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Geocaching Jedi


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Geo.Error, I love seeing all the new things you bring to these forums :D .


As a matter of fact, Rockin, I was able to trade my work weekend with my counterpart meanig that I am working this one and she will work next one. So, do you know what this means :D ?!? Get ready to be happy for me . . . I GET to Go to GEOWOODSTOCK VI :D



B) Driving or flying? We're caching our way down!


. . . Driving . . . Same here. I love the smell of "Heaven On Earth Restaurant" in the morning :DB)


Never been there but will have to check it out :D We're excited for the Vortex House! And the Original Stash!


Now if only we had an X-Wing so we could fly over all the traffic!


Oh what a day! There where two ticks sitting on my hip. Bad Luck - bad day? NO WAY!!!!! After I've opened my mail box, there was an envelope with Evil Micros 2008 ("evil micros"? Maybe that was a sign of fate for the ticks?), some pins AND THEN there was an envelope for "Jedi Knight Marco..." YESSSSSSSSS! Swooooommfdschhhhh! The force was with me! The Grandmasters of Geocaching Jedis and the high council where merciful and adopted me to the Geocaching Jedis! Unbelievable!!! Now I'm a Geocaching Jedi!!! Thank you my Master!

Now I go an get my own lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic and the World of Geoaching.


To all Geocachers out there: Remember, a Geocaching Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. The Force is what gives a Geocaching Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.




And here are the first pictures:




Posted (edited)

Oh what a day! There where two ticks sitting on my hip. Bad Luck - bad day? NO WAY!!!!! After I've opened my mail box, there was an envelope with Evil Micros 2008 ("evil micros"? Maybe that was a sign of fate for the ticks?), some pins AND THEN there was an envelope for "Jedi Knight Marco..." YESSSSSSSSS! Swooooommfdschhhhh! The force was with me! The Grandmasters of Geocaching Jedis and the high council where merciful and adopted me to the Geocaching Jedis! Unbelievable!!! Now I'm a Geocaching Jedi!!! Thank you my Master!

Now I go an get my own lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic and the World of Geoaching.


To all Geocachers out there: Remember, a Geocaching Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. The Force is what gives a Geocaching Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.




Congratulations Jedi Knight Mambo!

Your really deserve it for your great coin designs! Now the Force is really close.

Edited by Whitby

Oh what a day! There where two ticks sitting on my hip. Bad Luck - bad day? NO WAY!!!!! After I've opened my mail box, there was an envelope with Evil Micros 2008 ("evil micros"? Maybe that was a sign of fate for the ticks?), some pins AND THEN there was an envelope for "Jedi Knight Marco..." YESSSSSSSSS! Swooooommfdschhhhh! The force was with me! The Grandmasters of Geocaching Jedis and the high council where merciful and adopted me to the Geocaching Jedis! Unbelievable!!! Now I'm a Geocaching Jedi!!! Thank you my Master!

Now I go an get my own lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic and the World of Geoaching.


To all Geocachers out there: Remember, a Geocaching Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. The Force is what gives a Geocaching Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.




And here are the first pictures:





Swoooooong! Hey my friend, congrats to this great Coin. I´m really happy, that you got one. So i can retrieve mine, out of the safe! :laughing:


Thank you Jedi Master! And welcome to all new Jedi´s! Yeeehaaaaaa, feel the Force. One for all, and all for one. Ahhhh, it´s the wrong one, sorry! The force will be with you!!!!! :laughing:


I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who has posted kind words here. It's appreciated :laughing:


Hoping to see a few of you at GW and the Geocoin Swap Meet!


Golly gee whiz. Now I'm really sad that I can't go. (The wookie mobile is still in the shop and Nurse Nanna still has the training wheels on her vehicle.) I would like to meet the Geocaching Jedi and give him/her a hug (if that would be appropriate for jedis--I guess I have to recondsider) in thanks for putting a smile on my face and so many others with your coin!!


OK, Started Geocaching today and am a big Starwars Fan. Found Geocaching Jedi Coin 028 in the un-original stash, just over from the original stash trubute. The force was strong in this one...


Big thanks to whom ever placed it there. A great beginning to a new hobbie.


Today, when dimkasmir and I were at GW6, a man approached us and took two coins out of his bag and said "here, take these" and ran away before we could say or see anything. In our hands were Jedi coins.


I still cannot believe it! Today, at Geowoodstock VI, when things just could not get any better a man came behind OwlCacher and me and with a simple "Here you go guys." left a coin in each of our hands and quickly walked away leaving us speechless. In a few moment we realized that the coins were Geocaching Jedi coins! I got a #19. This is my first mystery coin and I am extremely thankful to the generous Geocaching Jedi. May the geoforce be with you!


Owlcacher & Dimkasmir,

Congrats on your mystery coin. Sounds like the Geocaching jedi Uses the force wisely. That is one great coin. May you both enjoy them.


Thanks Jedi for spreading the Force and so much joy. You have learned well the ways of the JEDI


Hello to all Jedis!!!


I have some good news for all of us! Today i saw the Jedi Master himself in Europe/ Germany/ Karlsruhe!!!


Please have a look. He orderd some french potatos! B)

I think he didn´t saw me, but he felt my force! :)




Hello to all Jedis!!!


I have some good news for all of us! Today i saw the Jedi Master himself in Europe/ Germany/ Karlsruhe!!!


Please have a look. He orderd some french potatos! :blink:

I think he didn´t saw me, but he felt my force! :lol:



:) I hope he will be coming to the north, I wanna join the force :)


Hello to all Jedis!!!


I have some good news for all of us! Today i saw the Jedi Master himself in Europe/ Germany/ Karlsruhe!!!


Please have a look. He orderd some french potatos! :blink:

I think he didn´t saw me, but he felt my force! :lol:



:) I hope he will be coming to the north, I wanna join the force :D


I will cross my fingers for all who are worthy, that they get one! ***Finger cross, Finger cross, Finger cross, Finger cross, Finger cross, Finger cross, Finger cross, Finger cross, Finger cross....*** :)


I must have been using the force rather well as this one found it's way to me. I could see something with a slight glow near the tire section of the GW6 event site. As I walked past I noticed it reminded me very much of the glowing areas on Lego Star Wars. Knowing the blue fields were for the use of good force, I thought I would give it a try. I closed my eyes and held my hands in the familiar way to force the object to me. Well it worked. i got smacked ight in the forehead with a beautiful two tone Jedi coin.


Thanksso much for this awesome gift. May the force always be with you my friend.


I had been out of the loop and only recently heard about this coin. While we were at the geocoin event after GW VI, a shadowy figure appeared, dropped one at the feet of my 8 year old son and vanished without a trace in true Jedi fashion. My son was delighted. Thank you!!!!!


I had been out of the loop and only recently heard about this coin. While we were at the geocoin event after GW VI, a shadowy figure appeared, dropped one at the feet of my 8 year old son and vanished without a trace in true Jedi fashion. My son was delighted. Thank you!!!!!

Sounds very similar to what happened to me. Congratulations!


I had been out of the loop and only recently heard about this coin. While we were at the geocoin event after GW VI, a shadowy figure appeared, dropped one at the feet of my 8 year old son and vanished without a trace in true Jedi fashion. My son was delighted. Thank you!!!!!


I always enjoy it when I hear about a child getting a special coin. - As far as I am concerned, any coin given freely is special - I love seeing the smiles upon their face :laughing: .


Attended the monthly Pizza and Beer event here in Calgary last night and saw a Geocaching Jedi geocoin up close. This local Jedi came with gardengorilla, who was lucky enough to win the Podcacher Geocaching Jedi contest!


Our GeoKids are HUGE Star Wars fans and our oldest GeoKid is a HUGE geocoin fan, so he was pretty jazzed about this opportunity to experience "the force" first hand.



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