had three days of the challenges already in and my husband could pick up 5 caches when he went on Monday (while I was at work). We only had to get 5 caches on Sunday. Of course nothing is easy in geocaching. The weather went crazy with winter storm warnings, rain and high winds. The temperature dropped and we froze when we were doing the night cache. On Monday the storm went the other way and Jim got our five. Then we discovered that two of our five had been disabled. So I had to go out in the storm to get two more. One was in this most wonderful urban garden not two miles from where I work. It was one I discounted in search of more challenging ones. Who knew?

Edited by 2McDs
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Part of me wants to pursue only the most difficult hides, but one does have to be realistic.

What's unrealistic about that?


(Says the guy who just climbed a mountain for a cache earlier in the day... Yes, one lousy cache. Now I'm feeling a happy combination of muscle fatigue, intense satisfaction, and drunkenness. LPCs just don't do that for me.)

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