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What do you do when you lose the cache?

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Just when things were looking up, we had 10 finds and were feeling like we had this sport mastered! Then after a perfect afternoon of geocaching I gave a cache a little too much push to get it back to it's snug hiding place and it disappeared from sight. What am I supposed to do?? I emailed the owner and I logged in my mistake. Am I supposed to replace it? What is the puishment for losing a cache? :huh: Help!


I have done this twice -- one was a cache which fell from its hiding spot into an inaccessible location and the second time it was a nano container which I lost somewhere in my car. (Same owner on both caches too!)


Both times I posted a Find followed by a Needs Maintenance explaining what happened.


(On the cache which became inaccessible I suggested that the owner could just bump the Difficulty to a 5 since the cache was still at the posted coordinates. :anibad: )


Both times the owner replaced the container without issue. He did ask me at an event once if I ever found the nano in my car.


Just when things were looking up, we had 10 finds and were feeling like we had this sport mastered! Then after a perfect afternoon of geocaching I gave a cache a little too much push to get it back to it's snug hiding place and it disappeared from sight. What am I supposed to do?? I emailed the owner and I logged in my mistake. Am I supposed to replace it? What is the puishment for losing a cache? :anibad: Help!


Seven years of mostly DNFs will await you. Every time you do make a find, it will be only because you were about to quit, and the find will just be there to give you just enough hope to make you think that the caching karma has ended.


However in some areas if the cache happens to be a micro, it is worth a few free beers at a local tavern, or a 16oz soda from Chick-fil-a (you must bring in a printed copy of the cache page and log). :)


Both times the owner replaced the container without issue. He did ask me at an event once if I ever found the nano in my car.


Well, did you find it?


Sometimes you just have to give it back!


March 24 by oldboyhiker (2309 found)





It was in my truck!!! How did you get that in my truck!!!! Da#n you're sneaky! I will return ASAP. Course I have no idea where I found it. I just thought it was an interesting object & picked it up. I thought "Gee I might take that. I could make a cache out of it". BUT NOOOOOOOOO!!! It already WAS the cache. Thanks for the note or I would have had no idea I HAD IT!!!


I guess I should say sorry, but I am not. How was I supposed to know it was the cache? Must be my inner instinct.




Owner if you will e-mail me where it goes I will be happy to return it to the right place. obh.


Thanks for the hunt. Ok, Ok, sorry for the "problem". I am a DA


Now that's funny!


I did one on a narrow strip of land that juts out into a ravine. There was less than three feet on each side of me. I was chipping ice away from under a lock-n-lock. The next thing I know cache suddenly flew up into the air from the hiding spot and and landed on the edge of the icy ravine. There would have been no safe way to retrieve it. Luckily it didn't fly in the other direction or it would have hit my cousin. :) I would have made a note and offered to replace the cache had the cache fallen in the ravine. Had it hit my cousin I think we would have agreed no more retrieving caches for me! Or leave me a 10 foot radius for proper retrieval. :anibad:


Both times the owner replaced the container without issue. He did ask me at an event once if I ever found the nano in my car.


Well, did you find it?


Yep, about four week later I finally found it wedged between the center console and the front seat.


Lost one just a few weeks ago and it was a special container that could not be easily replaced. Logged it on the cache page and emailed owner. The next cache on our list that day belonged to the same owner so we left one of our new unactivated geopins for him as an apology.


Just when things were looking up, we had 10 finds and were feeling like we had this sport mastered! Then after a perfect afternoon of geocaching I gave a cache a little too much push to get it back to it's snug hiding place and it disappeared from sight. What am I supposed to do?? I emailed the owner and I logged in my mistake. Am I supposed to replace it? What is the puishment for losing a cache? :anibad: Help!


You must mail the cache owner both of your thumbs. Make sure you've already put a stamp on the envelope and addressed it before you remove them, though.


Really, though, you're fine. I agree with Confucius's Cat: Accidents happen, and as far as the vast majority of caches I've done goes, cache owners usually keep Murphy's Law in mind when they hide a cache. This one didn't--but I bet they will now.

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