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Archived Caches and GSAK


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Hi all,


Does anyone have a good way to keep GSAK up to date when it comes to Archived caches? As I understand it, archived caches aren't included in PQ's. So how do those caches get updated in GSAK to let you know they are archived?


I have set up a PQ that is only for caches that are not active, but it doesn't seem to be picking up the archived ones for some reason.




That is a possibility...


BUT you loose all user notes, even those of the active caches.

For example: I put my found solution of Mystery caches or other comments in that field. If you than delete your database...everything is lost...


Just keep that in mind...





  1. Use the placed by date in your PQ to make sure that the PQ returns fewer than 500 caches. If the PQ returns more than 500 caches it will exclude active caches to get to 500 and this method won't work.
  2. Set up a GSAK filter that is identical to the filter you have set in the PQ. Alter this filter to return caches for which the last update GPX date is earlier than the date of the PQ.
  3. Run the filter and delete the caches that were not updated as these are the archived caches

NB: if the PQ was limited to 500 caches then addition caches are left out in order to make the 500 cache limit. In this cache you may have non-archived caches that didn't get updated.


For this "cache-rich" area, to get a 50-mile radius of caches to search, I have set up seven "Date Placed" PQs. Originally, each of these returned about 490 caches (I need to adjust the dates again because some are down to only 470 now that some caches have been Disabled or Archived).


After I get each PQ (dialup . . . faint.gif) and open each one separately in GSAK, I do the "Last 2 DNF" filter in GSAK to determine whether I want to Delete those caches from my database. Some I keep, most I Delete.


Then, after I have all the new PQs in my Database, I do the "Last .gpx Update" filter to remove any caches that didn't update. Those are the ones that were either Disabled or Archived since the last time I refreshed my GSAK database.


Finally, I do a "Distance Filter" to move the caches to two additional databases depending on how far away, and in which direction, they are from my home. That way I have fewer than 1500 caches in my Default GSAK database for the Cachemate Export and .gpx Export for the Custom POI Database on my Vista HCx.


I limit the Cachemate Past Logs Export to 15. Although I often don't have to refer to the Past Logs, sometimes the clue needed to find an elusive cache is not in one of the most recent five Past Logs. <_<


I hope all of that makes sense . . . <_<


Truthfully, my GSAK skills are weak.


I sort my GSAK database by 'update date', check the caches that weren't in the latest update, right click, and delete all the checked caches.


'cause my GSAK database is more than three years old and some caches have many, many more than 15 Past Logs. In fact, I have purged some of the Past Logs from my GSAK database a few times since I don't need all that info on my computer.


'cause my GSAK database is more than three years old and some caches have many, many more than 15 Past Logs. In fact, I have purged some of the Past Logs from my GSAK database a few times since I don't need all that info on my computer.



I've developed a slightly different method for myself. I use a range based PQ for my home area (500 closest to my home co-ords) that only gets active caches. When I import the PQ I have the User Flag set (clear old flags), then I filter to User Flag set (F8), go the bottom of the list (distance sort) and note the distance. Then I check all active caches within that range without User Flag (these will be disabled or archived). If they are archived I get them out of the DB, if they are disabled I have them marked as such (when they come back, there may be data there I want). Often, but not always, I check the disabled caches within that range to see if any have been archived. The max distance changes a little - depending on the number of caches I find, and the new caches hidden - but that gives me plenty of caches to hunt. BTW, there are lots of other caches in the DB - from trips outside the range - but I don't worry about those until I'm heading their way, I just keep the close ones up-to-date. Most of the above is automated with macro's, so there's only a small amount of manual work.


What I don't do is export any cache that is disabled or is a puzzle without a solution (i.e.. no corrected co-ords).


What I've done is to set up Instanofy's for each type of cache. I made sure to check the "archive" option so I receive an email whenever a cache is archived.


I deal with the nearest 1,000 caches (12 mile PQ) and get, on average, about 2-3 archive notification emails a day. I then manually delete these caches from GSAK. If I have a few minutes, I may take a look at the cache page and see if there is any note as to why the cache was archived. It doesn't take too long and I can stay on top of what's happening in my neighborhood(s).

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