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What do you PUT in there?

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Hi all,


As a few of you know, Dad and I are getting ready to hide our first cache. Yesterday, I bought a surplus ammo can, they're huge:o! I've got great ideas, that would barley fill 1/4 of the ammo can :). what do YOU fill your large caches with?




Phil Jr.


PS-Please, no discussion about us not having 'x' enough finds to hide a cache, this has already been decided!


What size ammocan? common is the 50cal or the 30cal.


I often put in several off the following list:

  • small roll of duck tape
  • emergency blanket
  • whistle
  • deck of cards
  • matchbox cars
  • chem lights
  • sewing kits
  • small toys
  • screwdriver
  • emergency poncho
  • tape measure
  • book
  • book on tape/cd
  • small beanie animal
  • misc other dollar store items


Firstly, don't fill it. An ammo can can be a safe home for lots of lovely TBs.


I usually try to put in fun things for kids, like crayons and glow sticks. Plasters, tissues and such are sometimes useful.

Posted (edited)

Oh and it is the....larger kind... It doesn't say what caliber. It's for M27 rounds and Tracers.


Just be sure to paint over those military markings


ou've all help me see that you don't need to FILL the ammo can. $ store, here I come:grin:!


No, no need to fill it. My ammo boxes are usually 1/2 to 3/4 full. You want to leave room for larger travel bugs and stuff.

Edited by briansnat

Thanks Gof..You still hidin' the caches from us? [;)]


Still trying to figure out how to find 'em? ;)


I often get tongue in cheek complaints about all the trouble people have closing one of my ammo can hides.

I have a couple of fifty cal. cans in stock. They are so darn hard to fill. It is amazing how much crap they hold.


Hi all,


As a few of you know, Dad and I are getting ready to hide our first cache. Yesterday, I bought a surplus ammo can, they're huge:o! I've got great ideas, that would barley fill 1/4 of the ammo can ;). what do YOU fill your large caches with?




Phil Jr.


PS-Please, no discussion about us not having 'x' enough finds to hide a cache, this has already been decided!


If you really want your ammo can to get a lot of traffic, you could also make it a book crossing and trow in a few old books. Totally different game, but it's pretty much the same, but people trade books at thier containers.


Thanks Gof..You still hidin' the caches from us? [;)]


Still trying to figure out how to find 'em? ;)


I often get tongue in cheek complaints about all the trouble people have closing one of my ammo can hides.

I have a couple of fifty cal. cans in stock. They are so darn hard to fill. It is amazing how much crap they hold.


Just fill it up with those peanut brittle spring snakes...



size 13 shoe


contents stuffed inside


the works


I try to put things you'd never expect to see in my caches. This one weighs about 30 pounds loaded (I've got one thats even bigger), now comes the fun - dragging it off trail for about 2 miles to that sweet spot, last weeks scouting trip failed, glad I left it at home ;)


Got anything in a size 10? I could use new boots and Erie isn't all that far. :D

;):( I'll send you the "soft cords" for some "beta testing" for my son's slightly used combat boots ;)


Got anything in a size 10? I could use new boots and Erie isn't all that far. ;)

;);) I'll send you the "soft cords" for some "beta testing" for my son's slightly used combat boots :D


On second thought... :(


I would go with a simple answer. BIG STUFF. It doesn't all have to be, but you have the ability to do that where otherwise it may be limited.


Be creative. IMO most anything clean, not broken and somewhat useful to someone might be appreciated. While many things are standard and useful sometimes i like to leave different type items. (Along with the more common things.)


Here are a few caches that posed for a photo before heading out the door:












Brian -- those are some sweet caches. Gives me some ideas to maybe carry around, too. (ie: the lower-priced DVDs etc.)


Cool caches. Hopefully I get into your neck of the woods to do some caching soon! ;)


I would go with a simple answer. BIG STUFF. It doesn't all have to be, but you have the ability to do that where otherwise it may be limited.


Be creative. IMO most anything clean, not broken and somewhat useful to someone might be appreciated. While many things are standard and useful sometimes i like to leave different type items. (Along with the more common things.)


Good idea.


Put cash in it. Then email me the coords before you publish so I can check to see if you did it right. ;)


Ha Ha! ;) Not that I would, but is it frowned upon to use USD (Or other local currency) as swag?


Cash is always the right color.


How big is the container? I put an ammo can out that is near three feet tall. One of the initial swag items was a kite. Not something found in all that many caches.


Cash is always the right color.


How big is the container? I put an ammo can out that is near three feet tall. One of the initial swag items was a kite. Not something found in all that many caches.


It's about 1 ft. Wide and 1 ft. high


I like the idea of new socks in a good sized cache. I'm a nature girl, but I really can't stand to have wet socks on.


A couple of pairs of inexpensive gardening gloves would be another good idea, or a can of Wet Ones. Full size flashlight maybe? Travel umbrella? Bottles of water? Cheap kitchen towels? These are things that I pack in my caching bag, but might be nice finds for someone who's forgotten something.


I like the idea of new socks in a good sized cache. I'm a nature girl, but I really can't stand to have wet socks on.



They were Smartwool too. I found them on clearance at an LL Bean outlet for $2, but decided I wasn't crazy about the color and put them in a few caches.


The most popular trade item you can put in your cache (short of geocoins) is a few ready-to-hide micro caches. Perhaps even a small, if room allows. Other geocachers trade for these first. They are also inexpensive to make.


www.orientaltrading.com is a good source of cheap toys, although you usually have to buy in bulk lots.


A new cacher in my area, doing their first hide decided to 'give something back to geocaching'. They hid a large Rubbermaid storage container in the woods, cammoed pretty good and it was filled with different kinds of gloves. There had to be 100 pairs of gloves in there. Traction gloves, Kevlar, work...very cool! His page said something to the effect of "please take, this is my gift, no need to leave anything". How cool is that?????

Posted (edited)

A new cacher in my area, doing their first hide decided to 'give something back to geocaching'. They hid a large Rubbermaid storage container in the woods, cammoed pretty good and it was filled with different kinds of gloves. There had to be 100 pairs of gloves in there. Traction gloves, Kevlar, work...very cool! His page said something to the effect of "please take, this is my gift, no need to leave anything". How cool is that?????


It obviously made a big impression on you. You posted about it three times!


Edit to say- OK, now you've gone and edited two of the posts and made me look foolish.

That's OK though, I can take it.

Edited by gof1

Put cash in it. Then email me the coords before you publish so I can check to see if you did it right. :unsure:


Ha Ha! :laughing: Not that I would, but is it frowned upon to use USD (Or other local currency) as swag?

It is not at all frowned upon to use currency as swag or for an FTF prize. It is somewhat common in some regions, in fact. For several of our Psycho Urban caches, we have awarded FTF prizes ranging from $10 to $160, and I sometimes leave anywhere from a one dollar bill to five dollars as swag in a cache if I took something but was not, at the time, carrying trade items. One time I was caching with my friend Greta, who is a backcountry guide and was a newcomer to caching at the time, along the ID/WY border, and we found a great wilderness cache which was chock full of all kinds of neat swag. Greta really wanted to take one of the used music CDs, but she did not have any trade items on her, and so I left three one dollar bills in a ziplock baggie as a trade item. A week later, while browsing online logged finds for nearby caches in that area, I noticed that a local ID cacher from that region had left a 100 dollar bill as a trade item in a cache just 20 miles from the cache which Greta and I had visited.


I don't currently have any caches open, but I made a couple containers in hopes of placing some. I went to a dime store (hard to find nowadays) and found a bunch of kid stuff like marbles, jax, matchbox cars, plastic and rubber animals and other old-time toys. That's what I'll be using in mine when I place my first cache.


Some of these that we have found has had kids stuffed toys,rain ponchos,flashlights, balls,etc.Anything

from the dollare store that doesn't cost a lot and is a fairly good size.You can also find some new packaged

things at thrift stores etc.These ammo tins are fun to find!I'd like to know where I could find some of them? :unsure:


Some of these that we have found has had kids stuffed toys,rain ponchos,flashlights, balls,etc.Anything

from the dollare store that doesn't cost a lot and is a fairly good size.You can also find some new packaged

things at thrift stores etc.These ammo tins are fun to find!I'd like to know where I could find some of them? :unsure:


Look for a local military surplus store. They can be found online, but shipping is usually expensive. Try contacting a local cacher who has hidden an ammo can and ask where they got it.

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