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Flip,Flop & Flap

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Hey there,


I'm kind of revealling information that I probably am not suppose to in this hobby from what I understand but when I signed up I used my real first and last name for my username. Is there any etiquette against that since it's also what I use to sign the logs on geocaches. I know a lot of people use monikers of all types including my wife but I just found it easier to use my first and last name together.


What makes it really interesting is that for caches in my area, people might know who came to their cache because I am a public figure(radio morning host) and I do talk about geocaching on the air from time to time(without going into too many details of course)...


Anyways, I guess the point of this thread is, should I have chosen a different moniker or is what I chose ok since I normally always use the same name for different things.


You should pick a name which you feel comfortable with. If that is your first and last name...so be it.


So be who you wanna be :anibad:



Hans... ooops. Weedboer


During my college years, I was an on-air radio personality.

I used my real name then, too. Never got any negative results from it.


I figure if you don't mind thousands of listeners knowing who you are, it probably won't matter if you add a few geocachers to that long list.


Your user name is up to you. If you think you might want to change it then NOW is the time. Make a new account and relog your finds under that user name. With only 6 finds it won't be an arduous task. If you are comfortable with the user name you currently have then stick with it.


"Ain't nobody's business but your own......."

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