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Shawshank Redemption Cache


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I have recently watched Shawshank Redemption again and the scene near the end where Morgan Freeman finds a geocache with a load of cash hidden at the bottom of a wall by a big old tree.


I wondered whether anyone knew where that was filmed and whether anyone had actually placed a cache there? I have looked up caches called Shawshank Redemption, but none of them seem to be right....


Sorry no help here, I do remember the cache you mean.


I makes me think about how many other movies people go and find something hidden...

I look forward to seeing if anyone else can come up with an answer to your question.


Morgan Freeman finds a geocache


It was just a cache of cash. I was NOT a geocache.


There were no coords. It wasn't even a proper letterbox. :P


True I think both I and the op know that but has anyone placed a cache where it was filmed since then?

To be honest I can't even remember when the film was mad.


It could easily have been a mystery cache with a description of where to find it. He did get given the name of the town to visit....


I would be quite happy to find some geocash rather than just a normal geocache.


Would be a good place to put a cache though...


It could easily have been a mystery cache with a description of where to find it. He did get given the name of the town to visit....

So how long until someone can remember the name of the town and is it a real town? :P


I would be quite happy to find some geocash rather than just a normal geocache.

Oh yes me too please, just pm me when you find one with good nickels instead of wooden ones and I'll be right there. :P


Would be a good place to put a cache though...

Ok so if it was a cache on someother site what I can't remember was did he take it (that would make him a muggle?) or put it back and trade down? :P;)


That location according to wiki and imd.com is near 4050 Bromfield Road, Lucas, Ohio, USA

across from the Malabar State Park entrance. It says it is on private land. Live Maps don't have the bird's eye view at that location, so its a little fuzzy. The prison itself is in Mansfield, OH.


That location according to wiki and imd.com is near 4050 Bromfield Road, Lucas, Ohio, USA

across from the Malabar State Park entrance. It says it is on private land. Live Maps don't have the bird's eye view at that location, so its a little fuzzy. The prison itself is in Mansfield, OH.


That's correct. The opening cabin scene was filmed at the Pugh Cabin on Malabar State Park property, and many of the outside scenes were filmed in the small towns of Ashland and Butler. The prison is the Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield. But the rock wall, which was built just for the movie, is on private property.


I've looked at that location on Google Earth, which has a slightly better view. I can see a couple of suitable looking trees, although none of them seem to be by a wall... I suppose they could have built the wall just for the film...

Posted (edited)

Morgan Freeman finds a geocache


I was NOT a geocache.



No one really accused you of that, but Morgan Freeman plays the game the way he wants.

If he found you under a rock, in a field, by a tree and called you a geocache you should be honored.

Edited by D@nim@l

I live one county over from where the movie was filmed and visit the prison often...the tree the "cache" was hid next to still stands next to the property of Malabar Farm-which is public ground and probably full of caches. However, from what I understand the tree is "visitable" as it stands in the middle of a field. If anyone would like more info send me an email


I dont know if there is actually a cache there or not. I just recently got into caching, but it would nice to look. I will let you know if I find anything.


I know it was filmed somewhere else, but that scene takes place in Buxton, Maine. Buxton is in Southern Maine about 20 mins from Portland. I grew up in the town next to Buxton, but don't ever get out there for caching. Great idea, if there isn't one already.


Imaginative thread. Nice job!

Posted (edited)

GCYJP5 "Shaw Shank Redemption" was right in view of the old prison. Just as gloomy looking in real life as in the film. They have tours of the old horror and around Halloween they run the Haunted Prison there.



also here in Ohio - maybe we like prison movies- check out GC1DA3D, "Robert Redford Was Here". There used to be another "Secret of Brubaker" I think, nearby. I'ts now archived.

Edited by hairball45
whew!! I thought this was going to be about climbing through a pipe of sickness to get to a cache...


5* difficulty for that. 5* terrain for the special equipment required to chip your way out of the cell. :D


Speaking of Movie Caches, we have one here near Durango, Colorado where the Train Robbery scene was filmed from "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid". Any other movie themed caches?

Not sure if this is what you had in mind but it is movie themed and it is a cache. :P


GC1CKYT At the Movies


"and related caching themes from movies." ??


forum search for "gps movie" errors out because gps is only 3 characters and "movie" was too broad in it's results.


Sorry if I've ruffled anyone's feathers....

Posted (edited)

Morgan Freeman finds a geocache


It was just a cache of cash. I was NOT a geocache.


There were no coords. It wasn't even a proper letterbox. :blink:


Hay, wait a minute. It was too a geocache! (Actually, this was a Ron Streeter cache but it was not called Shawshank - this was my spoof shot in 2003.)



Edited by Team Sagefox
Posted (edited)

The movie was on last night. That whole scene of him using the compass (we use a GPS), following where it lead, recognizing the spot as described (we read the cache notes), looking around, moving rocks around, spotting that special rock (we call them hints), looking for muggles, and enjoying the moment was exactly what it's like to search for and find a cache. I thought it was a great visual description of what it is like. :blink:

Edited by fsafranek

The movie was on last night. That whole scene of him using the compass (we use a GPS), following where it lead, recognizing the spot as described (we read the cache notes), looking around, moving rocks around, spotting that special rock (we call them hints), looking for muggles, and enjoying the moment was exactly what it's like to search for and find a cache. I thought it was a great visual description of what it is like. :D


I now have a new way to describe geocaching to people in a way that doesn't sound silly. Thank you. :blink: "You know that scene in shashank redemption near the end..."


From a radio broadcast on NPR.org, August 4, 2011:


The 1994 prison drama The Shawshank Redemption is a Hollywood rarity, in that it wasn't shot in Hollywood. The filmmakers didn't use New York or Toronto either. Instead, Shawshank was filmed almost entirely on location, in and around the Rust Belt city of Mansfield, Ohio, about halfway between Columbus and Cleveland.




Just a few days ago, after my visit to Mansfield, a violent storm whipped through the area. And we're sorry to report that high winds split the Shawshank oak tree in half. Part of it is still standing, but it's unclear for how long.


:sad: :sad: :sad:


List of caches with keyword "Shawshank"


From a radio broadcast on NPR.org, August 4, 2011:


The 1994 prison drama The Shawshank Redemption is a Hollywood rarity, in that it wasn't shot in Hollywood. The filmmakers didn't use New York or Toronto either. Instead, Shawshank was filmed almost entirely on location, in and around the Rust Belt city of Mansfield, Ohio, about halfway between Columbus and Cleveland.




Just a few days ago, after my visit to Mansfield, a violent storm whipped through the area. And we're sorry to report that high winds split the Shawshank oak tree in half. Part of it is still standing, but it's unclear for how long.


:sad: :sad: :sad:


List of caches with keyword "Shawshank"


I could have answered this thread the day it was posted, but I never saw it. I mean I haven't been coming here every single day since 2005, but just about. :lol:


First of all, a Google News search shows the Shawshank Oak Tree, just outside of Malabar Farm State Park about 20 miles South of Mansfield, Ohio, was split in half by a storm recently: TMZ article


The Shawshank Tree is a Waymark, although it was only posted about a year ago: Andy's Oak Tree Waymark


Also Self guided Shawshank Trail (see 12 movie sites in and around Mansfied): here


The movie is worthy of countless amounts of tribute caches. Theres one near here by a drainage pipe, but i would not be able to resist placing a cache in an area that looks like the cache location in the movie. I'll be keeping my eyes open for such a place. Interesting topic for sure!


the highest rated movie on IMDB yet not a winner of best picture. Any other year I think it would have won, it was near impossible to beat Schlinder's List no matter how good it was. Definitely worthy of tribute caches, certainly more than Return to Planet of the Apes in 2001, or whatever it was called.


Now, given Andy escaped under the cover of lightning, it would have been ironic if lightning got that oak tree and not high winds.


From a radio broadcast on NPR.org, August 4, 2011:


The 1994 prison drama The Shawshank Redemption is a Hollywood rarity, in that it wasn't shot in Hollywood. The filmmakers didn't use New York or Toronto either. Instead, Shawshank was filmed almost entirely on location, in and around the Rust Belt city of Mansfield, Ohio, about halfway between Columbus and Cleveland.




Just a few days ago, after my visit to Mansfield, a violent storm whipped through the area. And we're sorry to report that high winds split the Shawshank oak tree in half. Part of it is still standing, but it's unclear for how long.


:sad: :sad: :sad:


List of caches with keyword "Shawshank"


You beat me to it! I was listening to this last night as well.


Speaking of. I posted this in another thread.



"Andy would never shut up about this hide, and I am happy to say I finally found it. But he failed to mention it was a multi-puzzle that spanned thousands of miles."


I believe the town was Buxton, ME.


Yes, that is the name of the town in the movie, though not where it was filmed.

Many of Steven King's novels and stories occur in Maine, with more than a few in the mythical town of Castle Rock (which is now the name of a movie production company).



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