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Coin contest for one of my new coins.


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If the OP does not come back and put an ending date to this cointest, we can provide a closing date for you.

Please do update this thread before the morning hours. Or I shall have no other choice but to come in an install a time frame for you.

We do not need 5000 posts to come up with a winner.

Thank you,


Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator


Why would any moderator care how long a contest runs and threaten to end that contest when they want to? There has been many contests that have run for an entire week and more? Maybe we need 5000 posts for a winner maybe we dont, but let the contestant decide that. The OP has been at work, get off their back.


If the OP does not come back and put an ending date to this cointest, we can provide a closing date for you.

Please do update this thread before the morning hours. Or I shall have no other choice but to come in an install a time frame for you.

We do not need 5000 posts to come up with a winner.

Thank you,


Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator


A. This was for fun. What is the big deal?

B. I'm sorry I work. But I did check the posts to find the winner, even before I showered after a long day of laying block for 12 hours.

C. there is a winner so you can close this if it upset you so much.


Why would any moderator care how long a contest runs and threaten to end that contest when they want to? There has been many contests that have run for an entire week and more? Maybe we need 5000 posts for a winner maybe we dont, but let the contestant decide that. The OP has been at work, get off their back.

Thank you. I really never fill much welcome here anyways. :laughing:


Check out the email that I just got. What is that all about? Welcome to the group.

I guess "My" Cointest was worthless in someones eye. :laughing:


Please check your cointest thread. Pick a finish time or we can choose

one for you. This is a pointless thread that has gone on too long,

and the community would like to see some results.

It's threads like these that make me think we ought to start

implementing some rules as far as cointests go. Please don't be the one to get

that going. Choose a finish line.


Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator


I know you said you'd email the winner, but it would be great if you would post that name here so we could all know who the lucky guesser (and winner!) was. Thanks!


Now back to what was meant to be fun. Drum roll please.


Post #212 was the first to guess it right,"there was two right answers" but the first one wins.

Congrats Grodan & Fiabus, you won it. I'll send you a email. Thanks for everyone who enjoyed it.

I guess this will be the last on that I play since I upset upper management. :laughing:


PMs go uanswered, people are left hanging, no I'm not upset. I don't upset easily.

The point is, you give no finish line. That's all I asked for, a finish line. And it seems I was not the only one wondering where the end was.


Copngrats to the winner and thank you joranda for the fun cointest...One person runs and crys to the Moderator these cointests are suppose to be fun...so there was no end time BIG DEAL I have seen plenty with no end time but nothing is said to them....as a matter of fact theres on running right now that said 4- 5 days and it is now going on for the 7th day is that closed to?


By the way, if you haven't figured it out already.

The number was 1966, the year I was born.

Again, for the ones who enjoyed it, thanks for playing. :laughing:


By the way, if you haven't figured it out already.

The number was 1966, the year I was born.

Again, for the ones who enjoyed it, thanks for playing. :laughing:


DID somebody WIN :laughing: ? -- you young thing you :laughing:

And thanks for the cointest ! ! !


PMs go uanswered, people are left hanging, no I'm not upset. I don't upset easily.

The point is, you give no finish line. That's all I asked for, a finish line. And it seems I was not the only one wondering where the end was.


This is a COMPLETELY false statement, and being a forum moderator, you should be more responsible with your spamming of this thread with more "useless" posts. The finish line, which as far as I can tell from any sets of rules that are visible to the user community was legitimate, was when somebody guessed the correct answer, with the announcement coming when the poster got home from work.


The guy was doing a pretty cool thing in giving away a personal geocoin, and your irresponsible hen-pecking apparently took his joy away in doing so. If you have so much free time available that you felt the need to threaten this contest and the way it was run while over 95% of participants were fine with the proceedings, I'd suggest grabbing some gloves, a trash bag, and head outside to pick up some garbage in a park instead.


well there are topics with a lot more pages than 8 i don`t now what the problem is because at one point someone will say the good number it`s happend :laughing::laughing:

maybe next time we can chose a number between 1 and 2008 afterall that are the years after crist... :laughing:

or you can say it`s closed after 5000 post :laughing::laughing: then there is a closing time


anyway concratuled for GRODAN&FIABUS and JORANDA thanks for the cointest


By the way, if you haven't figured it out already.

The number was 1966, the year I was born.

Again, for the ones who enjoyed it, thanks for playing. :laughing:


Well - you're just a baby.......

Not all of us will reveal our age so willingly.


Great wee cointest that overlapped into our time zone, so that we had a huge opportunity for a change.



Congrats to the winners


As relatively new member to this forum I feel the following pm (provided previously) is out of line!:


"Please check your cointest thread. Pick a finish time or we can choose one for you. This is a pointless thread that has gone on too long, and the community would like to see some results.


It's threads like these that make me think we ought to start implementing some rules as far as cointests go. Please don't be the one to get that going. Choose a finish line.



Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator"


Someone has allowed the power and authority of being a "Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator" go to their head. Who are you to decide what is "pointless"? Who are you to "pick a finish time for another member"?


How can I get a title like yours? Wait, if picking on certain individuals is part of the duties I don't want the title of "Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator"!


I think the real, hard working, honest, non-bias community members deserve an explanation.


Is this the future of Groundspeak? If so, I don't think I'll renew my membeship.


As relatively new member to this forum I feel the following pm (provided previously) is out of line!:


"Please check your cointest thread. Pick a finish time or we can choose one for you. This is a pointless thread that has gone on too long, and the community would like to see some results.


It's threads like these that make me think we ought to start implementing some rules as far as cointests go. Please don't be the one to get that going. Choose a finish line.



Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator"


Someone has allowed the power and authority of being a "Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator" go to their head. Who are you to decide what is "pointless"? Who are you to "pick a finish time for another member"?


How can I get a title like yours? Wait, if picking on certain individuals is part of the duties I don't want the title of "Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator"!


I think the real, hard working, honest, non-bias community members deserve an explanation.


Is this the future of Groundspeak? If so, I don't think I'll renew my membeship.



Thanks for posting your feeling on this matter. Others many feel the same way but are to scared

to say so with the backlash that they may get later here. It was just a strange situtation when I got home

last night from work and seen this cointest take the turn for the worst. I still don't see what I did wrong.

I doubled checked everything that I posted here and thought it was all black and white about the cointest.

lesson learned.


Grodan & Fiabus, I got your email this morning with your address.

I will try and get it sent off Saturaday. Let me know when you get it.

I'm interested on how long it takes to get across the big lake. :laughing:


Joranda...don't take it personally!! it also happened to me on one of my first cointest, my fault as I did much like you! I started a cointest where you needed to be the 5000th post to win, many people were doing this type of cointest and I wanted to give the west coasters a chance (and all you overseas cachers as well). It went way too long, I didn't realize people were tired of trying and it was losing it's fun. The mods actually shut me down while I was away...but gave me a chancew to make a change!


I was pretty irked at this and thought the same things as you (not welcomed, being picked on etc)...after seeing it from their perspective, they were of course RIGHT!! I then changed the cointest to a smaller number, the mods (I believe it was Eartha) happily put the cointest back up and a winner soon followed!!


I looked at your cointest and even thought about posting to it...but decided not to as I didn't feel like sifting through all the answers to find a number not already chosen. I'm probably not the only one. I thought about posting several times, but just never wanted to take the time...sorry!


The wording of the notice could have been a bit friendlier, I'm sure you didn't mean to make a long cointest, and I'm certain you didn't see it as wrong in any way (my thoughts when it happened to me). That said, Eartha's a good egg, I'm sure no hard feelings were meant!!


All in all, it's just a bump in the road...live and learn my friend!! Cointests need to be long enough to keep it fun without going too far and then losing it's fun!! I'm sure everyone was having fun with yours, but...


And, I don't consider you a "kid" since I'm a year older than yourself...depending on the month of course! :laughing:


THANKS for the cointest!!!! :laughing::laughing:

Posted (edited)

Why would any moderator care how long a contest runs and threaten to end that contest when they want to? There has been many contests that have run for an entire week and more? Maybe we need 5000 posts for a winner maybe we dont, but let the contestant decide that. The OP has been at work, get off their back.

Thank you. I really never fill much welcome here anyways. :laughing:


I guess "My" Cointest was worthless in someones eye. :laughing:


I think the point is that these random number cointests with no predetermined end are silly. Come on...guess a number between 1-5000? You couldn't have come up with anything better?


I fully agree with the mod on this one.

Edited by Arthur & Trillian

As relatively new member to this forum I feel the following pm (provided previously) is out of line!:


"Please check your cointest thread. Pick a finish time or we can choose one for you. This is a pointless thread that has gone on too long, and the community would like to see some results.


It's threads like these that make me think we ought to start implementing some rules as far as cointests go. Please don't be the one to get that going. Choose a finish line.



Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator"


Someone has allowed the power and authority of being a "Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator" go to their head. Who are you to decide what is "pointless"? Who are you to "pick a finish time for another member"?


How can I get a title like yours? Wait, if picking on certain individuals is part of the duties I don't want the title of "Volunteer Groundspeak Forum Moderator"!


I think the real, hard working, honest, non-bias community members deserve an explanation.


Is this the future of Groundspeak? If so, I don't think I'll renew my membeship.


Roaring Forks...while you may not have agreed with the mods, do you think calling them out in public will make you endearing friends with them?? Also, do you really think that this is something to give up your premium membership over? Nah, just a bump in the road of life my friends!! If this were all I had to worry about, my hair would still be full and brown (and not the dyed brown I tried after getting senior discounts in Vegas as far back as 6 years ago...while in my 30's!!).


The mods do a tough job...they have to walk a razor's edge nearly every day. I'm certain their job is one I'd never want as I'm not as thick-skinned as they seem to be! It's a rough life to "put down the rules", you'll never please everyone.


While the explanation Eartha gave coulda been a bit friendlier, it was explanation enough for me.


Why would any moderator care how long a contest runs and threaten to end that contest when they want to? There has been many contests that have run for an entire week and more? Maybe we need 5000 posts for a winner maybe we dont, but let the contestant decide that. The OP has been at work, get off their back.

Thank you. I really never fill much welcome here anyways. :laughing:


I guess "My" Cointest was worthless in someones eye. :laughing:


I think the point is that these random number cointests with no predetermined end are silly. Come on...guess a number between 1-5000? You couldn't have come up with anything better?


I fully agree with the mod on this one.


Don't sugar-coat it A&T...tell us how you really feel!! :laughing: Guessing a number is just as much fun as guessing what cache someone would find first while on vacation or guess this or that. You just need to make the numbers a bit smaller so it wouldn't take as long!! :laughing:


Not sure why you feel the need to slant anyone for trying to do a NICE thing! I actually APPRECIATE the chance to win a coin!! :laughing:


My last post to this, just wanted everyone to leave happy!


THANKS again for the cointest Joranda!! HAPPY CACHING!!

Is this the future of Groundspeak? If so, I don't think I'll renew my membeship.


All this over a silly cointest? If you'd do that then well...nevermind...I guess your level of support was tenuous at best to begin with.


The faux angst aside, Roddy made a good point about cointests of this type. People don't necessarily like them if they have to run into infinity to achieve a set goal. Pick a reasonable goal (guessing a number between 1-5000 isn't) and go with it.


I agree with Roddy again that it's way too easy to blame the mods for just doing their jobs. I reckon that until you step into their shoes you really don't know what they really have to do.


That said, I think it was in really poor taste for joranda to post up the PM that was sent to him. Why was it posted in the first place? To help you in your quest for martyrdom over...again...a silly cointest?

Don't sugar-coat it A&T...tell us how you really feel!! :laughing: Guessing a number is just as much fun as guessing what cache someone would find first while on vacation or guess this or that. You just need to make the numbers a bit smaller so it wouldn't take as long!! :laughing:


Rod...that was my point all along.


Thank you!! My luck is on it´s way. Thanks for the cointest that I enjoyed. Of cource, becauce I won. :laughing:

I will let you know when I get the coin. It seems mail from Sweden is rather fast, both our chocolatemissions has arrived.


Thanks again!

grodan Karin


I wouldn't get mad at Eartha.. When people complain, the mods have to address their complaints.


I wouldn't have complained about a long thread, it's kinda silly and easy to ignore; but I did look at the title and choose not to enter (until now, I was curious if there was a winner in 8 pages :laughing:)


I like the cointests best where you need to figure something out :laughing: The ones where cute doggy pictures are posted or funny stories told... the ones that turn into community bonding :laughing:


Either way though, it's very nice of you to give away one of your coins, thanks for the cointest and for your generosity :laughing:


Congrats to the winner and thanks for the cointest. I can see how the admins might not appreciate a contest that might need 5000 posts to win it though. Still, it's all in good fun


complaine about a contest?????Come on get real people......if you don't like the rules don't play....it's that plane and simple...Some need to grow up and stop running to the principals every 5 mins over nothing....


Contest over. Nobody likes me. I think I'll eat some worms. The ones I dig up at the upcoming CITO. I go to lots of CITO events, you know. Don't assume that I sit here every day just waiting to pick on someone. I was just trying to help the community when they asked if there was an end in sight. The OP has sent me a PM, and I'm OK with him, and I think he's OK with me at this point. So, since this cointest has ended and a winner has been chosen, I'm closing it.

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