+IBcrashen Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Finally finished downloading and installed 2. Is it just me or??? I cant select 092W 043N section to transfer to the gps. Quote
+Hynr Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 That's missing in my install as well. Also missing are N34-35 W110-112 and N40-41 W74-76 Quote
+O-Mega Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Finally finished downloading and installed 2. Is it just me or??? I cant select 092W 043N section to transfer to the gps. Yes, its missing. But you can select the maps from 1.4 to fill in the three holes. This version is missing a lot of water data, but the streets are all there and I load TOPO too so I get a decent mapset anyway. Quote
+Hynr Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Checking the TDB file and install folder content: Tile 090W044N is missing from the TDB and 30090044.img is missing from the folder Tile 110W034N is missing from the TDB and 30110034.img is missing Tile 074W040N is missing from the TDB and 30074040.img is missing (so it's not a Mapsource issue but a map construction issue) Version 2 is also delivering three img files that are not used in the system: 30168-014.img, 30170-011.img, and 30170-014.img (conspicuous due to "-" character in the file name) Probably unrelated. Unfortunately I uninstalled 1.4 thinking I would not need it anymore. But it does not matter much to me since I don't need those three holes just now. I'll wait for the update. Version 2 is very pretty. Unfortunately it still has some problems right where I live, but that will have to wait for the Tiger data to get fixed. Quote
+ibycus Posted August 30, 2008 Author Posted August 30, 2008 Version 2 is also delivering three img files that are not used in the system: 30168-014.img, 30170-011.img, and 30170-014.img (conspicuous due to "-" character in the file name) Probably unrelated. Yeah those ones shouldn't be there (well they contain data, but I should really fix my naming convention, as I don't think Mapsource like - in the name). These are for areas not part of the continental US, but included in the Tiger dataset. (south of the equator) Quote
+ibycus Posted August 30, 2008 Author Posted August 30, 2008 Checking the TDB file and install folder content: Tile 090W044N is missing from the TDB and 30090044.img is missing from the folder Tile 110W034N is missing from the TDB and 30110034.img is missing Tile 074W040N is missing from the TDB and 30074040.img is missing (so it's not a Mapsource issue but a map construction issue) Oh I should add, I have 110W034N ready to go if anyone needs it. If anyone is particularly interested in the other two, I can take another crack at compiling them after spliting up the source files a bit... Dale Quote
+robd0gg Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 (edited) Is there a mirrored site or something where I can download your maps from? I am on cable modem, and I simply cannot get the file to complete downloading.. I have tried about a half dozen times, with two different browsers.. and I have a great wired connection with download speeds of over 5meg bps even from servers all the way across the country from me. With downloads from your site, I start out at at 3-400k bps, but then slowly degrades to 20-30k bps, then eventually times out.. the most I have been able to get before timing out was 25% of the file I realize your providing these free, but just wondering if your able to maybe mirror the file at some other locations Edited August 30, 2008 by robdogg Quote
+ibycus Posted August 30, 2008 Author Posted August 30, 2008 Is there a mirrored site or something where I can download your maps from? I am on cable modem, and I simply cannot get the file to complete downloading.. I have tried about a half dozen times, with two different browsers.. and I have a great wired connection with download speeds of over 5meg bps even from servers all the way across the country from me. With downloads from your site, I start out at at 3-400k bps, but then slowly degrades to 20-30k bps, then eventually times out.. the most I have been able to get before timing out was 25% of the file I realize your providing these free, but just wondering if your able to maybe mirror the file at some other locations I think some people were BitTorrenting the file. You can try there. I'm guessing my Hosting provider is getting a little swamped with all the traffic (and regretting offering unlimited bandwidth and server space ). Dale Quote
+ibycus Posted August 30, 2008 Author Posted August 30, 2008 He, he. Just checked my useage stats for last month. I'm up to 3.5 Terrabytes of transfer . Quote
+ibycus Posted August 31, 2008 Author Posted August 31, 2008 I'm putting together an FAQ and was wondering if there is anything obvious I missed... Frequently Asked Questions: This page will serve as a repository of frequently asked questions for both the Ibycus Topo Maps, and the Ibycus USA maps. OK, I’ve downloaded the maps...Now what? The maps are easiest to view in Mapsource (although other programs exist). From within mapsource, select the appropriate mapset from the dropdown list in the top left hand corner. If you don’t have a copy of Mapsource, see the next FAQ. I don’t have Mapsource, can I still use your maps? Yes. Ok, its a little more complicated than that. First, are you *sure* you don’t have Mapsource? Many Garmin GPSrs come with a CD Labeled “Trip and Waypoint Manager”, which is essentially mapsource minus the Maps (we’re going to be installing maps, so this is exactly what we want). If you’re unlucky enough not to have this CD, or you’ve lost it or whatever, you can *still* get Mapsource legally for free off of Garmin’s website. (I’ve checked with their tech support and they are aware of this method and have told me its OK to use it... obviously this isn’t a legal document they’ve given me, so they *might* technically not like it, so follow at your own discretion). First, you’ll need to download Garmin Training Center. Currently the link to Garmin Training Center is http://www8.garmin.com/support/collection....ct=999-99999-04 but obviously I don’t run Garmin’s website, so this may be subject to change. Next install Garmin Training Center. After you’ve installed Garmin Training Center, you need to download and install the “Mapsource Update” from Garmin’s website. Currently the link is http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=20 (again, google it if this link is dead). Ignore the little comment about “will not work unless you already own a Mapsource product. They lie. Finally install the Mapsource update. Voila you now have a working copy of Mapsource (sans maps). You can safely uninstall Training Center should you wish to do so. I’m not comfortable with the above method. What other options do I have? Well you can buy a copy of Trip and Waypoint Manager from your favourite GPS Store (I’m currently fond of GPS City). Alternatively you can use 3rd party apps. GPSMapEdit http://www.geopainting.com can be used for viewing and editing the mapsheets, Sendmap ( http://www.cgpsmapper.com ) can be used to upload them to the GPS. I only need a small area. Is there any way to download just a subset? No. Well that’s not technically true, but honestly you don’t want just a subset. The hassle you need to go through to make it work just isn’t worth it. Honest it’s not. Don’t believe me? Well if you really want, you can download the individual tiles you need from http://www.ibycus.com/ibycustopo/download , and then compile the Mapsource index using cgpsmapper http://www.cgpsmapper.com and then load the index in to mapsource using Mapset Toolkit http://cypherman1.googlepages.com/ , but you probably don’t want to do that. Yes I really *do* want to do the above. How do I figure out which tile corresponds to which area? For the Canadian Maps, the tile naming scheme is based on the NTS grid standard. There are large tiles (the size of a 1:250k mapsheet) and small tiles (the size of a 1:50k mapsheet). In most cases the data is based on 1:50k data (the exception being some areas of far northern Ontario). A typical NTS grid reference would be something like 082O01 (this is Calgary). This translates to 10821501.img (note O is the 15th letter of the alphabet, and the ‘1’ is constant across the product. US maps are names somewhat differently. Pre version 2.0 all tiles were names for their US census county ID number, which can be found at ftp://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2007FE/ , with a common prefix for all files. Everything after version 2.0 is tiled in 1° Latitude x 2° Longitude tiles with the name of the tile being based on the bottom right hand corner of the tile. The file name is the aggregation of ‘30’+Longitude+Latitude. So 106W 042N translates to 30106042.img. Ok, maybe I don’t want to do the above, but that download is HUGE. Is there any way around that? Yep, its big. Yes its fairly slow. If you e-mail me, I can provide you with a DVD copy via snail-mail, but obviously I can’t do this for free, if you can donate me $25 I can send it to you. Routing/Turn by Turn direction? No. But you can fake it. If you have a commercial Mapsource product, you can use it for routing, and then hide it when you want to see my maps. How can I load both these maps and the commercial maps at the same time? From within Mapsource, select one set of maps, and then change products, select the other set of maps and finally upload them both at the same time to the GPS. Once you have them both on the GPS, only one will show up, as neither mapset is transparent. (you wouldn’t want them to be, otherwise you’d see a lot of duplication of data). You have to turn off the one you aren’t using in order to see the other one (precise method varies by GPS, but there is generally a method to turn off one map or the other). How detailed are the maps? Very. In general the maps are as detailed or more detailed than the commercial maps. Notably missing is the commercial POI database (if you have any references for this, let me know, and I’ll try to include it), auto-routing is also not present. In some areas of the US, the roads are misaligned, this is a problem with the source data, and is being addressed by the source data provider (the US government). Quote
inomad Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 Checking the TDB file and install folder content: Tile 090W044N is missing from the TDB and 30090044.img is missing from the folder Tile 110W034N is missing from the TDB and 30110034.img is missing Tile 074W040N is missing from the TDB and 30074040.img is missing (so it's not a Mapsource issue but a map construction issue) Oh I should add, I have 110W034N ready to go if anyone needs it. If anyone is particularly interested in the other two, I can take another crack at compiling them after spliting up the source files a bit... Dale the map is missing a big chunk of nj and pa in 2.0. is there a patch for this. this is the area i use all the time,thanks. Quote
+ibycus Posted August 31, 2008 Author Posted August 31, 2008 Checking the TDB file and install folder content: Tile 090W044N is missing from the TDB and 30090044.img is missing from the folder Tile 110W034N is missing from the TDB and 30110034.img is missing Tile 074W040N is missing from the TDB and 30074040.img is missing (so it's not a Mapsource issue but a map construction issue) Oh I should add, I have 110W034N ready to go if anyone needs it. If anyone is particularly interested in the other two, I can take another crack at compiling them after spliting up the source files a bit... Dale the map is missing a big chunk of nj and pa in 2.0. is there a patch for this. this is the area i use all the time,thanks. Thats the 074W040N tile right? At the moment no. But since you requested it, I'll give it a shot. Dale Quote
inomad Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 Checking the TDB file and install folder content: Tile 090W044N is missing from the TDB and 30090044.img is missing from the folder Tile 110W034N is missing from the TDB and 30110034.img is missing Tile 074W040N is missing from the TDB and 30074040.img is missing (so it's not a Mapsource issue but a map construction issue) Oh I should add, I have 110W034N ready to go if anyone needs it. If anyone is particularly interested in the other two, I can take another crack at compiling them after spliting up the source files a bit... Dale the map is missing a big chunk of nj and pa in 2.0. is there a patch for this. this is the area i use all the time,thanks. Thats the 074W040N tile right? At the moment no. But since you requested it, I'll give it a shot. Dale i'm sorry but i can't seem to find the tile number or the long/lad numbers for the tile that is missing. i was trying to find the tile number in mapsorce but nothing. thanks Quote
+ibycus Posted August 31, 2008 Author Posted August 31, 2008 i'm sorry but i can't seem to find the tile number or the long/lad numbers for the tile that is missing. i was trying to find the tile number in mapsorce but nothing. thanks Easiest way is to look at the tiles around it, and interpolate. Don't worry though I'm pretty sure I have the right tile. Dale Quote
inomad Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 i'm sorry but i can't seem to find the tile number or the long/lad numbers for the tile that is missing. i was trying to find the tile number in mapsorce but nothing. thanks Easiest way is to look at the tiles around it, and interpolate. Don't worry though I'm pretty sure I have the right tile. Dale yes that is it,i do belive,lol. i went to the program file and it skipped from 39 to 41 on the img file. Quote
+ibycus Posted August 31, 2008 Author Posted August 31, 2008 i'm sorry but i can't seem to find the tile number or the long/lad numbers for the tile that is missing. i was trying to find the tile number in mapsorce but nothing. thanks Easiest way is to look at the tiles around it, and interpolate. Don't worry though I'm pretty sure I have the right tile. Dale yes that is it,i do belive,lol. i went to the program file and it skipped from 39 to 41 on the img file. Well I know that tile is missing (see above) just don't know that that is the missing one you're interested in. Anyways, thats the one you're getting. Drop me an e-mail and when I'm done I'll let you beta the patch. Dale d a t k i n a t i b y c u s d o t c o m Quote
inomad Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 (edited) i'm sorry but i can't seem to find the tile number or the long/lad numbers for the tile that is missing. i was trying to find the tile number in mapsorce but nothing. thanks Easiest way is to look at the tiles around it, and interpolate. Don't worry though I'm pretty sure I have the right tile. Dale yes that is it,i do belive,lol. i went to the program file and it skipped from 39 to 41 on the img file. Well I know that tile is missing (see above) just don't know that that is the missing one you're interested in. Anyways, thats the one you're getting. Drop me an e-mail and when I'm done I'll let you beta the patch. Dale d a t k i n a t i b y c u s d o t c o m cool thanks! to bad ya just can't just change the file number in 1.4 and the drag and drop to 2.0. Edited August 31, 2008 by inomad Quote
+robd0gg Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 He, he. Just checked my useage stats for last month. I'm up to 3.5 Terrabytes of transfer . 3.5 TB. man.. hope your not paying for all that bandwidth I was able to get it using the "Free Download Manager" thanks Quote
+ibycus Posted August 31, 2008 Author Posted August 31, 2008 He, he. Just checked my useage stats for last month. I'm up to 3.5 Terrabytes of transfer . 3.5 TB. man.. hope your not paying for all that bandwidth I was able to get it using the "Free Download Manager" thanks Its a pretty good deal. I pay about $5/month and I get unlimited bandwidth and server space. I'm thinking most people don't test them quite so much on the 'unlimited' aspect. Quote
+Hynr Posted September 1, 2008 Posted September 1, 2008 I'm putting together an FAQ and was wondering if there is anything obvious I missed...... First, you’ll need to download Garmin Training Center. Currently the link to Garmin Training Center is http://www8.garmin.com/support/collection....ct=999-99999-04 but obviously I don’t run Garmin’s website, so this may be subject to change. The link for your text http: //www8.garmin.com/support/collection....ct=999-99999-04 is actually http: //www8.garmin.com/support/collection....ct=999-99999-04 in the post. That ain’t going nowhere. You might consider giving this link instead: http://www8.garmin.com/trainingcenter/ Quote
lookn4somthn Posted September 1, 2008 Posted September 1, 2008 ................................ I'm putting together an FAQ and was wondering if there is anything obvious I missed... Frequently Asked Questions: This page will serve as a repository of frequently asked questions for both the Ibycus Topo Maps, and the Ibycus USA maps. I don’t have Mapsource, can I still use your maps? Yes. Ok, its a little more complicated than that. First, are you *sure* you don’t have Mapsource? Many Garmin GPSrs come with a CD Labeled “Trip and Waypoint Manager”, which is essentially mapsource minus the Maps (we’re going to be installing maps, so this is exactly what we want). If you’re unlucky enough not to have this CD, or you’ve lost it or whatever, you can *still* get Mapsource legally for free off of Garmin’s website. (I’ve checked with their tech support and they are aware of this method and have told me its OK to use it... obviously this isn’t a legal document they’ve given me, so they *might* technically not like it, so follow at your own discretion). First, you’ll need to download Garmin Training Center. Currently the link to Garmin Training Center is http://www8.garmin.com/support/collection....ct=999-99999-04 but obviously I don’t run Garmin’s website, so this may be subject to change. Next install Garmin Training Center. After you’ve installed Garmin Training Center, you need to download and install the “Mapsource Update” from Garmin’s website. Currently the link is http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=20 (again, google it if this link is dead). Ignore the little comment about “will not work unless you already own a Mapsource product. They lie. Finally install the Mapsource update. Voila you now have a working copy of Mapsource (sans maps). You can safely uninstall Training Center should you wish to do so. I’m not comfortable with the above method. What other options do I have? Well you can buy a copy of Trip and Waypoint Manager from your favourite GPS Store (I’m currently fond of GPS City). Alternatively you can use 3rd party apps. GPSMapEdit http://www.geopainting.com can be used for viewing and editing the mapsheets, Sendmap ( http://www.cgpsmapper.com ) can be used to upload them to the GPS. ...................................... Here's another way to get MapSource... You can use a Mapsource 'update' file to do a full install of MapSource. (Just like using a windows XP upgrade disk to do a full install of XP) 1)Go to www.garmin.com, support, updates and downloads, mapping software, and download the Mapsource Update ~Now if you try to simply run the downloaded file, you will get an error about not having the previous version installed. No worries... 2)Change the file extension (in xp, if you click to highlight the file and then click it once more it will let you rename it) of the downloaded file to .zip and then double click to extract the files to a folder. 3)Run setup.exe to install the MapSource program. 4)Manually install at least one mapset. (ie. Ibycus maps) Mind you this is only recommended if you rightfully deserve to use this product. (ie. by purchasing a Garmin device) Quote
lookn4somthn Posted September 1, 2008 Posted September 1, 2008 (edited) Is there a mirrored site or something where I can download your maps from? I am on cable modem, and I simply cannot get the file to complete downloading.. I have tried about a half dozen times, with two different browsers.. and I have a great wired connection with download speeds of over 5meg bps even from servers all the way across the country from me. With downloads from your site, I start out at at 3-400k bps, but then slowly degrades to 20-30k bps, then eventually times out.. the most I have been able to get before timing out was 25% of the file I realize your providing these free, but just wondering if your able to maybe mirror the file at some other locations Restarting your cable modem may also help.. (but that's between you and your ISP to further diagnose) You could also try to download from my ADrive.com account... it's not very fast, but may be more reliable in your case... http://tinyurl.com/6kkyb4 Again, this should just be a last chance alternative as I'm not sure how long I can keep that file up there, and many of us have never had a problem with Ibycus' hosting. Free download manager is a nice application that might help this large file download smoother. (http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/download.htm) Lite version has more than enough features and it let's you restart failed downloads where they left off. Edited September 1, 2008 by lookn4somthn Quote
+Saint367 Posted September 1, 2008 Posted September 1, 2008 I read through this entire form at one time but can't remember, so I have to ask a couple of questions. 1) Is there a US Topo version, or just Canadian so far? 2) The other day I was running the US version of the roadmaps. I noticed I had to zoom in to the 0.8 mile scale before I could see all the local roads (I have a Garmin 60CSx). Is this normal or did I miss something. Thanks again if this had already been addressed. Quote
+hogrod Posted September 1, 2008 Posted September 1, 2008 I already have garmin city navigator and topo us 2008 but thought I would check out these maps too. everything looks really good but I have found a few errors that aren't in the garmin maps. For one one of the main streets in my town is completely missing. near here N42 48.920 W89 38.228 there should be an east west street called 5th ave. Second thing I noticed is a local state recreational area is shown off by about 5 miles. its shown here: N42 37.282 W89 39.547 when it should be shown here: N42 35.027 W89 46.035 Third thing is a lake shown here doesn't exists, its actually a large hill in this location: N42 43.782 W89 21.110 I'm not complaining, I really love the work you have done. I wasn't sure if you have come across this type of issues in other areas or if you had a way people could submit errors they find. My local area is done very well on openstreetmaps, showing most parks, trails, cemetery's and more. would be nice if you could somehow use that data. Quote
+ibycus Posted September 2, 2008 Author Posted September 2, 2008 Wanted to let everyone know that I start back at classes tomorrow (first year of vet school), and its going to be pretty insane (9 courses per term...full course load is generally 5) so I'm likely not going to be around this (or any other thread) very much. And there likely won't be many updates to the maps in the next few months (oh I uploaded a patch for 2.01 that fills in a couple of the holes http://www.ibycus.com/ibycususa/patch201.zip) download, unzip and put the files in the obvious places. Wish me luck. Dale Quote
+Hynr Posted September 2, 2008 Posted September 2, 2008 Dale, You might want to edit the link to the patch to remove the stranded parenthesis at the end. - Heiner Quote
+Hynr Posted September 2, 2008 Posted September 2, 2008 Thanks for the patches; when I select everything in Mapsource, this now leaves just the hole N44-45 W90-92. Good luck with Vet school. That indeed sounds like an insane schedule. Quote
-Oz- Posted September 2, 2008 Posted September 2, 2008 As always, mirrors: Windows Version 2.0 Mac Version Version 2.0 Easy link to the patch: http://www.ibycus.com/ibycususa/patch201.zip and mirrored: http://www.gpsfiledepot.com/maps/files/patch201.zip Quote
sagc Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I'm putting together an FAQ and was wondering if there is anything obvious I missed... Here's a question that comes up once in a while: Can I put the map files on a drive other than C: ? Quote
va3rr Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 Here's a question that comes up once in a while: Can I put the map files on a drive other than C: ? Yes. I'd like to be able to put all my map files on a DVD. Quote
+Blue Meanie Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Hope classes are going well for you, wish you luck and hope you still have time for this, it's been a great resource. Thanks Quote
inomad Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 Here's a question that comes up once in a while: Can I put the map files on a drive other than C: ? Yes. I'd like to be able to put all my map files on a DVD. i save mine in a folder under desktop. each time i go out and use my gps i save the track and stuff..ect to that folder. then i back up my stuff to my external hardrive. yea you can save it to what ever letter hard drive you want. if you want to copy just make sure you are copying not moveing the file it self. copy to dvd i would say yes the same way you copy as a save to another folder from mapsource. just get the map file from the iybcus/mapsource/topo map file you want and keep together in a folder,then transfer to a dvd. i don't know exactly how or what maps and stuff...ect you want to burn to a dvd. Quote
Motorcycle_Mama Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 Have you gone to the map page? The whole US is covered now. Quote
+cethomas Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 I have just downloaded the Montana files from ftp://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2007FE/. But I have a feeling that these are not the files I need. So where can I get the correct files? How do I use them? I have MapSource ver. 6.13.7. Can I load all of Montana on to my C400t? Can you have more then one state on the C400t at one time? Quote
+coggins Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 I have just downloaded the Montana files from ftp://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2007FE/. But I have a feeling that these are not the files I need. So where can I get the correct files? How do I use them? I have MapSource ver. 6.13.7. Can I load all of Montana on to my C400t? Can you have more then one state on the C400t at one time? What are you trying to do with the tiger data? With a Colorado 400T you should already have a 100K TOPO with road data for the whole USA. If you're look for something with higher resolution, you should give the following page a look for 24k TOPO maps of Montana: LINK. Quote
+cethomas Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 I have just downloaded the Montana files from ftp://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2007FE/. But I have a feeling that these are not the files I need. So where can I get the correct files? How do I use them? I have MapSource ver. 6.13.7. Can I load all of Montana on to my C400t? Can you have more then one state on the C400t at one time? What are you trying to do with the tiger data? With a Colorado 400T you should already have a 100K TOPO with road data for the whole USA. If you're look for something with higher resolution, you should give the following page a look for 24k TOPO maps of Montana: LINK. I'm not doing any thing with the tiger data. What I was looking for was a map of Montana that had more detailed information for the state then the MapSource ver. 6.13.7. I just downed the IbycusUSA20.exe. Are these maps just for people who don't have the MapSource maps? Do they have more information in them then the MapSource? Quote
andmijo Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Hi, just for everybody who is interested in more free Garmin maps: check: http://www.mapsntrails.com there are tons of free maps for Garmin GPS from all different countries... Hardly any is as good as ibycus' maps ;-) , but some get pretty close to it... Greetings! Quote
+BigOlBear Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 Hey, downloaded the maps and they look great! Thanks a bunch for all of your hard work. Is there a way to download them to my Garmin Legend HCx? Thanks. Quote
-Oz- Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 Hey, downloaded the maps and they look great! Thanks a bunch for all of your hard work. Is there a way to download them to my Garmin Legend HCx? Thanks. Yes, just load up mapsource and transfer the maps as usual (select the segments and upload to your gpsr). Quote
JMSKrew Posted September 13, 2008 Posted September 13, 2008 Anyone know why I keep getting a " NSIS Error - Installer Integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged medis. blah,blah,blah " I've downloaded from 2 different sites several times each and get the same message every time. Also, Is the 2.0 version still on Ibysus's site. When I try to use Wget it tells me "file not found". thanks Quote
+ibycus Posted September 13, 2008 Author Posted September 13, 2008 Anyone know why I keep getting a " NSIS Error - Installer Integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged medis. blah,blah,blah " I've downloaded from 2 different sites several times each and get the same message every time. Also, Is the 2.0 version still on Ibysus's site. When I try to use Wget it tells me "file not found". thanks Can you calculate an MD5 sum on the files you're getting? (I've got one listed somewhere in this thread if you need it). What size is the file? Yes version 2 should still be up. The URL is http://www.ibycus.com/ibycususa/IbycusUSA20.exe (note it *is* case sensitive). Quote
WVski Posted September 19, 2008 Posted September 19, 2008 (edited) i save mine in a folder under desktop. each time i go out and use my gps i save the track and stuff..ect to that folder. then i back up my stuff to my external hardrive. yea you can save it to what ever letter hard drive you want. if you want to copy just make sure you are copying not moveing the file it self. copy to dvd i would say yes the same way you copy as a save to another folder from mapsource. just get the map file from the iybcus/mapsource/topo map file you want and keep together in a folder,then transfer to a dvd. i don't know exactly how or what maps and stuff...ect you want to burn to a dvd. Just a quick point to make here...Completly off topic but i see this a lot at work....if you save a lot of data to your desktop, it really eats up your memory...Especially files as big as these maps... Save them on your C: drive or where ever you have room and place a shortcut to the desktop...Works tons better...At least in my experience it has...but all i work with are servers...Might not make that big of a difference on a PC... Edited September 19, 2008 by WVski Quote
JMSKrew Posted September 20, 2008 Posted September 20, 2008 Dale/OZ - I downloaded from OZ's link using FDM and got the same size file, 875,575. I also get the same error. I had downloaded ver. 1.4 without a problem using Firefox but this time no matter how I download I get the same error when I try to run it. Quote
-Oz- Posted September 20, 2008 Posted September 20, 2008 i'll download it in a couple hrs (slow bandwidth here and im using it now ) and see if it errors for me too. Quote
+ibycus Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 My hosting provider decided to move my website to a new server with no warning to me. As a result, the site will be down for a couple of days while the DNS updates. Quote
JMSKrew Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 Oz - let me know what happens. Dale- please post the new link when available. thanks for the support Kevin Quote
+ibycus Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 Oz - let me know what happens. Dale- please post the new link when available. thanks for the support Kevin New link is the same as the old link (its the IP address for the server that is different, but that is taken care of by DNS...) Quote
-Oz- Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 Oz - let me know what happens. Dale- please post the new link when available. thanks for the support Kevin Sorry, net went out. I downloaded it today; and installed it (from GPSFileDepot) and it worked fine... are you sure you have enough hard drive space? I downloaded it with Firefox 3.0.1. Quote
MatieA Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 (edited) As always, mirrors: Windows Version 2.0 Mac Version Version 2.0 Easy link to the patch: http://www.ibycus.com/ibycususa/patch201.zip and mirrored: http://www.gpsfiledepot.com/maps/files/patch201.zip I have tried using these links with no luck, I can't even get to gpsfiledepot at all. This link works, I'll download it tonight when i go to bed. http://www.ibycus.com/ibycususa/IbycusUSA20.exe Edited September 23, 2008 by MatieA Quote
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