+Cape_Guy Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 Congrats to Redglobe on the FTF! To the rest of the Tonteldoos Cache owners ... Thank you guys it was a great team to work with! Happy caching! Quote
+Louise_Gerhard Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 Cachers, please keep this one alive. I think we all learned something good about our history and we have seen a lot while doing 5000 km between the caches. It is a good series and worth doing. The final one is still there for you to find. The challenge is to find the 18 clues. I know that a couple of cachers are planning to complete the series. The final one is waiting in a very safe place for the next cacher and we will watch the logs for the next name on the list. I will publish the stats the moment cachers reached the 10 clue mark, if cachers want to see the stats. Thanks to Cincol for the help and guidance with the final one. A special thanks to Tusk as the originator of this idea. Thanks to FishEagle for his patience, guidance and quick publishing of the listings. I also wish to say thanks to all the cachers that made 19 caches possible. Last but not least to the organizers for the work that was done in the background. I will remember the tonteldoos series for a long time. It is with a little bit of sadness that we finished the final one. On the other hand it was great to do the final one with a group of real cool cachers. Also thanks to team Urban Hunters that handed us the special tonteldoos caps. I am sure that three teams will wear it with proud. I love the certificate and I will display it on top of my other geocaching goodies. Thanks and also to all those that was not mentioned. Quote
+Wazat Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 Congrats Redglobe, I think with the gusto that you went out to get all 18 caches way ahead of the rest was testimony to the dedication in finding the final cache. Awesome. I knew in all honesty that many had not much of a chance of getting all these caches and were out of a chance of getting the clues they needed. It was indeed a great idea and i thoroughly enjoyed the search for those I did. I think that this could lead to more interesting types of caches. Maybe not on such a large scale but maybe we can start looking into similar caches on a per province scale. In fact we could maybe do an even bigger one where we have to get x amount of caches in each province to get clues to a final provincial cache. Then with further clues from each provincial cache to give a National cache.... Mmmm, what you say people? A new race? Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 Welldone Redglobe - jou doring! Also well done to the other teams for even getting the clues needed. As a far off cache owner - thank you to ALL cachers that took part in the game. Also thanks to Tusk'O2 & cincol. I look forward to the ball by ball commentary on the final hunt now. Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted April 12, 2009 Author Posted April 12, 2009 Die twee-en-'n-bietjie tande is nog nie naby die huis nie ... Ek het BAIE te vertel oor die Groot Skat (TD XIX) en wil graag verslag doen oor elke druppel wat ek beleef het, en ek gaan! My grootste wens nou is om aan elkeen van die TD Eienaars 'n groot-groot dankie te gee. Woorde op 'n skerm sal dit nie doen nie, so ek werk aan iets wat my waardering en dank sal reflekteer. Vir my is hierdie TD reeks van persoonlike waarde, omdat dit iets uitbeeld waarmee ek so gemaklik identifiseer. My volledige bedanking kom nog, hier op die forum, op hierdie bespreking, om Hoofstuk I af te sluit en daarmee om te blaai - na Hoofstuk II. Onthou nou, Red Globe is op 'n "mission" om die gruwelike ou Koniging van al haar dinge te laat afsien, vrede en orde te herstel en die "Boertjies" in geluk en welbehae te laat voortleef. Maar Red Globe sal sekelik die hulp van 'n paar "Knights" nodig kry? Of dat die hulp van "Boere met Roere"? The story continues .... Baie dankie en baie geluk aan drie besonderse spanne Geocachers! Quote
+RedGlobe Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 Thanks for all the support and congratulations we received, but it was due to the impressive Tonteldoos cache series that we loved and enjoyed that we could not resist doing. Thanks to Urban Hunters and GerhardoosMPsa that provided us some fun on the last and final cache. May this Tonteldoos series be the start of more successful cache series in SA. Well done Tusk02 and Cincol. Quote
+Glider Slider Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 (edited) Well done to all the organizers. We would just like to say thank you for the history lesson and allowing us to see these places. We will definitly complete the series. Congratulations to Redglobe, I just hope the Queen is satisfied now. Gerhardoos and Urban Hunters deserve much credit as well. I am sorry we could not stay untill the wee hours of the mornin. The mampoer was lekker. Regards Brian and Elmarie Edited April 13, 2009 by Glider Slider Quote
+DiePienaars Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 Congrats to Redglobe, Urban Hunters and GerhardOos for being the only ones to be able to hunt for the FTF on the final cache. Congrats to Redglobe on the FTF. We will certainly complete this series and find the final cache, although it might take us one more year. We will also update our TD cache listing to show the final cache. Quote
+Team Ginger Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Congrats to Redglobe, Urban Hunters and GerhardOos for being the only ones to be able to hunt for the FTF on the final cache. Congrats to Redglobe on the FTF. Ditto!!! We will certainly complete this series and find the final cache, although it might take us one more year. Hopefully only one more for us as well. We will also update our TD cache listing to show the final cache. Good idea!! Quote
+RedGlobe Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Just a idée: If teams completes collecting the rest of the clues we can have another event next year over Easter weekend and these teams then find the final cache? RedGlobe will be there again for moral support. But if a team wants to find the final in his/her own time they can still do it. Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted April 15, 2009 Author Posted April 15, 2009 Reg, my eerste dankbetuiging is gereed. 'n DVD van die Groot Skat okasie .... net die "basics" sodat daar nie te veel leidrade vertoon word nie, maar tog die verloop van die jag uitbeeld. Stuur aan my 'n e-pos met jou posadres en ek stuur die DVD aan. Die drie finaliste kry natuurlik hulle DVD's kosteloos. Quote
+cincol Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 Ollietand - dis 'n wonderlike gebaar. Mooi so! Quote
+Team Ginger Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 'n DVD van die Groot Skat okasie .... net die "basics" sodat daar nie te veel leidrade vertoon word nie, maar tog die verloop van die jag uitbeeld. I laaik!!! Thx! Quote
+Louise_Gerhard Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 Daar is net een probleem met die video. Hy begin met name en dan se hy die volgende "Hierdie video is slegs vir manne met 18 clues en meer. Dan kry jy 'n swart film verder ek wou se 'n blou een maar toe kom ek agter dat ek in groot moeilikheid gaan wees. Nee ek is nie ernstig nie. Sakkie dit is nou 'n goeie idee en ek wag nog vir die YouTube film. Gaan jy so maak of dink jy nog. Ek stem saam met RedGlobe. As hy of Urban Hunter 'n event wil reel dan is ek ook daar. Die fees is regtig iets goed en ek is spyt dat nie meer cachers gekom het nie. Volgende jaar sleep ek die familie saam fees toe. As hulle my kwaad maak dan skryf ek hulle in vir die soek van die finale een. Ek dink die idee dat cachers saam na die laaste een kan soek is 'n baie goeie idee. Dan kan ons darem die blad skud en dit sal meer spesiaal wees op die laaste een. Sakkie dit sluit jou ook in. Jy moet maintenance doen op jou cache so jy kan gaan kyk of hy reg is - ons sal maar van 'n afstand staan en kyk hoe jy dit doen. Gerhard Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted April 16, 2009 Author Posted April 16, 2009 Hey Gerhard! Man ek bekyk jou so op die DVD en ek sukkel nog om te glo ... vir die wat nie weet nie, GerhardoosMPSA was losvoor! Een stofstreep na die ander. Wiele wat spin (amper) en 'n man wat kan hol, so draf-stap eintlik. Ek vertel nou net vir die ander Tand, volgende jaar is ons daar. Ek het nou so e-pos of wat gekry van Jagters wat die DVD wil kry maar nou weet ek al klaar, hulle gaan verseker van die goeters op die DVD herken as hulle eers in Tonteldoos land, en dit gaan dalk net maak dat die ou maklike Groot Skatjie nog makliker gaan wees.... Daar is byvoorbeeld 'n baie prominente klip op die DVD, en twee groot grasgekleurde nie-klip voorwerpe.... en dan nog die bergpieke op die horison met 'n ou wat met sy vinger die windrigting meet! Ek weet nie... dalk moet die DVD teen 'n prys beskikbaar wees? 'n Genoeg prys vir volgende jaar se Goud? Ek is nou regtig jammer as ek van die Jagters opgewonde gemaak het, maar ek dink ek moet volstaan by 'n stukkie Youtube en dan maar die DVD net vir die Krygers laat kry (Krygers teen Jack Black). Julle sal mos verstaan of hoe? Quote
+Louise_Gerhard Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 Ek dink ek praat namens RedGlobe en Urban Hunters. Daar is net een kryger. Die Kryger wat die "check" gaan doen op sy cache - ons sal jou aanmoedig met alles wat ons het. Ons is almal bankvas AGTER jou. Hierdie jaar was dit stress, volgende jaar dan skoffel ons en hou ons fees. Ek besef nou eers dat ons dit 'n jaar later gaan vier. Nou moet ons net sien of die ander cachers ook daar gaan wees. Daar behoort iemand te wees. Is daar enige weddenskappe? My wed is miskien Glider Slider, iPajero of Ginger sal die 18 gedoen het teen daardie tyd. Gerhard Quote
+RedGlobe Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 RedGlobe beaam dit dat ons bankvas sal staan AGTER Sakkie maar VER weg van die blackjacks af....... Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted April 19, 2009 Author Posted April 19, 2009 Dit is heelwat makliker om skatte te jag as om movies op die Tube te sit!!! Ek het probeer .... Mikien sal ons maar volstaan by hierdie fliek. Die DVD het net TE VEEL van die waypoints op! Jammer ouens! Quote
+cincol Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 Dit is heelwat makliker om skatte te jag as om movies op die Tube te sit!!! Ek het probeer .... Mikien sal ons maar volstaan by hierdie fliek. Die DVD het net TE VEEL van die waypoints op! Jammer ouens! Die "movie" is puik - wel gedaan!! Quote
+Fish Eagle Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 Dit is heelwat makliker om skatte te jag as om movies op die Tube te sit!!! Ek het probeer .... Mikien sal ons maar volstaan by hierdie fliek. Die DVD het net TE VEEL van die waypoints op! Jammer ouens! Very nice video clip, and professionally done too!! Quote
+RedGlobe Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 WOW Sakkie.......Ons is so trots dat die knope spat van n bree bors..... Die Tonteldoos series was n groot sukses... Baie dankie..... Quote
+Urban Hunters Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 Baie dankie Sakkie Ons wil ook graag ons "Ooh's" en "Aah's" toevoeg tot die forum. Die fliek is baie profesioneel en vat soveel van die essensie van reeks saam. Ons hou elke Poskantoor fiets wat hier verby ry met groot afwagting dop met die hoop dat dit die volledige DVD vir ons bring Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted April 20, 2009 Author Posted April 20, 2009 urban! Mens kan begin dink jy gaan met die Poskantoor gepla raak! Geduld asb. Ou Gerhard het so hard op die Yube knoppie gedruk dat ek al my tyd daaraan spandeer het. Die DVD is klaar, nog net so ietsie hier en daar vernder dan stuur ek dit... kan nou nie dat dit minderwaardig teen Youtube wees nie! Ek is baie dankbaar vir die mooi kommentar - dit is 'n aansporing. Net bly ek hoef nie meer die DVD na 'n honderd posbusse te stuur nie!! Gelukkig nou net 'n paar .... as die ander Jagter sal "settle" met die Tube? Quote
+Bouts777 Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 Dankie Sakkie. Vir al jou moeite en die You Tube ding wat baie goed lyk. Ek sou nie omgegee het vir die volledige een nie maar ek verstaan wat jy bedoel. Miskien kan jy vir almal wat wel die laaste een kry 'n volledige DVD stuur as hulle daarna vra. Dankie nogmaals vir jou en die ander cachers wat die reeks moontlik gemaak het. Quote
+Glider Slider Posted April 23, 2009 Posted April 23, 2009 (edited) Yissie SakKie ek was daar! Dankie vir die clip dit het die tog die moeite werd gemak. Redglobe count me in for next year again. regards Brian and Elmarie. Edited April 23, 2009 by Glider Slider Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted April 23, 2009 Author Posted April 23, 2009 Sjoe! Glider! Ek het julle iewers tussen die mampoer en die ma-moerse boereworsrol gemis ek dink? Maak nie saak nie, ons sien mekaar in 2010, saam met die bolrol en die volkstaat ... hehe. Vir die hele klomp wat die DVD gevra het, jammer ouens, julle sal moet clip-kyk. Daar is net te veel leidrade op die DVD. Vir die res, die DVD is gesny ek land more in die slakpos. Laat weet my as dit teen 2011 nog nie ontvang is nie!! Ek weet ek mag nie vra nie, maar ek gaan 'n wille kans vat - wie het NIE gestem nie? Tonteldoos BO!!!! Quote
+Urban Hunters Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 While we were doing a couple of caches for the day we were informed that the postman has arrived with the full length DVD. Can’t wait to pick up the DVD this weekend. Thanks Sakkie!! Our feedback will be posted soon Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted May 3, 2009 Posted May 3, 2009 Well the whole GROOT SKAT weekend has inspired me. I managed to get another 3 TD caches done on my trip to SA. So I'm still ticvking them off and aiming for getting the big one someday. Quote
+RedGlobe Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 We have heard thru the RedGlobe grape wines that the Final Tonteldoos cache will be discovered this coming weekend… ..sorry we will not be able to witness this BIG milestone… .please add some photos. Who will be next????????? Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Excellent. any update on how many times each cache has been discovered? i'm still aiming to get there. I think I have 6 now. But it will take a while. I hope others are still searching theriough all the series? Quote
+Louise_Gerhard Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 (edited) Carbon Hunter you have 7 clues. It consists of 6 finds and you are an owner so you have the clue on that one. You thus found the following, Paul Kruger, Louwtjie Leeus, Transvaal se onafhanklikheid, Young Paul, Howick, Jacobs Concentration Campa and Die Groot Trek. See I am watching you with a hawk eye. Gerhard Edited September 16, 2009 by gerhardoosMPsa Quote
+Louise_Gerhard Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Maybe I am out of line here but if true please give me a smack offline. Ok, no kicking below the belt. I am sure that we discussed the rules a long time ago. I am also sure that we said we will allow clue swapping to enable more cacher to find the final one. I do not know if this legal or not but it is open for discussion. If one look at the cache chart than 111 cachers have 1 clue. I am sure if you start swapping the clues than some cachers should find the correct clues to enable them to find the final cache. Maybe we should open this for discussion and if we agree and FE agree than we should publish this on each and every listing for a tonteldoos cache. Maybe some movement will be seen on this series. Gerhard Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 I thinkl there was always a dicussion and agreement that on the "Groot Skat" you could swap clues - but not go for the gold. But I could be mistaken. I see the balmoral cache has also been muggled - I hope it gets up and running again in the near future too. Louwtjie Leeus was also muggled (the municipality cut the tree down and too the cache away ) I see you are watching me - I have to be a little more careful and stealthy Quote
+RedGlobe Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Yes we agree that it was only for the FTF prize that a team had to do all the caches in the series, but now you can use any method to find the final cache and it is up to cachers if they want to complete the series or not. P.S. The Balmoral Cache was not muggled but was burned during a local field fire…. Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 P.S. The Balmoral Cache was not muggled but was burned during a local field fire…. Are the Khakis starting their scorched earth policy again to stop people getting all the clues???? Quote
+Louise_Gerhard Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Maybe we should add the clue swapping as an option to the cachers – maybe cachers are not aware of this as most of our discussions took place away from the forum. I will change mine this weekend. Thanks for the reply. Gerhard Quote
+DamhuisClan Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Balmoral is back up and running thanks to iPajero who graciously replaced the cache for us. Only problem being, I am unable to update the co-ords, as the web site keeps telling me co-ords invalid. Hope to have that sorted out in the next few days. Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 Great news - thanks Damhuisclana dn IPajero. Well done on another Tonteldoos Groot Skat find. Quote
besem Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 Well. It seems that I have lost all the clues for the Tonteldoos caches I have done. Is it possible to get the clues for the ones I have already done, or will I have to revisit the caches? Quote
+cincol Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Well. It seems that I have lost all the clues for the Tonteldoos caches I have done. Is it possible to get the clues for the ones I have already done, or will I have to revisit the caches? PM me with the list of the TD's that you have done [with references of proof naturally] and I will see what I can do for you. Alternatively you can approach Red Globe, Urban Hunters, iPajero or gerhardoosMPsa with some lucrative financial offer and they might oblidge. Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted January 26, 2010 Author Posted January 26, 2010 We at Tonteldoos do have this gentlemans agreement to look into this doos every three months or so. Glad to oblige. Reg, so met die nuus dat springkane die groot Skat opgevreet het, en daar ruimte is vir 'n nuwe Groot Skat ( soos in ou/Sa nuwe SA), wil ek solank verneem wie almal die Groot Skat vanjaar gaan soek. En natuurlik, die ou span, kan ons dalk die GS skuif na daai annerplek toe? En almal sommer daar inboek vir die 2010 Tonteldoos Event Altwee die groot tanne en die nuwe kleintanne is reg vanjaar! Quote
+cincol Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 Klink interresant. Ek wag in spanning vir verdere inligting! Quote
+RedGlobe Posted January 27, 2010 Posted January 27, 2010 Ek het al begin wonder of almal vergeet het van daai GROOT plek..... As dit weer oor die paas naweek gaan wees gaan dit hierdie keer ook my verjaarsdag insluit.... Wag in spanning vir die relings Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted January 27, 2010 Author Posted January 27, 2010 (edited) Ai tog .... Reëling nr 1. As dit cincol se goedkeuring heeltemal wegdra (soos in heeltemal weg); Dan gaan RedGlobe sy kontakte noord-wes van die GS kontak en as hulle plek het vir die Tontels en Dose; Dan gaan ek vra wie saamkom voor en tydens die Tonteldoosfees om: a) Die Groot Skat 'n Veilger Hawe te gee .... Die VH as 'n "Event" op te sit vir daardie dag (as cincol nog weg is) c) Meer Perske-mampoer te drink. "NEXT"!!! vir reëling 2. ns. die annertand het weer vanaand bevestig, een kampplek asseblief Pine. Edited January 27, 2010 by Tusk O'2 Quote
+cincol Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Ek val in by die "Groot Tand" se besluite. Ek is [was] bloot die skriba met die GS. Beteken dit nou dat ek 'n "nuwe" GS sal moet "bou"? Of gaan ons 'n springkaantandbestandehouer berg by die oorspronklike GS-ligging met die huidige leidrade en 'n heletemal nuwe een uitdink? Ek volg die gesprek met groot oë uit 'n lekker koel woestyn uit! Quote
+Danie Viljoen Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Up to 30 January, four cachers have completed the whole series: Urban Hunters, gerhardoosMPsa, iPajero and RedGlobe. The next ten are: Antron: 8 Danie Viljoen: 8 Glider Slider: 8 Tricky Vicky & Mickey: 7 Carbon Hunter: 6 DiePienaars: 6 Fish Eagle: 6 Team Ginger: 6 adysally: 6 besem: 6 Quote
+cincol Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Up to 30 January, four cachers have completed the whole series: Urban Hunters, gerhardoosMPsa, iPajero and RedGlobe. The next ten are: Antron: 8 Danie Viljoen: 8 Glider Slider: 8 Tricky Vicky & Mickey: 7 Carbon Hunter: 6 DiePienaars: 6 Fish Eagle: 6 Team Ginger: 6 adysally: 6 besem: 6 besem mentioned to me that his goal is to complete the series this year still. Quote
Tusk O'2 Posted March 27, 2010 Author Posted March 27, 2010 Got this e-mail from Tonteldoos: Hallo Sakkie Ek hoop dit gaan goed. Alles reg met jou groep vir die Tonteldoosfees volgende Saterdag? Laat weet asb kortliks wat jul beplanning is. Weet jy dalk wat is Tonteldoos se koordinate? Ek hoor graag van jou. Groete André Meyer Tel: 013 254 8902 Fax: 086 519 2468 Cell: 082 565 3402 Email: mwdumey@mweb.co.za Any suggestions? Quote
+RedGlobe Posted March 29, 2010 Posted March 29, 2010 Sakkie ons (RedGlobe) gaan nie die Paas naweek in die dorp Tonteldoos wees nie. Gebruik die finale "Tonteldoos - Groot skat" se ko-ordinate vir die dorp (S 25° 19.202 E 029° 59.390) Quote
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