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opinions about trade items

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Posted (edited)

I was wondering how others feel about a cache owner dictating what is acceptable as trade items in their cache? I know that whoever places the cache technically owns it but is it not placed out there for others to use however they play the game? I know there is a lot of what some players think is junk left in caches but that’s just the way it goes. I personally don’t really care what is in a cache but I would not want to be put in a spot where I felt uncomfortable recovering a certain cache because I did not have or did not agree with the type of items that was requested be left for trade.

Edited by brokenoaks
Posted (edited)

I was wondering how others feel about a cache owner dictating what is acceptable as trade items in their cache? I know that whoever places the cache technically owns it but is it not placed out there for others to use however they play the game? I know there is a lot of what some players think is junk left in caches but that’s just the way it goes. I personally don’t really care what is in a cache but I would not want to be put in a spot where I felt uncomfortable recovering a certain cache because I did not have or did not agree with the type of items that was requested be left for trade.

I think if you don't like what a cache owner is requesting be left in their cache then you should simply not even try to find that cache. Or if you did want to find it anyway because of an interesting location or something, then you just sign the log and not trade anything. Edited by steve p

As long as the items aren't on the no-no list what's the problem? You don't have to trade, or even hunt any particular cache.


Is there a specific situation that bothers you?


Please re-read my OP. I know how I would personally handle this situation! I have no problem or particular situation I am dealing with. I am quite new at geocaching and am just curious how others view this particular type of cache request.

Why is it that most times when someone asks a question about a cache on this forum they are told if they don’t like it don’t hunt that cache or don’t play the game or some other remark to that effect? Often times these remarks are made to newbie’s like me that are just trying to get a better understanding of the game and the people that play it.


Please re-read my OP. I know how I would personally handle this situation! I have no problem or particular situation I am dealing with. I am quite new at geocaching and am just curious how others view this particular type of cache request.

Why is it that most times when someone asks a question about a cache on this forum they are told if they don’t like it don’t hunt that cache or don’t play the game or some other remark to that effect? Often times these remarks are made to newbie’s like me that are just trying to get a better understanding of the game and the people that play it.


We're just trying to figure out what your agenda is. For you to ask that question, I'm assuming there is a specific cache that you are referencing. When you say there isn't, I find that very hard to believe, because after almost 500 cache finds, I've never come across a cache that had special requirements for trade items...


There must be some reason you are bringing this up?


Please re-read my OP. I know how I would personally handle this situation! I have no problem or particular situation I am dealing with. I am quite new at geocaching and am just curious how others view this particular type of cache request.

Why is it that most times when someone asks a question about a cache on this forum they are told if they don’t like it don’t hunt that cache or don’t play the game or some other remark to that effect? Often times these remarks are made to newbie’s like me that are just trying to get a better understanding of the game and the people that play it.


Are you talking about a theme cache? Some people create theme caches and request that the swag reflect that. For example caches that ask for refrigerator magnets or pins, etc.


I see nothing wrong with theme swag caches. But I'm one who prints out all the cache listings and actually reads them, I know many don't. If say I'm going to a cache that has a Happy Meal toy theme, then I KNOW my dd will want to swag so I make sure she packs one, no big deal. If the theme interests us, we make sure that we have what is needed, if it doesn't we just sign the log, no problem.


While I'm certain that many threads are started with an "agenda" in mind, why can't someone ask a simple question? The OP makes an excellent point about newbies being jumped on for simply asking a question. How about we just try to answer it without assuming there is some hidden agenda? :)


To the OP - As you've probably surmised by now there are such things as theme caches where the cache owner would like only certain types of things left to trade. My advice is that if you don't have anything that fits with the theme then just sign the log book and take nothing.


Personally, I hardly ever trade swag anymore. I just like to move TBs and coins along - as well as dropping my own. Just have fun - I think that should be the goal.


Good luck!

Why is it that most times when someone asks a question about a cache on this forum they are told if they don’t like it don’t hunt that cache or don’t play the game or some other remark to that effect? Often times these remarks are made to newbie’s like me that are just trying to get a better understanding of the game and the people that play it.


Because some folks here have an agenda.




What's really funny is when you pose a question and then two (or more) "veterans" start moaning on and on about issues that don't even particularly pertain to the OP. If you do a search you will see that they have *ahem* issues that go back some time.


Back on topic: I haven't really seen a cache like that...but I try to play by the rules set up by the owner as closely as I can.


If it ain't a game I want to play: NEXT!

Posted (edited)
Why is it that most times when someone asks a question about a cache on this forum they are told if they don’t like it don’t hunt that cache or don’t play the game or some other remark to that effect? Often times these remarks are made to newbie’s like me that are just trying to get a better understanding of the game and the people that play it.


I suspect it's part of the culture of this board. I applaud you for asking the question!


I am fairly new (50 finds) and if I were caching with my children and I didn't like the theme, I'd skip it. If I were caching solo, I'd sign the log if the hide looked interesting and TNLN.


Welcome to the game! I hope you are loving it.

Edited by WookieTravs

I found a cache last month that had a "pink" theme. It was the cutest cache - open it up and everything was pink. I was so tickled that I had two pink items in my swag bag! Last week we happened upon a "first aid" themed cache full of bandaids and huge gauze dressings. My "cache aid" kit contains some zippy bags and spare batteries. I don't mind bleeding in public any more. We didn't have anything themed to trade, so we just SL.


I rarely read the cache page before searching for a traditional cache with lower D/T ratings. I also rarely trade for swag. So a cache like this won't bother me at all, as I likely won't know the special owner requirements, nor trade trinkets.


I've seen plenty of theme caches, and even own one or two. I prefer that the limited space in my TB hotel not get filled with traditional swag but don't get my panties wadded if there is something in there other than a trackable.


I don't understand why the OP would feel 'uncomfortable' (his word) by not trading anything at this cache at all. :unsure: Unless it is the entire theme of the cache and its contents that are causing the discomfort? Still I'd sign the log, post my find, and move on. There's lots of stuff out there I don't really like, but I do like finding caches, I like it a lot.


As long as the type of swag they request doesn't violate any guidelines, I don't see anything wrong with themed caches. I do read cache pages in advance so I would know if special types of swag were requested (required) and plan accordingly.


If trading X type swag was required to log the cache (ALR--additional logging requirement) I would either carry along that type of item or decide not to do the cache.


If there was no ALR, I would either trade that type of item or just sign the log without trading.


If I avidly disliked the type of swag requested by the cache owner for some reason but it didn't violate any guidelines, I would "protest" by not doing their cache.


So why do you ask? You say you know what you would do in that case, but really, I don't see that there are any other choices than what I outline above. Do you?


I was wondering how others feel about a cache owner dictating what is acceptable as trade items in their cache? I know that whoever places the cache technically owns it but is it not placed out there for others to use however they play the game? I know there is a lot of what some players think is junk left in caches but that’s just the way it goes. I personally don’t really care what is in a cache but I would not want to be put in a spot where I felt uncomfortable recovering a certain cache because I did not have or did not agree with the type of items that was requested be left for trade.

I can think of a few different scenarios that fit your description, and my feelings about them are not all the same.


I have no problem with "theme caches", which request that trades (if you chose to make one) only include items of a certain type. I like them; I think they're fun.


I have been to at least one cache that was not themed; it just requested that "No McToys or junk" be traded. I didn't have a problem with that one either.


I don't think I've ever been to a cache that required a trade, so if I went to one that had a trade restiction that I didn't like or couldn't comply with, I could always TNLN. (I did attempt a trade-required cache once, but it was missing and archived soon after. It was my first ever DNF!)


The one type of trade restriction that I do have an issue with is the type that treats travel bugs and geocoins as trade items. "TB Hotels" that have "leave one in order to take one" rules bother me, since the cache owners are placing restrictions on other peoples' bugs.


I usually read up on Caches ahead of time, so If I see one with a theme, I'll try to find something to fit that, if I can't and I still want to find thee Cache, then I'll trade nothing, or find some creative writing to tie my trades in with the theme.




Like that. Welcome to the game!

We do that too, if we're desperate -- we'll use any stretch of the imagination to make our trade fit the theme. We recently found a cache in a cemetery that suggested "graveyard-related trade items". A snippet from our log:

We searched through our swag bags for anything that even remotely went along with the cache theme, but couldn't find anything that qualified... and then we had this bright idea: "A dead President!" So we left a $1 bill.

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