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Funny Geocaching Slogans

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Here's a few to get it started:


Geocaching: Now with an even Higher Chance of Lyme Disease!


Geocaching... Now with Double the Chiggers!


Geocachers: Cleaning Up Our Parks without a judge telling us we have to!



It is never in the last place you look. It is in the first place you look, but never discovered on the first attempt.

Sixth Law of Geocaching



If you find you do not mind being out in the rain, the snow, or even a hurricane,

here's a valuable tip: you need to do something about your geocaching addiction.

Fifth Law of Geocaching




The things that come to those who wait are usually the things left by those who got there first.

Fourth Law of Geocaching



Multi-million dollar technology is worthless in the hands of morons.

Third Law of Geocaching



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. Turn the GPSr off and pay attention to your driving.

Second Law of Geocaching




First Law of Geocaching

Posted (edited)

"Never mess with a geocacher--they know all the best places to hide a body." :D

I actually own a T-shirt with that on it. Others in my collection say:

Film canisters are to geocaching what kudzu is to plants.

Film canisters are to geocaching what spam is to e-mail.

All gave some... Some gave, film canisters. (sigh)

Not all who wander are lost

If you must hide a film canister, hide it in an ammo can.


Two shirts getting worked on now:

Film canisters: The velvet Elvis of geocaching

Every time you hide a film canister, a fairy dies.


I like the aforementioned "laws of geocaching" theme, and I think I'll need to add some to my collection, to wit:

The 9th law of geocaching:

Film canisters suck... always


Edited by Clan Riffster

"Never mess with a geocacher--they know all the best places to hide a body." :D

I actually own a T-shirt with that on it. Others in my collection say:

Film canisters are to geocaching what kudzu is to plants.

Film canisters are to geocaching what spam is to e-mail.

All gave some... Some gave, film canisters. (sigh)

Not all who wander are lost

If you must hide a film canister, hide it in an ammo can.


Two shirts getting worked on now:

Film canisters: The velvet Elvis of geocaching

Every time you hide a film canister, a fairy dies.


I like the aforementioned "laws of geocaching" theme, and I think I'll need to add some to my collection, to wit:

The 9th law of geocaching:

Film canisters suck... always



I'm sensing a theme here................ :rolleyes::wub:


Geocaching: The other sport

It not about the numbers...well, maybe

Shut up and keep looking!

Geocaching:It's not just a game, it's an adventure

Stupid micros in the woods

"Accuracy 5ft my @^&!"

Geocaching:Where everyone knows you by your cache name


I'm so not original when it comes to this stuff but I bought a bumper sticker that says "Indiana Jones would have been a geocacher!" Its currently living on my cubicle wall at work.

There are also some cachers in our area that are pretty religious, I totally have nothing wrong with that, just don't push it on me and quit cramming those million dollar bills into micro caches!(you know who you are :lol: ) anyhoo, they came up with a group name of Team Geosus. I just thought that was hysterical! At least they have a sense of humor!


Geocaching: P*ssing you off one micro at a time! :laughing:

Geocaching: Does this look like poison ivy to you?

Geocaching: Because the food at McDonalds is terrible - but we still adore the toys!

Posted (edited)

Micros are caches to (ripped off from the midgets are people to) slogan.


tupperware can run but it can't hide.


Got Cache?


I used tohave a life, Now I'm a Geocacher


I geocache Therefore I am


CSI: Cache Scene Investigators


Eat, Sleep, Geocache

Edited by vinsonbar

My life savings is in Cache!


I cached out my 401K for a Garmin


Cache or Credit? There's more than one way to play


Geo-spot...Some believe it's a myth


I know how to find your Geo-spot


When I die, my kids will inherit all my cache

Posted (edited)

How 'bout this one?


Gee... (What you say when you can't find it)

...oh! (What you say when you found it)

CASH! (What you say when you're the FTF [well, sometimes, anyway...])


Or this?


Five out of five terrain. It puts the "ache" in geocache.

Edited by DENelson83

Geocaching: This is what happens when nerds go outdoors. (I resemble that comment)


That's funny! I like it.


Here's my geocaching slogans:


Geocaching- It's addicting!


With great geocaching comes great responsibility.


"I never did get lost, but I was bewildered once for a few days."-Daniel Boone



Geocaching: This is what happens when nerds go outdoors. (I resemble that comment)



Man, if that doesn't nail it!


"I'm not lost, I'm just Geocaching."


Both of those slogans pretty much sum it up for me lol!

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