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Summer's coming! You going cachin'?

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I know most of us will do plenty of caching this summer. Many will cache on trips and vacations. The question is who is planning on going on a caching vacation? That is a trip planned just for and around caching. Anything else done on the trip is purely coincidental.


I know most of us will do plenty of caching this summer. Many will cache on trips and vacations. The question is who is planning on going on a caching vacation? That is a trip planned just for and around caching. Anything else done on the trip is purely coincidental.

Well what else are you suppose to do when you go on vacation? :sad:

Posted (edited)

We'll be camping/caching for the Lazy Hayes Days II event, Fall Fun Day and maybe another event this year...maybe! The Fall Fun Day is going to be in the U.P. of Michigan, about 5 hours drive time, gonna cost a fortune in gas alone!


I had planned to take my youngster to Vegas, but gas would be around $800 round trip!! OUCH!! Maybe a train ride and rent a car...but then the cost is almost the same! Maybe Vegas is out....even though I love to climb out there!! Could ride the motorcycles out...but doubt I could get the kid to agree with that!! I'm comfortable, but he says the back seat isn't?? lol Come on, it's ONLY 1900 miles each way...plus travel when there!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

We never have and probably never will plan a vacation for the exclusive purpose of geocaching. We do however enjoy geocaching on every vacation that we take.


God willing and the creek don't rise, this pattern of behavior will be exhibited again, this coming June and possibly again in July.


Stay tuned.


While we don't have one planned for summer we just took one last week for the kids spring break. We went to WV to see the mountains.


We had fun, but much of the caching plans were a bust. Where we were at we just spent most of the time driving. There was no quick way anywhere. Too many caches had bad coords, incorrect info or not enough info to get you there. (At least for someone not local.) After two totally blown days we decided to just stay in the state park where we rented a cabin.


There were about 6 in this park. (Some decent long hikes for us.) The reason we went there was for the caches. Thank goodness that WV allows and encourages caching in their state parks. We have stayed there twice because of this.


We didn't do anything besides caching. We were there 6 days i think. We didn't get that many caches though. It is hard to express how frustrated we were.


So what is the driving distance & number of days requirement to be a "vacation".


I have 3, 3 day weekends planned exclusively for caching for end of April/beginnng of May, but all are within my state, even though not really close to home. Then I'm working on a 4 day weekend trip up to the Smokey Mtns that I had been planning for around the beginning of September, but I'm getting incredibly antsy already and it may be bumped up to July or August. We'll see. :sad:


Have to wait until fall due to work, but at this year's vacation will be New England so I think it will work out. Figured round trip will be approximately 4000 miles. Last year to Yellowstone was over 6000 miles so this will be a cake walk. Budgeted $3.50 a gal for gas, looks like I will have to adjust that. But I'm still going even if it is $5 a gal. Will also swing through upstate New York, hit the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, and then wander through Pennsylvania, down the Blue Ridge Parkway and then back to South Carolina. Is it October yet?


Not an excessively long trip, but I'm planning on staying in Strasburg, PA for a night or two, and if I can talk my wife into it, the mine fire in Centralia. Not exclusively a geocaching vacation, but I already have a lot of caches along the way bookmarked.


Well it depends if you ask me or my wife. My wife wanted to go to Vegas to celebrate her borther's 60th birthday in June and all I could see was the caching opportunity.


She wanted to fly and I pointed out to fly and rent a car was going to cost at least twice as much as driving. I already have my route mapped with every cache within a mile of the road. I just can't wait get up every morning and go caching while it is realative cool and everone else is getting up and around. Come back to the condo at around noon and spend the rest of the day doing what they want. I bet I can get my brother-in-law interested in caching so we may be able to stay out longer.


What is a good part of Vegas to cache in? I have seen all the virtuals on the strip but that is not I call fun. I would rather go somewhere to see nature not manmade caches. I don't want to go 100 miles into the desert or 4 wheeling.


I have very low tolerance for heat so I know that my caching will actually slack off in the summer. Once it reaches 80/90's I avoid the outdoors because heat drains all my energy in seconds. I'm most avid in the outdoors durring the winter, most of my picnics have been durring winter months! :D


I rarely get a vacation, the closest I have to a vacation is working for a convention in Memphis every Labor Day weekend, I have one day while there that I actually get a little bit of free time so durring that time I'll nab a couple nearby caches despite the heat. Probably go jump in the pool immediatly afterwards to cool off! :sad:


Well it depends if you ask me or my wife. My wife wanted to go to Vegas to celebrate her borther's 60th birthday in June and all I could see was the caching opportunity.


She wanted to fly and I pointed out to fly and rent a car was going to cost at least twice as much as driving. I already have my route mapped with every cache within a mile of the road. I just can't wait get up every morning and go caching while it is realative cool and everone else is getting up and around. Come back to the condo at around noon and spend the rest of the day doing what they want. I bet I can get my brother-in-law interested in caching so we may be able to stay out longer.


What is a good part of Vegas to cache in? I have seen all the virtuals on the strip but that is not I call fun. I would rather go somewhere to see nature not manmade caches. I don't want to go 100 miles into the desert or 4 wheeling.


I'd suggest Red Rock Canyon (just outside Vegas) or the Valley of Fire (maybe an hour away?). Also, if you drive south, you get into abandoned mine country, which is incredible.


Just pack plenty of water!



I'd suggest Red Rock Canyon (just outside Vegas) or the Valley of Fire (maybe an hour away?). Also, if you drive south, you get into abandoned mine country, which is incredible.


Just pack plenty of water!


Thanks I will check out those areas especially Red Rock Canyon, don't they have concerts there? I have a 100oz (about 3 quarts) Camelbak I carry and if it looks like I get the chance to stay out longer I will take extra water with me. In the abandoned mine country do you go into the mines? Not sure if I like that or not once you got inside the GPS stops working doesn't it? I used to go in caves/mines when I was a kid but not so sure about it any more, I have got a lot safer the older I get and realize I can not get out of things I used to be able to. :sad:



I'd suggest Red Rock Canyon (just outside Vegas) or the Valley of Fire (maybe an hour away?). Also, if you drive south, you get into abandoned mine country, which is incredible.


Just pack plenty of water!


Thanks I will check out those areas especially Red Rock Canyon, don't they have concerts there? I have a 100oz (about 3 quarts) Camelbak I carry and if it looks like I get the chance to stay out longer I will take extra water with me. In the abandoned mine country do you go into the mines? Not sure if I like that or not once you got inside the GPS stops working doesn't it? I used to go in caves/mines when I was a kid but not so sure about it any more, I have got a lot safer the older I get and realize I can not get out of things I used to be able to. :sad:

Posted (edited)


I'd suggest Red Rock Canyon (just outside Vegas) or the Valley of Fire (maybe an hour away?). Also, if you drive south, you get into abandoned mine country, which is incredible.


Just pack plenty of water!


Thanks I will check out those areas especially Red Rock Canyon, don't they have concerts there? I have a 100oz (about 3 quarts) Camelbak I carry and if it looks like I get the chance to stay out longer I will take extra water with me. In the abandoned mine country do you go into the mines? Not sure if I like that or not once you got inside the GPS stops working doesn't it? I used to go in caves/mines when I was a kid but not so sure about it any more, I have got a lot safer the older I get and realize I can not get out of things I used to be able to. :sad:


The concerts you are thinking of are likely those at Red Rocks Colorado.


Red Rock Canyon does have some nice caching and is neat to drive through. It is also a quick and easy drive from Vegas. If you are willing to make the longer trip to Valley of Fire though I recommend that over Red Rock Canyon. Or do both if possible! Keep in mind that in June it will likely be pretty hot there.

Edited by carleenp

This year I spent Spring Break in northern California caching in and around Chico/Red Bluff/Redding. Had a great time. I saw a lot of historic places, handsome sprawling views, and discovered poison oak. I thought poison oak was a shrub...turns out it grows like a bush and gets really big and tall. Lesson learned: be careful what plants you touch and hike through ( and sit in :sad::D ).


This summer I'll be in SLC, Utah to cache with my sister and we may go to Yellowstone to camp and find the caches. This summer is going to be a blast! :o:D



The concerts you are thinking of are likely those at Red Rocks Colorado.


Red Rock Canyon does have some nice caching and is neat to drive through. It is also a quick and easy drive from Vegas. If you are willing to make the longer trip to Valley of Fire though I recommend that over Red Rock Canyon. Or do both if possible! Keep in mind that in June it will likely be pretty hot there.


I thought it was Colorado after I asked the question. I will probably hit both areas thanks to your suggestions I am going to be there for 6 days. It gets a little hotter there than here in north Texas but it is a "dryer heat" :sad: I have been out caching in 95+ degree days here but it is like 45% humidity as comparied to 10% or less there. Again I plan by being done by around noon caching. By reading about the Valley of Fire state park I maight be able to get everyone to go out there and spend the better part of the day there. If they have a good time at Valley of Fire I maight be able to talk them into a Red Rock trip. :D


I also have started talking to the wife about taking a week and going to where the MOGA 2008 event was held at the Spalding Recreation Area at Mark Twin Lake in Missouri. We will feature over 60 permanent caches to add to the 80+ caches that are around the lake including the 60 caches at Indian Creek Recreation Area left from the last MOGA event. There are over 140 caches listed at the lake that would make a fun week. Think about finding 20 caches a day for 7 days :sad: That would be several months of finds for me at my rate.


I am talking about going in September when it does cool down a bit and the kids are back in school.

I think I'll head to Sacramento in May for some caching, with a couple of thousand of my friends.

Mind if I tag along? :P

We plan to see if we can find a bottle of wine or two just north of there.

Not sure how successful we will be. :D


As for Red Rocks near Vegas... well, it rocks!



Sounds like you actually mean Wheatland - but Sacramento is pretty close. We're expecting around 3,000 folks to attend GW VI so I'd say there are quite a few who are planning a vacation around caching. Heck, we have people signed up who are coming from Australia, Germany, UK, Canada, Sweden, Holland, Japan, Denmark, and most states in the USA.


Going to Maine for a week to help my sister wth the Maine DeLorme Challenge. (And find one cache in Canada, so I can color in Canada on my map. :P )

With any luck, she'll come here for a week and help us with the New Jersey DeLorme Challenge (and find her a cache each in Delaware and Maryland!)

This year I spent Spring Break in northern California caching in and around Chico/Red Bluff/Redding. Had a great time. I saw a lot of historic places, handsome sprawling views, and discovered poison oak. I thought poison oak was a shrub...turns out it grows like a bush and gets really big and tall. Lesson learned: be careful what plants you touch and hike through ( and sit in :D:P ).


This summer I'll be in SLC, Utah to cache with my sister and we may go to Yellowstone to camp and find the caches. This summer is going to be a blast! :DB)


Shrub, bush, vine. It sometimes climbs up trees and hangs down. It's pernicious stuff and will get you any way it can. I know...........


Whenever we are going somewhere on vacation, I download local caches along the way and at the destination. Wifey is very understanding, and we both love to shop, so no problem!


Well I have already done two trips this year. One caching trip to Nevada and while I was there, I made it into California. The other trip was to Florida. I still plan on one more later this year which maybe back to Las Vegas or even Arizona. I seen a cache that has only been found once several years ago and it is calling for me to come to it. :P


We're planning to cache along the route from MT to Chicago in late August. The "real" reason for the trip is to see our daughter graduate from Naval basic training, but we've added in a full week to the trip just for cache stops!



I'd suggest Red Rock Canyon (just outside Vegas) or the Valley of Fire (maybe an hour away?). Also, if you drive south, you get into abandoned mine country, which is incredible.


Just pack plenty of water!


Thanks I will check out those areas especially Red Rock Canyon, don't they have concerts there? I have a 100oz (about 3 quarts) Camelbak I carry and if it looks like I get the chance to stay out longer I will take extra water with me. In the abandoned mine country do you go into the mines? Not sure if I like that or not once you got inside the GPS stops working doesn't it? I used to go in caves/mines when I was a kid but not so sure about it any more, I have got a lot safer the older I get and realize I can not get out of things I used to be able to. :P


You can go into some of the mines there - some are really abandoned, 'enter at your own risk' types, some have guided mine tours... the caches I found down in that area were not IN the mines themselves, but the rock in that area is really sharp and rough, like super-grade sandpaper. I can almost gurantee that you won't come out of there with all the skin you took in...


LVHiker's caches are always worth visiting; if you like really tough, out of the way caches, go for any ic_nevadamike cache. :D

Posted (edited)
I think I'll head to Sacramento in May for some caching, with a couple of thousand of my friends.

Mind if I tag along? ;)

We plan to see if we can find a bottle of wine or two just north of there.

Not sure how successful we will be. :(


As for Red Rocks near Vegas... well, it rocks!



The more the merrier!


I am surprised that we have not seen more people posting about this particular vacation.

Edited by Monkeybrad

I just hid 5 caches on the family friendly Dan River in Stokes County NC. ..canoe or kayak ..6 caches on a 6 mile ,3 hour paddle trip (without looking for caches).Near Hanging Rock State Park....Yep,I'm cachin this summer!


Summers coming... and I WONT be doing much, if any, caching. Here in Aridzona, the normal daytime high during the summing is usually 105+ (with an emphasis on the +). I may have to seek out some of those indoor caches I have heard about.


I hate the summers here.


Well lets see every time we leave home we plan to go caching, but actual trips planned this summer, we live in Northern Wisconsin, so we will only list "trips" outside of Wisconsin.


1. Lazy Hayes Days Event in June (Lower Michigan) about 7-8 hour drive.


2. MWGB (Northern Indiana) about a 10 hour drive


3. Camping trip to the Kewanaw Penninsula of Michigan (4 hour drive)


4. MiGO Fall Fun Day - Sault Ste. Marie, MI (5 hour drive)


5. Turkey Trott 5 - Manistee MI (10 hour Drive) even though its only 160 miles as the crow flies but Lake Michigan is in the way.


We will add to this list if other thing happen on free weekends


Barry and Valarie of sweetlife

Posted (edited)

TTUMS here, the other half of Shop99er~


Lemme tell you about caching and vacations......


We saved and planned for a romatic and leisurely Hawaiian cruise for our 25th anniversary. Planned for it for years. Planned on it way before we started caching.


Well, we booked the cruise, round trip from Seattle, 18 days, 5 days there, 8 days cruising the Hawaiian Islands and 5 days back and got into travel mode.


Everything was great for about 2 days. Then we got itchy. We discovered that we're not really good at the sitting around doing nothing thing for days on end. By the time we hit Kauai we shot off the ship like our butts were on fire. That little guy at the end of the gangplank that takes your picture then sells it to you for $20 later about got mowed down.


Within 20 minutes we had a car rented and we were gone! Before we left home we loaded caches into the GPSrs thinking that if one was close we'd grab it. We cached so hard and in places where a 4 door compact rental car shouldn't go that by the time we returned the car, covered in red dirt inside and out, brakes squeaking and oil pan dented we had just enough time to beat feet back to the ship before it sailed.


On Oahu we had an overnight stay on the island. We rented a car as fast as we could and found a parking lot near the docks to park in overnight. We stumbled back onto the ship just after midnight and was off the ship at 5AM the next day. Scared the hell out of the security people too. No one ever gets up that early on a cruise.


Every island we made port in was the same thing. Out in the first bunch of people, the photographer learned to side-step us when he saw us, rent a car and we were out caching. We were always the last people back on the ship, covered in dirt, sticks in our hair, scrapes from lava rock or sharp plants and big smiles on our faces.


Vacations, AC... After Caching... always include caching. No exceptions.


This year it's a trip to Texas to see Shop99er's twikle-toed, caching accident victim btother, Semper Questio, with a short stop in Los Angeles. In the fall it's a trip to North Carolina with stops in Washington, DC and Chicago. With Washington and Chicago being the exceptions, because they are short connections between trains, we will be caching at all stops.


*edited to include this year's vacations

Edited by Shop99er

Two weeks from today we are flying to Hawaii and taking a seven day cruise between the Islands. After the cruise we are spending a couple days in the Honolulu area and then hopping over to Kauai for another seven days. We have absolutely nothing planned during all that time. We do, however, have a short list of 395 caches and have cars reserved at each port. Our sightseeing will be determined where the caching leads us. Seems strange to be going to the Islands and instead of flip-flops and snorkel gear, we're bringing hiking boots and backpacks. We get back home on a Wednesday. Thursday will be for washing clothes and Friday we head to California for GeoWoodstock VI. ....and it's not even summer yet!

I think I'll head to Sacramento in May for some caching, with a couple of thousand of my friends.

Mind if I tag along? :)

We plan to see if we can find a bottle of wine or two just north of there.

Not sure how successful we will be. :)


As for Red Rocks near Vegas... well, it rocks!



The more the merrier!


I am surprised that we have not seen more people posting about this particular vacation.


Me three, me three! Can't wait to see both of you and many more of my geopals there.

I did the wine country thing last month with my wife, so May's trip could be solely focused on caching with the boys. :D


The past two years I have visited LV, my guide has taken me even further out there than Red Rocks, so I haven't enjoyed those sights yet.




You want me to drive your GJTB where? :):):)


This year it's a trip to Texas to see Shop99er's twikle-toed, caching accident victim btother, Semper Questio, with a short stop in Los Angeles.


Ahh, i've spoken to Semper on the Pathtags forum... Ouch, what an accident that was. He should win an award.


Shop99er - that was great... almost had tears running down my face from laughing.


Sounds similar to a recent cache trip I did on South Mountain: WS Pilot Peak Puzzle Cache. My wife and a caching friend were just happy to get off the mountain in one piece AND that we made it to flat ground so they could rest. Me? I was ready to go for more.

Posted (edited)

:ph34r::) May. Emerald Isle, NC. (Florida was too expensive and too far away.)



We are going to Emerald Isle as well but we are leaving the end of this week. Do mostly caching and take in a few sites...but mainly just to vacate from work. ;)

Edited by de_cache

I've recently decided that when I'm done with school at the end of the summer I'm going to take a week or two weeks to take a caching trip. B) Figure it will be the best time to take a trip, since afterwards I have to find a job... ;)


My vacation this year is strictly for geocaching. 2 days after my daughter gets out of school in June, we'll be on an Amtrak train from Pennsylvania to Seattle. I plan on making my 1000th find at the last remaining A.P.E. cache in the US... Mission 9: Tunnel of Light. So we'll spend 3 days on a train, 3 days in the Seattle area, then we're headed home the long way... taking a train from Seattle to Sacramento (where hopefully we'll be able to pick up a few caches before our next train), then the California Zephyer back to Chicago, then another train back to Pennsylvania. Hopefully we'll be able to get some caches in Pittsburgh, Chicago and Sacramento where we've got a few hours between trains.


Now, if only there were caches hidden near the train stations where longer service stops are made. (I could hop off the train, find the cache and get back on before the train leaves (I did that in Florida a few years ago)).


Well lets see every time we leave home we plan to go caching, but actual trips planned this summer, we live in Northern Wisconsin, so we will only list "trips" outside of Wisconsin.


1. Lazy Hayes Days Event in June (Lower Michigan) about 7-8 hour drive.


2. MWGB (Northern Indiana) about a 10 hour drive


3. Camping trip to the Kewanaw Penninsula of Michigan (4 hour drive)


4. MiGO Fall Fun Day - Sault Ste. Marie, MI (5 hour drive)


5. Turkey Trott 5 - Manistee MI (10 hour Drive) even though its only 160 miles as the crow flies but Lake Michigan is in the way.


We will add to this list if other thing happen on free weekends


Barry and Valarie of sweetlife

Hey Sweetlife - hope to see you and any others at our event - West Bend $1000.00 Cache Ba$h 8/16/08 GC1AW6D - should not be too far of a drive for you!


That cache plus all the others that it references, and for the matter all the caches around there, should make for a great family vacation. My kids will love it.

Cheaper than Disneyland and as far as we're concerned, more fun too. :huh:


I have a dilemma that only Geocachers can appreciate: I'll be on a Caribbean cruise while GeoWoodstock VI occurs in my backyard (it would be a 45 minute drive away).


My spouse thought I was kidding when I suggested we rebook the cruise and I left her thinking that way...


On the plus side, we do plan to rent a wave runner to go after a cache on an island in the Bahamas (GC12Z2K).

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