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Cointest for the best cointest


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Posted (edited)

To celebrate my son's highschool graduation, in the best old school tradition of my son's primary school I am pleased to announce a slooow cointest for the best cointest (excluding this one of course) He 'graduated' year 6 with a certificate for high academic performance ie: a "certificate for getting certificates"!!


For the purposes of this cointest:

to be eligible for nomination into any category the cointest is defined as "a contest with at least one prize awarded being a geocoin - trackable or untrackable." The cointest must not require a special purchase other than a generic TB tracking tag or non specific trackable geocoin. So the Around the world in 80 caches race would not be eligible but the Da Vinci coin challenge would be.


Any cointest may be nominated for multiple categories but will win only one prize - in the event of the organisers being multiple individuals ( as opposed to multiple personalities or sock puppets!) the prize may be sold for non-profit purposes (or they can duke it out :D Groundspeak.com cointests are eligible.

If you had fun entering a cointest or even missed out entering a fun one, let me know what it was and why you liked it. Entries accepted by linking the cointest into this thread or by pm if it breaks some obscure forum rule ;)

One nomination per category per cacher.


Geocoin Prizes awarded by me with son's input for 3 Categories:

*please include a reason for nomination to validate your entry.

*From the nominee's point of view the more clearly explained this is the better (the reason, perhaps weighed with no. individual votes will carry the day)


1. Event

2. Forum

3. International (time considerations and topic considerations)


4th is Chosen by random number generator

4. Nominating a cointest ( not your own! but mutual back scratching ok )


Closing date for nominations 31st of March to give you time to run something to be eligible :D The publication of the photo's of the :D ( names obscured by pixellation ) :D prize coins will hopefully occur before that date.


Rules may change - keep an eye on this thread!

Edited by forthferalz
Posted (edited)

Best cointest would have to be this one Give me your 10 cents


UOTrackers put together a cointest that let people who were grieving a place to express their feelings. It is a very emotional thread and the best i have read in a while. The idea for the cointest is great.

Edited by TheCollector
Posted (edited)

I'm nominating the cointest a couple weeks ago about "what geocaching has done for your life." I'll post a link when I find it.

Here it is.

This cointest allowed us to reflect on how our lives changed since we started geocaching, and as many people realized, their lives changed a lot. It's all kind of like a big thank you to the Groundspeak staff and the rest of the geocaching community.

Edited by OwlCacher
Posted (edited)

I thought the Flying Spaghetti Monster cointest was great, where everyone made things like him and there was one with tubular lights. It was great!

Thanks wavesprite - great haven't heard of any of these but I need a link to yours please ( see rules :)

Funny I always thought of FSM as female :ph34r:

off to check out the recipes!


errr at the risk of sounding like your english teacher ( see reasons for this cointest :) you may wish to expand on your reason to better the chances of your nominee succeeding.

Edited by forthferalz

I'm nominating the cointest a couple weeks ago about "what geocaching has done for your life." I'll post a link when I find it.

Here it is.


*please include a reason for nomination to validate your entry.

*From the nominee's point of view the more clearly explained this is the better (the reason, perhaps weighed with no. individual votes will carry the day)

Posted (edited)

My nomination for my favorite cointest is Dorsetgal & GeoDog's "I'm Celebrating! So I'm having a cointest" Dorsetgal & GeoDog Cointest.


Dorsetgal was nominated by a fried, and ultimately chosen, to carry the Olympic Torch during the 2008 Olympics. While she didn't need to tell us any more than this, she also included two links to two articles about her. It turns out she suffered a terrible accident and now uses a wheelchair and a very smart, beautiful dog to help her through every day. If you read the articles and do a little research about Dogs for the Disabled (www.dogsforthedisabled.org), you will also find that Dorsetgal and her dog are a very active pair - making folks aware of the Berkshire organization and also just traveling and having fun. I mean it when I say it: these two are truly an inspiration. I told Dorsetgal during the cointest that I don't know that I could possess the strength she so obviously has.


I am nominating Dorsetgal & GeoDog for this cointest because I think of them often, and I think people can learn a lot about both humans and animals from her story. Thanks for the opportunity to allow me to acknowledge them in this small way.



Edit to fix the name of GeoDog's organization.

Edited by surteb


*please include a reason for nomination to validate your entry.

*From the nominee's point of view the more clearly explained this is the better (the reason, perhaps weighed with no. individual votes will carry the day)


I'm nominating this cointest because it's aim supports some really good causes:


-Raising Money for Breast Cancer research. Not only is Tsun running in the Susan G Komen Race for the cure, but a few others have stepped up and decided to run too :blink:

-Raising awareness, by sending coins out with specific missions to raise awareness, support the race, or honor memories and

-Getting more coins out into the wild.. :lol: Probably least of the good stuff to come of the cointest, but good stuff nonetheless


I think that all the cointests are the best. :D


They have give me a laugh, diversion,pleasure, make me happy, make me sad and some cointests have give me more wisdom.


So i want to thank everybody for the cointests, it gives a smile :D on my face when i see that there is a cointest.


The cointest takes me off reality and let me sit on a beautiful cloud.






I know that this are not the rules of the cointest, but it gives me a apportunity to say thanks to everybody so please let my message stay. :D


I think that all the cointests are the best. ;)


They have give me a laugh, diversion,pleasure, make me happy, make me sad and some cointests have give me more wisdom.


So i want to thank everybody for the cointests, it gives a smile :) on my face when i see that there is a cointest.


The cointest takes me off reality and let me sit on a beautiful cloud.






I know that this are not the rules of the cointest, but it gives me a apportunity to say thanks to everybody so please let my message stay. :)


Same here ;)


I liked the "Friday Night Cointest " it was an opportunity to get to know a little about the other posters and see how they tink. (no, I don't know how to "link")


I liked the "Friday Night Cointest " it was an opportunity to get to know a little about the other posters and see how they tink. (no, I don't know how to "link")

Just find the webpage about the cointest copy the adress (highlight and using two buttons control+C then control+v to paste it into a post) you can click the little world and paperclip icon in the post window that opens

and paste into the popup. or just put it in the text area.


I thought the Flying Spaghetti Monster cointest was great, where everyone made things like him and there was one with tubular lights. It was great!


OK, I finally found the link to the cointest and it can be found here! I'm fairly new to the forums and maybe the FSM is a female, I'm not sure, but what I do know is that it was really fun to see the geocoin community that particpated in the cointest get really creative to come up with their versions of the FSM in Christmas Lights. I got a good giggle (as well as my 6 year old mini, Anakin Austin). I think that cointests are fun, but this cointest, the FSM Christmas light cointest was really creative and kooky and fun!


A great cointest was

the Haiku for a Yime coin.

How hard can it be?


A simple haiku.

Could not have been easier!

Just 5, 7, 5.


To win a Yime coin...

Ridiculous citrus mine!

A swing and a miss.


Yemonyime held a haiku cointest a while ago and it was a blast! Didn't need any special equipment or long story or need to upload a picture. Just a simple poem. An ode to a Yime.


My attempt:


In my Hand, Hot Glow

Citris geo bling, I smile

Pee Pee Dance, I do


My submission was disqualified since I already owned a Yime. Can't get anyting past the YY!


I will stick with the Brits and go for Dorsetgal & Geodogs recent Olympic Torch cointest :wacko:


M :rolleyes:

I'll go with you on this from way over here.

thx - if you two want to add a reason each and the link i'll add your entries to the official draw

Posted (edited)

Still looking for an Event cointest to be nominated - hey it's a dead cert to win at this stage if you do!

Doesn't have to be a coin related event - just something that was played at an event *for which one of the prizes was a coin which you enjoyed for whatever **reason** - don't forget that bit and a link :)

Bumpity bump


*clarifying edit

Edited by forthferalz

X - Marks the sport geociontest at our last event Link (not sure this is what you want)http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=569f2810-0009-4c5c-a1e6-06b57fc388f5


Reason: It made all entrants equal, the organizers found a spot and marked. They then gave all entrants the coords. The one to put a survey flag closest to the spot won. It was fun.

yup thx X marks the spot perfect - link works and the organiser looks like she likes geocoins!

Posted (edited)

I nominate 57chevy for the cointest he ran within my thread about cointests (here) He simply gave a coin away to the next person to post in the thread.


Reason for nominating: for showing me how simple it can be to run a cointest! :D


As for an event cointest: PsYkO.ns hosted an enjoyable event before Christmas (GC17FTH) and gave away a coin as a door prize (I don't actually know if he donated it or someone else, but he drew the names).


Reason for nominating: he ran a great event (who doesn't love a dessert pot luck!!!) and gave away a coin.


[Edited to enable link]

Edited by E&Cplus3
Posted (edited)

I thought SHARE WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT NEW ZEALAND (sorry, I don't know how to do a link) was a super cointest. Put on by Team chelmo, May 12, 2007. It was educational and we all learned facts about New Zealand. Total of 582 posts for this cointest!


Read the "how to post a link" and still can't get it. Drat!

Edited by acadiahiker


Read the "how to post a link" and still can't get it. Drat!



all you do to post a link is click on the what looks like a globe beside the "A" and a box will pop up you paste your link in the box then click ok and another box comes up to name your link :D


hope that helps :D



Posted (edited)

For a forum cointest, I nominate:


"Nothing in it for you cointest"


Highland Geofairy's cointest allowed others to nominate another for the cointest. It highlighted much of what's great about the geocoin community. I'd run a similar cointest myself a while back and remember that well after the fact people continued to post to the thread regardless of it being over. People just want to show their appreciation for what others do for them. Highland Geofairy cointest brought that back to the forums. The cointest was also not restricted to the geocoin forums and people were allowed to nominate cachers in their local community. It was great!


Highland Geofairy's cointest was especially nice that in the end a coin was also sent to the one who nominated the winner :-) (which was only a reference to the nice, unexpected surprise at the end of that cointest... read what I posted after and it sounded weird as I was nominating another!)

Edited by intolerable

For a forum cointest, I nominate:


"Nothing in it for you cointest"


Highland Geofairy's cointest allowed others to nominate another for the cointest. It highlighted much of what's great about the geocoin community. I'd run a similar cointest myself a while back and remember that well after the fact people continued to post to the thread regardless of it being over. People just want to show their appreciation for what others do for them. Highland Geofairy cointest brought that back to the forums. The cointest was also not restricted to the geocoin forums and people were allowed to nominate cachers in their local community. It was great!


Highland Geofairy's cointest was especially nice that in the end a coin was also sent to the one who nominated the winner :-) (which was only a reference to the nice, unexpected surprise at the end of that cointest... read what I posted after and it sounded weird as I was nominating another!)


Oh yeah, I'm with her!! :D



Posted (edited)

For a forum cointest, I nominate:


"Nothing in it for you cointest"


Highland Geofairy's cointest allowed others to nominate another for the cointest. It highlighted much of what's great about the geocoin community. I'd run a similar cointest myself a while back and remember that well after the fact people continued to post to the thread regardless of it being over. People just want to show their appreciation for what others do for them. Highland Geofairy cointest brought that back to the forums. The cointest was also not restricted to the geocoin forums and people were allowed to nominate cachers in their local community. It was great!


Highland Geofairy's cointest was especially nice that in the end a coin was also sent to the one who nominated the winner :-) (which was only a reference to the nice, unexpected surprise at the end of that cointest... read what I posted after and it sounded weird as I was nominating another!)



Oh yeah, I'm with her!! :D




Great thinking "intolerable" :laughing: (I see the rain isn't "fuzzing your brain" :D )

Edited by fairyhoney

I would nominate give me your 10 cents, http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=184139

because it came from the heart. The cointest itself came from the heart, the replies came from the heart and people opened up. What started out as sorrow and for the mom it is still sad, many positive things have come out of it. I know there is others like the Susan B. Komen cointest, but kids, any and all will always win out in my heart. I participated in the cointest because my grandson was born 7 weeks early and because of the research done through March of Dime he survived. There was 10 winners who won geocoins and I was one of them. There were tears, smiles, hope, and it was such a giving cointest which is why I nominate give me your 10 cents for the forum award.

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