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Magellan explorist 400 and geocaching manager problem

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A few years ago I got tired of entering all those coordinates manually so I bought a Magellan Explorist 400 that included geocaching manager software. I loaded this into my old computer which was a windows XP based machine. Life was good!! It worked great and I was happy.


Then I decided to buy a new laptop which came preloaded with Vista. Now I am having problems. I have read magellan's "work-around" solutions and have implemented them. I can now read the geocaching manager and import GPX/LOC files to the software. My computer reads my GPS under "devices"


So what's the problem?? When I try to use the "send to GPS" feature, I get a message that the GPS cannot be found. I have the latest driver installed and the most recent firmware update. I'm guessing this is a Vista compatibility issue.


Anyone else encountered this.. and how did you overcome it?


FWIW ... My new computer has a SD card slot that I could use as an alternative to the USB cable. The problem I have had in trying this is when I drag and drop a GPX file .... The GPS will not read it when I put the card back in.


You can't just drop a *.gpx file on an explorist it has to be reformated to a *.gs for it to read. You could try magellans new program Vantagepoint and if that doesn't work you could always go with GSAK, it will output in the explorist format.

If you have access to a different cable you might also try that. Alot of people have had similar problems and found the cable to be the problem.


It is not the cable since my computer reads it as an extra drive. I did download GSAK since I have been hearing about this and was curious. The software can do more than I know how to make it do at this time, but I did find a solution to my problem.


I just import the GPX files into GSAK ... Then go to export and scroll down to Magellan. GSAK will creat a new .gs file with all included waypoints saved to desktop. I just drag and drop to my GPS.


Life is good again!!

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