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What do you like to leave?

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What are the type of things you like to leave in caches? I have a freind who leaves butterfly related items in caches. I like to leave things I would like to find, movie rentals, neat coins, etc. It makes things fun! What do you like to leave / find? :laughing:


I have a few different things to leave: auto air fresheners, CITO kits, pre made caches, coins and bugs.


I'm currently creating "Pay it Forward" TBs made from Starbucks and IN n Out gift cards. :laughing: I've loaded them with $5 each and ask cachers to use them, load them and move them on...paying it forward for the next cacher to have a refreshing break during their adventures. I got this idea from a cacher in Chico, CA and it really made my day and helped me get through a loooong day of caching.


I also like to find cool signature items, like those made by Snoogans and other cachers. :laughing:


The severed body parts of my victims.


It makes the FTF race a lot easier, I take care of the competition AND get swag.. at the same time.




I killed the last thread like this with that exact same comment. :laughing:


Seriously? I leave toys, foreign coins, things like that. I need to make my signature item, well, see if I can make it without much hassle...


My very first time I went out I took one of my daughters small nicknack toys and put it in the cache I found. Whatever toy I took from that one I placed in the next one and so on and so forth until I came to the last cache that had a tag that was suppose to be logged and kept (not passed on). The next time I went out I took a handful of toys from my daughter's room that way I had a variety of things to choose from. Only once did I not exchange an item because everything that was in the cache didn't look like it would be worth trading out for.


I haven't really found anything that I absolutey thought I just had to have and therefore traded out to keep it - I pretty much take it and move it on to another as a trade item if it is of equal value. From the sounds of it though, maybe I need to find a signature item to trade out or leave along with my trade items. I figure hitting my daughter's room instead of the dollar store would be cheaper! She doesn't mind (Afterall, she's only 3). :laughing:


I like to leave and trade sig items.




I don't know if I'll ever be caching in an area where you've left these, but I've seen your posts about these before and know if I ever come across one, I'm grabbing it and keeping it for sure. :laughing:


I've started making my own GeoNickels...




I'm going to make more series and also use them for a puzzle cache.


You make them yourself? How did you do it? I'd love to actually make my own wood nickels, just wouldn't know what I should do.


Sigitems for me, to leave and take. My sigitems have always been part of one extended game or another, currently I'm favoring the BINGO! Cards, and Raffle Tickets. I never have trouble coming up with ideas for cool and inexpensive trade items. I guess I'm just lucky that way. I'm going to have to do a photo shoot to show a list of things I like to leave.


In keeping with my cache name, I try to leave a frog(s). I've got small(1/4 in )frog pins, frog charms, plastic frogs, rubber frogs and lots of frog theamed items. I also leave small cache containers(bison tubes or pill bottles) all ready to be placed including camo, logs and sometimes magnets, But I do this with a twist, when I'm out doing cache maintenance, I place them in MY CACHES TOO! Not all of them, nor all the time, but every so often just to surprize the next cacher.


I don't know if I'll ever be caching in an area where you've left these, but I've seen your posts about these before and know if I ever come across one, I'm grabbing it and keeping it for sure. ;)


I'll probably be caching in N.Y. on the way to or from GW7 if it happens on the east coast as rumored....


If you (or anyone) don't wanna wait.... Just send a self addressed stamped envelope to:


Snoogans c/o PRESS Your Luck!

P.O. Box 516

Missouri City, Texas 77459-0516


And I'll send you one of my highly prized (in my mind) siggys.... :rolleyes:;)


I only check my P.O. box about once a month so give it at least 4 weeks. Improper postage on your SASE is not my problem..... Or you can get one in person at GW6. :D


Ahhhhh, well it's not quite as easy as I made it sound. I have a laser engraver/cutter that I use on blank wooden nickels. It's a pretty expensive piece of equipment.


I know there are some people out there selling GeoNickels made the same way as opposed to the usual stamp or sticker type.




I've started making my own GeoNickels...




I'm going to make more series and also use them for a puzzle cache.


You make them yourself? How did you do it? I'd love to actually make my own wood nickels, just wouldn't know what I should do.


Ahhhhh, well it's not quite as easy as I made it sound. I have a laser engraver/cutter that I use on blank wooden nickels. It's a pretty expensive piece of equipment.


I know there are some people out there selling GeoNickels made the same way as opposed to the usual stamp or sticker type.




I've started making my own GeoNickels...




I'm going to make more series and also use them for a puzzle cache.


You make them yourself? How did you do it? I'd love to actually make my own wood nickels, just wouldn't know what I should do.

How expensive, and where from??
Posted (edited)

I take a variety of items for both adults and kids and try to add whatever the cache is weak on! My problem is - I don't think I am doing very well in leaving items for the grown up ladies. I have never heard them complain but don't know what they like to find and consider my self open to doing better in that regard.

wonder what they would like to find the most. I know they go alot, but it easier for me to think like a guy or a kid for some reason.


I love to leave squirt guns for the kids. They will find a way to fill-em up!

Edited by GPS-Hermit

There are the guys that I saw were selling laser engraved wooden nickels...




The machine itself is about $10,000 so you probably don't want to go that route!




Ahhhhh, well it's not quite as easy as I made it sound. I have a laser engraver/cutter that I use on blank wooden nickels. It's a pretty expensive piece of equipment.


I know there are some people out there selling GeoNickels made the same way as opposed to the usual stamp or sticker type.




I've started making my own GeoNickels...




I'm going to make more series and also use them for a puzzle cache.


You make them yourself? How did you do it? I'd love to actually make my own wood nickels, just wouldn't know what I should do.

How expensive, and where from??


I don't know if I'll ever be caching in an area where you've left these, but I've seen your posts about these before and know if I ever come across one, I'm grabbing it and keeping it for sure. :D


I'll probably be caching in N.Y. on the way to or from GW7 if it happens on the east coast as rumored....


If you (or anyone) don't wanna wait.... Just send a self addressed stamped envelope to:


Snoogans c/o PRESS Your Luck!

P.O. Box 516

Missouri City, Texas 77459-0516


And I'll send you one of my highly prized (in my mind) siggys.... :laughing::D


I only check my P.O. box about once a month so give it at least 4 weeks. Improper postage on your SASE is not my problem..... Or you can get one in person at GW6. :ph34r:


I collect smashed pennies and would send you a SASE. how much postage is required-the standard rate?



One of the items that we leave quite often is small first aid kits that we pick up at Wally World for 97 cents. (I usually find them in the check out lane) They are very handy to have along on a cache hunt, they are small enough to fit in your pocket or geo-bag, and people seem to enjoy finding them. Another bonus is the fact that we always have a couple along when someone skins a knee or knuckle.


Or you can get one in person at GW6. :laughing:

I am so looking for you! Those are cool! :D Hopefully I will have my pathtags by then!


I'm trading a few smashed nickels for pathtags. The geocaching quote looks ever so much better on a smashed nickel.


I collect smashed pennies and would send you a SASE. how much postage is required-the standard rate?



Just a 1st class stamp. The envelope doesn't need to be large. I wrap the coin in a piece of paper and tape it inside the envelope.


Lately, my DVD collection has gotten large enough I forget what I have sometimes and buy duplicates. I drop those into caches these days. I'm currently developing a new signature item and need to make a warm box for curing at the proper temp in this winter extended weather we seem to have ourselve caught in. I'm also devloping a new signature card (with thermal sealed protection) for the hike of the month series I set up.


I've started making my own GeoNickels...




I'm going to make more series and also use them for a puzzle cache.


Just started Geocaching and decided I wanted something standard to use so that I didn't have to find things all the time. I decided on a wooden nickle also. Saw this topic and wanted to check to make sure I wasn't really off base with that. Glad to see yours. Looks neat.


We were just interviewed for the cache-a-maniacs podcast a few weeks back, so we made CD's with our interview and then filled the rest of the CD with music that we like, its all kid friendly but a little heavy if you have blue hair or drive with your signal lite on for miles and miles.


Barry and Valarie of sweetlife


Lately, my DVD collection has gotten large enough I forget what I have sometimes and buy duplicates. I drop those into caches these days. I'm currently developing a new signature item and need to make a warm box for curing at the proper temp in this winter extended weather we seem to have ourselve caught in. I'm also devloping a new signature card (with thermal sealed protection) for the hike of the month series I set up.


What you have caches big enough to take DVDs!!

Maybe I could start putting my spare CDs in - if I can find a cache bigger than 200mls :P


I don't often trade, but I like to do outdoor/camping stuff. Wal-Mart has a lot of useful $1-2 items. Ponchos, collapsible cups, bottle holders, ice packs, etc. Cheap gadgets like fans and light-up keychains, too.

Posted (edited)

Lately, my DVD collection has gotten large enough I forget what I have sometimes and buy duplicates. I drop those into caches these days. I'm currently developing a new signature item and need to make a warm box for curing at the proper temp in this winter extended weather we seem to have ourselve caught in. I'm also devloping a new signature card (with thermal sealed protection) for the hike of the month series I set up.


What you have caches big enough to take DVDs!!

Maybe I could start putting my spare CDs in - if I can find a cache bigger than 200mls :(

Yep. Within 10 miles of me, I have at least 360 active caches large enough I can drop a paperback book into; making a DVD a piece of cake. ;)

Edited by TotemLake

I don't know if I'll ever be caching in an area where you've left these, but I've seen your posts about these before and know if I ever come across one, I'm grabbing it and keeping it for sure. :)


I'll probably be caching in N.Y. on the way to or from GW7 if it happens on the east coast as rumored....


If you (or anyone) don't wanna wait.... Just send a self addressed stamped envelope to:


Snoogans c/o PRESS Your Luck!

P.O. Box 516

Missouri City, Texas 77459-0516


And I'll send you one of my highly prized (in my mind) siggys.... ;):D


I only check my P.O. box about once a month so give it at least 4 weeks. Improper postage on your SASE is not my problem..... Or you can get one in person at GW6. :D


I collect smashed pennies and would send you a SASE. how much postage is required-the standard rate?



If you ever want to leave your doggie as swag I'll just might have to take it. I have a cute Westie and he needs a playmate to rough up. :D


But trading up for it would be hard though. I could always shove the two cats in the box as swag. :(

I love to see who opened the cache after me though. It would be a real whoot. B)


I like to trade sig cards/items. I do carry some geocaching-related pins and patches, and some dollar-store items too. I usually leave one of my pathtags in any cache big enough to hold one:






I am still very new at this so I had a hard time figuring this out myself. I ended up picking up some cool little items from the craft store, or even the craft section at Walmart. I do of course like the idea of customized signature items, I just haven't been creative enough to think of anything worth branding yet...


Good luck!

Posted (edited)

I am still very new at this so I had a hard time figuring this out myself. I ended up picking up some cool little items from the craft store, or even the craft section at Walmart. I do of course like the idea of customized signature items, I just haven't been creative enough to think of anything worth branding yet...


Good luck!


i made up some flat marble sig items. but man, that epoxy was a bear for me to work with. these are the most perfect ones. you should see the bad ones. i need to put something on the back and then seal it- spray varnish maybe. any thoughts.







Edited by RedShoesGirl

We have another hobby, metal detecting, mostly coin shooting, and we find quite a bit of the old silver coins all silver not the clad, and some jewelry, so we drop those off in the caches, along with carabiners (stole this idea from following a cacher whose handle was carabeener,) these are very handy items with multiple usage.


For women....sometimes I leave the small sample vials of perfume as FTF Prizes and regular swag. Next time you buy perfume/cologne ask for samples and they'll give you a lot...if you don't buy- good luck.


Just curious here, but I thought items that smell are a no no as they can attract animals - even if the item isn't food. Am I mistaken? :blink:


I like to leave carded Hotwheels. I have boxes of them and they can appeal to both kids and adults.


I think soon I am going to make a Geoswag kit to put in my packback. I will probably load it with a variety of items from my local Wally world.


I have started to leave my LordZogat Signature tokens I made up real quick, about 40 for $3 and some time. Made from poker chips and printed sealed lables.




I am also still in the process of making actual sealed plaster discs and tokens. I have about 12 of each drying as we speak. They will be sealed and painted and sealed again.





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