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PA local website


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I am moving this thread from the Geocaching Topics forum to the Northeast forum.


Pennsylvania does not have a single statewide website. There are many regional websites, with overlapping memberships. Check out the pinned thread at the top of the Northeast Forum for links. Let us know which area(s) in PA that you'll be visiting.

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Hi JojoMikeyandMunchkin!


We're actually in the Northeast corner of PA, just off the very first I84 exit.


Is it this weekend you're coming down?


If so, our Tri-State group is having our monthly dinner this Friday night that's open to all... Tri-State Meet, Greet & Eat. After our dinner buffet, some of the attendees, including kids, go out as a group and do a night cache. We've had other CT cachers come and join us before and we'd love to welcome you! The next morning, Stellar Jr. is hosting her CITO event a little farther south, down in Stroudsburg... GC1A9PG.

Edited by captainmath
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