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Magellan triton 400


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I own the Triton 300 and am a regular posting member of tritonforum.com


Avoid the Triton like the plague until the countless bugs are fixed. It's also not a user friendly unit at all despite what Magellan says. Almost nothing on the Triton really works right. The Triton is so flawed that REI pulled the entire line off their website until Magellan fixes them.


My suggestion, either get a Garmin color unit or an Magellan Explorist 210 or 500. You will be so much happier.

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If you are experienced with using a gps, a tech geek, orienteering experienced, have a lot of patience, have troubleshooting skills, and don't mind being a beta tester, then the 400 is a fun unit:


Topo map print out, and on the gps (yes I laminated the print out, because I'm a geek):



The DirectRoute software I originally bought for my Explorist on my Triton:




The screen is image is actually much nicer and brighter, I had to take an angled shot because of the flash (photographer, I'm not).


No, you can't be brain dead and get all this to work right out of the package (although, Magellan would go a long way in customer satisfaction if they made it so that you could). You have to fake out the Triton serial number with DirectRoute by dropping the leading 0 and leaving off the last digit. You have upgrade Topo! to 4.4.2 (would be nice if they made that common knowledge). And getting all this to work with Vista requires the purchase of a new monitor to replace the one you threw your shoe through trying to get it all to work.

But if you're really stubborn, have plenty of time and a high anger threshold, then the Triton is actually a pretty sweet little unit.

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Hi Everybody,


I have a question please,


The triton 400 is compatible with the Explorist 500 in maps?

Can I use my Explorist 500 maps/*.imi files/ on the Triton 400?


Thank you,




I have not tried just copying my explorist maps into my triton, but i don't think so.

If you have the directroute software, it is compatible with the triton. You can go into mapsend, and change the serial number to your triton's (leave off the first zero and last digit) and create street maps for the triton.

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My magellan explorist failed to communicate and I contacted them. NIGHTMARE!!!! Almost 20 calls/ over 4 months wait/ Hours wasted waiting on hold/ running trough a big trouble shoot multiple times.... The list goes on. They repeatedly lied and told me a replacement was on the way when that wasn't a fact. I was sent a replacement cable C.O.D. (unit was still under waranty) while the cable wasn't the problem.



but I want to make it clear that I never took it out on the poor staff. It's bad enuf that they work night shift in India to serve us in North America our during business hours...

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My magellan explorist failed to communicate and I contacted them. NIGHTMARE!!!! Almost 20 calls/ over 4 months wait/ Hours wasted waiting on hold/ running trough a big trouble shoot multiple times.... The list goes on. They repeatedly lied and told me a replacement was on the way when that wasn't a fact. I was sent a replacement cable C.O.D. (unit was still under waranty) while the cable wasn't the problem.



but I want to make it clear that I never took it out on the poor staff. It's bad enuf that they work night shift in India to serve us in North America our during business hours...


Just curious, In how many threads are you going to post the same comments?



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My magellan explorist failed to communicate and I contacted them. NIGHTMARE!!!! Almost 20 calls/ over 4 months wait/ Hours wasted waiting on hold/ running trough a big trouble shoot multiple times.... The list goes on. They repeatedly lied and told me a replacement was on the way when that wasn't a fact. I was sent a replacement cable C.O.D. (unit was still under waranty) while the cable wasn't the problem.



but I want to make it clear that I never took it out on the poor staff. It's bad enuf that they work night shift in India to serve us in North America our during business hours...


Just curious, In how many threads are you going to post the same comments?




Lool I appreciate that people dont want to hear me complaining. In this case I wanted to get the word out and felt one thread didn't do this justice. To top this I get a call a week after I receive a replacement 500 asking if it would be fine if they sent me a 500!!!Never mind that I already have it in my hands they had promised a triton 400. How can they breath with their heads so far up there??? :o

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Question. Is there a way to convert the .loc files for the caches to be compatible with the triton 400? Rather than punching in the info.


Import them as a **WAYPOINT** into the unit using VantagePoint. You can not import the loc files directly into the Triton as a geocache.


In VantagePoint, open up the library tab, then the waypoint tab, then find the import button and your loc file.


If you really want to maximize the unit to a real paperless caching solution, get a premium membership, download some gpx or pocket queries in gpx mode, import them into the unit as a geocache, and the unit rocks!!!!

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My daughter bought one of these today (ack after reading this thread) but I am quickly learning...


The key to getting caches loaded is to install the Magellan 'Vantagepoint' software (free download). First thing, have Vantagepoint check Magellan for firmware updates and install the latest. The latest firmware added all kinds of new features.


Aargh, slowest update ever, about 30 minutes.


While you are waiting for the update to process, run over and get an SD card because you will need it to actually load any of the Topo maps.


Indeed, the base maps of this one are pretty crummy.

Fortunately there is a limited time free download of the USTopo maps (ending June 30th).

Although these are 1/124,000 the Topo maps added lots of missing roads.


The display is very pretty about 800' and under. Awesome colors and graphics.


Despite some conflicting web information, I AM able to create a regular loc file with EasyGPS, and IMPORT it into the Triton via the VantagePoint Import command. Choose loc as the filetype under the Geocache import item. To make it easier, you can add the Import command to the toolbar.


The caches within the loc file then appear as items on the Vantagepoint list when you choose to import.


The caches will appear correctly on the 'Geocaches' Menu item of the Triton.


I did cause the Triton to crash when I clicked on the information "I" button, but it recovered. Not convinced everything is perfectly stable yet...


So I'm not giving up my trusty Quest with my freeware 1/24000 topos anytime soon, but I think my daughter will at least be able to get going once some loc files get loaded.

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A little more testing and well, playing around.


I don't need the EasyGPS layer. EasyGPS cheerfully lists Triton as a GPS selection, but when you choose it, it says that Triton's don't download loc files or work at all. Haha funny guys.


Bypass EasyGPS and save the set of 'loc' files directly from Geocaching.com

(I keep forgetting that when you put a download checkmark next to the cache, it is only good for the page in view. That limits you to about 10 or so at a time.) Get that premium membership...


You don't need the Triton hooked up to import the loc file into VantagePoint, just click 'Import' / Geocaches / Geocaching loc files. Browse to the loc file.


Hook up the Magellan now. This is something I already hate about this model. What were they thinking? The USB cable must be attached via a screw-on cable. Do they think I'm going to use this underwater?


Once connected, Click the 'Connect to PC' prompt button. No idea what all the other USB choices are or what they are for.


From VantagePoint:

The button to press is SYNC (Transfer from my PC to GPS)

Should produce a choice of loc files to transfer, and then produce a 'Completed' message when done.


From the Triton:

Choose the downloaded Geocaches by selecting Menu / Go to / Geocache

You will see a nice listing. The "I" that I mentioned seems to indicate "information" and is at the right side of each listing. If you click right to select it you are doomed. There will be a little radar icon for a couple minutes, concluding with a "Triton Internal Error X" message and ignonomous shutdown. No chance of cancelling the action.


Seems to work ok otherwise though, and might well work better downloaded waypoints. My adventures will continue at daylight.


I'm sending my daughter off to Sedona tommorow to try it at some Vortex sites. Maybe that will help.



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Helping a friend get his Magellan 300 going. Could not import the loc file - it crashed. Do we need to send a message to Microsoft? Know nothing about this and want to try to get this new cacher going soon.


It's much easier to drag and drop the .loc files. I made this step by step for .gpx files, but you can follow the same procedure with .loc files, you just can't use Pocket Queries, also in step 1, you use .loc Waypoint File instead of GPX File Exchange....


You have to use Magellan's VantagePoint software.


You need to be a premium member to download gpx files. If you are not a premium member, follow the same procedure using the .loc files, except for the use of pocket queries; and you will not get the info listed at the bottom, only the location of the caches..


You can use either step 2a, 2b or 2c to get the caches from the website in VP.


1. On the page of a cache, click GPX eXchange File and save it to your hard drive; I organized mine into different folders, basically by city(I usually name them the same as on the website; make sure that the file name ends in .gpx)


2a. Upload the .gpx file into Vantage point; from Vantage Point software, click the library tab, select Import to import the file into VP; then select the file from your hard drive. You can only do one file at a time, pain in the butt.


2b. To import multiple gpx files at once, open the folder that contains the gpx files and open VP; click the library tab, then select geocaches(reasure chesat icon). Select the files(hold down CTRL and click the ones you want; then drag them into VP


2c. Create a Pocket Query; unzip zip it; then import in into VP.


3. Transfer the file to GPSr. Connect your unit the the computer via usb; then from VP, click the MyGps tab. Then Click Transfer From PC to My GPS on the left where it says Snyc. Then a window will popup and to can select waypoints or geocaches; I uncheck both boxes. Then click the plus sign next to geocaches; then chech the boxes next to all the caches you want to transfer; it'll do how many ever you select. Then click OK and let it do it's thing.


What you will get on your Triton is…


1. Name

2. Cache Type

3. Coordinates

4. Distance from current location

5. Hint

6. Short Description

7. Long Description


Changes for V1.60…


Note: VP just did an upgrade to V1.60. Changes are... On step 2 the Library tab is gone, click My Journal on the left side instead of the Library tab. In step3 the MyGPS tab is gone and the icons are at the top. The section that says Sync is where you will find the Transfer From PC to My GPS icon

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From the Triton:

Choose the downloaded Geocaches by selecting Menu / Go to / Geocache

You will see a nice listing. The "I" that I mentioned seems to indicate "information" and is at the right side of each listing. If you click right to select it you are doomed. There will be a little radar icon for a couple minutes, concluding with a "Triton Internal Error X" message and ignonomous shutdown. No chance of cancelling the action.




This is exactly what's happening to my Magellan Triton 400. It'll power up fine. Then I go through the following steps.


1. Menu

2. GoTo

3. Geocaches

4. Select Geocache

5. Right arrow to select "I"


then just like you stated, the little radar icon thingy followed by the internal error message and shut down.


Any ideas on how to fix this? I've had to put my geocaching on hold because I like to have my Information to refer to.

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Despite some conflicting web information, I AM able to create a regular loc file with EasyGPS, and IMPORT it into the Triton via the VantagePoint Import command. Choose loc as the filetype under the Geocache import item. To make it easier, you can add the Import command to the toolbar.


The caches within the loc file then appear as items on the Vantagepoint list when you choose to import.


The caches will appear correctly on the 'Geocaches' Menu item of the Triton.


I did cause the Triton to crash when I clicked on the information "I" button, but it recovered. Not convinced everything is perfectly stable yet...



Sounds like you are taking the long way around & some part of that process is corrupting the data. Just download the GPX file from the cache page onto your computer. Open VantagePoint & open that GPX up in VP. You don't have to do one at a time....just highlight the entire list & it'll suck in every file.


Then connect your GPX up & use the "Transfer from PC to GPS" button at top. Depending upon whether you are loading up a single GPX or 500 of them, it'll take from 2 seconds to 2 minutes to get them all over there. When done, click the "Disconnect" button at top of VP, turn off GPS, unhook cable, go caching.


You'll have every piece of information on the GPS now except the logs. If they contain REALLY important clues, I edit the specific cache in VP, prior to exporting, & paste the abbreviated logs into the "Short Description".


I use that "I" that you mention all the time to read the descriptions, clues, etc. By doing it this way, loading the GPX straight into the Triton, & not trying to convert anything into other forms & such, I have NEVER had a crash, failure, explosion, etc. on the Triton......although my Garmin has had several heart-attacks.

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If you use GSAK, then go to triton forums and find the strip HTML macro from within the forums Add that macro to GSAK Load GSAK with the points you want, and then move them into another database. I call mine STRIPPED. Check all the new geocaches you have added to stripped (or delete them...I do that before moving new ones in) and then run the macro. Export the gpx file to your computer and then upload the gpx file to vantage point. From start to finish it takes about 10-15 minutes for 1000 caches.


This eliminates all the crashes. The HTML sometimes causes difficulty, and you have effectively eliminated that possibility. That will give you 5 past logs plus all the other info you want.


I have been using the Triton 1500 for about a year, and I rarely have trouble with it. It is not a happy machine if you try to do something while it is trying to shut down, and you get impatient, or press the on/off button too many times in a row. But the triton forums have all the info you could want to help you out of any messes you could make.



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From the Triton:

Choose the downloaded Geocaches by selecting Menu / Go to / Geocache

You will see a nice listing. The "I" that I mentioned seems to indicate "information" and is at the right side of each listing. If you click right to select it you are doomed. There will be a little radar icon for a couple minutes, concluding with a "Triton Internal Error X" message and ignonomous shutdown. No chance of cancelling the action.




This is exactly what's happening to my Magellan Triton 400. It'll power up fine. Then I go through the following steps.


1. Menu

2. GoTo

3. Geocaches

4. Select Geocache

5. Right arrow to select "I"


then just like you stated, the little radar icon thingy followed by the internal error message and shut down.


Any ideas on how to fix this? I've had to put my geocaching on hold because I like to have my Information to refer to.


I think I figured it out. Somehow, (not sure how) I discovered that when I select my geocaches from the list of "all geocaches" and then download them using the "download waypoints" button, something happens in the transfer...I think. Then when I transfer them from my VP to the GPS, I cannot access the "I" info on the unit.


HOWEVER, If I go to each individual geocache that I am interested in, and download the GPX from that page, I have no problems. It's just time consuming and tedious to get my geocaches that way.


Now, to figure out how to make this process faster and painless. Hmmm.

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I have a Triton 500 and 1500 and they are both fantastic. No problems at all. Very easu GPs to use and super accurate. Stay clear of the G-word. This forum is littered with problem threads. Thats all i read on here. Maggie has really worked out the bugs and now my 2 are fantastic.

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I have a Triton 400 and it is a P.O.S.

At first it had an internal system error and would shut down on boot up. Now it just boots to the developers menu and will not update using the Magellan Update Software Wizard. It fails to initialize the firmware upgrade.

It also appears that all of the options available from the developers menu do absolutely nothing.

If I were you I would not buy this unit. There is little to no help from the company. I have emailed them to no avail. They are really dropping the ball in my opinion. My next purchase will be a Garmin.

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I have a Triton 400 and it is a P.O.S.

At first it had an internal system error and would shut down on boot up. Now it just boots to the developers menu and will not update using the Magellan Update Software Wizard. It fails to initialize the firmware upgrade.

It also appears that all of the options available from the developers menu do absolutely nothing.

If I were you I would not buy this unit. There is little to no help from the company. I have emailed them to no avail. They are really dropping the ball in my opinion. My next purchase will be a Garmin.


I picked up a 400 and the first thing I did was the update. I have used it to nav on the water and to locate caches. Has worked great. I was worried about all the complaints but talked to a electronics guy. He said the same as many, once updated should be good unit. For the price, $100.00, with topo explorer deluxe did not think I could go wrong.

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