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The Geocoin Nerds v2


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Could we possibly can put another bar on the design that would allow us to name our nerd flavor like the jellies have?



There will be two bars on the trackable nerd, one for the tracking number, and one for personal engraving. You can give your nerd a flavor, or you can put your team name/numbering on the bar..thats up to you.


I am waiting on some shipping price information from the mint so that I can figure out the total cost. Once I have that, I will start taking orders. :smile:

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Update!! Now accepting Geocoin Nerds Orders!! :blink::blink::cool:






The art in this post will be for the version 2 Nerds.


Nerds can be ordered in sets of 25 coins, you can customize them with a color of your choice, a metal finish of your choice, and personalized engraving.


The mint is going on vacation for 2 weeks starting Feb 6th, so if I get blueprints back before they leave, I will know exactly how many characters will fit on the engraving bar, but I am hoping for at least 15.


I have set up a Yahoo Group -click here-with more information as well as links to color charts and pricing. You do not have to be a member of the group to view the information and place an order, but it is free to join and you will get updates on the coins.


I will keep orders open for about 3 weeks while the mint finalizes the art, makes the dies, and goes on vacation. During that time, you may add or edit orders, but no payment will be due. After all orders are closed, I will send out invoices. You will have about another week or two after invoices are sent out to make the payment. The mint requires payment in full before delivery of the coins.

When placing an order, please be sure to fill out the order form completely.


Keep in mind that pricing information (see the yahoo group link) is based on orders of 500 coins. (I opened up orders to previous nerds members, and so far we have orders placed for 450 trackable nerds) If 1,000 coins are ordered, there will be a price reduction for everyone.


If you have any questions, you can contact me at tadpole379@hotmail.com

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Thinking about getting another order in, but I'm sure that some colors are taken. If it's easier for you, could you just post a list of reserved colors for each version? That would probably be a lot quicker than having to edit that image and repost every time.




So far I have been keeping the color charts up to date. When I did the first nerds group, I started out with a list, but ended up just crossing off the color chart anyway. The colors (especially the glitter ones) aren't numbered in any kind of order, so you had to go back to the chart anyway to figure out what color it was.


Update on the numbers of orders placed so far:


300 coins for v1

650 coins for v2

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I'm in for a trackable and non-trackable for myself and KAboom. Choices have been submitted and I'm awaiting further instructions!!


CAN'T wait!!! Prices for these are VERY reasonable, well worth getting into!!


Upped my order to another set of non-trackables. These will be used for something special and I'll be auctioning one off later along with another coin for a fund-raiser!!

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I tried to order and the form kept saying not accepted at this time...am I missing something...as usual.




I have gotten all the orders from the form so far. If you sent in an order and I don't get back to you within 12 hours, then I probably didn't get your order. If you can't get the form to work or aren't sure if your order went through, just send me the info that the form asks for to my email address: tadpole379@hotmail.com



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I ordered a set of 25 v2, but I'm not sure if I filled in my order right...

because I joined the Yahoo Group after filling out the form and I had left the Yahoo I.D. portion blank when I filled out the form.

Anyway, I chose v2, in color K35054 (Lt Green) and in shiny gold. ;)


I got your order set up in the database..and I went back and filled in your yahoo sn. :ph34r:

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Can anyone comment on the "large" glitter versus the "small" glitter? I wish I had a sample pallette in my hand to get a good look at these colors. It's very hard to guess how the colors will turn out.


Take a peek at your Jangor Kitties. The Black is the small glitter and the Orange is the big glitter.

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Can anyone comment on the "large" glitter versus the "small" glitter? I wish I had a sample pallette in my hand to get a good look at these colors. It's very hard to guess how the colors will turn out.




The glitter on the Glitter Card 2 is a little smaller and more subtle. The nerds in the photo are from the first group.


The woletrap, cc 49, and the two SOC nerds used colors from Glitter Card 1.


WI Robin and Mystic One used colors from Glitter Card 2.


woletrap-#HS15 - chosen by ThirstyMick

CC 49- #131 - chosen by darnjoeSNARG

SOC 31 - J504 - chosen by SoC again

SOC 19 - B7 - chosen by menace66


WI Robin - K35031 -still available

MysticOne - KT35035 - still available


Hope this helps! :ph34r:

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