+creacher Posted April 23, 2008 Posted April 23, 2008 Congrats BigD and welcome to the Jedi Council! Quote
+Frank n Beck Posted April 23, 2008 Posted April 23, 2008 Congrats to the latest recipients!!!! Quote
+slyvulpe Posted April 23, 2008 Posted April 23, 2008 As of Saturday afternoon I have officially joined the force!!! I have had enough of the Dark side and quite frankly, its dark over there!!! ... Imagine that...The Emporer let one slip by and Jedi #044 made it safe and sound to Redwood Valley ...Was just in time too, because it had been a rough start to the weekend and was so pleased to see that white mailer to me from me!!! Cant help but get all getty like the school girls boyfriend when that happens Thank you so much Geocaching Jedi! It is a true honor to have been chosen to join the Force and this coin will always be in my collection. Just look who happen to swing by to hand deliver that baby himself!!! We did a little photo op...He's quite charming if I do say so myself, very humble too Lets see the backside now Yoda!... Check it Slyvulpe...I goy your coins older brother Wow! Two in a row! It looks like I've got Creacher's elder brother, also - three in a row! Congrats to all the latest recipients! Thanks, Slyvulpe Quote
+Geo.Error Posted April 23, 2008 Posted April 23, 2008 Congrats 007bigd, you are a great person with a lot of force now i am happy for you Quote
+matlock75 Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 (edited) HI all, first i wanna say something. The last day´s where really ugly. I got a surgery on one of my teeth. I had to eat soup, and can´t say very much. My mouth was very swollen. So I lost the root on this dent. It was really terrible. Then I got a feeling in me last week, I couldn´t say what it was. Yesterday I saw a reportage on TV about UFO´s! Well, they say´d, what the people in this area saw in 1997 wasn´t a UFO. I´m unsure if there UFO´s outside. Well, could be. I don´t know flying object´s, so it is a UFO! But i´m really sure, that there are Jedi´s outside. Last night a voice whispered: "Matlock75 i´m you´re father"! I woked up and got a shock! I was really wet from this nightmare! Then I walked to my Mailbox, and I found a Envelope from me to me! What´s that?! I looked down the street, but I can´t see anybody. But I got a strong feeling from the good side! Then i opend the Envelope, what should i say? I found this one!!!!! Now, I knew, why I got this feeling last week, and why I got this nightmare! Darth Vader know´s now, that he can´t get me anymore! Thank you so much Mystery Jedi for #184!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can´t tell you, how Happy i´m now! As I stay´d in 1999 with the German Airforce at the Training Roving Sand´s in USA, I saw the Movie "EpisodeI"!! (HINT) It was really great! And now I know, i´m a Jedi too! I will keep this Coin, and one time, I will give it to my children! And then, they will be Jedi`s! I hope you all understand this little story from a german Geocacher with a bad english! Edited May 4, 2008 by matlock75 Quote
The Blue Ridge Boys Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 HI all, first i wanna say something. The last day´s where really ugly. I got a surgery on one of my teeth. I had to eat soup, and can´t say very much. My mouth was very swollen. So I lost the root on this dent. It was really terrible. Then I got a feeling in me last week, I couldn´t say what it was. Yesterday I saw a reportage on TV about UFO´s! Well, they say´d, what the people in this area saw in 1997 wasn´t a UFO. I´m unsure if there UFO´s outside. Well, could be. I don´t know flying object´s, so it is a UFO! But i´m really sure, that there are Jedi´s outside. Last night a voice whispered: "Matlock75 i´m you´re father"! I woked up and got a shock! I was really wet from this nightmare! Then I walked to my Mailbox, and I found a Envelope from me to me! What´s that?! I looked down the street, but I can´t see anybody. But I got a strong feeling from the good side! Then i opend the Envelope, what should i say? I found this one!!!!! Now, I knew, why I got this feeling last week, and why I got this nightmare! Darth Vader know´s now, that he can´t get me anymore! Thank you so much Mystery Jedi for #184!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can´t tell you, how Happy i´m now! As I stay´d in 1999 with the German Airforce at the Training Roving Sand´s in USA, I saw the Movie "Episode1"!! (HINT) It was really great! And now I know, i´m a Jedi too! I will keep this Coin, and one time, I will give it to my children! And then, they will be Jedi`s! I hope you all understand this little story from a german Geocacher with a bad english! Right On Matlock!!!! Yes, understood well, Congratulations!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Awesome stories, CONGRATS to all the new JEDI trainees!! Really special reading all these fun stories!! THANKS GJ!!! Quote
+joranda Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 It's great to see Jedi coins still going out to people. Congrats on the latest Jedi out there. Quote
Froboz Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 I need to work on my force skills... I love these coins they are beautiful! Congrats to all the new Jedi! Quote
+Six Little Spookies Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Very nice coin. Legos and Star Wars have been a part of my life ever since I saw the first movie 30 years ago. I am fortunate that my wife tolerates them both! Congratulations to the lucky recipients! Sign those Logbooks, and May The Force Be With Us. -Six Little Spookies, Jedi Squire. Quote
+Frank n Beck Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Congrats to all the new Jedi's. Glad to see these coins still popping up! Love the stories. Quote
+matlock75 Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Hi all, thank´s! I saw my first Star Wars Movie in 1991 i think so. I was sixteen, and it was rally great. But i still wonder, why it was called Episode IV, in 1999 i savvied why. Since this time i see them very often. I love Star Wars, special Episode IV- VI ^^ I cross my Fingers for all Jedis, that they will get this Great Coin! Quote
nebukatneza Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 oh what an awesome coin. congrats to all the recipients! have seen this thread for the first time now. are there any star warsler who belong to the dark side, (like me...favorite char is boba fett) received this coin and converted to the republic??? Quote
+Geo.Error Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 (edited) Congrats Matlock75 with this mysteriecoin Welcom in the jedicouncil and the force wil be with you Edited May 4, 2008 by Geo.Error Quote
+matlock75 Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Congrats Matlock75 with this mysteriecoin Welcom in the jedicouncil and the force wil be with you Hey, this one is great. Can i use it for my Internetside??? And thank yo very much, i loooove this Coin. It´s so great! Quote
+helixrider Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Matlock, you are a *LUCKY* guy!!!!! Congrats for you reaching a new level in Jedi business Quote
+matlock75 Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 Matlock, you are a *LUCKY* guy!!!!! Congrats for you reaching a new level in Jedi business Yes, you´re right, i´m! I didn´t won anything. And i get this great Coin! It´s inconceivable to me! Quote
nebukatneza Posted May 4, 2008 Posted May 4, 2008 has anyone seen a mystery-coin for the dark side yet? if not, well, are'nt we all one big star wars family... Quote
+matlock75 Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 Nooooooooooooooooooo! The dark side, is the wrong one! Quote
+Team 'zZZz' Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 Nooooooooooooooooooo! The dark side, is the wrong one! That being said from a coiner who desperately seeked and begged for a darthi coin ??? In another time and space continuum ... there's only one word for you: TRA*TOR !!! sigh ... I would happily jump on either side if I ever would get one of those coins Congrats to all Jedi-Fellowers Dirk Quote
nebukatneza Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 I would happily jump on either side if I ever would get one of those coins i just would like to see one of them in person, getting one is another thing! Quote
+matlock75 Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 That being said from a coiner who desperately seeked and begged for a darthi coin ??? Dirk Sh*t, you´re right! But the Jedi put him in the Safe! Quote
+OverTheEdge Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 It's great to see stories still pouring in! Congrats to all coin owners!!! Quote
nebukatneza Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 my girlfriend bought me this fun-shirt and i wore it as my son was born... translated it means something like: "i'm father" (don't know if i have chosen the right words...) Quote
+matlock75 Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 my girlfriend bought me this fun-shirt and i wore it as my son was born... translated it means something like: "i'm father" (don't know if i have chosen the right words...) LooooL, nice Shirt! Yes, i think that´s correct.... Quote
+earthrooster Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 Great shirt! and congrats to all the recent recipients Quote
+Mambomania Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 Yeessss!!! I'm really happy 'cause I've seen Matlock75's Jedi coin yesterday! Maybe a little bit of the force has penetrated me too ;-) - Matlock, I will go and get a picture with the coin and me the next time we will meet. I'm not able to express (in english) what I will do for receiving this coin too ... But maybe there's someone out there who wants to trade for one ?! I can offer a secret agent mystery AND one (or maybe two) Templar Coins Trade only Two tone (last ebay auction for ONE was over 200US$!) or do you want a real Adventurer (aka "Indy coin")? No problem! So ...please contact me May the force be with you! Mambo And congrats to all honorable receivers of this coin (is that good english? Sorry, my english teachers are CNN and MTV )) Quote
+matlock75 Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 (edited) Yeessss!!! I'm really happy 'cause I've seen Matlock75's Jedi coin yesterday! Maybe a little bit of the force has penetrated me too ;-) - Matlock, I will go and get a picture with the coin and me the next time we will meet. I'm not able to express (in english) what I will do for receiving this coin too ... But maybe there's someone out there who wants to trade for one ?! I can offer a secret agent mystery AND one (or maybe two) Templar Coins Trade only Two tone (last ebay auction for ONE was over 200US$!) or do you want a real Adventurer (aka "Indy coin")? No problem! So ...please contact me May the force be with you! Mambo And congrats to all honorable receivers of this coin (is that good english? Sorry, my english teachers are CNN and MTV )) You´re right Mambo! I got the feeling too. All who saw the Coin got the force too! Fingers Cross my friend! Matlock75 Edited May 11, 2008 by matlock75 Quote
+grodan & fiabus Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 Congrats to all new recievers out there! I could for sure use some force to get my frogcoins here before sunday. We are hosting an event and I´m so hoping for them to get here so I can bring them to the event. May the force be with me. Hope, I will. grodan Karin Quote
+dardevle Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 I still have faith! Congratulations to all recient finders! Quote
+Tschakko Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 Now this will be the first coin that I will put on my must have list . I have been a SciFi-Fan forever , and this coin is just great. At least I hope to see one in person someday Quote
+fairyhoney Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Strong am I with the force . . . Got me one, I did Quote
+fairyhoney Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Strong am I with the force . . . Got me one, I did THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ! ! ! A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. Quote
+mousekakat Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Strong am I with the force . . . Got me one, I did THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ! ! ! A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. I'm SO happy for ya, FH!! You are truly a deserving soul!! Naomi Quote
nebukatneza Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 congrats to the new receiver...i am a little little bit envious... but i am pleased for all the new gc-jedis... Quote
+creacher Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Strong am I with the force . . . Got me one, I did Congrats fairyhoney!!! Welcome to the Jedi Council! Quote
+sweetlife Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Congrads on all the recent people that received the Jedi Coin. You sure all deserving people to receive such a nice coin. Let the force be with you all. sweetlife Quote
+OverTheEdge Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Congrats fairyhoney! Use the force wisely... Quote
+gardengorilla Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Strong am I with the force . . . Got me one, I did Congratulations Fairyhoney! May the force be with you! I got mine today too, from the podcacher contest Quote
+joranda Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Strong am I with the force . . . Got me one, I did THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ! ! ! A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. Wow. Great news for you. That's a great coin. You deserve it. Quote
+Frank n Beck Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Congrats fairyhoney on your new addition!!!!!!!! Quote
Geocaching Jedi Mystery Coin Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Strong am I with the force . . . Got me one, I did Took long enough, huh? May the Geoforce be with you! Quote
+joranda Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Strong am I with the force . . . Got me one, I did Took long enough, huh? May the Geoforce be with you! Me too? Quote
+Six Little Spookies Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Congratulations fairyhoney! The Force will be with you...Always. -Six Little Spookies, Jedi Squire Quote
+Geo.Error Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Look Fairyhoney with the jediforce Congrats Fairyhoney and welcome to the jedicouncil Thanks Geocaching jedi you found a very well deserve new jedi member Quote
+joranda Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 Look Fairyhoney with the jediforce Congrats Fairyhoney and welcome to the jedicouncil Thanks Geocaching jedi you found a very well deserve new jedi member She needs a lightsaber. Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 CONGRATS FairyHoney....I could feel the force growing stronger recently, knew a new Jedi was coming. AWESOME it was you, my friend!! Can you now feel the force building up around you?? THANKS for bringing us another great Jedi Luke, you are really bringing smiles to many faces, mine having the biggest! Well done, my friend, well done!! Quote
+fairyhoney Posted May 17, 2008 Posted May 17, 2008 Geo.Error, I love seeing all the new things you bring to these forums . As a matter of fact, Rockin, I was able to trade my work weekend with my counterpart meanig that I am working this one and she will work next one. So, do you know what this means ?!? Get ready to be happy for me . . . I GET to Go to GEOWOODSTOCK VI YEE HAW! Quote
+intolerable Posted May 17, 2008 Posted May 17, 2008 Geo.Error, I love seeing all the new things you bring to these forums . As a matter of fact, Rockin, I was able to trade my work weekend with my counterpart meanig that I am working this one and she will work next one. So, do you know what this means ?!? Get ready to be happy for me . . . I GET to Go to GEOWOODSTOCK VI YEE HAW! Driving or flying? We're caching our way down! Quote
+fairyhoney Posted May 17, 2008 Posted May 17, 2008 Geo.Error, I love seeing all the new things you bring to these forums . As a matter of fact, Rockin, I was able to trade my work weekend with my counterpart meanig that I am working this one and she will work next one. So, do you know what this means ?!? Get ready to be happy for me . . . I GET to Go to GEOWOODSTOCK VI YEE HAW! Driving or flying? We're caching our way down! . . . Driving . . . Same here. I love the smell of "Heaven On Earth Restaurant" in the morning Quote
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