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Magellan Stinks!


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I recently bought a new Magellan eXplorist 500le and I hate it. I really should have done more research before buying, and if I did I probably would have bought Garmin, Lowrance, or another brand, just not Magellan. I haven't even had my 500le for 12hrs, and I already hate it. I loaded the software into my desktop, and it didn't work, not to mention the trouble MapSend gave me. Next, I tried my laptop, eventually after upwards of 200 tries, I finally got the software working. Now it was time to connect my reciver, and download GC POI's. My first few attempts were unsuccesful (I chalked that one up to my error, and learning how to use the system). However, try, and try again I could not get a GC POI to load. On try 1,532 (yes I counted) I got my first POI loaded. After that, I have to admit, it was pretty easy to load GC POI's into the system. I like the GC Manager that came with Magellan, but it doesn't work on my desktop, which is weird because my desktop is more powerful than my laptop, and it worked on my laptop. Once I got it up and running, it was pretty easy to work with, but getting it there was a pain. Hey Magellan, what's with the weird battery pack? It took me like 15 minutes just to get it in. The maps are alright, but I don't think that i'm going to spring the extra 150 bucks for the topo maps just yet. The real test comes today when I take it out GCing. Well Magellan, you've just lost another customer to Garmin, because I am not buying from Magellan ever again.

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With the exception of their customer service issues, I think that the Magellan vs Garmin issues come down to personal preference, much like the PC/Apple debates. That being said, with the disparity in customer service between the two companies, my decision would be easy even if I wasn't Garmin-entrenched.

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I recently bought a new Magellan eXplorist 500le and I hate it. I really should have done more research before buying, and if I did I probably would have bought Garmin, Lowrance, or another brand, just not Magellan. I haven't even had my 500le for 12hrs, and I already hate it. I loaded the software into my desktop, and it didn't work, not to mention the trouble MapSend gave me. Next, I tried my laptop, eventually after upwards of 200 tries, I finally got the software working. Now it was time to connect my reciver, and download GC POI's. My first few attempts were unsuccesful (I chalked that one up to my error, and learning how to use the system). However, try, and try again I could not get a GC POI to load. On try 1,532 (yes I counted) I got my first POI loaded. After that, I have to admit, it was pretty easy to load GC POI's into the system. I like the GC Manager that came with Magellan, but it doesn't work on my desktop, which is weird because my desktop is more powerful than my laptop, and it worked on my laptop. Once I got it up and running, it was pretty easy to work with, but getting it there was a pain. Hey Magellan, what's with the weird battery pack? It took me like 15 minutes just to get it in. The maps are alright, but I don't think that i'm going to spring the extra 150 bucks for the topo maps just yet. The real test comes today when I take it out GCing. Well Magellan, you've just lost another customer to Garmin, because I am not buying from Magellan ever again.

Well I have been using and explorist 500 for a few years now, when one was stolen I bought an Explorist 500LE.

12 hours is not enough time to really learn about all the features in the 500LE

What is the OS on your lap top, if it is Microsoft Vista you neen to download Magellans Vantage point.

I must say though that VP is no walk in the park.

As far as the Battery pack, the early Explorist used a lithium Ion battery that is also used in a Motorola cell phones-I am not sure but I think it is a T120 extended life battery, the explorist LE is the same as the early but Magellan included the AAA battery pack instead of the Lithium Battery. This was done to bring the price down, IMO. I use the Lithium batteries in my Explorist 500 LE, I had one left after my first Explorist 500 was stolen and I bought two more online. Magellens charges too much for the batteries. I have never used AAAs in mine.

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Admittedly I have not owned the model you mention, however I have had several GPS over the years of both major brands.


Garmin eTrex Yellow, GPS76, Ique 3600, GPSMap 60 CSx (current)


Magellan Meridian Gold, Meridian Platinum, eXplorist 210, SportTrack


My Magellan Meridian Platinum was a fantastic machine, my favorite until I got the Garmin 60 CSx, so it's not the brand that makes the difference... both companies make some great products... and some lemons - my Garmin Ique was the worst botch of a GPS I have ever seen!


Don't judge the company by one bad experience... especially if there is a chance that the problem is user error.

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First got a megellan Sportrak because that's what I learned on- used my brother's. Loved how easy it was to find caches with. Just follow the directional arrow to the cache, but hiding caches was another thing. The arrow would spin around in circles and the coordinates were all over the place. Took me several hours to test and retest the coords until I was sure they were acceptibly close. Started having trouble with the coords of the Sportrak being off constantly and thought downloading the firmware might fix it. GPS wouldn't work at all after that.

Got a garmin. Fantastic for placing caches- getting the coordinates takes, at most, a half an hour and they are nearly spot on, but hunting caches is another thing. The directional arrow spins around in circles and the coordinates are all over the place. Heck I can't get close enough using my garmin's distance and directional arrow to find anything, but I have found that once I get close to the cache if I use the satellite coordinates I can circle around until I get to the coordinates listed for the cache. That's hard though in sensitive areas where you don't want to tread all over the place.

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Hi ethanbl - hey, tell us how you really feel! :o


I agree with you on the steep learning curve on the eXplorist series. And the lack of useful instruction anywhere that would help. That said, once you get through it, it's a pretty good unit. Nice controls, nice size, nice screen, I love file management and the ability to load both an active geocache file AND an active POI file, and quickly switch to other files.


I've totally ditched the Magellan software and just use GSAK, though I'm not really suggesting that you go that route - unless you're already familiar with GSAK. It's another piece of software to that you'd need to learn. Fine for me, as I was already using it, perhaps just another hassle for you. In fact, I gave up on the Magi software with probably less than a hour invested in fiddling with it; don't know what I'm missing.....


The cable connector is fragile and subject to failure. A royal PITA.

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Another Maggie basher...sheesh!


I LOVE my 500LE and would never change (even had the chance to when mine was stolen). It's cheaper priced than most units of it's capability...and works like a charm!!


And, since I've yet to need CS, I'm hardly about to bash them even after hearing the "stories". My ONE time I called and ordered anything from them was AMAZINGLY easy and the delivery MUCH quicker than I was told! Hey, they even honored an older software promo and sold me my mapping software dirt cheap!!


Maybe you should...ummmm...go out and give it a chance?? OR, sell me the unit and go buy a more expensive one!! ;-)

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I noticed that you are from NJ, and I noticed that you were recently looking for other cachers in your area. I also see that you are new to the game. I do not mean to be presumptuous, but you might find it helpful to join others and thereby gain some experience with your unit and the search for geocaches . If you look on the North East Forum, you will find geocachings 3rd most viewed thread, Sunrise Stepoff. the group regularly has group hikes which include caching. In fact they are having one on Saturday. You might want to go along on one of those and explain the problems you are experiencing and I am sure that one of them will know how to address it. The group as a whole is very conscious of the attitude people have about New Jersey and New Jerseyans --so feel free to join them. :laughing:

Next Sunrise Stepoff-- An Event


Personally, I use the same unit, there are some idiosyncrasies , but once you get beyong them-it will work.

Edited by Packanack
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I love my eXplorist 500. I'm only looking for a replacement now because I want a handheld with the Sirf III chipset in it, and, well, I like new gadgets.

I wouldn't get hung up on the SiRF3 chipset, there are other GPS chipsets that work just as well, that is one of the the reasond that SiRF technology stock has been in a downword trend. Their stock started to drop a way before the rest of the stock market started to drop. I know, I have stock in SiRF.

In one year SiRF stock has gone from $28.00 a share to a little over $6.00 as of this morning.

There symbol is SIRF

Edited by JohnnyVegas
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I really don't hate the 500le, or Magellan, I am just aggrevated with them because I had to stay up till 3am (yes, that was my fault, I know) to make it work. Now that it's working, my Maggie is a pretty good system, I just have to get used to the interface. I think with some small improvements, like battery life, Magellan could have an amazing unit. My previous rant was just me on loads of caffeine, and four hours of sleep. I also believe that I exaggerated by saying that I would never buy from Magellan again, because I just bought a RoadMate for my car, and I LOVE IT. The only bad thing is that it just beeps when it wants you to turn, but I think if I play with it a bit, I can fix that. I'm sorry if I offended any Maggie users, and i'm looking forward to sharing helpful tips and info with other 500le users.


Happy Hunting

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Hey Packanack,

Thanks for the help, i'll keep in touch, maybe we can go caching sometime. I go through Wayne a lot, and there are not many caches by me. Also take a look at my second post. I was just tired of playing with the unit, and needed a chance to rest. When I get home today, I am going to go caching, so I will have a chance to really test the unit out. Thanks for your help.

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I really don't hate the 500le, or Magellan, I am just aggrevated with them because I had to stay up till 3am (yes, that was my fault, I know) to make it work. Now that it's working, my Maggie is a pretty good system, I just have to get used to the interface. I think with some small improvements, like battery life, Magellan could have an amazing unit. My previous rant was just me on loads of caffeine, and four hours of sleep. I also believe that I exaggerated by saying that I would never buy from Magellan again, because I just bought a RoadMate for my car, and I LOVE IT. The only bad thing is that it just beeps when it wants you to turn, but I think if I play with it a bit, I can fix that. I'm sorry if I offended any Maggie users, and i'm looking forward to sharing helpful tips and info with other 500le users.


Happy Hunting


Buy the battery pack or find the motorola equivalent and the car charger, you'll never run out of battery life!! :laughing:




edit spelling...D'OH!

Edited by Rockin Roddy
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Glad to hear that you got a chance to rest, relax, learn something about the unit, and now apparently no longer think Magellan to be the lair of the Devil!


If that is indeed the case I wonder if it would be appropriate for you to ask a Moderator to change the thread title to something less angsty... first impressions, especially to newbies, do matter!

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We have a bunch of Garmin handhelds in our family, but had never had a Magellan. When my wife wanted a GPS for the car, I picked up a Magellan 1200 on sale.


Took several hours for the zipped update to download (DSL), and then I could never get it to launch. Their customer service had no suggestions.


I took it back to the store and got a TomTom One 3rd Edition, and it has been great (same price).

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I got home early today, and took my 500le caching. It was great. I had to do some extra looking because of the dense tree cover where the caches were hidden, but all in all, my Maggie was better than the Garmin eTrex that I had before this one. My old Garmin (R.I.P, died after 4yrs of faithful service) was always over or undershooting caches by 100-230yds (1ft=3yds), so do the math. My Maggie was only off by 46ft and I am finding caches much easier with Maggie than I am with my old Garmin. By the way, all you New Jersey cachers, be prepared for my first hidden cache "Tennis Anyone" hidden in Bloomfield, NJ's beautiful Brookdale Park. It should be published in a little while, as I just updated the coordinates.

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I "de-WAAS-ed" Meridian Platinum accidently by clearing all data. No apparent way to recover WAAS (yet). No newer firmware version available that knows about the new WAAS satellites.


How could you hard-code the WAAS satellite ID data into firmware? What idiot programmed that? Did he (they) really think the WAAS satellites would never change? Did he (they) never read the WAAS interface documentation? It's clear in there to me (engineer, but not programmer).


Have been in discussions on the Yahoo Meridian group with resident gurus, but no go. So I have a nice WAAS-less MeriPlat that I used to be very happy with. "Legacy" product or not, I will never buy another product from Magellan. They are history for me.

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I was wondering when (if) the WAAS issue and Magellans would come up. I recently got an explorist 210, and have been successful at finding a few traditional "large" caches out in the woods with it without help from WAAS but I am not yet ready to go to the Maggie completely, especially for urban micros. It occaisionally puts me on the wrong side of the street for those! My main "squeeze" is still a Holux 236 Blutooth receiver paired with a Palm TX using Pathaway & Cachemate. They are neat gadgets, but not robust enough for me to go hiking through the woods with.


I have a Garmin Legend on the way, and plan to do a bit of comparison to see if the WAAS really makes that much difference out in the woods. I can get down to 5-6 m EPE with the 210, even in light tree cover. I have heard the Garmin Etrex's can lose signal in tree cover which is pretty much anywhere worth geocaching in up here in Nova Scotia.


So time will tell, but it really is an interesting debate! It only takes one bad experience to turn someone off one or the other completely!

Edited by Pod-Cache
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I just got my Explorist 500 less than a month ago. I highly recommend you put on the 2.57 European firmware. Make sure you back up your basemap first. Also the AAA pack is not optimal I would definetely get the Li-Ion battery pack. It powers the unit for a very long time. I usually only have my unit on a few hours at a time, but have never gone below 75%.


My previous units were the 60cs and then the 60csx (which I sold figuring on getting a 400T, but am holding off for now). I think you will like the 500 interface and filing system. I recently went down to anaheim and just made a small 40 cache file for just down there. It was nice not to have to clutter up my main geocache file with stuff I knew I would delete in a week. The ability to have a bit of info about the cache and the hint are awesome, and the little geocaching icons on the screen are neat. All in all the OS and the File system are much nicer than pre-colorado units for geocaching at least.


The learning curve, as you have figured out, is a little steep to begin with on these units. Sounds like your over the hump and should be easy going from here.


All that being said I could never recommend anyone buying a magellan unless they are really technical themselves or have a friend who is. The customer support at magellan is horrible. Since I got the unit I have spent over 2 hours with customer support and they have given me absolutely no help. I had to get all the info and help I needed from reading and posting on this forum and others. That is not the way it should work. For a little while I was considering a Triton 2000 because it's a nice piece of hardware. But I won't give money to a company that does such a poor job of supporting its customers.


So all in all If you have a explorist enjoy because they are pretty good, especially at the price. But if you don't have one buy something else.

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My eXplorist 300 is the most accurate unit I've owned by far. It has a peculiar habit of curving my approach to waypoints slightly, though; I noticed that, while moving with a group of cachers from one to the next, I would deviate out from their straight line and then re-intersect as we approached the cache. My peg leg might have something to do with that though. :(

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I got my Magellan eXplorist 400 about 2 months ago and it works well as a paperweight. No Vista drivers work. When I plug it in the warning says "USB Device Not Recognized" and something about it malfunctioning. I also had to phone Magellan to create an account on their website. Now I call them every week because those idiots website won't let me register it so I can get the latest firmware. Their excuse is that it is under maintenance and that their engineers will fix it by next week. Well next week turned into 8 weeks. They claim their Vista drivers work but the last guy I spoke to told me that they don't and they only released some that "might" work for certain models. I really wish I could use it. The GPS itself is probably decent, unfortunately their tech support people are complete morons and liars. I would send it to them and demand a refund if I could. Whats the use of a product without any support or drivers for an OS thats been out over a year.



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Where to begin? This will be my first post contribution to a forum of any sort. I just bought a Magellan Crossover, it has all the features I was looking for in a gps, ie. Marine, Auto (hear your next turn) and Handheld (waterproof). Now the problems begin. Although, the preloaded driving maps are adequate, the preloaded topographical map shows that I'm in the middle of the harbor (about 500 meters off). I realize I only have firmware version 1.62 and fortunately there are two updates for me to download on their website (version 1.68 update and firmware version 2.14). I click the "I want to download this update" button and the website brings me to their technical support page.I try several times and finally while I'm in the customer support page I fill out the customer support FORM, asking me to give my email address and explain what the problem is. The message gets sent to my email address marked as undeliverable.

I suspect something is wrong with my email account, no problem, I'll just call them. Customer support number, technical support (4), enter model type(3) crossover series(1) "your call cannot be completed at this time, please try your call again later". Alright, now I'm worried, I cannot update my $450 gps and I cannot contact Magellan. I contact the sales department who tell me to contact the technical department and they tell me the number is working, but they can't redirect my call. I've tried more than 10 times, spoken to 6 different sales reps, each one telling me that the tech support number is working, one sales rep while giggling tells me that he's calling the tech support to prove the number works while I'm on the line with him, it rings and he says that he's put on hold. Why shouldn't I believe him? I get off the line with the sales rep feeling foolish and call the technical support again, only to hear the same recorded message.


To sum up:

- cannot download the proper updates

- cannot contact customer support (phone)

- cannot contact Magellan(anyone) via their website

- cannot contact Magellan e-mail


I find it unbelievable that this product received any good reviews. Is Magellan writing praise reviews about its products in forums like this one?


I've had this product for less than 3 days. If anyone want to buy a nearly brand new Magellan Crossover for really cheap e-mail me: richard3030303030@yahoo.ca. I'll even pay the shipping costs to get me as far away from Magellan as I possibly can get, looks like I'll need a Garmin or a Tomtom.

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Can't blame you for your frustration. Quick question though. Did you register the unit on the website? You can't download any firmware without first setting up an account. Once the account is setup and the unit registered you should be able to download the files easily.


I did register the product, I hope this doesn't discourage any potential buyers, since it's registered to me.

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1300-odd finds with the three Meridians that I own, (yeah, I've used my etrex camo as a backup on occasion) and I love the receivers. Customer dis-service, on the other hand... B)


I had to send my MeriPlat in for service. I had three complaints about the unit at the time. The primary problem was that the screen was broken. The reason it was broken was complaint number two. It kept shutting off by itself and I got so ticked off that I kinda whacked it against a tree, or something like that. The third problem was that the electronic compass would not calibrate. PERIOD. They had it for several weeks, and only addressed the cracked screen. The unit still shut off abruptly and I never have gotten the compass to calibrate.


After shipping it off, I waited, and waited, ad infinitum. Finally, I got fed up enough to spend literally hours on hold so I could talk to a real person. At first, they claimed that I sent it to some place that wasn't even in the same state but they finally found it three days later. When it was eventually returned, the case had four stripped screws (out of six), the wires that lead to the external power/pc cable hookup were loose, and the gasket was sticking out of the side of the case. All this for the low, low sum of $156. I could have purchased one in better condition on eBay for less.


I've since repaired the stripped screws (JB Weld), soldered the battery leads (which also seemed to make it a bit more accurate. YMMV) and learned to live without the electronic compass. (*)


My next new purchase will NOT be another Maggie. As the three Meridians I have now wear beyond repair, they will be replaced with 60csx's.


(*) Here's a tip: If you don't have a working electronic compass on your Maggie, don't get concerned about which way the compass is pointing. Even when you are standing still, it will still point the way. Note the sun (or moon) symbol that shows up at the edge of the compass ring. Turn the entire unit so that the sun lines up with the symbol on the compass, and the arrow will be pointed at the cache. B)

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I have had a 210 for about 2 years. I have never had a problem with it, works well. I recently found the 500LE on clearance and purchased it.


About the 500, I can't say I am particularly pleased with the AAA battery adapter and life of the "three little pigs" required to operate it since I don't have the rechargable battery (yet).


A couple of tips, bits of information I would like to share.


Despite the claim by Magellan that the eXplorist is WAAS compatible, effective last summer (July-ish 2007?? Someone can confirm) when the two old WAAS satellites were replaced, all Magellan eXplorist are no longer WAAS compatible. Although my 210 still shows this function, Magellan claims it to be defunct. This really isn't that important to me for GCing, but interesting nonetheless.


OK, now the fun with Magellan. I have heard bad things about their CS. To get to the bottom of the WAAS thing (before I new about the above statement), and get my unit to work as advertised I pressed their CS to fix my unit. After citing the box stating WAAS compatible, and their website (which still does today) stating WAAS compatible, they offered to exchange my 500LE free of charge for a Triton 400 (cool).


This is all contingent of me shipping my unit back with RA# xxx, I would recieve my new triton in 10-12 days. I have been contemplating this exchange (do I, don't I , who will the Colts draft, oh geez).


Well, I walked out my front door this morning, and there was a FedEx box from MNS on my door stoop (what is this??). I open it up and it is a T400 from Magellan!!! Hey! Wait, I thought I was suppose to send the old one back. No reference to this one at all in any of the paper work, whats going on? I didnt commit to this?


So, now the question can be answered. I am going to test drive the T400 until I am asked by Maggie to send it back or return my 500LE.


So, I haven't gotten the CS adventure as others. They did OK by me


I like my eXplorist 210. I like the GC function, hints, and all the other features.

The 500LE is OK, little bit more of a hawg than the 210, but it is in color.

The T400 is To Be Seen.


Comments, welcomed

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Now that I have had the Triton 400 on the workout for the past several days, I have this to say.


Way more accurate than the 500LE.


I like the additional screens (Compass, Map, Sat, Speedometer, Navigation).


I have exercised it for about 6 hrs of run time, and the batteries still show full.


.gpx files can not be loaded onto the SD card. They must go into the main system mem.


When plugged into your PC, it does not show as an additional drive, and you must use Vantage Point SW. Vantage point is very slow, and this is the only way I have found to load info into it.


I like the detail of the cache information. I think you can go paperless with this and not worry about a PDA or PC.


There are opportunities here for Magellan to improve the unit. The file structure stinks. If they folded into the unit all of the functionality of the eXplorist sw, this thing would be really slick.


It's going to take a while to get use to.


If anyone is considering this over their current eXplorist, It's still too early for me to make a recommendation.

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My first GPX was a Magellan SporTrak Pro. I really liked it. I was manually entering my coordinates so I didn't have to worry about any technical stuff like downloading. I did have the Topo Maps and they were as accurate as my caching partners Garmin Topo's. All in all I was very happy. Then along came color and auto routing. I was ready to upgrade, but after reading the forums on the Magellan implementation of Auto routing decided on a Garmin 60CS. It was like someone had turned on a light. There was no comparison between the old and the new. I have never regretted the switch. I was lucky that I never had any issues that required contacting Magellan Customer support. On the other hand my new 60CS did have issues when I got it. I had an excellent time when I contacted customer support that attempted to fix my problem and when that didn't work they sent me a new unit. After all the write ups I am glad I switched.

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