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Qatar Caches being Muggled!


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In Saudi, we have seen a slight increase in the number of caches being trashed but not to the extent as to make us exceptional or cause concern. One of the problems we do face is that when a cache is found, the finder searches through the contents and then discards the cache without returning it. Of the things stolen from our caches, more often than not it is the container! :unsure:

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It is really sad to see this happening. I've seen number of caches trashed as well, sometimes due to natural forces (e.g. baboons) or sometimes due to muggles scattering contents around. What makes it more problematic is that for example here in Saudi some of the cache owners for example might not be staying anymore in Kingdom, which makes the maintenance quite problematic. Thus I think it would be good idea for cachers in the area to have some basic cache maintenance items with them when going to rarely visited caches.


Anyways, happy caching to everybody in the region!

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