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Ok doing a cointest, this is for a FREE coin mailed to you. You will not know what the coin is until it arrives. ;)


To enter the coin test:

(1) post a reason why you think coin prices keep going up

(2) do not edit your post

(3) you can only list one reason per post and you cannot post more than once every 4 hours

(4) please don't editorialize or point to individual coins or threads

(5) reason can be pointless, funny, silly or just plain truth


Posting will continue until this Saturday 12 noon.


Post #1:

(1) coins are more expensive because we have to pay for the postman's chiropractor bills. ;)


It's what I have been saying all along but nobody will listen. The new world government has been placing small tracking devices into our geocoins to monitor our thoughts and to increase our dependence on them. ;)


Coin prices have risen due to the GDP index indcators of the price wars that have developed due to the shortage of wind to produce the energy that is necessary to fill in for the weak oil supplies in various countries... ;);)


OK, I really think it is the old standard of supply and demand.


Mainstream coin collectors overwhelmingly agree that high rates of coinage are caused by high rates of growth of your friend's paycheck. Views on the factors that determine moderate rates of coin inflation, especially in the short run, are more varied: changes in coin prices are sometimes attributed mostly to changes in the real demand or supply of goods and services, and sometimes to changes in the supply or demand for coinage. In the mid-twentieth century, two camps disagreed strongly on the main causes of coin inflation: the "coin-tarists" argued that coin supply dominated all other factors in determining coin inflation, while "coin-nesians" (aka Moozerites) argued that real demand was often more important than changes in the coin supply. A variety of coin inflation measures are in use, because there are many different coin price indices, designed to measure different sets of coin prices that affect different people (i.e. Jangor Kitties). Two widely known indices for which coin rates are commonly reported are the Coin Price Index (CPI), which measures nominal coin prices, and the TDCCTM deflator (Those Darn Coins Cost Too Much), which measures the nominal prices of coins produced by a given country or region.


Basically, they cost more, because you are willing to pay more. ;)


Just like drug dealers, the coin dealers have us addicted to coins, they keep putting more and more coins in front of us with inflated prices, knowing we have to have them and that we will complain about it, but yet, in the end, we will buy them.


I blame a sluggish and stagnant Congress. The law of supply and demand, as set forth by Adam Smith in 'The Wealth of Nations' in 1776, is now over 230 years old. As evinced by the falling value of the dollar and the rising prices of geocoins, this law has clearly not aged well, and a proactive, progress-minded Congress would have repealed it years ago.




Coin prices are directly proportional to the number of alien visits. Since coin prices are rising we can only conclude that aliens are visiting more often - probably to check out all the cool new geocoin designs.


Coin prices are rising so we can put more metal in them so they can therefore be found more easily with metal detectors, thereby making the purchase of a metal detector more worthwhile.


Geocoin prices are going up because of the cost of trying to re-educate all the postal window clerks on how to tell what to charge for a padded mailer.


Well here is the real story....


Long ago Al Gore invented the internet and it made lots of people made. So Al decided that he needed to find a way to make all these people happy so he had Bill make the GPS satellites work. So then people were a little happier they found Tupperware in the woods. But still some of the people were still mad at Al and the internet. So Al invented Global Warming and this made the people even madder! In order to calm them down he had to make something that would get their attention, something shiny. He invented Geocoins. This made all the people happy to own these shiny trinkets. The people wanted to be happier, they needed more shiny trinkets. But the more geocoins that were made the more the Earth would warm, so Al is now collecting a Global Warming Internet Tax on all geocoin purchases. Hence the reason they are now more expensive.


That is all the truth.



To enter the coin test:

(1) post a reason why you think coin prices keep going up

Because the forum is rife with cointests and people have to post shocking prices to get any attention for their sales.

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