+KJcachers Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 When out caching how do you greet people you meet on the trail to let them know you are geocaching and see if they are also geocachers? I was in a park today with what turns out at least 3 sets of cachers and never got to say hello. We only saw a couple of loners but we weren't sure if any were cachers. I am thinking of buying a hat or patch with the logo just for this reason. Also just ordered stickers for the Jeeps so at least we will be recognized in the parking lots. Quote
+Team Cotati Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Yes there is: Hi, how ya doin? Yeah, me too. Quote
+Bunganator Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 I've only met a few in the field, but chances are, if they are in the middle of the woods, walking around in cirlcles, and/or staring at an oversizzed cell phone, they are probably a cacher. Quote
+Beaverbeliever Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 There really isn't anything too official, but a good way is to look for the GPSr in the person's hand Its very nice to know a lot of local cachers, that you can recognize. But I meet new cachers all the time. Its best not to ask, "Are you a Geocacher???" Its usually better to stay incognitio Quote
+briansnat Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Actually there is. When you see a possible geocacher you are to yell "Ho! Are ye a geocacher" The proper response is "Yay, a geocacher am I". Once you get the proper response you stand facing each other and put your right hand on the other geocacher's left shoulder. You then skip together in a circle while loudly repeating in unison, "Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee" This should continue for no less than 5 minutes. Quote
+KJcachers Posted January 14, 2008 Author Posted January 14, 2008 Actually there is. When you see a possible geocacher you are to yell "Ho! Are ye a geocacher" The proper response is "Yay, a geocacher am I". Once you get the proper response you stand facing each other and put your right hand on the other geocacher's left shoulder. You then skip together in a circle while loudly repeating in unison, "Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee" This should continue for no less than 5 minutes. " I have got to party with this guy!" LOL I can't wait to meet you! Quote
+BarbVA Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 On our second find we ran into a couple of muggles. I think they were looking at some nearby real estate. But one of the guys asked "are you letter boxing?". I explained to him that we were geocaching and it was similar in philosophy but you use a GPS. Didn't talk long, but one guy sat in his truck for a long time watching, so we were trying to look interested in an old grave yard until he left. After that I printed out several copies of the geocaching brochure to have on hand incase I run into someone who shows an interest in the future. My thought is maybe they would be more interested in reading the brochure than watching what we are doing. But yeah, a secret sign would be cool, then we could go on without worrying about a muggle alert, lol. Quote
+PaRacers Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Try just holding your GPS up in front of you. A geocacher will recognize it from a cell phone or whatever. It may be different in an urban area than out on the trail, but we've met many nice folks on our way to or from a cache whether they were cachers or not! If they're not, they usually get the 5 min tour, if they are I offer our personal geocoin for them to discover. Quote
+Ambrosia Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 I just take a Signal plushie everywhere I go - people know that I'm a cacher right away. Quote
Bill Waypoint Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 yeah "I like your gps" to which they should reply "yeah it helps find whats there" just kidding I made that up Quote
+Harry Dolphin Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 I've probably met thirty or forty geocachers on the hunt. Let me asssure that putting your right hand on their left shoulder usually gets you smacked. Unless they start out with "You looking for what I'm looking for?" Met a guy with a GPS on the trail once. "You looking for XYZ cache? Nope." "I'm Maps Corps." I've also gotten "You're not going to find it. I have it," from a couple of ladies from Texas. "We'll put it back and you can find it" from a couple of ladies from Massachusetts. I guess maybe I'm too obvious? "Is that the cache?" to a couple holding an ammo can on one's lap. Quote
+BilLow Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Spot a potential Geocacher and say "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain." If they are a Geocacher they will reply - "Sorry, my GPSr only has the regional maps." Quote
+StarBrand Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 I've always been fond of Briansnat's regional song and dance routine............ Or I just ask. Quote
+TrailGators Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 I think you make the letter "C" with your right hand and hold it up to your forehead, or was it the letter "L".... Quote
+cache_test_dummies Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Actually there is. When you see a possible geocacher you are to yell "Ho! Are ye a geocacher" The proper response is "Yay, a geocacher am I". Once you get the proper response you stand facing each other and put your right hand on the other geocacher's left shoulder. You then skip together in a circle while loudly repeating in unison, "Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee" This should continue for no less than 5 minutes. Well, there was a secret greeting until you just gave it away. Quote
+hydnsek Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Actually there is. When you see a possible geocacher you are to yell "Ho! Are ye a geocacher" The proper response is "Yay, a geocacher am I". Once you get the proper response you stand facing each other and put your right hand on the other geocacher's left shoulder. You then skip together in a circle while loudly repeating in unison, "Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee" This should continue for no less than 5 minutes. I'm waiting for the YouTube vid.... Quote
+Team Cotati Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Actually there is. When you see a possible geocacher you are to yell "Ho! Are ye a geocacher" The proper response is "Yay, a geocacher am I". Once you get the proper response you stand facing each other and put your right hand on the other geocacher's left shoulder. You then skip together in a circle while loudly repeating in unison, "Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee" This should continue for no less than 5 minutes. I'm waiting for the YouTube vid.... It's already there. Posted under the "Drama Queen" category. Quote
+Bad_CRC Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 the few times I've come across other cachers, they usually just ask "find it yet?" Quote
+TrailGators Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 the few times I've come across other cachers, they usually just ask "find it yet?" That's the secret greeting! Quote
+Take A Hike! Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Lot's of joksters out there, but I've just begun this fun hobby, and I was wondering the same thing. The few folks I've run into on the trail so far, I have just flashed my GPSr. One acknowldgement, one strange look. Quote
+TrailGators Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Lot's of joksters out there, but I've just begun this fun hobby, and I was wondering the same thing. The few folks I've run into on the trail so far, I have just flashed my GPSr. One acknowldgement, one strange look. I was actually serious with my last response. I'll say "Hello!" and then if I think they are cachers, I'll ask them if they've found it yet as an ice breaker. Conversely, if they approach me while I'm looking, I'll move away from the cache in case they are muggles and say "Hello." Then I'll try to spot a GPS. Once you've spotted a GPS it's all just a matter of finding the cache together! Quote
+teamdundat Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Usually we just look like normal people but if we r to 'deep in it' we just pretend it's a cell phone nad start talking into our GPSr BUt usually we look for the GPSr slip awfully fast into their pocket. Thats when you say "found it yet" or " are you one our mob" or someting like that but not so much second one. Quote
+Chuy! Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Where this, ; or this, . Someone mentioned the car sticker: . Antenna ball: Quote
+fairyhoney Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 the few times I've come across other cachers, they usually just ask "find it yet?" That's the secret greeting! Haven't had the pleasure yet. But, This is what I'd do Quote
+fairyhoney Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Actually, I've had a couple of Marysville, CA finest come up to me and good thing I WAS wearing a T-shirt with Geocacher on it They only warned us, "Not to be in this area after dusk because it wouldn't be safe" Quote
+Ambrosia Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Where this, ; or this, . Someone mentioned the car sticker: . Antenna ball: Or.........carry a Signal plushie with you wherever you go. Sheesh. I just can't get any adherents. Actually, I was at an event last weekend and I think I got a few people interested in buying a Signal. Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 (edited) Yeah, when I see a Cacher looking for a Cache, I yell out "Hey, what are you doing over there?" It doesn't usually go over too well. My other one that went poorly was when I had the cache in hand and someone came looking for it. I said "Do you want to get lost for a while until I put it back, or do you want me to hand it to you and show you where it goes" I was trying to be funny, but it didn't come out right. I guess if I had said I was a Cacher that might have helped? Edited January 14, 2008 by WRITE SHOP ROBERT Quote
+geowizerd Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Actually there is. When you see a possible geocacher you are to yell "Ho! Are ye a geocacher" The proper response is "Yay, a geocacher am I". Once you get the proper response you stand facing each other and put your right hand on the other geocacher's left shoulder. You then skip together in a circle while loudly repeating in unison, "Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee" This should continue for no less than 5 minutes. I like that! But I'd probably need a beer and a smoke before the five minutes of dancing expired... Quote
+Bangkok Corkscrew Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Actually there is. When you see a possible geocacher you are to yell "Ho! Are ye a geocacher" The proper response is "Yay, a geocacher am I". Once you get the proper response you stand facing each other and put your right hand on the other geocacher's left shoulder. You then skip together in a circle while loudly repeating in unison, "Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee" This should continue for no less than 5 minutes. That is so funny! Quote
+joranda Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 We have the secret hand signal here, if that don't work, we start with, "Did you findit?" If they look at you with a blank look, then you know they aren't a cacher. Quote
+KJcachers Posted January 14, 2008 Author Posted January 14, 2008 tried the "did you find it?" once and got a weird look and a "ahhh,what?" response. Then we had to explain what WE were doing in the woods. Seems there should be a way to identify without letting the cat out of the bag to muggles. I need a hat or a hatpin for my caching hat. do they make a hatpin with the colored square logo? I haven't seen one yet. Quote
4wheelin_fool Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee Quote
+Firespinner Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 (edited) Edit.....just realized my comment belonged better in the "have you ever been caught out" thread.....moving it there Edited January 14, 2008 by Firespinner Quote
+palser Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 I normally do a 'hamster' dance after a find. (No longer than 10 minutes!) That is always a sure sign to others of me being a geocacher, as long as I had the Garmin in my hand. The one time I left the Garmin laying on a stump close by, someone came by and I was committed for the weekend. Missed my dog, but met some new friends. Dr. P Quote
+The Jester Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 tried the "did you find it?" once and got a weird look and a "ahhh,what?" response. Then we had to explain what WE were doing in the woods. Seems there should be a way to identify without letting the cat out of the bag to muggles. I need a hat or a hatpin for my caching hat. do they make a hatpin with the colored square logo? I haven't seen one yet. Pin available here. Quote
+KJcachers Posted January 14, 2008 Author Posted January 14, 2008 (edited) thanks, I found that but the only shipping that would work without and error on the page was UPS for $9.91 so I found something else. www.coinsandpins.com USPS mail for $3.95 same price for the pin so I ordered a couple and a lanyard while I was at it. Thanks everybody. Edited January 14, 2008 by KJcachers Quote
dagger dog Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 while searching for a cache,( near a popular restaurant, wandering about aimlessly waiting for the gpsr to settle down ) was approached by a couple with two small children and told "we couldn't find it either." thought we were being stealthy too! Quote
+uxorious Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Or.........carry a Signal plushie with you wherever you go. Sheesh. I just can't get any adherents. On the face of it, this seemed like a good idea. However, after further thought. I'm a 60 year old man, walk with a cane, and usually cache alone. I think I have enough trouble with people giving me strange looks in the parks now, I guess I will skip the stuffed toy. Quote
+markewallace Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Actually there is. When you see a possible geocacher you are to yell "Ho! Are ye a geocacher" The proper response is "Yay, a geocacher am I". Once you get the proper response you stand facing each other and put your right hand on the other geocacher's left shoulder. You then skip together in a circle while loudly repeating in unison, "Geocachers are we, runny munny mee. Ha ha ha, Tee hee hee" This should continue for no less than 5 minutes. See, this is why I should using message boards as a way to soak up information about a new hobby. I tried this three frickin times this weekend, and now I have three frickin restraining orders to deal with. Harumph. Quote
+Kit Fox Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 I always thought you had to do the official "Hand on chin" routine? Our fearless leader! Quote
+Cpt.Blackbeard Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Where this, ; or this, . Someone mentioned the car sticker: . Antenna ball: Or.........carry a Signal plushie with you wherever you go. Sheesh. I just can't get any adherents. Actually, I was at an event last weekend and I think I got a few people interested in buying a Signal. Sorry, but I don't like the way he's looking at me. That little frog knows more than you think and he's just sitting there, looking at me, waiting for the right time to get me. Quote
+joranda Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 tried the "did you find it?" once and got a weird look and a "ahhh,what?" response. Then we had to explain what WE were doing in the woods. Seems there should be a way to identify without letting the cat out of the bag to muggles. I need a hat or a hatpin for my caching hat. do they make a hatpin with the colored square logo? I haven't seen one yet. Yeah there is a pin and a hat and a tshirt and a.......... When I come up to another cacher there usually have a GPS in there hand. Then the cat is out of the bag so to say. Quote
+Harry Dolphin Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 "Found it"? Sometimes gets you some very strange stares! Quote
+briansnat Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 When I come up to another cacher there usually have a GPS in there hand. Then the cat is out of the bag so to say. Ya never know. I was making a maint visit to one of my caches that was about a 3 mile hike from the nearest road. I approach the cache site and see a confused looking couple holding a GPS and looking at a sheet of paper, standing about 20 feet from my cache. I yelled "Ho! Are ye a geocacher?" and they ran away. Actually, it turned out they just bought the GPS, were out for a hike and were trying to make sense of print out of a description of the hike. They had absolutely no idea what geocaching was. Putting 2 and 2 together doesn't always equal three. Quote
cowcreekgeeks Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 How about standing at the trail head shouting "LOOK OUT CACHERS...HERE WE COME!!!" Quote
+Metaphor Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 When I come up to another cacher there usually have a GPS in there hand. Then the cat is out of the bag so to say. Ya never know. I was making a maint visit to one of my caches that was about a 3 mile hike from the nearest road. I approach the cache site and see a confused looking couple holding a GPS and looking at a sheet of paper, standing about 20 feet from my cache. I yelled "Ho! Are ye a geocacher?" and they ran away. Actually, it turned out they just bought the GPS, were out for a hike and were trying to make sense of print out of a description of the hike. They had absolutely no idea what geocaching was. Putting 2 and 2 together doesn't always equal three. They probably didn't hear the geocaching part after you called one of them a "Ho." That's probably why they ran. Quote
+larryc43230 Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 When I come up to another cacher there usually have a GPS in there hand. Then the cat is out of the bag so to say. Ya never know. I was making a maint visit to one of my caches that was about a 3 mile hike from the nearest road. I approach the cache site and see a confused looking couple holding a GPS and looking at a sheet of paper, standing about 20 feet from my cache. I yelled "Ho! Are ye a geocacher?" and they ran away. Actually, it turned out they just bought the GPS, were out for a hike and were trying to make sense of print out of a description of the hike. They had absolutely no idea what geocaching was. Putting 2 and 2 together doesn't always equal three. I had just finished a 5-stage multi in a local park, and was walking back to my car, when I heard footsteps behind me and a college-age woman appeared, GPS unit and clipboard in hand. Assuming she had also been looking for the cache (I could think of no other reason she would have been visiting that seldom-used park), I said something like, "Well, did you find it, too?" The blank look on her face was priceless I wound up giving her a quick introduction to geocaching, just to explain the question I'd asked her. She proceeded to tell me all about the ornithological research she and several other OSU grad students had been doing in the park. They used GPS units to mark the location of bird sightings. I no longer make assumptions about folks I meet on the trails, even when they're holding GPS units. --Larry Quote
+Cedar Grove Seekers Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 When out caching how do you greet people you meet on the trail to let them know you are geocaching and see if they are also geocachers? Another popular cachers greeting is to approach the person and scream like Chewbaca. If they are not a cacher they will usually run away. Give that a try. Quote
+Bad_CRC Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 tried the "did you find it?" once and got a weird look and a "ahhh,what?" response. Then we had to explain what WE were doing in the woods. Seems there should be a way to identify without letting the cat out of the bag to muggles. I need a hat or a hatpin for my caching hat. do they make a hatpin with the colored square logo? I haven't seen one yet. nah, when they say "find what?" you just say "you looked like you were looking for something." they likely won't even think to ask what you are doing at that point, since they'll be trying to figure out in what way they appeared like they were looking for something. Quote
+Ambrosia Posted January 15, 2008 Posted January 15, 2008 Where this, ; or this, . Someone mentioned the car sticker: . Antenna ball: Or.........carry a Signal plushie with you wherever you go. Sheesh. I just can't get any adherents. Actually, I was at an event last weekend and I think I got a few people interested in buying a Signal. Sorry, but I don't like the way he's looking at me. That little frog knows more than you think and he's just sitting there, looking at me, waiting for the right time to get me. Lol. He's really cute in person. He has a soft tum-tum and floppy arms and legs that make him nice to hold. He stays right next to my bed, and I don't feel nervous with him like I do with other things. But it is true, Signal RULES! Quote
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