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Have user input (text) saved?


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Hi Don,


Yep, that is definitely possible. When you create a "Get Input" in the Builder and tell it to save the input to a ZVariable, it automatically creates code that will store the user's inputted text into a cartridge variable. So, at any time you can create a MessageBox (or other display widget) that will "echo back" the contents of that cartridge variable.


For example, say you have a ZInput that stores the text entered into a ZVariable called "userinput". You can then do a MessageBox that dispays the text "You previously entered: <userinput>" (where <userinput> is replaced with whatever the user actually typed). In the MessageBox script you would concatenate the string "You previously entered: " with the variable "userinput":

[[You previously entered: ]] .. userinput


Also, it might be worth mentioning here (as I have mentioned in another thread) one of the differences between the current devices that support Wherigo. While the PPC devices (and the desktop Emulator) provide an easy and convenient method for entering text, the Garmin Colorado has neither a touchscreen, nor a multi-button keypad (like a mobile phone), so entering long strings of text on that device can become quite tedious. So don't be surprised if users with a Colorado device (or other future devices like the Colorado) don't enter much in the way of text.




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