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COINTEST: The Stop Lurking and come Introduce Yourself


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Posted (edited)

After making a comment in another thread recently and luring some lurkers out of the woodwork to say Hi I decided to run this cointest.


This competition is only for those of you who are new to the forums, and this crazy geocoin collecting!!


I am using the lure of shiney geocoins and other goodies to lure you out of the shadows to join us all.




Firstly - please play fair - if you have heaps of geocoins already, please tell us such. You can still introduce yourselves and ask questions, but please tell us you have 20 coins already and let some other who have few or none have a chance to win these. Thanks.


NOTE - I've decided to be *very* relaxed about the rules ;) Consider then guidelines only - except Rule #5 B)


1). To enter you must be relatively new to the forums, so your signup date probably needs to be no more than about 6 months old (discretion exercised);


2). To enter you must have less than about 30 posts here in the forums; No posting limit B)


3). To enter you must currently own (and that includes ones in transit) 10 or less geocoins;


4). To enter you need to post in this thread with at least a. and b. of the following:

a. introduce yourself - first name if you like, your caching name, and maybe how you came about it

b. tell us something about yourself, where you are from, what you do, what interests you

c. ask a question - preferably about geocoins - use this as a learning ground to find out something you want to know. Remember - no question is too dumb!


5). I am right - always! Without question. (Unless my wife says otherwise)


6). One entry per cacher - you can post more than once, ask more questions, etc but you still only get 1 entry total.


7). Entries close on Sunday March 30th (everywhere). I'll draw the 3 winning names out of a hat late on April 1st (NZDST).


Anyone can jump in and answer any questions posted in here - in fact please do!!



I will put up for grabs 3 trackable geocoins (will post later which ones) and a few other items and will draw the names of the 3 lucky winners on the date above.


If other people would also like to throw geocoins into the pot for more winners, then please contact me via my profile and let me know.


So... Welcome to the Forums - stop lurking and come introduce yourself to us today! :D

Edited by Eartha

I'm not new here, but I will start so that other know what is expected


Hi, I'm Craig. My caching name is keewee which is a nom de plume I have used for many, many years - since the internet was an infant. Kiwi was already taken where I was trying to signup, so I opted for keewee instead. (The kiwi is flightless bird native to New Zealand)


I'm 38 and from New Zealand. I work in IT, and am a geocoin addict - they number in the hundreds! ;)


Craig, what a great cointest!


With the exception of rule number 5, of course, roflmao!!


You are actually the person who I won my first cointest with, so I think this one is great!


Naomi ;)


This could have been fun, but I am not qualified. Been here to long and have to many coins.


And even if I am new I have already got at least some more than 3 coins. I usually have no luck in contests but I haven´t tryed one here.

I can tell a little anyway.

Hi, my name is Karin. I´m 36. Cachename is grodan and i cache as a team withmy husband fiabus, grodan& fiabus. He is not into coins, thats all mine. My preciousssss.

We live in Gothenburg, Sweden with our two kids and our cat.


Posted (edited)

Hi keewee! I think I'm one of the lurkers you 'drew' out. I don't qualify for your cointest on a number of grounds anymore, but I just thought I'd use this thread to introduce myself to everyone!


I've been on the Groundspeak forums since June of last year, but my first post in Geocoins Discussions was in December when I introduced the Environment Canada Geocache Your Watershed coin ( here )


I now have 46 posts (this one will be 47).


At the beginning of the month, I owned 3 geocoins: a red-handed coin I won as a FTF and two of the EC coins mentioned above. I now have 17 coins, including ones in transit:


2 Swedish Moose [edit] <-- just traded one of these for a Netherlands 2007!!

1 Minnesota 2007 MnGCA

2 All Season Winter

1 Netherlands 2006

1 GCC May 2006

1 GCC Jun 2006 (pearl)

1 GCC Aug 2006 (last cache) <-- this one is being given away as the prize from my own cointest

4 unknown (grab bag)

1 Montana 2008 (from mission)


My name is Chuck Turner and my caching name is the same is my forum name -- E&Cplus3. The 'E' would be my wife Esther, and the 'plus3' are our children: Jonathan (3yrs), Anika (20 months), and Patrick (who ought to born any day now!!!!)


I am from Nova Scotia Canada and live in a suburb of the capital, Halifax. I haven't seen too many people on the boards that I know from 'round here, except PsYkO.ns. I work for Environment Canada as a server administrator -- I'm the one that keeps the email flowing ;) My interests include geocaching (obviously), hiking, scuba diving, and reading.


Is there a master list of geocoins somewhere? If I decided to seriously start collecting, I'd probably concentrate on one region, theme, type, designer, etc. So it would be nice to know what I have to look for!


Anyone who wishes to can become a friend on FaceBook... just search for 'Chuck Turner' in the halifax,ns network (I'll be the one holding the GPS).



Edited by E&Cplus3

Well, I don't qualify for the cointest but i'm still somewhat new. So I figured I would introduce myself. I joined the forums when I started geocaching but never really got involved with the geocoin discussions until recently. Since Christmas I have become more and more active in the geocoin forums as well as missions and trading. So, i'm not really new...but sorta lol. I received my very first mission from keewee! I think that is when I started seeing the fun side of collecting coins. Its amazing how friendly and generous the people in these forums can be.


Anyways, my name is Tonya, geocaching name is n8turgrl. I am 37, from North Carolina and i've been geocaching for one year.


I too started out trying to collect coins with a theme. I own a Jeep Wrangler and LOVE Jeeps! I thought it would be fun (and easy) to just grab all the Jeep coins. Boy was I wrong! But its been fun trying to collect them and i've met alot of nice people in trying to make trades.


Thanks for allowing me to formally introduce myself keewee. Good luck to those who qualify for the cointest!


I meet all the qualifications but two


I have been registered for less than 3 months


This post was 39 so right there I'm done


But if that didnt do it number 3 would get me ...........I think I have a few over 50 right now but I know more are in transit.......

Oh well I'll introduce myself anyway I'm Craig aka seaeye


Oh Yeah how I got here I almost forgot that part....... I was looking up something about locating things with a GPS for filling out a federal flood elevation letter for my work and low and behold look what happened ;););)


Great thread and contest KeeWee....


Even tho I no longer qualify I'll intoduce myself also....


In June of last year I started geocaching and love every min of if....Our geocaching name is The-Wolf-Pack (The kids and I) My husband is The_Lone_Wolf he started caching before me I really didn't have an interest in it at first ;) .....In Dec. I started collecting geocoins and now I'm totaly addicted ;) ...I now have 37 keepers and a few traders...Mainly started collecting Canadian themed coins but theres so many beautiful coins out there I want them all ;)B)


My name is Trena I am 37 and the mother of 4 beautiful girls ages 15,5,4 and 7 months...I was born in Halifax N.S...have lived in Cape Breton N.S and now I live in Trenton N.S


I have met some awesome people in here and have traded for some great coins B)


Thank you KeeWee for creating this thread(even tho it's for a contest) so that we can introduce our selves :)


Good luck to those that qualify coin on !!!

Posted (edited)

Well my new addiction has disqualified me from the cointest. I currently own 30 coins, have 7 in transit, 8 on preorder and will soon be placing an order for 15 more. All of this in about a month and a half. ;) I hope my husband isn't reading this. :(


But since I am probably still considered a "newbie" I'm happy to introduce myself.


We are a family of 3 - hence our name. Our first 3 cache finds happened in 2006 but at that time, our daughter just wasn't really into it so we put it away. We began caching again in early February. Now it's pretty much a mom (me) and daughter activity. Hubby hasn't quite gotten the bug but we are all planning a day of caching together this weekend so maybe that bug will bite. *fingers crossed*


I am a community health nurse here in the Portland area of Oregon (the birthplace of caching). I work with pregnant/postpartum women and children under age 3 in their homes. I find my work very rewarding but stressful too as many of my clients are low-income and are really struggling to make ends meet. My hobbies include cooking and gardening and I have an intense love of music/movies. I've even travelled to London just to see my favorite musician play in concert (Peter Gabriel) in 2004. So yeah - I'm kinda nuts! :D


Hubby is a program coordinator for our county's addiction services. He has worked in the field of addiction for many years and is now looking forward to retirement where he can pursue his first love - golf! He is also a fly fisherman and a general lover of the outdoors. We have been married for nearly 18 years.


Daughter Maren is 11 and is finishing up 5th grade and will soon be making that transition from elementary school to middle school. She is very much into dance (hip hop/jazz/lyrical ballet) and next week will be performing in her school play as the Queen Guinevere.


Ok - my question about geocoins. Where do I go for treatment for my addiction? :D


You know it's interesting. I went to Disneyland (California) in 2002 and then to Disneyworld (Florida) last summer. Both times I found myself drawn to the collectable pins they have. I wore a lanyard and enjoyed filling it with all the pretty pins. Somewhere in the core of my being - I felt a little switch turn on but as I can't go to Disneyland every year - no matter how much Maren would wish to - I never really had an outlet for my interest. And then I found my first geocoin and it was like - aha! - this is it! And now I'm busy turning my Disney pins into TBs and spending way too much on what I now call MY bling bling. Funny how life can be, isn't it? :laughing:


Anyway, the folks I've come into contact with around here have been so wonderful, helpful and patient. Thanks for everything and I think this is a great idea for a cointest. Good luck to all those who enter!

Edited by ThePetersTrio
Posted (edited)

Well I don't really qualify for the under 30 posts but I'm still new. ( 4 months) my caching name is terrier team, I have no geocoins, i like to go by my dog's name when I'm on the internet Vicky. I'm realitivty young. My "kids" are my dog and cat. I LOVE geocaching. I'm on here all day so that explains all my posts. My uncle introduced me to geocaching. I live in the Salem, Oregon area and do not like it in the winter. So I guess that sums me up. Oh yah I'm a person of many colors. Phew!!!!!


Edit: Grammer

Edited by Terrier Team

Nice cointest Craig but I might suggest you remove or increase the minimum post requirement. For those under and close to the 30 post limit at the moment would have to stop posting more until after Mar 30 for fear of nullifying themselves :D .... and we want everyone to be posting don't we :D

Posted (edited)

"Ok - my question about geocoins. Where do I go for treatment for my addiction? " ThePetersTrio, didn't you say that your hubby deals with addictions :D . You should have posted in the forums when you first started buying your coins. - Then, we would have warned you to RUN :D


Yes, Craig, this IS Great! So many newbs have just under 100 posts. MAYBE, you could say Newbs since December. But then This is Your cointest :laughing: SO . . . :(

Edited by fairyhoney

"Ok - my question about geocoins. Where do I go for treatment for my addiction? " ThePetersTrio, didn't you say that your hubby deals with addictions :D . You should have posted in the forums when you first started buying your coins. - Then, we would have warned you to RUN :D


LoL - well he doesn't know about this one yet! (at least not until the Visa bill arrives) :laughing:


I still think of myself of fairly new to geocaching, but I am not new to the forums. I am pretty new to geocoins, as I bought my first one less than 2 months ago, but I am pretty sure I already have way over 20 coins. I just can't stop myself from buying them (got two deliveries this week). And I just ordered two more coins this morning!


So, I am not eligible for this cointest, but just wanted to say Hi. :D


OK.. I think I will have to amend the rules somewhat as it seems people fall into this addiction very quickly and there may actually be no one lurking who is still qualified to enter! :D


Let see - how about making it:

- you've joined in the last 6 months

- have 10 geocoins or less, and

- have no limit on the number of posts (that way we can all learn something about each other0 :D


Nice cointest Craig but I might suggest you remove or increase the minimum post requirement. For those under and close to the 30 post limit at the moment would have to stop posting more until after Mar 30 for fear of nullifying themselves :( .... and we want everyone to be posting don't we :laughing:


Posting limit removed ;)


Groundspeak had offered to pay me for cutting down the number of forum posts - it apparently saves them money :D




I am going to be quite relaxed about the rules - except for Rule #5, that one will not be relaxed.


So jump on in and introduce yourself folks.


Hello I am the NutellaFairy. I do not have any geocoins yet but I hope to have some soon. I hope to spread the joy of hazlenuts and cocoa but in coin form. I do not want to win any coins, I only came here because I heard there were people who didn't believe in the NutellaFairy. I am real and I am introducing myself :D I will be visiting your caches soon but I show preference to those caches with the nutella theme (hint hint).


I Heart Nutella




This could have been fun, but I am not qualified. Been here to long and have to many coins.


And even if I am new I have already got at least some more than 3 coins. I usually have no luck in contests but I haven´t tryed one here.

I can tell a little anyway.

Hi, my name is Karin. I´m 36. Cachename is grodan and i cache as a team withmy husband fiabus, grodan& fiabus. He is not into coins, thats all mine. My preciousssss.

We live in Gothenburg, Sweden with our two kids and our cat.



Hi Karin,


Welcome to the forums. It is great to see the international flavor appearing in here :laughing:



Hi keewee! I think I'm one of the lurkers you 'drew' out. I don't qualify for your cointest on a number of grounds anymore, but I just thought I'd use this thread to introduce myself to everyone!


I've been on the Groundspeak forums since June of last year, but my first post in Geocoins Discussions was in December when I introduced the Environment Canada Geocache Your Watershed coin ( here )


...E&Cplus3. The 'E' would be my wife Esther, and the 'plus3' are our children: Jonathan (3yrs), Anika (20 months), and Patrick (who ought to born any day now!!!!)


I am from Nova Scotia Canada and live in a suburb of the capital, Halifax. I haven't seen too many people on the boards that I know from

'round here, except PsYkO.ns. I work for Environment Canada as a server administrator -- I'm the one that keeps the email flowing :D

My interests include geocaching (obviously), hiking, scuba diving, and reading.


Is there a master list of geocoins somewhere? If I decided to seriously start collecting, I'd probably concentrate on one region, theme, type, designer, etc. So it would be nice to know what I have to look for!


Anyone who wishes to can become a friend on FaceBook... just search for 'Chuck Turner' in the halifax,ns network (I'll be the one holding the GPS).




Hi Chuck. Your coin collection is growing expedentially!! I'd be worried! :D


Thanks for telling us all about yourself. Good luck on the birth of Patrick - make sure you keep us all up to day as we are all family now!! I've added you as a friend in Facebook. :(


Now, as to your question:


Is there a master list of geocoins somewhere? If I decided to seriously start collecting, I'd probably concentrate on one region, theme, type, designer, etc. So it would be nice to know what I have to look for!


Someone will need to correct me if I am wrong, but Groundspeak have a list of the Trackable Geocoins with icons - http://www.geocaching.com/track/geocoinslistall.aspx


There are a number of sites that list geocoins (trackable and nontrackable) as well as other items, but they all rely on people advising them of the fact that a particular coin is out there. None contain 100% of coins, or all information about them. Some allow public entry of information, which means that you get the same coins listed with different names, other veto the information, but don't neccisarily allow all geocoins in an edition to be entered (for various reasons). Here are some sites to look at:

Geocoin Collection

Coin Tracking

Geocoin Wiki

TrackableCoin Wiki

List of ALL geocoins - Is there one available? - thread


Hello I am the NutellaFairy. I do not have any geocoins yet but I hope to have some soon. I hope to spread the joy of hazlenuts and cocoa but in coin form. I do not want to win any coins, I only came here because I heard there were people who didn't believe in the NutellaFairy. I am real and I am introducing myself :laughing: I will be visiting your caches soon but I show preference to those caches with the nutella theme (hint hint).


I Heart Nutella




Hello there NutellaFairy!!!!!!! We a humbled by your presence posting in this thread. You certainly qualify for an entry :D


Oh and if you need any help - just sing out :D


I don´t really qualify either. I have been caching for a year now but I only started reading the forum early this year. This had led to some coins being bought. Hmmm ... I think I have 17 now, but counting a few preorders it will be over 20. I have never been a collector of anything and I didn´t think I was ever going to be, but those coins are hard to let go of. I like watching them as they are so beautiful.


Behind this master lurker is a Swedish cacher living in a small town on the (Swedish) west coast. My name is Anette, I read a lot on the forums but I have not written much. Caching name is Mufflon, a name i have been using for a while on the net so why not when I am caching to?


I have been thinking about something regarding coins. This will be my question: What makes a metal type more "valuable" than another? Coins often comes in limited numbers and one metal is usually more limited than the others but to me it seems totally random which is choosen as the limited one. Sometimes one that goes very well with the coin and sometimes not.


I will probably keep lurking around in the forums and once in a while pop up and write something. :D


Welcome Tonya (n8turgrl), Craig (seaeye), Trena and girls (The-Wolf-Pack), and ThePetersTrio.


Now, to ThePetersTrio question:


Ok - my question about geocoins. Where do I go for treatment for my addiction?

Officially - no. There is a Facebook group for Geocoin Addicts, but I think it's aim is to fuel the addiction, not curb it!! :D


Also Welcome to Terrier Team, Theotokos, MotoCycleBoi, UncleJimbo, Ness (Croft House Cachers), NutellaFairy, Anette (Mufflon)


Croft House Cachers question:

My question is about sending coins to the US. One coin I moved said it wasn't to be taken to the US (I assume due to fear of disappearing), so I'd like to ask what sort of risk travelling coins are at of being taken and if that's greater or lesser than in other parts of the world?

I have read a lot in the forums about geocoins going missing. From what I've read about the US it seems that there are areas where there are active geocoin thieves at work, and I suspect it is these people causing most of the problems there - but I could be wrong. Maybe someone with more local experience will wade in and make comment. I have a number of coins travelling around the world, and several have gone missing. One in the Stargate cache system, one just after it started the Premier Geocoin Race II, one out of a muggled cache. Some countries seems to be "safer" than others, but I doubt if any country is truely 100% safe. I know a lot of people consider New Zealand and Australia as being relatively safe, but coins do go missing here too.


Mufflon question:

What makes a metal type more "valuable" than another? Coins often comes in limited numbers and one metal is usually more limited than the others but to me it seems totally random which is choosen as the limited one. Sometimes one that goes very well with the coin and sometimes not.

Yes, I think we've all seen that. It is a personal question that people who've minted will have to jump in and answer, but what I suspect happens is that in some instances people choose the metal they like the best to be the general release of a particular coin, and other times people choose the metal they like best to be their personal edition, or Limited Edition.


Under Rule #5 - I qualify you all for entry (plus grodan & fiabus, E&Cplus3 and mousekakat - if she comes back and tells us about herself)


Yes, Craig, this IS Great! So many newbs have just under 100 posts. MAYBE, you could say Newbs since December. But then This is Your cointest :D SO . . . :D


Thanks for the feedback. I've decide to be *very* relaxed about the rules :laughing:


Hello my name is David, aka Zoesbrother,

I am pretty sure that I am qualified, but again maybe not. I currently have 2 trackables. One is enroute to me from BC Canada. I also have 1 TB. I am from Greenville WI and do most of my caching in the summer months by bike. Most days I will travel about 50 miles if not more to find caches on bike.

Posted (edited)

Hello my name is David, aka Zoesbrother,

I am pretty sure that I am qualified, but again maybe not. I currently have 2 trackables. One is enroute to me from BC Canada. I also have 1 TB. I am from Greenville WI and do most of my caching in the summer months by bike. Most days I will travel about 50 miles if not more to find caches on bike.


Hi David and Welcome. Wow - thats dedicated cycle caching! You should do a coin with that on it :D


Edit: to add - your in the draw :D

Edited by keewee

Hello to all!

Wow! Nice cointest!!! Iti s something nice to get know eachother!!!


My name is Nikos, but my code name here is Gatoulis! I am very new to all this! I Think I started in November 6th! I hope this is ok with the coin test!


I am from Greece, and I live in Rhodes island! Iti s in South eastern part of Greece!


I only found 13 caches so far! I told you I am new!!! Of course, I have many posts here in the foroums!! I am posting questions, I am taking part in cointests, I communicate with other Greek geocachers in the Greek forum....


Sorry if my English are not very good, but if I was writting in Greek.... ;)


I am a coin collector, mostly in old and silver coins, and I also collect, world banknotes(including local one, notgelds...), phonecards, and some small militaria things, I find from WWII, like buttons, badges, medals..!


My best collection is banknotes! I do not have expensive notes, and many are circulated, but I am trying to have at least one from each country in the world! I want to break the world record in how many countries I can have banknotes! Since I collect cheap or very cheap ones, I may show to all that you do not have to spent a lot of money to break a record and have a nice collection! I do not know if I will make it! I heard that the record in 2002 was 217 countries! I have about 202 or 207 I do not know, I have to see!

I am missing some old countries or some "difficult" ones!

I love the new polymer notes, and if they replaced paper ones and have the same design, I am searching for both! ... and to be honest, I do not like Euro notes! :)


Since there are not many Greek geocachers, I am the only one in Rhodes, and probably in Dodecanese island where Rhodes is the capital!!! Of course I have seen many with GPS looking around even in Winter when we do not have tourists, and this looked strange!


I am not geocaching alone! My sister and my brother in law, are with me, under this codename! Of course, I am the only who is writing here, with the exception of one post my sister wrote! :D


I am not travelling a lot, so I do not know what to do when I find all the caches in Rhodes! 3 more to go, but I am kiding! I will not stop geocaching!!

I will probalby go again until I have time to go to other islands or in other places to find more caches!!! If by the way visit Rhodes, create a cache...please!!! ;)


I knew nothing about geocaching! I accidently saw a picture of the first Greek geocoin! I loved it! I had to know more about it and by that I found this game!!!

Now, I love that game, and I love Geocoins!!!!


The game is like a treasure hunt, but you can get exercised without even understand it, and you can see places that you didn;t even know!!! I found places like that in my island!!! WOW!!!


About geocoins.... what can I say.... I love them!!! They all look so nice!!! I do not have many, just because I can not affort them! My wallet limits are... :D

Till now, I have 6 coins in my hands, one is in the post and is comming to me, and one is activated (I adopted it) with the goal to come to me! :laughing:


So, I have 7 coins, plus one (that is in the post), and an other geocoin that is comming to me but I will adopt it only when it reaches me, so... it is not my GC yet! :(


I have so many questions about the geocoins...here are some!

1) Where I can find the mintages and the variations of all geocoins?

2) Are GC collectable by variation (ant.gold, ant.silver, black nickel...) or you just have one of every design?

3) I heard about pathtags! Then I heard about geotags! Are these the same? If not what is the difference???


Many questions.... a huge post....Sorry!!!


Oh my God!!! My post is really huge!!!

The faniest thing...I forgot to mention that I am playing Volleyballl and beach volley! Nothing much!!! I am not tall and I am a "little" over weighted :D but for fun and for local teams on the island....it is ok! :D


I'm relatively new here. My caching name is based from my other favorite hobby (plying music, bass more precisely) and my name Miguel. It's going to be 1 year caching since I found my first cache tomorrow. I've been lurking on these forums for a while. It's been a busy year. My son was born on June 8th 2007 and he has a coin out in his honor. I started having an interest in coins in October-November last year. I went a little overboard and now have about 30 or so coins. I think they're awesome, i always liked coins and have a small currency coin collection so it was the perfect mix of my favorite hobby (geocaching) and coins. Coin collecting in my opinion is more of an off season hobby (I live in Canada so winter is limited caching season) so you'll probably see me more here in the winter time.


Hope to see all of you around! Glad to meet most of you.


Hey the first name is Jason and I have not got into the geocoin collecting, yet.


Let me tell you how I got into Geocaching! A couple of years back I started training for a marathon and Sunday long runs would take a couple of hours or more, so I started to listen to "podcasts". If you don't know what they are I highly recomend that you check them out on I-tunes. While on one of my long runs listening to a podcast called "The Dump Runners Club", Matt the host, started to talk about how you could use you Garmin Forerunner201 for another sport called geocaching and even suggested running from one geocache to another. For those of you who don't, a forerunner uses GPS technology to measure a runners pace, speed, distance, altitude, grade... well you get the idea. Well most runners don't know that you can mark a location using the forerunner and then change its co-ordinates to mach that of a geocache. Using my forerunner I found my first 20 or so caches. Looking back it was very difficult not having the luxury of topo maps or streetmaps, but it still got me hooked on the sport. :D


Hello. My name is Jim. I am a rather shy lurker who runs from controversy. I have a couple coins, but most of them are old like IndyDiver and such. I enjoy long walks on the beach, smog, extra cheese and pepperoni on my pizza, and thoughts of the old days when ammo cans ruled. One night I had a dream about jelly beans and the rest is history.


:D Oh well it was worth a try anyhow.


Hello. My name is Jim. I am a rather shy lurker who runs from controversy. I have a couple coins, but most of them are old like IndyDiver and such. I enjoy long walks on the beach, smog, extra cheese and pepperoni on my pizza, and thoughts of the old days when ammo cans ruled. One night I had a dream about jelly beans and the rest is history.


:lol: Oh well it was worth a try anyhow.


ROFLMAO!! :):)


Hello to all the newbies! What a fun contest kewee...do I qualify if I posted less than 30 times today and only looked at 10 coins???

Now where is that room service???


Hi, dixiedawn here, real name Debbie, from Arizona. I'm new to the forums, and still fairly new to geocaching - made find #63 today. I definitely qualify on the number of coins owned. I "own" four, all released at the end of January 08. However, two have disappeared from a cache without being logged, and one disappeared along with the entire cache container, so I only have *one* that is still out there, at least on Mar 9th.


I guess I got into geocaching as another way to enjoy the outdoors. I've lived in this area for so many years, and been to most of the interesting areas - or so I thought. Geocaching has given me a new interest in exploring, and I've found places I didn't even know existed.


My question, well, is it too soon to lose hope on the two MIA coins ? It probably is, I know of a coin that was picked up by someone at a cache earlier that same day that I visited(said so in physical log) 6 weeks later they finally logged that they had found it "a couple weeks ago" at a different cache


Ok, different question, why is the Moun10bike coin so popular ? What's the story?


I'd like to get more coins, but I don't know if I'll take a chance on releasing any more into the wild unknown. Oops, is that the beginning of a new addiction of collecting?

Hello I am the NutellaFairy. I do not have any geocoins yet but I hope to have some soon. I hope to spread the joy of hazlenuts and cocoa but in coin form. I do not want to win any coins, I only came here because I heard there were people who didn't believe in the NutellaFairy. I am real and I am introducing myself :) I will be visiting your caches soon but I show preference to those caches with the nutella theme (hint hint).


I Heart Nutella



Welcome NutellaFairy. Definitely have to believe because then everything is possible and magic happens.

You will have to visit Montana. No I don't live in Montana. I live in Maine. I am Joan, the Mrs. of menace66. Not new to caching but relatively new to the forum.

We started caching in 2005, we had an empty nest and heard about geocaching. Our daughter is back and we have a 3 year old grandson who I love to spend my time with. Started collecting coins last year and have well over 300. Well that was before I went to order the easter bunnies today and they had the cutest ducks, chicks, birds and etch a cache. So now it is probably real close to 400. I do pretty good on buyng coins until I see some that would be perfect for kids. I enjoy spending time with kids because life is always exciting when you view it and live it through the eyes of a child. Keeps me young.


a. introduce yourself - first name if you like, your caching name, and maybe how you came about it

b. tell us something about yourself, where you are from, what you do, what interests you

c. ask a question - preferably about geocoins - use this as a learning ground to find out something you want to know. Remember - no question is too dumb!


a. Avroair :lol:

b. I like coins. I made my first coin so I could trade with Moun10bike for his. :)

c. Does having less posts make you a noob? Some people have over 1000 posts and still don't have a clue. :)

Posted (edited)

My name is April aka sweetpea_flower. I'm 36 years old and I live and work in Seattle. Yesterday, I was looking around the Groundspeak website and I realized that their location is close enough to my work that I probably could walk there. I wonder if they welcome the "pop in"?


I have been lurking until recently. I've completely lost my mind for geocoins. I am obsessed with ordering my own custom coins. I have been doing research and trying to convince myself that it isn't crazy to spend so much money to have some coins made.


I only have 2 geocoins but I really like them. They're pretty, have a nice weight to them, and support a good cause. Mental Illness awareness.


My question: how hard is it to resell geocoins? I want to support my geocoin habit so I can have more made but I'll need to recoup my expenses. Does anyone do this?


Also, what makes for a popular geocoin? I want incorporate my interests in a geocoin that is appealing to others, too.


Thanks for the cointest. I like reaching out even if I don't win.


I'm adding an edit so I can say... I joined in 2005 because my brother is a geocaching NUT! But I only started geocaching "for real" this early this year.

Edited by sweetpea_flower

Hello to all!

Wow! Nice cointest!!! Iti s something nice to get know eachother!!!


My name is Nikos, but my code name here is Gatoulis! I am very new to all this! I Think I started in November 6th! I hope this is ok with the coin test!


I am from Greece, and I live in Rhodes island! Iti s in South eastern part of Greece!


I only found 13 caches so far! I told you I am new!!! Of course, I have many posts here in the foroums!! I am posting questions, I am taking part in cointests, I communicate with other Greek geocachers in the Greek forum....


Sorry if my English are not very good, but if I was writting in Greek.... :blink:


I am a coin collector, mostly in old and silver coins, and I also collect, world banknotes(including local one, notgelds...), phonecards, and some small militaria things, I find from WWII, like buttons, badges, medals..!


My best collection is banknotes! I do not have expensive notes, and many are circulated, but I am trying to have at least one from each country in the world! I want to break the world record in how many countries I can have banknotes! Since I collect cheap or very cheap ones, I may show to all that you do not have to spent a lot of money to break a record and have a nice collection! I do not know if I will make it! I heard that the record in 2002 was 217 countries! I have about 202 or 207 I do not know, I have to see!

I am missing some old countries or some "difficult" ones!

I love the new polymer notes, and if they replaced paper ones and have the same design, I am searching for both! ... and to be honest, I do not like Euro notes! :lol:


Since there are not many Greek geocachers, I am the only one in Rhodes, and probably in Dodecanese island where Rhodes is the capital!!! Of course I have seen many with GPS looking around even in Winter when we do not have tourists, and this looked strange!


I am not geocaching alone! My sister and my brother in law, are with me, under this codename! Of course, I am the only who is writing here, with the exception of one post my sister wrote! :)


I am not travelling a lot, so I do not know what to do when I find all the caches in Rhodes! 3 more to go, but I am kiding! I will not stop geocaching!!

I will probalby go again until I have time to go to other islands or in other places to find more caches!!! If by the way visit Rhodes, create a cache...please!!! :)


I knew nothing about geocaching! I accidently saw a picture of the first Greek geocoin! I loved it! I had to know more about it and by that I found this game!!!

Now, I love that game, and I love Geocoins!!!!


The game is like a treasure hunt, but you can get exercised without even understand it, and you can see places that you didn;t even know!!! I found places like that in my island!!! WOW!!!


About geocoins.... what can I say.... I love them!!! They all look so nice!!! I do not have many, just because I can not affort them! My wallet limits are... :blink:

Till now, I have 6 coins in my hands, one is in the post and is comming to me, and one is activated (I adopted it) with the goal to come to me! :blink:


So, I have 7 coins, plus one (that is in the post), and an other geocoin that is comming to me but I will adopt it only when it reaches me, so... it is not my GC yet! :blink:


I have so many questions about the geocoins...here are some!

1) Where I can find the mintages and the variations of all geocoins?

2) Are GC collectable by variation (ant.gold, ant.silver, black nickel...) or you just have one of every design?

3) I heard about pathtags! Then I heard about geotags! Are these the same? If not what is the difference???


Many questions.... a huge post....Sorry!!!


Hi, your post caught my eye because I'm going to Greece for vacation in Sept 2008. I hope to do some geocaching while I'm there. I'll be around Athens. My grandfather immigrated from Volos so I really want to go there too.


Hey sweetpea_flower, so you have greek blood in you!!! :lol:


It will be very nice to go to Volos and see where your grandfather was living!!! You might find his house, relatives....

It will be a great experience!!!

Athens has many caches! To Volos..I do not know! Maybe near the city, you have to search! If they are not any, you can put! :)


Under Rule #5 - I qualify you all for entry (plus grodan & fiabus, E&Cplus3 and mousekakat - if she comes back and tells us about herself)


*whining* do I gotta??? :blink:


Ok, for Keewee...not that anyone else wants to hear about it...


My name is Naomi, I turn 42 on May 22 this year. I've got two great little girls, Hanna aka Mini-Mousekakat, aka Hanner-nanner aka Hunny Bunny, aka PIA at times :blink:, and Caitlyn, aka Caitie-bug or Cait, who is the most mischievous little toot you could imagine. Hanna turned 8 December 4, and Cait is 2 the day after I turn 42. She was my belated 40th birthday gift, but I swore that I'd superglue my legs closed before I shared a b-day, hehehe, so she must have listened and waited a few hours extra :blink:. Rounding out the little team of Mousekakat is the most incredible husband a gal could ask for, Micke aka Michael or Mikael, depending on which country you're in :). We're a Swedish American couple with all of us holding Swedish citizenship - mine is naturalized, and myself and the girls also holding American citizenship, which makes sense when you know that I was born in Houston and moved here to Sweden from big ol' Beeville, Texas back in 1999.


Micke and I met on the net in late October 1998 and then in person March 6, 1999 (do the math, anyone interested, with Hanna's b-day :lol: ) and I knew from the first time that I spoke with him in late Oct that he was the proverbial "IT" for me. We've been pretty much inseperable since then :blink:. I moved here to Sweden November 4, 1999, one month to the day before Hanna was born :blink:. I spent the next 4 years learning the language here well enough to feel comfortable speaking in public, then 2 years looking for work, and ended up with our second blessing, Caitlyn, instead :blink:.


We got interested in caching last summer. I had heard about caching a while back, but didn't have a GPS'r, last summer I bought a TomTom ONE for vehicle navigation, and then an aquaintance of mine mentioned caching on another website that I go to, and Micke and I decided to see if the TT could take coords, and it could, and a happy habit was born! We do about 95% of our caching as a family, with Caitlyn first being carried in a hotsling and then "graduating" to a Patapum carrier. We quickly discovered our first coin, and then this forum...and then an obsession was born, lol! LoriDarlin was my first coin angel and she (yes, it's ALLLLL her fault, lol) sent me a wonderful care package, including my first coins, for which I'm eternally grateful! Then the rest of the wonderful folks here helped me get my collection started further! Thanks to PGHLooking we got our first coins, Geojellies Isbjörnsbär and Hanna Bananaberry, and since then we've also managed to acquire a few of the new nerds coming out and I've been blessed to have hooked up with Jim "Castleman" and been able to get some of my own ideas put into coins, and also OakCoins, who will be releasing one of my designs soon!


I'm a pretty adventurous person, I like trying new things and doing different things. I've done everything from working at a radio station (Anyone here remember KSRR 97 Rock in Houston?) to travelling with a carnival to customer service work to working in a prison to running on the road with my ex-husband, an OTR trucker, and between the carnival, the trucking, and my own adventurous spirit I've hit 46 of the lower 48 US states, Canada from Thunder Bay Ontario to Lethbridge Alberta, Mexico as far south as Ixtapa, London, Denmark, Amsterdam, Åbo Finland, and here in Sweden, and I hope to keep travelling and seeing and learning, as long as humanly possible....now... to find a job so I can support that dream!


Right now we've got no real plan on moving back to the US any time soon, however, if in the future the job situation here doesn't pick up any and it does pick up back in the US, it's a definite option, although one we're not that nuts about, but a family has to do what a family has to do, right!


Ok, Craig... was this acceptable for you, lol!


Enough from me, I wanna read more from the fresh meat...err... newbies!


And thank the host of people on this forum that make this place such a special, fun, warm place to be! :) I really do look forward to the new folks blending in and just adding to the wonderful mix that this place is!


Naomi :blink:


I don't know if I qualify or not for this cointest, since I'm not all that new. But I've been pretty much lurking recently as I've gotten into coins, so I figure this was a good way to introduce myself. My name is Angela, Doctor A is my caching name. I'm a Clinical Psychologist, recently relocated to Fresno, CA. I was introduced to caching by my family. Sister got started into it first, got parents hooked and they dragged me out. I didn't do a whole lot of caching until the last year or so and especially since moving to CA in Oct 2007, I've been doing a lot. As caching has increased, I've been running into a lot more coins. I got one from a cache that was a local club coin, after being encouraged to go out late one night to be a FTF to get the coin, and from there was enthralled. I decided to buy some after mom and sister gave me a bunch for Christmas. Since then I've just become hooked!


It looks like I actually own 12 coins, according to my profile that I just checked. But I admit I was activating my coins at first but in the last month or so I've gotten ones that aren't activated. So I guess I technically own more than 12. I'm not meeting many of the requirements for entering am I?


My biggest question was just recently posted on this forum I saw, and that was the dilemma of whether or not to activate coins you have or not. I read some really good ideas and thoughts about that and may have to implement some fo the ideas, like buying two of each and activating one and not activating the other. So now my new question is, how do you store or display your coins? I've been playing around with different ideas and tried coin photo album pages but they're way too flimsy, so I'm trying to figure out what might work, most preferrably in some sort of album format?


My biggest question was just recently posted on this forum I saw, and that was the dilemma of whether or not to activate coins you have or not. I read some really good ideas and thoughts about that and may have to implement some fo the ideas, like buying two of each and activating one and not activating the other. So now my new question is, how do you store or display your coins? I've been playing around with different ideas and tried coin photo album pages but they're way too flimsy, so I'm trying to figure out what might work, most preferrably in some sort of album format?


I went to a sports shop and got a trading card collection album. Each plastic sleeve held 9 cards but I put in a coin instead. One book has 20 pages and the other book only has 14 right now. I decided on the books so it was easy for kids to look at them all. I do use tape to close the tops of the pocket but other than that it holds together really good. The kids haven't ripped any pages so it has got to be rugged.


Well, I definitely don't qualify. But am a recent entrant back into the forums.


Hi, My name is Linda / Butterfly and YES, I am a geocoin ADDICT. Even have a geocoin to prove it.... it goes to events with me. So Keewee if you are at the Easter egg hunt at Springs Junction, say hello and discover that coin.


Great cointest... hello to all the newbies / n00bies.

Great to see your posts.


I'm not intending to enter any cointest, but as I think I've never really introduced myself, I figure this thread would be a good one to do so. :o


My name is Lennart, I'm 20 years old and live in Venice of Scandinavia - Stockholm, Sweden. I've been caching for almost a year, and hope I'll reach 200 caches before my first geocaching b-day.


When I'm not caching or collecting coins, I'm studying meteorology at the University of Stockholm, so I might end up as one of "these guys lying on tv" as a friend of mine once put it. My other hobby apart from caching is bridge, that I've played for about 4 years. If I had wanted to and played a lot more than I actually do, I might have been in the Swedish junior national team by now, but I'm very happy with just playing with my friends in the local series here in Stockholm. :o


My geocoin addiciton is all mousekakat's and Solan109's fault. Mousekakat said something about Geojellies at the Swedish boards, and before I knew it, I was organizing a joint order for the Swedish GC community. Then a few weeks later, Solan showed me her coin collection, and I understood that there's a world past the Jellies. So now I've got maybe 30 coins and a few more coming this way, and even if I'm trying not to buy so much coins, it's hard not to. :anibad:


My first post in these forums were 3 months and a few days ago, and was an entry in a cointest where you should guess the temperature in someone's truck. I don't remember whose cointest it was, but I do remember that I missed the coin with 0.1 degree Farenheit... :o

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