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Colorado 300 vs 400t


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Questions G3 and G6 in the FAQ.


Bookmarked now. Many thanks. Sounds like I'd be ok with the 300 but the extra memory and the ability to have all of TOPO in addition to all of CN on the unit makes the 400t sound pretty nice.

I read the FAQ but it was not completely clear. If I buy the 400t, will that eat up any of the 4-5000 map segments allowed? To me, that is reason alone to get the t since topo has hundreds of times more segments than any other map.

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That is over in the Map section under FAQ M1.


The 400t Topo is segmented differently that the standard Topo2008 (only 429 segments + a couple for the basemap). So yes, this counts against the 4k-5k limit but it is almost a non-issue since the segment number is much smaller than with the DVD version.



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That is over in the Map section under FAQ M1.


The 400t Topo is segmented differently that the standard Topo2008 (only 429 segments + a couple for the basemap). So yes, this counts against the 4k-5k limit but it is almost a non-issue since the segment number is much smaller than with the DVD version.






Although now I have another reason to upgrade...not sure if that is good or bad...

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Having had the 400t, and then bought the Topo 2008 DVD and the Co 300, I found the 400t a much better choice, and going to get that. I had alot of trouble with the 300 with too many shutoffs, messing up with a small section of Topo 2008 loaded, and the GPS would not connect to the PC, unless the SD card was removed, so I will go get a 400t when I'm good and ready to get it, like when the Gov will send me the economic stimulus payment.


I had a backup of the 400t, but no backup of the 300, but the thought of using the file from the 400t on the 300, never occured to me, or I just did not have a card larger than 2GB.

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