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It's like a Bourne Identity!


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Fairly new to the hunt, my wife and I were out searching for a couple of treasures. We're on the scene of our first find of the night when a fellow hunter walks up and says - in a muffled voice - "Mondo's On Every Corner" (the name of the cache) - I said it back to him - we smiled and introduced one another - It was like exchanging the code word in a spy thriller.


So we go on to the next find of the night...My wife is looking for the cache but can't find it...a guy walks up with a small container and says..."Are you looking for this?" He had been in his car signing the log and was bringing it back to it's hiding spot...another scene right out of James Bond!


How fun is that? We laughed about it all the way home - Watch out Jason Bourne! :rolleyes:


:lol: That's pretty funny.


Usually if I think it's another cacher I'll kinda hand-wiggle/wave my gps. If I see a look of recognition then I'll approach.


Otherwise I was just waving with a gps in my hand. (You didn't see anything)


Very devious in my opinion. B)


Fairly new to the hunt, my wife and I were out searching for a couple of treasures. We're on the scene of our first find of the night when a fellow hunter walks up and says - in a muffled voice - "Mondo's On Every Corner" (the name of the cache) - I said it back to him - we smiled and introduced one another - It was like exchanging the code word in a spy thriller.


So we go on to the next find of the night...My wife is looking for the cache but can't find it...a guy walks up with a small container and says..."Are you looking for this?" He had been in his car signing the log and was bringing it back to it's hiding spot...another scene right out of James Bond!


How fun is that? We laughed about it all the way home - Watch out Jason Bourne! :lol:


I think it would be cool to be in on this kind of adventure.


Certain corners of your area are filled with Mondo's "_________".


How neat!! I've only seen about 10 cachers out on the trail in 6 years of doing this.


:lol: Wow, the OP was having a great night. Like Starbrand, in the close to 6 years I've been at this, I've came across less than 10 cachers. I'd love to meet more out on the hunt. I've sometimes wondered about staking out a recent find, just to meet up with others. Usually it's a good thing I didn't, as I would be the only finder on that day.


Most of the times I bump into cachers on the way to of from a event while looking for caches. Sometimes on a FTF rush I'll see other FTF hounds from my local area. :lol:


The clue said "Five paces from Katy's bench", I found the bench in the woods and sat on it while I waited for some muggles to clear off. The muggles stood their ground and remained at the edge of the clearing in the woods until eventually one of them circled round behind me to look at the names carved on the bench. An American voice then said "Well it sure looks like you found the bench but have you found the box too?".

My first meeting with a cacher and we both got a DNF!, it had already been muggled.


I was in Colorado, looking for a cache somewhat close to the road amidst some trees and fallen logs. When I saw a couple approaching, I hid my GPSr and tried to act "casual." As they passed me, they said, "Coords are off." :lol:


With their help, I was able to find the cache. B)


Another time, I was sitting on a bench several feet away from the hiding place and had the cache in my hands. A man and his son walked behind me, and I heard him say to the boy, "How far is it now?" B)


Uh oh! :lol:


I told them I had the cache in my hand, but had them turn their backs while I rehid it. Then, I had the fun of watching them try to find the cleverly-hidden container. :huh:


The frequency with which this happens to you depends a lot, I think, on where you cache and how many people in your area want to clear a radius. Between that and FTF hounds, you can often see people on the trail, though I've never had an experience such as that described by the OP. What fun!


NotThePainter in New Hampshire has a special travel bug mounted on his walking-stick: you can record the bug if you encountered NotThePainter "on the trail." I'll have to look and see how many such encounters have been recorded!


-- Jeannette (angevine)


we have 48 finds and have ran across fellow cachers a couple of times. we were going to a cemetery cache and seen some cachers walking out (seen gps lanyard and papers) and went down the road, came back when they were gone and we got that cache. then we drove by another cache at a cemetery (we already had this one) and they were just getting back in their cars, i waved my gps at them and they honked. i mentioned this in my log and they emailed us and said we were welcome to join them anytime.


another time we were going to try for a ftf at a cemetery out in the country and this truck kept following us. we got to the cemetery and the truck pulled in behind us and we said "well were fixing to get murdered or that is a cacher" lucky for us it was a cacher, and we walked and talked as we headed for the cache and he was very nice and told us to go ahead when we got to gz. i have seen a couple of cachers at a cache down the street from me, i always look at the logs later to see who it was, lol. :D


Roo and me haven't run across another cacher yet.


But we're on oddball time tables and only head out a couple times a week at best. >.>


I do kinda like the idea of a travel bug for people who encounter me to record :drama:


I want to find an interesting way to approach cachers. Sometimes when I'm really sure its a cacher I ask straight on " are you geocaching?" and recently I've taken the habit of saying "GEOCACHING!" loudly and see if I get a response.

Once I was acting casual, and standing in front of a door looking at a tree in which a cache should've been hidden. A man on a bicycle rode by, thinking that I was waiting for someone. As I began to look through the tree, he rode back towards me, whispering "watch out for muggles."

My first meeting with a cacher happened while dimkasmir and I were checking on one of our own caches. It was placed that morning and we wanted to look for FTF signatures, but when we stuck our heads under that mailbox. we found nothing. As we were coming up, a man approached us and asked "which one of you is OwlCacher?" and threw the container into my hands.


I want to find an interesting way to approach cachers. Sometimes when I'm really sure its a cacher I ask straight on " are you geocaching?" and recently I've taken the habit of saying "GEOCACHING!" loudly and see if I get a response.


Ive only met other cachers twice. Both times the cache has been pretty new. At one I had just put the cache back and was leaving. They came walking up the trail holding a GPS. I said, "it's really close."


At the other one a guy was sitting in his truck when I drove up. He watched me for second, then walked into the woods holding the container. I passed him on the way back out, and said something like "you beat me to it, huh?"


But those were it. Either way nice to see other people out, even if its a rare event.

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