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Geocaching on PBS


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Posted (edited)

I just watched a 1/2 hour TV show on PBS about geocaching (that, in fact, was the name of the show, oddly enough!). It was excellent, with representation by those that are concerned about the ecological impact vs those that think that is overreaction, interviews with many names that we know in one way or another, talk about geocoins and travel bugs, about both urban and rural caches.


They interviewed CCCooperAngency (on most days, the most caches found in the world), Mnt-Man (who was our reviewer when I started caching), Mt10bike, who created the first geocoin, Jeremy Irish, who first figured out that he could make money with what Dave Ulmer started, Dave Ulmer, who hates Jeremy Irish to this day, and Snoogans, who you can't miss if you scan the geocaching forums. Strange that there was no mention of our beloved, yet infamous King Boreas (most hides in the world), but he was probably either placing hides or setting up an event when contacted by the producers.


There was not one single mention (much to my relief) about geocaching being a "high-tech treasure hunt" or "a sort of scavenger hunt".


Very well done show, in my opinion.

Edited by knowschad

I would have loved to see it, but I was out at prayer meeting. Unfortunately, I can't find evidence of the show on the listings. Was it a segment in a larger program? Might it be available on PBS' website?? I've searched but I can't find it.

Posted (edited)

Actually I think TeamAlamo has the most found in the world. Something like 26,000 and counting. CCCooperAngency is #2.



Edited by jholly

Actually I think TeamAlamo has the most found in the world. Something like 26,000 and counting. CCCooperAngency is #2.




She was #1 in 2006 when that film was made. :mad:


She's still #1 to me. :mad:


I still have had problems finding that show.


Same here in Alabama-there isn't a listing for it on the PBS channel we have,I would love to see it though


Geocaching 101 is listed as having played back in Dec on the APT/PBS site. No current plans to replay.




Maybe if enough folks email asking for a replay they will add it back to the schedule?




Feel free to stop by www.dixiecachers.com for more AL caching discussions, including this topic.


The half hour show aired here on South Dakota PBS on Jan.27 at 10:30 am. Unfortunately I missed it and found out from a coworker that it was on this past weekend. My coworker has never been caching, but said the program was very informative and now wants to start caching. Hopefully SD PBS will air it again on next months schedule. :D

Posted (edited)

Okay guys (and girls)... it took a while, but I finally got it captured and posted. The hard part was finding a posting place that would take that large and long a file. Because of a glitch, I missed the first minute or two of it, but it's about 90% there...


Oops, I uploaded it converted to the wrong format.... let me try that again....

Edited by geowizerd

Thanks GeoWizard - that was terrific. And thanks to the folks that shot the documentary


Saw 2 well known GeoCachers from my area - Northeast Florida GeoCachers Association PaintFiction and IceCreamMan. About every 4th cache I have found was placed by one of these guys - nearly 100% of the logs I have found where signed by those guys - never seen them in person, yet.


Thanks GeoWizard - that was terrific. And thanks to the folks that shot the documentary


Saw 2 well known GeoCachers from my area - Northeast Florida GeoCachers Association PaintFiction and IceCreamMan. About every 4th cache I have found was placed by one of these guys - nearly 100% of the logs I have found where signed by those guys - never seen them in person, yet.


When you DO meet Paint, if he starts talking about albino rhinos, just walk away. :drama::drama::drama:


Thanks GeoWizard - that was terrific. And thanks to the folks that shot the documentary


Saw 2 well known GeoCachers from my area - Northeast Florida GeoCachers Association PaintFiction and IceCreamMan. About every 4th cache I have found was placed by one of these guys - nearly 100% of the logs I have found where signed by those guys - never seen them in person, yet.


When you DO meet Paint, if he starts talking about albino rhinos, just walk away. :drama::drama::drama:


Taken under advisement - I do hope to met him soon.


Dave Ulmer, who hates Jeremy Irish to this day,


I have been "called on the carpet", and rightfully so, for making the above statement. I have no knowledge of the situation other than what I've read on the forums. I didn't really intend for it to be taken as a factual statement, but that was naive on my part. I sincerely apologize.


Thanks for uploading the video GeoWizard, it was very interesting to watch. :rolleyes: I have never taken part in a geo event that involved group caching like that. Also it was interesting to hear the perspective on geocaching from the forest service point of view and that of a geocacher.

Even got to see the the geocaching legendary "Snoogans" in action on the video. :wacko:


Okay, it looks much better now.... You can view it HERE - GEOCACHE!


Interesting video. I did have problems with a couple things. The "sense of entitlement" that some cachers displayed and the abysmal lack of understanding about the impact we may or may not have on the wilderness was astonishing. :)


I did like the one final statement the one ranger made, that it gets people out doors and gets them appreciative of the wilderness. Which can be very very true. :)


However I was truly impressed or should I say "bug-eyed" with the people who had 16,000! caches or 314 in one 24 hour period! Holey... I've been caching for several months and have less than 300. But that inference that the high number cachers have OCD and the gal's comments make me wonder a tad. :lol:


This is the first time I've heard of a "GeoWoodstock" and the en masse of groups going out to find a cache in the woods. 99% of my finds have been solitary. That original "can of beans" though is quite the story. What a treasure to be hauling that thing all over the globe and "dipping" it for miles! :)


I am the filmmaker of the Geocache documentary. Glad to see that it's still being shown around and that people are liking it. I recently put it on Amazon for those looking to find it. But it may turn up on your PBS station for the next three years. Cheers,



Thanks for the good words on the documentary. I am the filmmaker of "Geocache" that you are talking about.


You can find it at Amazon, but it's the one called "Geocache" not the complete guide. You can also link to it at www.geofilm.net.


All the best.



Thanks for the good words on the documentary. I am the filmmaker of "Geocache" that you are talking about.


You can find it at Amazon, but it's the one called "Geocache" not the complete guide. You can also link to it at www.geofilm.net.


All the best.



David, good to hear from you. I really don't know how to thank you for such a nice video. I have mentioned it and shown it several times down here in AZ. If you ever get down this way look me up for and a caching and hiking we will go.

Thanks again

Tahosa-Trekker of the San Tans

I am the filmmaker of the Geocache documentary. Glad to see that it's still being shown around and that people are liking it. I recently put it on Amazon for those looking to find it. But it may turn up on your PBS station for the next three years. Cheers,


Nice video David! I thought that you covered everything very well. B)

Wow, I have wanted to see this for some time. I sound like such a snob just after 8:00 min into the film when I confess I like to cache by my self during the segment talking about the community aspect of caching. B)


But it is true, I prefer to cache alone. It's my "ME" time. :)


Thanks all for the good words about this documentary. I am the filmmaker who made Geocache. While I enjoy the discussion and empathize with your desire to watch it, I have to say that it is not legal for you to post the video on a website. It is copyright infringement and my contract with the distributor does in fact state that the film cannot be used in this manner without written permission.


So I apologize about this, but if you would please remove the video from Veoh. If you wish to purchase it, you can buy it at Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Geocache-David-Liban...3463&sr=8-1


Thanks for your understanding,

David Liban


Thanks all for the good words about this documentary. I am the filmmaker who made Geocache. While I enjoy the discussion and empathize with your desire to watch it, I have to say that it is not legal for you to post the video on a website. It is copyright infringement and my contract with the distributor does in fact state that the film cannot be used in this manner without written permission.


So I apologize about this, but if you would please remove the video from Veoh. If you wish to purchase it, you can buy it at Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Geocache-David-Liban...3463&sr=8-1


Thanks for your understanding,

David Liban


Do you know the caching name of the person that posted the video there? It wasn't necessarily anyone that reads the forums. You might be better off (if you haven't already done so) to notify Veoh.
Do you know the caching name of the person that posted the video there? It wasn't necessarily anyone that reads the forums. You might be better off (if you haven't already done so) to notify Veoh.

Doesn't really matter : http://www.pehub.com/63511/vc-backed-bust-veoh-networks/


For those who prefer not to click on links : "Veoh laid off its workforce yesterday and is expected to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection."

Thanks all for the good words about this documentary. I am the filmmaker who made Geocache. While I enjoy the discussion and empathize with your desire to watch it, I have to say that it is not legal for you to post the video on a website. It is copyright infringement and my contract with the distributor does in fact state that the film cannot be used in this manner without written permission.


So I apologize about this, but if you would please remove the video from Veoh. If you wish to purchase it, you can buy it at Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Geocache-David-Liban...3463&sr=8-1


Thanks for your understanding,

David Liban


Do you know the caching name of the person that posted the video there? It wasn't necessarily anyone that reads the forums. You might be better off (if you haven't already done so) to notify Veoh.


It would appear that the uploader of that video may be the cacher that calls himself Geowizerd , although there is no guarantee that the name used when uploading the video is a true geocaching name. You can contact him through that link.


Okay guys (and girls)... it took a while, but I finally got it captured and posted. The hard part was finding a posting place that would take that large and long a file. Because of a glitch, I missed the first minute or two of it, but it's about 90% there...


Oops, I uploaded it converted to the wrong format.... let me try that again....


Based on this entry into this thread, GeoWizerd is the guy. But looks like it doesn't realy matter due to the bankrupsy.


Thanks all for the good words about this documentary. I am the filmmaker who made Geocache. While I enjoy the discussion and empathize with your desire to watch it, I have to say that it is not legal for you to post the video on a website. It is copyright infringement and my contract with the distributor does in fact state that the film cannot be used in this manner without written permission.


So I apologize about this, but if you would please remove the video from Veoh. If you wish to purchase it, you can buy it at Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Geocache-David-Liban...3463&sr=8-1


Thanks for your understanding,

David Liban



Ha, 25 bucks. I'll run right out and buy that one. I've spent less on blockbusting academy award winners.


Thanks all for the good words about this documentary. I am the filmmaker who made Geocache. While I enjoy the discussion and empathize with your desire to watch it, I have to say that it is not legal for you to post the video on a website. It is copyright infringement and my contract with the distributor does in fact state that the film cannot be used in this manner without written permission.


So I apologize about this, but if you would please remove the video from Veoh. If you wish to purchase it, you can buy it at Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Geocache-David-Liban...3463&sr=8-1


Thanks for your understanding,

David Liban



Ha, 25 bucks. I'll run right out and buy that one. I've spent less on blockbusting academy award winners.


The pricing is unfortunately disproportionate to just about everything else you can find at your local retailer.


I just watched ....., Dave Ulmer, who hates Jeremy Irish to this day,


BTW: I don't hate Jeremy Irish and never did. He has done a wonderful job buildng and running the Geocaching web site. Thank God I don't have to run a web site.


Dave Ulmer


I just watched ....., Dave Ulmer, who hates Jeremy Irish to this day,

BTW: I don't hate Jeremy Irish and never did. He has done a wonderful job buildng and running the Geocaching web site. Thank God I don't have to run a web site.

Dave Ulmer

I was strongly corrected after posting that back in 2008, but thanks for officially setting the record straight. I apologize for propagating misinformation that I found (and maybe even misread) on some other website.
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the load! Great way to spend my lunch! :P

I checked our PBS schedule and it's not coming on anytime soon :)


The web site states "The content for this video is no longer available" ???


OK, OK, I post this too fast. I now see why it's not available. The need for greed, $25 is to much for this. You can get major hollywood movie for far less.

Edited by rustynails.

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