+meralgia Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 Okay, so it was muggled by a human but not quite... I had to archive one of my playground caches today because the Park folks swapped out the slide!!! How RUDE!!!! It used to be a straight slide but when I went to check on it tonight, the slide was replaced it with a curvy one (with no convenient nook underneath!!) I had a lot of fun watching folks find or not find that one; I was disappointed to see it go!! Also, a cache I was looking for once was probably bulldozed over... there was orange caution tape and a mound of dirt near GZ!! Have you ever had a cache go missing because of a "major" event?? Perhaps the woods containing your cache was bulldozed for a parking lot, or perhaps storm damage obscured your spot. Did a bridge or building collapse nearby rendering your cache inaccessible? Do you have a unique cache disaster to tell us about?? Quote
knowschad Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 Okay, so it was muggled by a human but not quite... I had to archive one of my playground caches today because the Park folks swapped out the slide!!! How RUDE!!!! It used to be a straight slide but when I went to check on it tonight, the slide was replaced it with a curvy one (with no convenient nook underneath!!) I had a lot of fun watching folks find or not find that one; I was disappointed to see it go!! Also, a cache I was looking for once was probably bulldozed over... there was orange caution tape and a mound of dirt near GZ!! Have you ever had a cache go missing because of a "major" event?? Perhaps the woods containing your cache was bulldozed for a parking lot, or perhaps storm damage obscured your spot. Did a bridge or building collapse nearby rendering your cache inaccessible? Do you have a unique cache disaster to tell us about?? Of course, as the land managers, the park supervisors knew that you had a cache hidden there, and so they replaced the equipment with full knowledge that you had a cache hidden there. Yeah... very rude, indeed!!! (obviously, I'm just ribbin' you, Meralgia!!) Quote
+joranda Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 Luck to say it hasn't happened to any of mine yet. Quote
+meralgia Posted January 10, 2008 Author Posted January 10, 2008 Of course, as the land managers, the park supervisors knew that you had a cache hidden there... Yeah... very rude, indeed!!!I couldn't believe that the slide was wrong when I walked up to the park!! RRRRRR.... I wanted to find a similar spot under the "new" slide, but no joy would be found tonight!! Quote
knowschad Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 Of course, as the land managers, the park supervisors knew that you had a cache hidden there... Yeah... very rude, indeed!!!I couldn't believe that the slide was wrong when I walked up to the park!! RRRRRR.... I wanted to find a similar spot under the "new" slide, but no joy would be found tonight!! I've heard that Minneapolis is replacing all of their old-style slides with the new "Geocaching-disabled" slides. They're also cutting down the older trees and replacing them with the new genetically engineered branchless ones to cut down on the little critters that might like to hide up there in the crotches. Quote
+DudleyGrunt Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 I have not, but this thread reminded me of CrawlOver's "Mill Effect" series that has been largely overtaken by development around Arundel Mills Mall in Severn / Hanover, MD. On the Run Episode VI Episode V Episode IV Special Edition Episode III Episode 2 Episode I From one of the cache pages... Quote
+uxorious Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 My favorite hide started out as a 13 mile drive up some logging roads to the top of a remote mountain. If you have a 4X4 you could drive right up to it, if not, you could drive up to within 1/4 mile with most any car, and walk the last bit. Last winter's rains at Mt Rainer caused flooding along the river the FSR road follows in. The road suffered major washouts, and may not be repaired for several years. What was a 13 mile drive, became a 13 mile hike. (Each way!) I was going to archive it, but with the advice of some here on the forum, I just upped the terrain. Last summer there were three hardy souls who found and logged the cache. Quote
+Rattlebars Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 Yah. I'm cursed. There was a "bridge to nowhere" over a major artery here which was literally 700 feet of road from dense woods, a bridge over the highway to 700 feet of road into other side - dense woods. It had been that way since 1975 when the highway was built. Thirty years and there was no activity on or around the bridge for miles except dirt bikes (I used to ride mine there 30 years ago). In 2005, I placed a geocache there. Less than two months later, ...... well...... It's listed here on our own site. http://www.rattlebars.com/geocache/bridgetonowhere.html And here on GC.com. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...04-b0cab1f63e43 Construction has stopped (I think the developer has run out of money) and I may re-hide a cache here this summer. We'll see. This ain't the first time it's happened to me either. Less than 6 months after placing A GIANT CACHE, the reason to visit disappeared. Been there for more than fifty years (I used to visit there as a boy with my folks to buy flowers). GONE! Quote
+Moore9KSUcats Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 We had major flooding this last summer in central Texas. The lake nearby was almost at spillway stage by the end of it. Several caches that were between the conservation pool level (791') and flood stage (835'?) were lost to the flooding, including one we had put out just days before the rain event. We hadn't even written it up and activated it yet! (Stash date... June 23, flood date June 27.) We had been in a drought situation and at that time, typical pool level was around 780' or less, I think. The entire lake (except for the trails) was closed until mid fall. We couldn't even check on it until several months later. Our ammo can that we stashed under a rock at about 805' disappeared. Several other caches around the lake also disappeared. That flooding also damaged/hid caches downstream, also. It did alot of damage along a riverside trail that had a few caches we put out. One of them was covered by flood debris and rocks (I'm not sure where all of the rocks came from... maybe shoved down the hillside from above? Possible construction area up there). One finder said something about having to dig for it. When that trail was opened (the previous finder went in through the construction area... not recommended), we found the landscape completely changed. I pulled the cache... just not a very pretty place to walk at this point... also, not safe clambering over the rocks to find the cache. Another cache was in what we thought was a park... but it was apparently private land bordering the park... and when they developed it, the tree it was in was bulldozed and a road was put right through there! We relocated it... thought we were far enough away... and now a house was built over that spot... Think it is time to give up on that area, and create a new cache. Quote
+obxWaMi Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 (edited) WOW! 13 miles each way. That's a marathon. Hats off to those "hardy souls". Edited January 10, 2008 by obxWaMi Quote
+AustinSweetnSour Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 I was recently notified by a fellow cacher that the tree I had my cache hidden in had "disappeared". When I went to the park to check on the situation, all I found was a ground-level tree stump and piles of sawdust! Luckily, whoever cut the tree down left my cache laying on the ground nearby, and I was able to rehide it. Quote
+team moxiepup Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 (edited) We had a major Nor' easter storm this past spring. One of our hides had a tree fall down over where one of our caches was hidden. Unfortunately, it's not the sort of cache that gets hidden under a tree! The same storm took out a lovely giant pine near another cache of ours. The cache is safe, and it's still an interesting spot for other reasons, but the area lost a certain character after that. We also have a cache on a pedestrian bridge that is temporarily disabled, because just about 2 weeks after we placed the cache, the town decided to paint it! Aaarrgh! They're taking forever to do it too. Why they would start such a project in mid-late fall in New England is a mystery. We've come across caches that have gone missing due to major mugglement. Most notably was this one. Apple Acres 49er The big red thing was ground zero. Edited January 10, 2008 by team moxiepup Quote
+BBWolf+3Pigs Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 It wasn't a whole cache, but a stage. A had a small magnetic "tag" with coordinates on it stuck on the underside of the carriage on an old Revolution cannon. I was driving by one day, and the whole cannon was gone!!! Seems they were restoring it (the carriage was in back shape). It is not back, along with the coordinates! Quote
+KJcachers Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 I read an archived cache that WAS a phonebooth hide until somebody decided to drive a car through it! No more phonebooth! Quote
+Bunganator Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 I had a cache that I placed one night and it was published almost immediately. My dad knew nothing about this hide before it was published just for the record. So I was at school the next morning and I checked my email during yearbook class. I had one from my dad saying "I went to get the FTF on you new cache and all I found was an I hook and a broken fishing line." I emailed him back (followed by a "why arent you in class!" and checked that night and sure enough, the line was broken and the cache gone! I devised a new hiding tequnique and enabled it. My dad got it the next morning, but a few days later, it kept showing up on the ground. Then, a friend went to find it and found the origional container on the ground and thought they were FTF, but knew otherwise. Now it is my favorite of all my hides!!!!! So Meralgia, which one was it? I'm not sure I've found any of yours on the slides before. Just those fun, springy turtles (which I play on after the find)!!! Quote
+meralgia Posted January 10, 2008 Author Posted January 10, 2008 Hey Bunganator!! It was the Bruce Russell Park cache near Posenville. In fact, I'm told that Posen used to have a hide there that he had some trouble with, but I never emailed him directly to find out what kind of trouble. Quote
+Belfrypotters Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 One cache in Saskatchewan wasn't accidentally destroyed, but it inadvertently moves around a lot. The cache is at a small-town museum, out in the yard where they keep the antique farm equipment. The coordinates put us on the west side of the yard, but about a dozen tractors and combines were on the east side. From the marks in the grass we could tell the equipment used to be where the coordinates were, but had been moved. It took a lot of searching to find the cache, because it was very well hidden inside one of the machines. I suspect that once or twice a year, when the museum-muggles mow the field, they move everything around, not knowing they are moving a cache, too. Quote
+Calkids Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 I lost one to fire this year. It was in a old oak grove, thanks to the Fire department the oaks are still there. Quote
+Bunganator Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Ooooo. Another story!!!! I work at a daycare in the summer and I thought it would be fun to take the elementary kids geocaching. So the morning of, I went and placed 6 caches on the property. Because they were only placed for a few hours and kids love candy, I filled each container with candy. They split into groups of their friends (which luckily worked out perfectly) and we took them one group at a time. I should say now that one cache was hidden next to some giant boulders. I take the third group full of antsy second graders out and they are having fun. They found the first three and were going to the fourth when the kids noticed a giant bouldozer moving some boulders. I was freaking out cuz the guy wedged the cache under one of the rocks. The kids were having a ball with this. We got the guy to lift of the rock and all that was left was a smashed plastic jar full of Smashed Reece's PB Cups. The kids thought it was the coolest thing every. Those rocks had been there for years doind nothing, and on the one day they are used, they wreck a cache and, most importantly, the candy. Quote
+The Jester Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 I have two stories. 1. One of my early multis ended in a triple trunk tree with a wonderful hole that could be seen only from a certain direction (where all the bushes were of course). Well, the county decides to build another road across the river and up the hill - going right thru the cache. I found out about when a worker found the cache as they cut down the trees, and turned it into the police. 2. I have a multi that hits a few spots around town dealing with the coal mining days. One was a statue of a mine mule. One day the mule "wandered off" - across the small park and was facing a different direction (which messed up the "sign behind him" & the co-ords were also off). Quote
+FluteFace Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 I've got one that I recently disabled. The cache highlights an old one room school house in the area. The container had been made by my husband and been placed in the top of an old, hand-split fence post. I recently drove by and saw that the fence was actually in the process of being pulled up. So I disabled the cache until the dust settled. I went by again today after work . . . the fence is gone, but the posts are actually still there, now in a neat stack on the ground. The old school, although due to hit the ground from neglect any day now, is still there, but is now surrounded by a temporary chain link fence. So I guess I'll pop down there tomorrow and see if I can turn up the old container, and scout out a location for another one, at least until there's nothing recognizable to look at! Quote
+OzGuff Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 Seven Suns (GCNYN2) I will let the photos tell the story... Quote
+Harry Dolphin Posted January 13, 2008 Posted January 13, 2008 Ahh... I had an evil mystery cache that was muggled twice, and only found five times in its seven month life-span. The city began a 'reconstruction' of the park, so I archived the cache. A year and a half later, it still doesn't look like the city has done anything, and the park is still closed. Oh, well. Quote
+Prfctly Mad Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Bushhog Vs Ammo Box =====Metal shavings I have had two go this route due to removal of undergrowth Quote
+fairyhoney Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 Not one go missing. But I had to get it and post a temp disabled due to construction. Now, I need to rethink it due to one major component missing ( like the puzzle part) ! Quote
+fairyhoney Posted January 14, 2008 Posted January 14, 2008 I have two stories. 1. One of my early multis ended in a triple trunk tree with a wonderful hole that could be seen only from a certain direction (where all the bushes were of course). Well, the county decides to build another road across the river and up the hill - going right thru the cache. I found out about when a worker found the cache as they cut down the trees, and turned it into the police. 2. I have a multi that hits a few spots around town dealing with the coal mining days. One was a statue of a mine mule. One day the mule "wandered off" - across the small park and was facing a different direction (which messed up the "sign behind him" & the co-ords were also off). Would the second one be Blueberry Leftovers ? Quote
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